Name Card
rp00387 picture

Professor Cheung, Kenneth Man Chee 張文智

Hospital Chief Executive
Professor, Chair of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Jessie Ho Professor in Spine Surgery
Clinical Professor

Knowledge Exchange Activities
Activity TitleActivity TypeStart DateEnd DateMember(s)
醫生與你 #22(拗柴)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-02-232021-02-23
Oriental Daily News-醫健: 微創置入VBT繫帶 配合發育矯正脊彎Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-232019-05-23
IMAST 2019: Longer term results needed to assess efficacy of growth modulation techniquesOther KE Activity Types2019-07-182019-07-18
An Osteoporotic Fragility Fracture Every 3 Seconds, Worldwide Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, HKUMed in collaboration with The Hong Kong Medical Association and St. John's Ambulance, Organising Free Online Lectures to Bust Orthopaedic MythsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
Charity case surgeryOther KE Activity Types2019-05-302019-05-30
醫生與你 #2 -【醫道新知】 ExoskeletonBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-10-272021-01-26
Koljonen Paul Aarne
早发性脊柱畸形线上论坛Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-06-062020-06-06
[学术火花闪耀鹏城] 2018脊柱畸形高峰论坛精彩收官Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-11-162018-11-16
CUHK Biomedical Engineering Programme Advisory CommitteeIntellectual Property2019-08-012025-07-31
2015/16 KE Impact Project Funding: KE-IP-2015/16-42: Enhancing scoliosis knowledge (HK$84,650)KE Project Grant2015-08-072016-06-30
Henry Pang 全港首宗新技術治脊椎側彎, 9歲童術後數周可正常活動Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-222019-05-22
成報: 港大醫學院引入治療新技術 脊柱側彎兒童加快康復Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-232019-05-23
am730: 港大引VBT技術, 完成全港首宗脊柱側彎微創手術Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-222019-05-22 港大醫學院以微創技術治療脊柱側彎患者Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-222019-05-22
Sky Post: 港大新微創手術 脊柱側彎童1周復常Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-232019-05-23
Lion Rock Daily: 港大新微創治 9歲童脊柱側彎Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-232019-05-23
RTHK: 醫生與你 -「新醫新藥」Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2014-05-202014-05-20
Certificate course in spine managementOther KE Activity Types2014-10-042014-10-18
Internet based guide to the management of spinal deformities: The AO Surgery ReferenceBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2014-10-032015-03-18
2018/19 KE Impact Project Funding: KE-IP-2018/19-52: Medical Outreach and Hands-On Course in Cambodia ($79,220)KE Project Grant2018-09-012019-06-30
Certificate Course in Spine Management 2015Short Course for Continuing Professional Development (CPD)2015-10-102015-10-24
IMAST interview - Longer term results needed to assess efficacy of growth modulation techniquesBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-07-202019-07-20
昔日東方: 微創置入VBT繫帶 配合發育矯正脊彎Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-232019-05-23
華僑報: 港完成首例新技術治療脊彎手術, 患者術後一個月可正常生活Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-222019-05-22
香港新聞網: 香港完成首例新技術治療脊柱側彎手術, 患者術後1個月可正常生Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-222019-05-22
TVB: 港大以微創手術治療兒童脊柱側彎,料助增手術後靈活度Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-222019-05-22
商業電台: 電港大醫學院完成首宗脊柱側彎新型微創手術Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-222019-05-22
明報: 港大引微創手術醫脊彎 無損活動能力Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-232019-05-23
Hong Kong Economic Times: 新微創治脊柱側彎 傷口細如匙孔Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-232019-05-23
Metro Daily: 港首微創術 矯正脊側彎Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-232019-05-23
頭條日報: 港大VBT治脊柱 學童月內可復課運動Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-232019-05-23
明報新聞網: 港大新技術完成首宗脊柱側彎手術, 9歲童術後一個月活動自如Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-222019-05-22
東方日報: 微創置入VBT繫帶 配合發育矯正脊彎Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-232019-05-23
醫藥人: 香港首宗脊柱側彎非融合手術Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-232019-05-23
星島日報: 港大VBT治脊柱, 學童月內可復課運動Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-232019-05-23
Hong Kong Economic Times Online: 港大完成本港首宗新微創手術, 治療兒童嚴重脊柱側彎Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-222019-05-22
信報財經新聞網: 微創矯正手術助脊柱側彎患童Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-222019-05-22
Hong Kong Economic Journal: 港大新手術成功醫脊柱側彎Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-232019-05-23
香港01: 9歲童脊柱側彎45度, 港大以VBT技術手術矯正, 大中華區首宗Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-222019-05-22
信健康: 微創矯正手術助脊柱側彎患童Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-222019-05-22
RTHK即時新聞: 港大醫學院以微創技術治療脊柱側彎患者Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-222019-05-22
都市日報: 港大醫學院完成華人區首脊柱側彎微創手術Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2019-05-222019-05-22
【脊柱側彎治療】患者一定要戴支架或融合脊骨?骨科醫生解構新型VBT手術與傳統矯正方法Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-11-272020-11-27
脊柱側彎新療法 自身生長矯正Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-11-292020-11-29
女士過度減肥 骨質疏鬆恐骨折Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-05-042021-05-04
杏林在線 - 椎管狹窄症Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-04-262021-05-28
Koljonen Paul Aarne
醫健:椎間盤 退化 突出 可致坐骨神經痛Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-052021-06-05
An Osteoporotic Fragility Fracture Every 3 Seconds, Worldwide Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, HKUMed in collaboration with The Hong Kong Medical Association and St. John's Ambulance, Organising Free Online Lectures to Bust Orthopaedic MythsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
全球每 3 秒就發生一宗骨質疏鬆脆弱性骨折 港大醫學院矯形及創傷外科學系聯同香港醫學會與聖約翰救傷隊 舉辦免費網上講座 破解骨科疾病迷思Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
全球每 3 秒就發生一宗骨質疏鬆脆弱性骨折  港大醫學院矯形及創傷外科學系聯同香港醫學會與聖約翰救傷隊 舉辦免費網上講座 破解骨科疾病迷思Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-082021-06-08
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
HKUOrtho Linkedin PageOther KE Activity Types2020-09-282021-06-30
HKUOrtho Twitter PageOther KE Activity Types2021-01-042021-06-30
醫生與你 #2【醫道新知】Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-01-262021-01-26
Koljonen Paul Aarne
精靈一點 – 醫管局精靈直播- 醫管局傑出團隊-脊髓損傷復康團隊Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-09-042020-09-04
Koljonen Paul Aarne
Robotic Arm Assist “經緯線” Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-10-202020-11-15
Vertebral body tethering: the technique and advantages for patients Condition of Scoliosis Treatment: Bracing and fusion surgeryBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-11-172020-11-27
《醫生與你》(機械臂技術進行關節置換手術)Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-02-232021-02-23
椎間盤 退化 突出 可致坐骨神經痛Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-052021-06-05
"全球每 3 秒就發生一宗骨質疏鬆脆弱性骨折  港大醫學院矯形及創傷外科學系聯同香港醫學會與聖約翰救傷隊 舉辦免費網上講座 破解骨科疾病迷思"Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
An Osteoporotic Fragility Fracture Every 3 Seconds, Worldwide Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, HKUMed in collaboration with The Hong Kong Medical Association and St. John's Ambulance, Organising Free Online Lectures to Bust Orthopaedic MythsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
An Osteoporotic Fragility Fracture Every 3 Seconds, Worldwide Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, HKUMed in collaboration with The Hong Kong Medical Association and St. John's Ambulance, Organising Free Online Lectures to Bust Orthopaedic MythsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
An Osteoporotic Fragility Fracture Every 3 Seconds, Worldwide Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, HKUMed in collaboration with The Hong Kong Medical Association and St. John's Ambulance, Organising Free Online Lectures to Bust Orthopaedic MythsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
"全球每 3 秒就發生一宗骨質疏鬆脆弱性骨折  港大醫學院矯形及創傷外科學系聯同香港醫學會與聖約翰救傷隊 舉辦免費網上講座 破解骨科疾病迷思"Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
"全球每 3 秒就發生一宗骨質疏鬆脆弱性骨折  港大醫學院矯形及創傷外科學系聯同香港醫學會與聖約翰救傷隊 舉辦免費網上講座 破解骨科疾病迷思"Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
【精靈一點】《香港大學矯形及創傷外科學系60週年系列》 脊柱側彎近十年治療進展Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-02-172021-02-17
【精靈一點】《香港大學矯形及創傷外科學系60週年系列》骨缺損的重建: 液態氮冷凍自體骨移植Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-04-142021-04-14
Yau Ching Hin Raymond
新術治療脊柱側彎 復元快兼減日後退化Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-11-272020-11-27
谈医论证 | 我们的腰是怎么坏掉的?Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-10-202020-10-20
VBT微創 治嚴重脊彎 少女3日好番Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-11-272020-11-27
脊柱側彎|微創VBT手術治療青少年脊柱側彎 無損活動能力減脊椎退化風險Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-11-272020-11-27
"全球每 3 秒就發生一宗骨質疏鬆脆弱性骨折  港大醫學院矯形及創傷外科學系聯同香港醫學會與聖約翰救傷隊 舉辦免費網上講座 破解骨科疾病迷思"Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
全球每 3 秒就發生一宗骨質疏鬆脆弱性骨折 港大醫學院矯形及創傷外科學系聯同香港醫學會與聖約翰救傷隊 舉辦免費網上講座 破解骨科疾病迷思Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
An Osteoporotic Fragility Fracture Every 3 Seconds, Worldwide Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, HKUMed in collaboration with The Hong Kong Medical Association and St. John's Ambulance, Organising Free Online Lectures to Bust Orthopaedic MythsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
An Osteoporotic Fragility Fracture Every 3 Seconds, Worldwide Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, HKUMed in collaboration with The Hong Kong Medical Association and St. John's Ambulance, Organising Free Online Lectures to Bust Orthopaedic MythsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
"全球每 3 秒就發生一宗骨質疏鬆脆弱性骨折  港大醫學院矯形及創傷外科學系聯同香港醫學會與聖約翰救傷隊 舉辦免費網上講座 破解骨科疾病迷思"Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
An Osteoporotic Fragility Fracture Every 3 Seconds, Worldwide Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, HKUMed in collaboration with The Hong Kong Medical Association and St. John's Ambulance, Organising Free Online Lectures to Bust Orthopaedic MythsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
HKUOrtho Instragram PageOther KE Activity Types2021-01-012021-06-30
【精靈一點】《香港大學矯形及創傷外科學系60週年系列》機械臂輔助關節置換手術 -- 手術更精準,患者康復更快Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-04-282021-04-28
【精靈一點】《香港大學矯形及創傷外科學系60週年系列》周圍神經損傷重建Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-03-102021-03-10
Urban Climb 300M+Other KE Activity Types2021-01-162021-01-16
Koljonen Paul Aarne
【精靈一點】《香港大學矯形及創傷外科學系60週年系列》骨科3D打印應用Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-04-072021-04-07
20210621【杏林在線】長出骨刺來Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-212021-06-21
Beyond bare bonesBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-10-062020-10-06
VBT手術 微創矯正脊柱側彎Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-11-272020-11-27
Dr.東:微創VBT手術治嚴重脊柱側彎 增患者脊柱活動度Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-11-272020-11-27
脊柱側彎治療新法 以自身生長矯正Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-11-282020-11-28
脊柱側彎治療新法 以自身生長矯正Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-11-282020-11-28
坐骨神經痛|膝頭以下痛到麻痹屬警號 嚴重可致大小二便失控Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-012021-06-01
骨質疏鬆|全港40萬男女患骨質疏鬆症 兩高危群組應定期檢查Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
An Osteoporotic Fragility Fracture Every 3 Seconds, Worldwide Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, HKUMed in collaboration with The Hong Kong Medical Association and St. John's Ambulance, Organising Free Online Lectures to Bust Orthopaedic MythsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
"全球每 3 秒就發生一宗骨質疏鬆脆弱性骨折  港大醫學院矯形及創傷外科學系聯同香港醫學會與聖約翰救傷隊 舉辦免費網上講座 破解骨科疾病迷思"Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
"全球每 3 秒就發生一宗骨質疏鬆脆弱性骨折  港大醫學院矯形及創傷外科學系聯同香港醫學會與聖約翰救傷隊 舉辦免費網上講座 破解骨科疾病迷思"Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
"全球每 3 秒就發生一宗骨質疏鬆脆弱性骨折  港大醫學院矯形及創傷外科學系聯同香港醫學會與聖約翰救傷隊 舉辦免費網上講座 破解骨科疾病迷思"Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
An Osteoporotic Fragility Fracture Every 3 Seconds, Worldwide Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, HKUMed in collaboration with The Hong Kong Medical Association and St. John's Ambulance, Organising Free Online Lectures to Bust Orthopaedic MythsBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-06-072021-06-07
Chan Wai Kwan Vincent
【精靈一點】《香港大學矯形及創傷外科學系60週年系列》二十一世紀脊髓損傷復康新發展Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-03-172021-03-17
Koljonen Paul Aarne
HKUOrtho Facebook PageOther KE Activity Types2020-09-242021-06-30
【精靈一點】《香港大學矯形及創傷外科學系60週年系列》前交叉韌帶損傷的處理Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-03-032021-03-03
【精靈一點】《香港大學矯形及創傷外科學系60週年系列》後足不穩定:新概念Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-03-242021-03-24
Ng Ka Ho
【精靈一點】《香港大學矯形及創傷外科學系60週年系列》過去十年脆性髖部骨折之多部門管理方法Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-03-312021-03-31
Lau Tak Wing
【精靈一點】《香港大學矯形及創傷外科學系60週年系列》肢體延長及矯形Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-04-212021-04-21
Kuong Yue Ling Evelyn Eugenie
Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award 2016 (Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine) for 'Internet-based Guide to the Management of Spinal Deformities: The AO Surgery Reference'KE Award/Prize on KE Achievement2016-07-012017-06-30
Pearl Report - Spared From SurgeryBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2015-03-252015-05-04
Bow Hing Yee Cora
HKU and International Collaborative Research Team successfully develop a New Predictive Model for the Progression of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-01-142016-01-14
Scoliosis Patient ForumPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2016-06-182016-06-18
Teenage Orthopod Scheme 2016Other KE Activity Types2016-07-182016-09-29
Fok Margaret Woon Man
Medical mission to Phnom Penn, CambodiaPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-01-212018-01-26
International Scoliosis Awareness DayPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2021-06-262021-06-26
脊柱外科专家共谈青 少年脊柱侧弯的防治Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-05-092020-05-09
The 15th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum - Geriatric Bone & Joint DisorderPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-04-212018-04-22
深圳都市频道新闻广场: 青少年脊柱问题高发 家长应引起重视 Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-132017-10-13
读特: 国际顶尖脊柱治疗专家来深开班培训科医生Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-132017-10-13
南方网app: 脊柱患者看病不用出深圳!国际顶尖脊柱治疗专家齐聚深圳首次开课Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-132017-10-13
深圳商报: 国际脊柱治疗专家汇聚深圳培训医生Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-142017-10-14
深圳电视台都市频道第一现场 - 17岁少女患罕见病挺胸走路是最大梦想Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-01-092018-01-09
醫健寶庫:最新復康技術 為脊髓損傷病人帶來曙光Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-07-172021-07-17
Koljonen Paul Aarne
2021年香港大學深圳醫院第七屆脊柱側彎病友會Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2021-07-172021-07-17
深圳电视台财经频道经济生活报道: 孩子越长弯? 脊柱侧弯不容忽视 Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-132017-10-13
晶报: 国际顶尖脊柱治疗专家在深培训医生Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-162017-10-16
如何加速脊柱侧弯术后康复Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-06-232020-06-23
早发性脊柱畸形线上论坛Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-06-082020-06-08
醫健寶庫:正視脊柱側彎 及早治療免惡化Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-07-102021-07-10
香港商报: 国际顶尖脊柱畸形治疗专家深圳开课Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-142017-10-14
深圳晚报:深圳脊柱畸形患者或超34万人Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-142017-10-14
深圳新闻网: 国际顶尖脊柱治疗专家汇聚深圳市民看大病可足不出户Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-10-132017-10-13
澳門日報:健促會擬推脊椎側彎普查Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-08-122018-08-12
澳門廣播電視台:鞠躬背部不平衡 小心脊柱側彎Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-08-112018-08-11
澳門健康管理及促進學會–2018 健康講座系列(五): 脊椎側彎對兒童健康的影響Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-08-112018-08-11
HKU Bulletin (May 2016) - An article: A Start-up with BackboneBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-05-312016-05-31
港大深圳医院骨科“三名工程”揭牌Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-06-052017-06-05
Leong John Chi Yan
港大深圳医院骨科 “三名工程”揭牌Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-06-052017-06-05
Leong John Chi Yan
馬化騰出席港大深圳醫院三名工程揭牌Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-06-052017-06-05
Leong John Chi Yan
《育醫造才:探索醫學世界》2013公開講座系列Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2013-12-102013-12-10
深圳骨科携手世界顶尖团队打造国内 脊柱病变诊疗中心Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-06-052017-06-05
Leong John Chi Yan
香港玛丽医院骨科团队入驻港大深圳医院 “三名工程”Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-06-052017-06-05
Leong John Chi Yan
KE Newsletter story: "Back-up for Surgeons"Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2016-10-122016-11-29
打造顶尖脊柱病变诊疗中心Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-06-052017-06-05
Leong John Chi Yan
脊柱外科名医团队落地港大深圳医院Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-06-052017-06-05
Leong John Chi Yan
St George’s welcomes President of the Scoliosis Research SocietyBooks and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2017-05-192017-05-19
Surgical Demonstration for 8 years old girl from Myamar with TB Spine & Kyphosis Other KE Activity Types2019-11-052019-11-05
Advanced Webinar: Decision Making in Adolescent Idiopathic ScoliosisOther KE Activity Types2019-11-252019-11-25
Koljonen Paul Aarne
Special Funding for Impact Evidence Collection: KE-SR-2017/18-2: Impact Evidence Collection for Units of Assessment in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine (HK$1,700,000)KE Project Grant2018-03-202019-06-30
Liu Chi Leung
Lam Ka Wai Katherine
17歲少女背似駝峰 植入鈦合金治療成功Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2018-01-112018-01-11
Exoskeleton Paraplegic Walkathon - Walking for Spinal Cord Injury RecoveryPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2021-10-162021-10-16
Koljonen Paul Aarne
Tang Yuk Kwan Chris
Kwong Wing Cheung Terrence
Yee Hon Fai Andy
RTHK Programme: 知識傳承 栽培新一代Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2021-09-142021-09-14
TEDxHKU 2018: MotionPublic Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2018-10-272018-10-27
Overgrowth and tumor-like conditions: Greater Bay Area – Skeletal Dysplasia Summit from Orthopaedic Perspectives 神经纤维瘤患者脊柱后凸问题: 骨骼发育不良疾病大湾区骨外科高峰论坛Public Event (Delivering a Talk, Workshop, Exhibition, Performance, etc.)2022-05-142022-05-14
DEVICES AND METHODS FOR ORIENTING A SURGICAL DEVICE Intellectual Property2019-11-082020-12-31
Surgical Demonstration for 12 years old lady from Mainland, China with Magec growing rodOther KE Activity Types2019-05-302019-05-30
脊柱外科专家共谈青少年脊柱侧弯的防治Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-05-092020-05-09
早发性脊柱畸形线上论坛Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-06-062020-06-06
Paul Sponseller
Muharrem Yazici
名醫大講堂在綫直播科普: 如何加速脊柱侧弯术后康复Books and Other Media (Newspaper, Radio/TV, etc.) for Non-academic Audiences2020-06-232020-06-23
Invited Lectures & Keynote Speeches
SRS Worldwide Course, March 10-11, 2023 Shenzhen China. China Magnetically Controlled Growing Rod2023-01-01
华夏脊柱侧凸研究论坛暨2022脊柱医学分会脊柱畸形高峰年会 Dec 17, 2022. Long term results of magnetically controlled growing rod surgery华夏脊柱侧凸研究论坛暨2022脊柱医学分会脊柱畸形高峰年会 (17/12/2022-17/12/2022)2022-12-17
Shilla procedure and growing rods in EOS and JISAPOA Meeting (24/11/2022-26/11/2022, Manila)2022-11-26
Spinal deformity management in skeletal dysplasiaAPOA Meeting (24/11/2022-26/11/2022, Manila)2022-11-26
第三届深圳脊柱畸形学术论坛, Nov 4-5, 2022中国 深圳. 磁力生长棒在早发性脊柱侧弯的应用第三届深圳脊柱畸形学术论坛 (04/11/2022-05/11/2022, Shenzhen, China)2022-11-04
Messages from AOSpine Clinical Expert Forum on NeuromonitoringThe 57th Annual Meeting of Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) (14/09/2022-17/09/2022, Stockholm, Sweden)2022-09-14
Balancing Innovative Techniques and Patients' Health InterestThe 57th Annual Meeting of Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) (14/09/2022-17/09/2022, Stockholm, Sweden)2022-09-14
Magnetic rods/VEPTR in EOS - Patient selection and long term resultsAPSS Medtronic Webinar (28/08/2022-28/08/2022, Webinar)2022-08-28
Vertebral Body Tethering9th International MSS Scientific Congress (05/08/2022-07/08/2022, Kuala Lumpur)2022-08-07
Posterior surgical strategies in cervical myelopathyNSpine 6th Main Conference, June 20222022-06-01
Identifying neurological high risk deformity cases.NSpine 6th Main Conference, June 20222022-06-01
Tether in Deformity SurgeryAPSS Annual Meeting, June 20222022-06-01
Lessons of life as a spine surgeonNSpine 6th Main Conference, June 20222022-06-01
My long-term experience with MCGRNSpine 6th Main Conference, June 20222022-06-01
Pathophysiology of lumbar intervertebral disc degeneration, what I have learnt in the past 20 yearsNSpine 6th Main Conference June 20222022-06-01
Anterior approaches to the cervical spine - from C1 to T1NSpine 6th Main Conference, June 20222022-06-01
Assessment of maturation in the management of EOS and AISNSpine 6th Main Conference, June 20222022-06-01
OLIF in anterior reconstructionNSpine 6th Main Conference, June 20222022-06-01
骨骼发育不良疾病和综合征性脊柱侧凸中脊柱畸形的治疗策略 Strategiesin Management Of Spinal Deformities In Skeletal Dysplasia And Syndromalscoliosis骨骼发育不良疾病大湾区高峰论坛 Greater Bay Area - Skeletal Dysplasia Summit, May 20222022-05-01
NSpine Live Tissue & Cadaveric Workshops, May 20222022-05-01
Non fusion surgical management of AIS: Improve your reality or lower your expectations29th IMAST International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, April 20222022-04-01
Occipito-Atlanto-Axial Rotatory Subluxation and Deformity - Diagnosis and ManagementKSNS Spring Meeting & Traditional Worldwide Course, March 20222022-03-01
Operation Correction Technique Anterior And PosteriorKSNS Spring Meeting & Traditional Worldwide Course, March 20222022-03-01
Non Fusion Surgery for Adolescent Idiopathic ScoliosisTaiwan Spine Society Annual Meeting, March 20222022-03-01
SRS Worldwide Course: Magnetically controlled growing rods2022-01-01
Challenges and Novel Approaches in the Management of Complex Spinal DeformitiesHKOA Annual Congress, Nov 20212021-11-01
History Of Orthopaedic In Hk And Its Impact On Spine SurgeryNottingham Spine Symposium, Oct 20212021-10-01
Principles In The Management Of Severe Spinal Deformities In Syndromal Spine Deformities65th Annual Congress Of The Korean Orthopaedic Association, Oct 20212021-10-01
Disc Regeneration And Biological Research - Is The Future Promising?2nd Int'l Spine Care Conference SPINE20, Sept 20212021-09-01
Disc Regeneration And Biological Research - Is The Future Promising?2nd International Spine Care Conference Spine20, Sept 20212021-09-01
Understanding And Managing Skeletal Dysplasias And Resulting Spinal DeformityNspine 5th Major Multidisciplinary Spine Conference, July 20212021-07-01
Pedicle Screw Insertion In Spine Surgery: Computer Navigation Is Not Necessary21st Congress Of The Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association, July 20212021-07-01
Complications And Revisions In Growth Modulation SurgeryNspine 5th Major Multidisciplinary Spine Conference, July 20212021-07-01
Challenging TB Deformity Cases From My PracticeNspine 5th Major Multidisciplinary Spine Conference, July 20212021-07-01
Pathophysiology And Imaging In Lumbar Spine DegenerationNspine 5th Major Multidisciplinary Spine Conference, July 20212021-07-01
Update On The Pathophysiology Of Lumbar Disc GenerationNSpine 5th Major Multidisciplinary Spine Conference, July 20212021-07-01
Principles In The Management Of Severe Syndromic Spinal DeformitiesPeking Union Medical College Hospital Bone & Joint International Congress, June 20212021-06-01
Principles in the management of spinal deformities in skeletal dysplasisGreater Bay Area - Skeletal Dysplasia Summit from Orthopaedic Perspectives. May 20212021-05-01
Technique Of Apical Vertebral Rotation In AISScoliosis Research Society Worldwide Course Shenzhen 20202020-11-01
Derotation: When and How.5th Annual Skull to Sacrum Meeting, Nov 20202020-11-01
Non-fusion Scoliosis Correction: Where Does It Fit Into Scoliosis Management?Globus Medical/MERC Educational Webinar2020-10-01
20 Years Of Research Into Degenerative Disc Disease - What Have I Learnt?35th Annual Research Meeting Of The Japanese Orthopaedic Association.2020-10-01
How Will Technology Shape Spinal Surgery During The Next Decade?Association of Spine Surgery of India (ASSI) Virtual Conference2020-09-01
Early Onset Scoliosis: Foxy Cases and What I LearntAO Spine First Virtual Conference 2020 - Cutting Edge, Spine2020-06-01
Orthopaedics/Neurosurgery Combined Grand Rounds "20 Years of Research into Degenerative Disc Disease, What Have I Learnt?"University of North Caroline, Chapel Hill, US2020-01-01
Growth friendly surgical techniques - New concepts: Shilla and Anterio tetherSRS Course - Current Concepts in Spinal Deformity, Tokyo Japan2019-12-01
Operative correction technique: AnteriorSRS Course - Current Concepts in Spinal Deformity in Tokyo, Japan2019-12-01
Decision Making In Degenerative Spinal Deformities (preoperative planning)The HK Orthopaedic Association. Hong Kong2019-11-01
Alternatives to VCR in major deformity correction9th Annual UCSF Techniques in Complex Spine Surgery in Las Vegas, USA2019-11-01
Basic And Clinical Study On Early Onset ScoliosisThe 14th Annual Congress Of Chinese Orthopaedic Association. Shanghai China2019-11-01
Growth modulating treatments, current evidence.Int'l Consortium for Spinal Genetics, Development and Disease in Stockholm, Sweden2019-09-01
Principles of management of severe deformities in skeletal dysplasia and syndromic disorders.Int'l Consortium for Spinal Genetics, Development and Disease in Stockholm, Sweden2019-09-01
Approaches to surgical treatment of early onset spine deformity in ChinaEurasian Orthopaedic Forum in Moscow, Russia2019-09-01
Use of Magnetically controlled growing rod in EOSCongenital spinal deformity forum in Shenzhen University General Hospital, China2019-07-01
MCGR best and worst indications: timing, tips and tricks26th Int'l meeting on advanced spine techniques (IMAST) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands2019-07-01
20 years experience in degenerative disc disease research: what have I learnt?AOSpine Regional Courses in Santiago, Chile2019-06-01
The importance of flexibility determination in AISEurasian Orthopaedic Forum in Moscow, Russia2019-06-01
Organization of spinal treatment in ChinaEurasian orthopaedic forum in Moscow, Russia2019-06-01
Surgical treatment of early onset scoliosisInt'l conference of spine surgery and pediatric orthopaedics in Tbilisi, Georgia2019-06-01
Management of severe spinal deformities.Int'l conference of spine surgery and pediatric orthopaedics in Tbilisi, Georgia2019-06-01
How I do it - anterior scoliosis correction.Int'l conference of spine surgery and pediatric orthopaedics in Tbilisi, Georgia2019-06-01
Degenerative spinal deformity surgical treatmentScoliosis & spinal diseases forum in Baku, Azerbaijan2019-06-01
Early onset scoliosis deformationScoliosis & spinal diseases forum in Baku, Azerbaijan2019-06-01
Assessment of sagittal balance to prevent complicationsAOSpine Regional Courses in Santiago, Chile2019-06-01
Global challenges in health: trends and expectations.Eurasian Orthopaedic Forum in Moscow, Russia2019-06-01
Approach to management of spinal infectionsInt'l conference of spine surgery and pediatric orthopaedics in Tbilisi, Georgia2019-06-01
Spinal column tuberculosisScoliosis & spinal diseases forum in Baku, Azerbaijan2019-06-01
Current problems of spinal surgery in China. Strategies in major deformity correction.Eurasian Orthopaedic Forum in Moscow, Russia2019-06-01
Complications in adult deformity - lessons from scolirisk studyAOSpine Regional Courses in Santiago, Chile2019-06-01
My guidelines for reduction.AOSpine Regional Course in Santiago, Chile2019-06-01
Neurological deterioration, prevention and management.AOSpine Regional Courses in Santiago, Chile2019-06-01
Pathway for becoming a spine deformity surgeonAOSpine Regional Courses in Santiago, Chile2019-06-01
Defining the indication for the use of growth modulation techniques in pediatric scoliosisGlobal Spine Congress in Toronto, Canada2019-05-01
Scoliosis screening for children12th Annual Congress of the Chinese Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons in Beijing, China2019-05-01
The really big picture: International collaborationsGlobal Spine Congress in Toronto, Canada2019-05-01
Assessment of MaturationSRS Current Concepts & Hand-On Course in Istanbul Turkey2019-05-01
Decision making in adult deformity surgery12th Annual Congress of the Chinese Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons in Beijing, China2019-05-01
Magnetically controlled growing rod, long term follow up experience12th Annual Congress of the Chinese Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons in Beijing, China2019-05-01
Correction of early onset scoliosis with distraction based systemsPeking Union Medical College Hospital In'l Congresso n Spine Deformity & Early Onset Scoliosis Summit in Beijing, China2019-05-01
Post-Tuberculous (TB) Kyphosis - PreventionSRS Current Concepts & Hands-On Course in Istanbul Turkey2019-05-01
Management of early onset scoliosis using magnetically controlled growing rods.12th Combined Meeting of Asia Pacific Spine Society & Asia Pacific Paediatric Orthopaedic Society, Incheon Korea2019-04-01
Alternatives to VCR in major deformity correction12th Combined Meeting of Asia Pacific Spine Society & Asia Pacific Paediatric Orthopaedic Society in Incheon Korea2019-04-01
Strategies for management of spinal deformities in skeletal dysplasia and syndromal scoliosisChinese National Annual Meeting on Scoliosos & China-France Spinal Deformity Forum in Nanjing China2019-04-01
Drive Growth vs Match It12th International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis (ICEOS) in Lisbon Portugal2018-11-01
Management of TB SpineAOSpine Advanced symposium in spine infections, Manila, Philippines2018-11-01
Orthopaedics in Hong Kong, Past, Present and FutureAOSpine Advanced symposium in spine infections, Manila Philippines2018-11-01
Principles in the management of syndromal spinal deformities.Eurospine, Spain2018-09-01
Non-Neurologic Complications of Spine Surgery11th Spine Deformity Solutions: A Hands-On Course2018-09-01
3D printing for spine surgeryThe 1st HK International Interdisciplinary Clinical 3D Printing Forum2018-07-01
Future direction of spinal care: genetics, disc regeneration and artificial intelligenceAsia Pacific Spine Society (APSS) annual meeting, Taiwan2018-06-01
Super-elastic rods in scoliosis correctionSRS Worldwide Course, China2018-06-01
Strategies for management of spinal deformities in skeletal dysplasis and syndromal scoliosisSRS Worldwide Course, China2018-06-01
Pediatric surgical strategies: determining levelsGlobal Spine Congress pre-meeting course, Singapore2018-05-01
Degenerative disc disease - challenging traditional beliefsSRS WWC with the IX Congress of the Russian Association of Spinal Surgeons, Russia2018-05-01
Modern surgery for spinal deformities in skeletal dysplasia and syndormal scoliosisSRS WWC with the IX Congress of the Russian Association of Spinal Surgeons, Russia2018-05-01
20 years experience in degenerative disc disease: What have we learnt?The 15th HK International Orthopaedic Forum2018-04-01
Thinking outside the box in spine deformity care20th Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association Congress, Turkey2018-04-01
From lab to bench-side: Thinking outside the boxAcibadem Mehmet Ali Aydinlar University, Turkey2018-04-01
Surgical strategies in the management of spinal deformities in skeletal dysplasia and syndromal scolioses9th BritSpine, UK2018-03-01
Management of degenerative spinal deformities第20回山形脊椎懇話2017-12-01
Aetiology of intervertebral disc degeneration: implications on motion preservation and regenerationThe HK Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress, Hong Kong2017-11-01
Thinking outside of the box on a global scale11th International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis (ICEOS), San Diego2017-11-01
Early Onset DeformitySRS Current Concepts in Spinal Deformity Course, Shenzhen China2017-10-01
Adolescent Idiopathic ScoliosisSRS Current Concepts in Spine Deformity Course, Shenzhen China2017-10-01
Spinal deformities: from bedside to benchCHU Sainte-Justine Research Centre and the Montreal TransMedTech Institute, Canada2017-10-01
Magnetically controlled growing rod for early onset scoliosis - a personal journeyThe 39th Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Thailand2017-10-01
The future of spinal deformity research11th Combined meeting of APSS-APPOS 2017, GOA, India2017-09-01
Pre-operative monitoring of halo-traction for Osteogenesis Imperfecta patients with scoliosis using radiation-free 3D ultrasound ScolioscanThe 13th International Conference on Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OIOslo2017), Oslo, Norway, 27-30 August 20172017-08-01
Non VCR techniques for dealing with severe spinal deformitiesSino-Japan (Shenzhen) forum for spinal surgery: spinal repair and reconstruction, Shenzhen China2017-08-01
Use of the fulcrum bending technique to understand the behavior of the spine in 3D, implications for instrumentation strategy and levelsNordic Spinal Deformities Society, Stockholm, Sweden2017-08-01
Growth lengthening devices for spinal deformity - indications and outcomeNordic Spinal Deformities Society, Stockholm, Sweden2017-08-01
Alternatives to VCR in severe spinal deformity24th Int'l meeting on advanced spine techniques, Cape Town, South Africa2017-07-01
Perioperative complications and the scoli-risk data24th Int'l meeting on advanced spine techniques, Capt Town, South Africa2017-07-01
Tissue engineering of intervertebral disEurasian Orthopedic Forum, Moscow, Russia2017-06-01
Osteoporosis and its influence in spinal operationsEurasian Orthopedic Forum, Moscow, Russia2017-06-01
Critical analysis of literature and selection of an optimal journal for article publicationEurasian Orthopedic Forum, Moscow Russia2017-06-01
Cervical myelopathy: anterior vs posterior approachEurasian Orthopedic Forum, Moscow, Russia2017-06-01
Alternatives to VCR in several spinal deformity10th congress of Chinese association of orthopedic surgeons, Guangzhou China2017-05-01
Advancement of diagnosis and therapy of early onset scoliosis10th congress of Chinese association of orthopedic surgeons, Guangzhou China2017-05-01
Early onset scoliosisSt George's Hospital Medical School, London UK2017-05-01
Value of flexibility assessment in the conservative and surgical management of scoliosisSOSORT meeting, Lyon France2017-05-01
Technique of surgical correction of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis10th congress of Chinese association of orthopedic surgeons, Guangzhou China2017-05-01
Magnetically controlled implants in EOS - principles and strategySRS WWC and XVI Brazilian Spine Congress, RIO de Janeiro, Brazil2017-04-01
Magnetically controlled implants in EOS - surgical technique in the ideal patientSRS WWC and XVI Brazilian Spine Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil2017-04-01
Scoliosis genetics - a basic guideSRS WWC and XVI Brazilian Spine Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil2017-04-01
Overview of tuberculosis and pyogenic spinal infection - the Hong Kong experienceSRS WWC and XVI Brazilian Spine Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil2017-04-01
Growth friendly surgery for EOS: traditional & magnetically controlled growing rodsAOSpine advanced symposium - Management of complex spine deformity, Changsha China2016-12-01
Complications in ASD surgery: Risk evaluation and preventionAOSpine advanced symposium - management of complex spine deformity, Changsha China2016-12-01
Avoiding complications in adult deformity surgery5th China spinal deformity conference, Guanzhou China2016-12-01
Yamada-Inoue memorial lecture: The value of flexibility assessment in understanding 3-dimensional deformity correction, instrumentation strategy and fusion levels in AISSRS WWC and 50th annual meeting o the Japanese Scoliosis meeting, Kyoto, Japan2016-11-01
Non-neurologic complicationsSpine deformity solutions: A hands-on course from the Scoliosis Research Society & APSS, Hong Kong2016-10-01
Effecting change in health care organizations: An introduction for surgeonsScoliosis Research Society 51th annual meeting & course, Prague, Czech Republic2016-09-01
Early Onset Scoliosis - Growing rods, VEPTR, ComplicationsScoliosis Research Society Worldwide course on Spinal Deformity, Bali Indonesia2016-08-01
Gradual scoliosis correction with a superelastic implant, from bench to bedsideWashington University, St Louis, US2016-07-01
Spinal flexibility of its relevance on management: applications of the fulcrum bending radiographWashington University, St Louis, US2016-07-01
When can the rules of level selection be violated?23th Int'l Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques, Washington DC, US2016-07-01
Decision making in audit degenerative scoliosisGuangdong 8th Annual Meeting of Spinal Surgery, Shenzhen China2016-06-01
Conservative treatment for idiopathic scoliosis and magnetic growing rod in early onset scoliosisThe 12th Bone and Joint Surgical Technology Developmental Forum - Spinal Surgery Symposium, Beijing China2016-06-01
Why study scoliosis genetics? A surgeon's perspectiveSpineweek2016-05-01
Complications of Growing Rods - has the Magec Road overcome all of it?Spineweek2016-05-01
Intraoperative neurologic complications incomplex spine deformity7th Convention of the Russian Association of Spinal Surgeons in conjunction with the SRS Worldwide Course, Moscow, Russian2016-05-01
complications of surgically expandable instrumentation in the growing child7th Convention of the Russian Association of Spinal Surgeons in conjunction with the SRS Worldwide Course, Moscow, Russian2016-05-01
Revision surgery success rate after complications in spinal surgery7th Convention of the Russian Association of Spinal Surgeons in conjunction with the SRS Worldwide Course, Moscow, Russian2016-05-01
concominant complications in complex spine deformity7th Convention of the Russian Association of Spinal Surgeons in conjunction with the SRS Worldwide Course, Moscow, Russian2016-05-01
Pre-op evaluation and preparationThe Global Spine Congress & World Forum for Spine Research2016-04-01
Fusion level and implant strategies in AISSRS Worldwide Course-Chinese SRS2016-04-01
EOS surgical options and how to chooseSRS Worldwide Course-Chinese SRS2016-04-01
Magnetic growing rods: current updatesThe 19th Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association Congress2016-03-01
Experience in the use of magnetically controlled growing rod in the treatment of scoliosisThe 26th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Pediatric Orthopaedic Association2015-12-01
Who is my ideal patient f or MAGEC9th Annual International Congress on Early Onset Scoliosis2015-11-01
Applications of fulcrum bending in AIS深圳脊柱外科高峰論壇及亞太精英研討會2015-10-01
EOS current concepts and management36th SICOT Orthopaedics World Congress, Guangzhou, China2015-09-01
Updates of Surgical ManagementAOSpine Asia Pacific Interactive Courses, Hong Kong2015-09-01
Basic principles of Scoliosis36th SICOT Orthopaedics World Congress, Guangzhou, China2015-09-01
Introduction to the management of adolescent idiopathic scoliosisSRS 50th annual meeting and course2015-09-01
Updates of Conservative ManagementAOSpine Asia Pacific Interactive Courses, Hong Kong2015-09-01
Basic science priorities for the next decade and beyondSRS 50th annual meeting and course2015-09-01
Personalised Orthopaedics36th SICOT Orthopaedics World Congress, Guangzhou, China2015-09-01
When can stopping short predictably give good results in AIS.22nd Int'l Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques2015-07-01
What is the biologic basis of lumbar DD and it be reversed.22nd Int'l Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques2015-07-01
Fusion level selection and implant densityHONG KONG 2015 - the Combined Congress of 12th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum (HKIOF) &10th Asia Pacific Spine Society (APSS) & Asia Pacific Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (APPOS), Pre-meeting course from worldwide conference of SRS, HK Convention & Exhibition Centre, June 4, 20152015-06-01
Decision making in audit deformity surgeryThe 2nd Shenzhen-HK Spine Summit, University of HK-Shenzhen Hospital, June 27, 20152015-06-01
Complication of audit spinal deformity surgeryHONG KONG 2015 - the Combined Congress of 12th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum (HKIOF) &10th Asia Pacific Spine Society (APSS) & Asia Pacific Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (APPOS), Pre-meeting course from worldwide conference of SRS, HK Convention & Exhibition Centre, June 4, 20152015-06-01
Magnetic Growing Rod for Early Onset Scoliosis.西安国际脊柱畸形手术视频高峰论坛2015-06-01
Intervertebral disc degeneration: new inslights based on the HK dgenerative disc disease cohort.The 88th annual meeitng of the Japanese Orthopaedic Assoication, Kobe, Japan, May 21-24, 20152015-05-01
Growth sparing techniques in Early Onset ScoliosisSRS operative spine course, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, India, May 7-10, 20152015-05-01
Surgical growth friendly options: When and how to chooseSRS Worldwide Course with the XV Brazilian Spine Congress, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, April 18-19, 20152015-04-01
When to fuse to the sacrum in aduit deformitySRS Worldwide Course with the XV Brazilian Spine Congress, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, April 18-19, 20152015-04-01
Parameters in determining whether to stop instrumentation in the lowe thoracic versus to upper thoracic spineSRS Worldwide Course with the XV Brazilian Spine Congress, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, April 18-19, 20152015-04-01
Degeneration and Regeneration of the Intervertebral Disc2015-03-01
Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM): Anterior vs PosteriorAPSS Myanmar Spine Operative Course, Yangon Myanmar, 6-8 Feb 20152015-02-01
Strategies for Biologic Intervebral Disc Motion PreservationThe 9th Int'l Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association (COA), Beijing China, 20-23 Nov, 20142014-11-01
Should spine surgeons be running Marathons?The HK Orthopaedic Assoiciation the 34th annual congress, Nov 15-16, 20142014-11-01
Schmorl's nodes, disc degeneration and painThe 9th Int'l Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association (COA), Beijing, China, 20-23 Nov 20142014-11-01
Assessment & management of cervical myelopathyAPOA & the 36th annual of the RCOST, Pattaya, Thailand, 23-25 Oct 20142014-10-01
Positive sagittal imbalanceAPOA & the 36th annual meeting of the RCOST, Pattaya, Thailand, 23-25 Oct 20142014-10-01
Early result of MAGECScoliosis Research Society 49th annual meeting & course, Anchorage Alaska, USA, Sept 10-13, 20142014-09-01
Management of Early Onset ScoliosisInt'l Chinese Spine Society 2nd ICSS, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Sept 26-28,20142014-09-01
Genetics made simple2nd Oxford early onset scoliosis meeting 2014, UK2014-09-01
Complication in adult deformity surgery广东省康复医学会脊柱学术研讨会, 北京大学深圳医院 July 26, 20142014-07-26
Infection rountable21st Int'l meeting on advance spine techniques (IMAST), Valencia, Spine July 16-19, 20142014-07-01
Management on spondylolisthesis and instructional course lecture21st Int'l meeting on advance spine techniques ((MAST), Valencia, Spain, July 16-29, 20142014-07-01
Degeneration and the ageing spine: challenging traditional beliefs University of Toronto Spine Program, Toronto,Canada, June 23, 20142014-06-23
Management of Early Onset ScoliosisThe 11th Peking Union Medical College Hospital Bone and Joint Surgery Technology Development Forum (PUMCH), Beijing China, May 24-25, 20142014-05-24
Schmorls nodes, disc degeneration and painWorld Forum For Spine Research, Xi'an China, May 15-17, 20142014-05-17
Degeneration and the aging spine: Challenging traditional belief.The 33rd Annual Congress, Hong Kong, Nov 23-24, 20132013-11-23
Int'l Journal Editors Forum - A critique on curent ranking systemWorld Orthopaedic Alliance, Beijing China, Nov 7-10,20132013-11-08
Early Onset Scoliosis - Treatment OptionsThe 8th Int'l Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, Beijing, China, Nov 7-10,20132013-11-07
Osteotomy for thoracolumbar deformity: step by stepAOSpine advances symposium in vertebral tumor & inflammatory spinal disorder management, Hong Kong, October 12-13, 20132013-10-13
ICL on current concepts in deformity surgery.AOA 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting, Darwin, North Territory, October 6-9, 20132013-10-08
ICL on scoliosis updateAOA 73rd Annual scientific Meeting, Darwin, North Territory, October 6-9, 20132013-10-07
Verifying and Defining Developmental Spinal Stenosis: An MRI based study2013 New Zealand Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Meeting: Hong Kong Ambassador2013-10-01
Techniques for the preservation of sagittal balance: an international perspective.SRS 48th Annual Meeting & Course, Lyon, France, Sept 18-21, 20132013-09-18
Making sense of fusion level determination and implant density in adolescent idiopathic scoliosisBritish Scoliosis Society, Stoke-on-Trent, UK, Sept 12, 20132013-09-12
Management of early onset scoliosis by magnetically-controlled remotely distractible growing rod.海峽兩岸醫藥衛生交流協會第一屆骨科學術會議暨第六屆魯台骨科論壇, 山東青島, 2013年9月6日至9月8日2013-09-07
Surgical management of cervical myelopathy: anterior vs posterior anterior approach for cervical myelopathyThe 9th Combined Congress of the Spine and Paediatric Sections (APOA), Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, August 20132013-08-29
Magnetic growth rods in early onset scoliosisThe 9th Combined Congress of the Spine and Paediatric Sections (APOA), Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, August 29-31, 20132013-08-29
Treatment ofspine Infections - Current ConceptsThe 9th Combined Congress of the Spine and Paediatric Sections (APOA), Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, August 29-31, 20132013-08-29
Gradual scoliosis correction using a super-elastic implant - from bench to bedside, 50th Anniversary Int'l Philip Zorab Symposium, London UK, June 20-21, 2013Gradual scoliosis correction using a super-elastic implant - from bench to bedside, 50th Anniversary Int'l Philip Zorab Symposium, London UK, June 20-21, 20132013-06-21
Complications in adult deformity surgeryDilemmas in Adult Deformity, Devon UK, June 12-13, 20142013-06-13
Lessons learnt from the HK Degenerative Disc Disease Cohort5th China International Conference on Lumbar Spine, Xian, China, May 23-24,20132013-05-23
Relationship between congenital lumbar spinal stenosis and symptoms in the Chinese5th China International Conference on Lumbar Spine, ISSLS course, Xian, China, May 23-24, 20132013-05-23
Treatment of adult degenerative lumbar scoliosis5th China International Conference on Lumbar Spine, ISSLS course, Xian, China, May 23-24, 20132013-05-23
Novel technologies for spine deformity correction - from bench to bedside"East-Meets-West" Advances in Orthopaedic Research, Shenzhen, China, April 7-8, 20132013-04-07
SRS-Hunting for Scoliosis Genes, 18th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Chicago USA, March 19-23, 2013SRS-Hunting for Scoliosis Genes, 18th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Chicago USA, March 19-23, 20132013-03-19
Tuberculosis of the Spine: What New Treatment Modalities and Surgical Techniques Have Been Developed to Address Acute and Chronic Infections, 18th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Chicago USA, March 19-23, 2013Tuberculosis of the Spine: What New Treatment Modalities and Surgical Techniques Have Been Developed to Address Acute and Chronic Infections, 18th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Chicago USA, March 19-23, 20132013-03-19
Degeneration and regeneration of the intervertebral discFrontiers Biomedical Research HKU 2012, Hong Kong, December 14, 20122012-12-14
Long fusion6th International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, Beijing, PR China, Deember 1-4, 20122012-12-01
退行脊柱侧凸—单纯减压与减压融合The 7th Int’l Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association. Beijing, China. November 15-18, 2012.2012-11-15
What's new in the treatment of TB Spine47th Annual Meeting of the Scoliosis Research Society, Sept 5-8 20122012-09-05
International Meeting on Advance Spine Techniques (IMAST), Istanbul Turkey, July 18-21, 2012.TB kyphosis2012-07-21
World Forum for Spine Research, Helsinki, Finland, June 18-21, 2012World Forum for Spine Research, Helsinki, Finland, June 18-21, 20122012-06-21
Role of fulcrum in preop assessment of AISSpineweek, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 28 - June 1, 20122012-05-28
Scoliosis genetics: everything you wanted to know but were afraid to askSpineweek, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 28 - June 1, 20122012-05-28
Degenerative scoliosis debate: decompression aloneSpineweek, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 28 - June 1, 20122012-05-28
Flexibility films and level selectionDilemmas in Deformity, Devon UK, May 9-10, 20122012-05-09
Balloon devate on congenital scoliosisDilemmas in Deformity, Devon UK, May 9-10, 20122012-05-09
Debate of management of double major scoliosis5th Annual Global Dubai Spine Masters, Dubai, UAE, May 6-8, 20122012-05-06
Post-infectious spinal deformity5th Annual Global Dubai Spine Masters, Dubai, UAE, May 6-8, 20122012-05-06
Anterior approach for lumbar scoliosis6th International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, Beijing, PR China, Deember 1-4, 20122011-12-01
Importance of sagittal balance6th International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, Beijing, PR China, Deember 1-4, 20122011-12-01
Reduction of high grade spondylolisthesis6th International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, Beijing, PR China, Deember 1-4, 20122011-12-01
Iliac fixation6th International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, Beijing, PR China, Deember 1-4, 20122011-12-01
Instrumentation strategy and fusion levels in AIS6th International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, Beijing, PR China, Deember 1-4, 20122011-12-01
Fixation in osteoporotic spines6th International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, Beijing, PR China, Deember 1-4, 20122011-12-01
Early onset scoliosis6th International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, Beijing, PR China, Deember 1-4, 20122011-12-01
Memory and superelastic materials in spine and orthopaedic surgeryThe International Congress on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies 2011, Hong Kong, November 6-9, 20112011-11-06
Importance of the sagittal planeAdvanced Symposium AOSpine 4 Flags, Foz Iguazu, Brazil, August 25-27, 20112011-08-25
Odontoid fractresAdvanced Symposium AOSpine 4 Flags, Foz Iguazu, Brazil, August 25-27, 20112011-08-25
Axial lumbar painAdvanced Symposium AOSpine 4 Flags, Foz Iguazu, Brazil, August 25-27, 20112011-08-25
Adjacent segment degenerationAdvanced Symposium AOSpine 4 Flags, Foz Iguazu, Brazil, August 25-27, 20112011-08-25
Primary spinal tumour resectionAdvanced Symposium AOSpine 4 Flags, Foz Iguazu, Brazil, August 25-27, 20112011-08-25
Herniation in developmental stenosisAdvanced Symposium AOSpine 4 Flags, Foz Iguazu, Brazil, August 25-27, 20112011-08-25
A Novel Biodegradable Polycarprolactone-Magnesium Porous Scaffold for Bone Tissue EngineeringTHERMEC’ 2011 – International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, Quebec City, Canada2011-08-01
Interveretebral disc repairGlobal Spine Congress, San Francisco, USA, June 23-26, 20092009-06-23
Is there a relationship between back pain and MRI changes?World Forum for Spine Research Pre-Meeting Course, San Francisco, USA, June 23, 20092009-06-23
How has genetics altered our understanding of low back pain2009 Summit of Spinal Surgery, Guangzhou, PR China, May 22-24, 2009.2009-05-22
2009 Summit of Spinal Surgery, Guangzhou, PR China, May 22-24, 2009.2009 Summit of Spinal Surgery, Guangzhou, PR China, May 22-24, 2009.2009-05-22
Treatment of thoracic curves in AIS, comparsion of different fixation patterns and selection of distal instrumented vertebraThe 1st China SRS International Conference, Beijing, PR China, May 15-17, 20092009-05-15
Unusual patterns of lumbar degeneration and their clinical significanceThe 6th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum, Hong Kong, April 25-26, 20092009-04-25
Osteoporotic spinal fracturesAOSpine Masters Symposia "New Techniques in Non-fusion" and "New Approaches to Complex Spinal Trauma", Dubai, UAE, April 18-19, 20092009-04-18
Non-fusion technologiesAOSpine Masters Symposia "New Techniques in Non-fusion" and "New Approaches to Complex Spinal Trauma", Dubai, UAE, April 18-19, 20092009-04-18
Fusion level selection in AISCeremony of Spine Committee Foundation of Shanghai Combined Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine and the 4th International Congress of Spine Deformity and Non Fusion Technique, Shanghai, PR China, March 15, 20092009-03-15
Genome-wide association study identifies NRG1 as a susceptibility locus for Hirschsprung's disease (Invited Lecture)The 2nd International Symposium: Develoopment of the Enteric Nervous System: Cells, Signals and Genes, UCL Institute of Child Health, London, U.K., 22-25 February 20092009-02-24
Fusion level determination with use of the fulcrum bending radiographVisiting Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, India, October 23-25, 20082008-10-23
Intervertebral disc regenerationVisiting Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, India, October 23-25, 20082008-10-23
Adjacent segment degenerationVisiting Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, India, October 23-25, 20082008-10-23
Total en-bloc spondylectomy, surgical techniqueVisiting Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, India, October 23-25, 20082008-10-23
Surgical technique of posterior scoliosis correctionVisiting Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, India, October 23-25, 20082008-10-23
Relationship of back pain and MRI changesVisiting Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, India, October 23-25, 20082008-10-23
How has genetics research alerted our understanding of degenerative disc disease: implications for intervertebral disc regeneration?2nd International Symposium on Biotechnology in Musculoskeletal Repair, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 2-4, 20082008-10-02
How has genetics altered our understanding of degenerative disc diseaseSICOT/SIROT 2008 XXIV Triennial World Congress, Hong Kong, August 24-28, 20082008-08-24
Management of metastatic spinal tumoursSICOT/SIROT 2008 XXIV Triennial World Congress, Hong Kong, August 24-28, 20082008-08-24
Fusion level selection in AISSICOT/SIROT 2008 XXIV Triennial World Congress, Hong Kong, August 24-28, 20082008-08-24
Intervertebral disc regenerationSICOT/SIROT 2008 XXIV Triennial World Congress, Hong Kong, August 24-28, 20082008-08-24
Combined anterior-posterior vs posterior hemivertebra excisionThe 1st Annual Meeting of the Spine Deformity Study Group (China), Xian, PR China, July 12=13, 20082008-07-12
Genetics of degenerative disc diseaseBritSpine 2008, Belfast, Northern Ireland, April 30 - May 2, 20082008-04-30
Tissue engineering of the intervertebral discBritSpine 2008, Belfast, Northern Ireland, April 30 - May 2, 20082008-04-30
Management of spinal metastases2008 Chinese International Spine Forum, Beijing, PR China, March 28-29, 20082008-03-28
TB kyphosis2008 Chinese International Spine Forum, Beijing, PR China, March 28-29, 20082008-03-28
Fusion level determination in scoliosis surgeryThird International Congress of Spine Deformity and Non-Fusion Techniques, Shanghai, PR China, March 14-16, 20082008-03-14
Anterior surgery for deformity correctionMayo Clinic Spine Symposium, Kauai, Hawaii, January 27-31, 20082008-01-27
Posterior versus combined excision of thoracolumbar and lumbar hemivertebraeMayo Clinic Spine Symposium, Kauai, Hawaii, January 27-31, 20082008-01-27
Selection of fusion levels using the fulcrum bending radiographMayo Clinic Spine Symposium, Kauai, Hawaii, January 27-31, 20082008-01-27
Adjacent level degenerationMayo Clinic Spine Symposium, Kauai, Hawaii, January 27-31, 20082008-01-27
Age related changes versus degenerative disc diseaseWorld Forum for Spine Research - the intervertebral disc, Kyoto, Japan, January 24-26, 20082008-01-24
Adjacent level degenerationAOSpine International Davos Course, Switzerland, December 9-14, 20072007-12-09
Management of spinal metastasesAOSpine International Davos Course, Switzerland, December 9-14, 20072007-12-09
Intervertebral disc regenerationAOSpine International Davos Course, Switzerland, December 9-14, 20072007-12-09
Management of tuberculous kyphosisCombined Meeting of the ASEAN Orthopaedic Association and Vietnamese Orthopaedic Association, HCM City, Vietnam, December 5-7, 20072007-12-05
Recent advances in management of severe paediatric spinal deformitiesCombined Meeting of the ASEAN Orthopaedic Association and Vietnamese Orthopaedic Association, HCM City, Vietnam, December 5-7, 20072007-12-05
Thoracic spine access and their complicationsAOSpine Advance Course, Hong Kong, September 17-19, 20072007-09-17
Genetics of disc degenerationCombined Meeting of the Society for Back Pain Research, UK and Finland and the 8th Physiatric Summer School, Helsinki, Finland, June 28-29, 20072007-06-28
Biologic motion preservationCombined Meeting of the Society for Back Pain Research, UK and Finland and the 8th Physiatric Summer School, Helsinki, Finland, June 28-29, 20072007-06-28
New options in motion preservation: biologic intervertebral disc replacement8th Physiatric Summer School organised by the Society for Back Pain Research in United Kingdom, Helsinki, Finland, June 27-29, 20072007-06-27
Genetics of degenerative disc disease8th Physiatric Summer School organised by the Society for Back Pain Research in United Kingdom, Helsinki, Finland, June 27-29, 20072007-06-27
Management of severe paediatric scoliosis4th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum, Hong Kong, April 21-22, 20072007-04-21
Moderator and case presentations of spinal tumours sectionScoliosis Research Society World Wide Regional Course, Beijing, PR China, April 4-6, 20072007-04-04
Assessment and treatment of pyogenic and tuberculous infections of the spineWorldwide Regional Course, Beijing, PR China, April 4-6, 20072007-04-04
Assessment and management of TB and pyogenic spinal infectionsScoliosis Research Society World Wide Regional Course, Beijing, PR China, April 4-6, 20072007-04-04
Management of post-infectious kyphotic deformitiesWorldwide Regional Course, Beijing, PR China, April 4-6, 20072007-04-04
Spine research networkAOSpine Intervertebral Disc Course: the past, the present, the future, Curitiba, Brazil, March 29-31, 20072007-03-29
The biology of intervertebral disc degeneration and regenerationAOSpine Intervertebral Disc Course: the past, the present, the future, Curitiba, Brazil, March 29-31, 20072007-03-29
Natural history and classification - are they useful?13th APOA Operative Spine Course, Coimbatore, India, March 8-11, 20072007-03-08
C5-6 disc prolapse with myelopathy. Anterior cervical diskectomy and bone only fusion13th APOA Operative Spine Course, Coimbatore, India, March 8-11, 20072007-03-08
Spondylolysis L5, pars repair13th APOA Operative Spine Course, Coimbatore, India, March 8-11, 20072007-03-08
cervical spine: disc degeneration / regenerationAOSpine Interactive Course, Davos, Switzerland, December 11-15, 20062006-12-11
Degenerative and deformity: SpondylolisthesisAOSpine Interactive Course, Davos, Switzerland, December 11-15, 20062006-12-11
Degenerative and defomrity: disc degeneration / regenerationAOSpine Interactive Course, Davos, Switzerland, December 11-15, 20062006-12-11
thoracolumbar spine: disc degeneration / regenerationAOSpine Interactive Course, Davos, Switzerland, December 11-15, 20062006-12-11
Trauma and tumor: introduction course and ARSAOSpine Interactive Course, Davos, Switzerland, December 11-15, 20062006-12-11
Trauma and tumor: disc degeneration / regenerationAOSpine Interactive Course, Davos, Switzerland, December 11-15, 20062006-12-11
Management of severe scoliosis in young children1st International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic Association, Beijing, PR China, November 12-15, 20062006-11-12
Animal models of intervertebral disc regenerationStem Cell Workshop, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, November 2-3, 20062006-11-02
Tuberculosis spine - current state of artThe Conjoint Scientific Congress organised by RCSE and CSHK, Hong Kong, October 12, 20062006-10-12
Intervetebral disc regenerationFederation of the Medical Societies of Hong Kong, Annual Scientific Meeting, June 10, 20062006-06-10
Anterior approaches to cervical spine, en-bloc spondylectomy, recent advances in treatment of severe pediatric scoliosisFaculty AO Spine Advanced Spine Course, Phuket, Thailand, March, 16-18, 20062006-03-16
Management of severe pediatric spinal deformitiesHong Kong Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress, November 19-20, 20052005-11-19
Stem cell therapy for intervertebral disc degenerationThe Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute on Stem Cell Research, Nov 14-152005-11-01
Selection of fusion levels using fulcrum bending radiographInternational Symposium on Spinal Deformities and Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery, Changhai Hospital, Shanghai, October 16, 20052005-10-16
Talks on management of TB spine and osteoporotic spinal fracturesInternational Spine Symposium, The Medical College of Qingdao University, Qingdao, China, October 14-15, 20052005-10-14
Chondroctes Alleviate ER Stress Caused by Unfolded Proteins by ReprogrammingThe British Society for Matrix Biology. 25th Anniversary Meeting Pathobiology of Bone and Cartilage. Manchester, UK, 12-13 September2005-09-12
Osteoporotic fracturesAOSpine Advanced Course, Hong Kong, September 21-23, 20052005-09-01
Thoracoscopic surgeryAOSpine Advanced Course, Hong Kong, September 21-23, 20052005-09-01
A Novel Spinal Implant for Gradual Scoliosis CorrectionInnovation Expo Open Lecture. Hong Kong2005-09-01
Nitrogen plasma immersion ion implanted nickel titanium alloys for orthopedic use5th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Qingdao, PR China, September 12-162005-09-01
Natural history and aetiology of AISAOSpine Advanced Course, Hong Kong, September 21-23, 20052005-09-01
Odontoid fracturesAOSpine Advanced Course, Hong Kong, September 21-23, 20052005-09-01
Endoplasmic reticulum stress and reprogramming of hypertrophic chondrocytesGordon Research Conference: Collagen. New London, New Hampshire USA, July2005-07-01
Genetics of degenerative disc diseaseEuropean Cells and Materials Symposium (ECMVI): Spinal motion segment: from basic science to clinical application, Davos, Switzerland, July 4-7, 20052005-07-01
Tissue EngineeringHead and Neck Course 2005, Hong Kong, June 23, 20052005-06-01
Management of low back disordersVisiting Professor: Zibo No. 7 Hospital, May 20, 20052005-05-01
Tissue-engineered intervertebral disc replacement and TB deformitiesCSOS 2005 Spine Surgery Advanced Course & The Second Chinese International Scoliosis Symposium, Hong Kong, May 21-22, 20052005-05-01
Association Studies Of Intervertebral Disc Disease With Genes In The Aggrecan Degradation PathwayThe Third Hong Kong Medical Genetics Conference2005-04-01
Genetics of intervertebral disc degeneration and novel implant for gradual scoliosis correctionDept of O&T, Tokai University Medical School, Japan, March 22, 20052005-03-01
Genetics of intervertebral disc degeneration9th Seminar of the Study Group for Nerve and Spine, Hakone, Japan, March 19-20, 20052005-03-01
Genetic and MRI findings in degenerative disc diseaseAOSpine European Region Meeting: The Lumbar Intervertebral Disc, Davos, Switzerland, March 17-20, 20052005-03-01
Aetiology of degenerative disc diseaseAOSpine Advanced Seminar, Hong Kong, October 23-25, 20042004-10-01
Osteoporotic vertebral fracturesAOSpine Advanced Seminar, Hong Kong, October 23-25, 20042004-10-01
The TRP2 allele of collagen IX as an age-dependent risk factor for the development and severity of intervertebral disc degenerationAsia Pacific Orthopaedic Association 14th Triennial Congress, September 5-102004-09-05
Vertebral artery-orthopaedic perspectiveCommissioned training in Neurosurgery organised by Neurosurgical Society of Hong Kong, January 20042004-01-01
TB deformitiesAO International Spine Course, Davos, Switzerland, December 20032003-12-01
Management of osteoporotic spine fractures6th National Spine and Spinal Cord Injuries CME Course, Changsha, Hunan, PR China, October 11-12, 20032003-10-01
Advance treatment in scoliosis and spine and case studyAcademic Meeting of the Macau Surgery Association, Macau, June 21-22, 20032003-06-03
Neck pain and its managementAnnual Orthopaedic Update organised by HK College of Family Physicians, Hong Kong, January 18, 20032003-01-01
The Trp2 allele of Collagen IX is an age-dependent risk factor for the development and severity of intervertebral disc degenerationAsia Pacific Orthopaedic Association 2004: 14th Triennial Congress Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 20042002-09-01
Thoracoscopic spine surgeryAnnual Spine Course at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing, PR China, November 20012001-11-01
Management of spinal metastasisAnnual Spine Course at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing, PR China, November 20012001-11-01
Osteoporotic spine fracturesAnnual Spine Course at Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing, PR China, November 20012001-11-01
PeriodPositionJournal / Conference
2010, 2015 - 2016Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Degeneration - Editor-in-Chief
The Spine Journal
2011Member of Editorial Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (2011-2013)
Member of Editorial Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (2011-2013)
2010Regional Editor of Evidence-based Spine-Care Journal since 2010
Regional Editor of Evidence-based Spine-Care Journal since 2010
2010Journal Editor Of International Advisory Board Of Journal Of Orthopaedic, Trauma And Rehabilitation Since 2010
International Advisory Board of Journal of Orthopaedic, Trauma and Rehabilitation since 2010
2009Editorial Board Member from 2009 to 2012
Orthopedic Journal of China
2009Editorial Board of Orthopaedic Journal of China (2009-2012)
Editorial Board of Orthopaedic Journal of China (2009-2012)
2009Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Artificial Organs (2009-2011)
Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Artificial Organs (2009-2011)
2007Editorial Board of European Cells and Materials, July 2007 to July 2010
Editorial Board of European Cells and Materials, July 2007 to July 2010
2007Journal Editor Of Reviewer For Journal Of Orthopaedic Research Since 2007
Reviewer for Journal of Orthopaedic Research since 2007
2007Journal Editor Of Review Board Member For Orthopedics Since 2007
Review Board Member for Orthopedics since 2007
2007Journal Editor Of Reviewer For Research Grants Council, 2007
Reviewer for Research Grants Council, 2007
2005Assistant Editorial Board
European Spine Journal since 2005
2004Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2004-2007
INSPINE since 2004
2003Corresponding editor
US-China International Journal of Traumatology since 2003
2002Member of the Spine Editorial Advisory Board since 2000
Member of the Spine Editorial Advisory Board since 2000
2002Member of the Editorial Board of the International Orthopaedics since 1999
Member of the Editorial Board of the International Orthopaedics since 1999
2002Member of the Editorial Board of the Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery since 2000
Member of the Editorial Board of the Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery since 2000
2002Member of the Editorial Board of the Hong Kong Medical Journal since 2001
Member of the Editorial Board of the Hong Kong Medical Journal since 2001
2001Associate Editor
Hong Kong Medical Journal
Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery
2001Editorial Board Member
International Orthopaedics
2001Editorial Board Member
2000Editor of Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery
Editor of Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery
2000Corresponding editor
International Orthopaedics since 1999
2000Corresponding editor
Spine since 2000
Hong Kong Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery since 2000
since 2011Deputy Editor
Spine Deformity
since 2007Review Board Member
since 2007Reviewer
Journal of Orthopaedic Research
since 2006Editorial Board
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
5 March – 6 SeptMember of the Medical Review Panel
Evidence Based Spine Surgery Notes
2011 - 2013Editorial Board
Orthopaedic Surgery
Community Service
Start DateEnd DatePositionTypeTitle
2017-09-012018-09-01Past PresidentOScoliosis Research Society
2017-07-012019-06-01Assessment panelOEnterprise Support Scheme(ESS)
2005-01-012006-01-01MemberOMedical Review Panel
2005-01-01Assistant EditorOEditorial Board
2004-01-01EditorOEditorial Board
2000-01-01Corresponding EditorOEditorial Board
2000-01-01EditorOEditorial Board
2000-01-01Corresponding EditorOEditorial Board
1999-01-01Corresponding EditorOEditorial Board
2004-01-012007-01-01Deputy Editor in ChiefOEditorial Board
2000-01-012004-01-01EditorOEditorial Board
2002-01-01Chief Examiner for the Proficiency Test in Medical EnglishOLicensing Examination