Research data services


  • HKU Social Sciences Research Centre offers services such as,
    • Statistical analysis. For data processing, they can do input and cleaning, statistical tabulation, analysis and modeling using SPSS, JMP, and specialized statistical software packages.
  • HKU ITS provides a Service Desk with professional staff to advise on ITS Services. Amongst these are,
  • HKU has the two arms below to smooth the process of connecting inventions and research know-how with the marketplace. Do your research outcomes need special intellectual property protection? Do you wish it commercialized? Are you engaged in contract research?
  • If instead of commercializing, you are interested in sharing and making your project widely known, please contact the HKU Office of Knowledge Exchange (KEO).
  • HKU Research Services (RS) provides information on the various grant opportunities for HKU researchers. It also promotes responsible conduct of research and ethics compliance.
  • HKU LKS Faculty of Medicine
  • HKU Electron Microscope Unit houses seven electron microscopes. They provide advice and centralized training to both academic staffs and research students in the preparation of specimens and the operation of the microscopes for the entire University.
  • The Graduate School provides various workshops and training of diverse nature to HKU research postgraduate students.
  • HKU Libraries professional staff providing consultation, training, workshops, and support on Libraries services, as well as services regarding research data management.
    • General HKU Libraries Training.
    • The HKU Scholars Hub, created and managed by the HKU Libraries, it is the HKU tool providing discovery and visibility on HKU scholars and their research outputs (publications, theses, patents, etc.).
    • The HKU DataHub, also managed by the HKU Libraries, is the institutional data repository where HKU researchers and students could store, cite, share and discover their research data and other scholarly outputs.