Name Card
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Dr Chin, Weng Yee

Honorary Assistant Professor

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Dr Chin, Weng Yee

Honorary Assistant Professor

Curriculum Vitae:

Research Interests:(click to check for cognate researchers)

Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
1993University of Western AustraliaMBBS
2000Royal Australian College of General PractitionersFRACGP
Dr. Weng-Yee Chin (Weng) is a graduate of the University of Western Australia and a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. She worked as a private General Practitioner in Sydney prior to relocating to Hong Kong in 2005. She initially joined the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong as an honorary Family Medicine teacher in 2006, and now holds joint appointments with the Department of Family Medicine and Primary Care and the Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education where she is primarily involved in undergraduate Family Medicine teaching, curriculum development and quality assurance of the undergraduate medical curriculum.
Her main research focus has been on mental health and medical education. She is particularly interested in identifying ways for doctors to better address patients with common psychological problems, and in examining ways to enhance doctors’ and student’s attitudes towards providing mental health care.
In the last three years, Weng has been keen to help build the research capacity of family doctors in Hong Kong. She established a territory-wide mental health practice- based research network currently involving 60 family doctors, and has been delivering primary care research skills workshops and mentoring young family physicians to conduct research in primary care.
She is also currently involved in evaluating the quality of care of multi-disciplinary primary care clinic, focusing on delivery of care by nurse and allied healthcare workers.
In 2013, she was awarded the HKU Faculty of Medicine’s Faculty Teaching Medal, the Faculty’s highest award for teaching.
Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
CHOI, Pui Hang
2014-08-31Young Researcher Scholarships: 2014 Asian Chinese Quality of Life Conference cum Inauguration of the World Association for Chinese Quality of Life
Research Achievement
CHOI, Pui Hang
2013-11-01First prize poster competition: 2nd NUS-NUH International Nursing Conference & 18th Singapore-Malaysia Nursing Conference
Research Achievement
CHOI, Pui Hang
2013-11-23First Place Poster Presentation: 2nd NUS-NUH International Nursing Conference & 18th Singapore-Malaysia Nursing Conference
Research Achievement
Lee, WHP
Wong, WSGJ
Chiu, CFB
2014-05-01Best Research Award 2013: Hong Kong College of Family Physicians
Research Achievement
Chan, TY
2014-11-01Distinguished Paper Award: North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG)
Research Achievement
Chan, NK
Tsui, KYJ
Chau, TW
Tsang, JPY
2013-12-01Award of Merit (Best Poster): Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education, IMHSE, LKS Faculty of Medicine
Research Achievement
Chau, TW
2013-12-01Merit award for best poster: Institute for Medical and Health Sciences Education, University of Hong King
Research Achievement
DONG, Weinan
TANG, Ho Man
Bedford, LE
2022-03-01The HKCFP Best Research Award 2021. Project title ' Non‐laboratory‐based Risk Assessment Model for Case Detection of Diabetes Mellitus and Pre‐diabetes in Primary Care '.: Journal of Diabetes Investigation
ISSN: 2040-1116 ; eISSN: 2040-1124
Research Achievement
Tsang, JPY
2021-04-01Best Presentation - Poster: International Conference on Medical Education, Universitas Islam Indonesia
Research Achievement
LIU, Sze Nga
Yeung, CHN
2021-06-01HKCFP Best Research Award 2020 For the paper titled "Parental depression mediates the relationship between parental stress and child health among low-income families": Hong Kong College of Family Physicians
Research Achievement
Ng, CW
2017-09-01Best Research Paper Award: Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP) 40th Anniversary Conference 2017
Research Achievement
Li, Q
Chan, WLP
Chu, KPJ
Ho, CC
2016-12-01Bronze in Discipline Award (Life Sciences), in Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Reimagine Education competition: Interprofessional Team-Based Learning for Health Professional Students: QS Wharton Reimagine Education Awards
Teaching Accomplishment
2020-09-01Best Oral Presentation Award for the Free Paper Competition of the Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2020 "2020 Vision: Health for All": The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians
Chan, KH
Jiao, F
2018-10-01Distinguished Research Making Family Medicine Shine Award and Best Contribution to Family Medicine Award, for paper: “E.Y.F. Wan, C.S.C. Fung, F.F. Jiao, E.Y.T. Yu*, W.Y.Chin, D.Y.T. Fong, C.K.H. Wong, A.K.C. Chan, K.H.Y. Chan, R.L.P. Kwok, C.L.K. Lam. 5-year effectiveness of the Multi-disciplinary Risk Assessment and Management Programme for primary care patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus‎ (RAMP-DM) on DM-related complications and health service utilizations – A Population-based and Propensity-matched Cohort Study. Diabetes Care. 2018; 41:49-59: WONCA World Conference 2018
Research Achievement
Tsang, JPY
2017-12-01Free Paper Presentation - Poster Audience Award: Asian Medical Education Association
Research Achievement
Chan, KH
2017-12-01Merit Award: Asian Medical Education Association (AMEA)
Research Achievement
Chiu, CFB
Chan, TY
2013-06-01Best Oral Presentation: Hong Kong Primary Care Confernece
Research Achievement
Tsang, JPY
2014-05-01Oral Merit Award: WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference
Research Achievement
2013-11-01Faculty Teaching Medal 2013: Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
Teaching Accomplishment
Chan, TY
2015-05-01Best Poster Presentation Award: 2015 Hong Kong Primary Care Conference
Research Achievement
Chiu, CFB
Chan, TY
2014-05-01Oral Merit Award: WONCA Asia Pacific Regional Conference
Research Achievement
CHOI, Pui Hang
2016-06-01Best Poster Award: ~/Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2016 ~~
Research Achievement
Wang, Y
Chung, PPW
Fung, WT
2020-06-01HKCFP Best Research Award 2019 for the paper " Relative importance, healthy life-year lost and population attributable risk of modifiable risk factors on cardiovascular disease in a 10-year Diabetes Cohort.: Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP)
Research Achievement
Chan, KH
Jiao, F
Chan, KC
2019-08-01Outstanding Research Output Award for "5-year effectiveness of the multi-disciplinary Risk Assessment and Management Programme for primary care patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (RAMP-DM) on DM-related complications and health service utilization - A population-based and propensity-matched cohort study": LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU
Research Achievement
2017-12-01HKCFP Award for Best Research 2016: Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (HKCFP)
Research Achievement
2017-11-01Best Poster Award: WONCA
Research Achievement
Tang, HM
2019-12-01Full Research Paper Competition – Best Research Paper Award for "Burden of chronic kidney and cardiovascular diseases on life expectancy and health service utilization - A cohort study of Hong Kong Chinese hypertensive patients": 4th AMM-AMS-HKAM Tripartite Congress cum 53rd Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Medicine & Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2019
Research Achievement
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
1994-presentmemberAustralian Medical Association
2005 - presentmemberHong Kong College of Family Practitioners
02/2010 - presentResearch Committee memberHong Kong College of Family Practitioners
2000-presentfellowRoyal Australian College of General Practitioners
2015-presentScientific memberHKU/HA-HKWC IRB
2017-presentInaugral memberAsia-Pacific Academic Primary Care Group (AAPCG)
2016-presentgroup leader for non-drug interventionsWONCA working party for mental health
2016-presentMemberWONCA working party for medical education
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