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Showing results 41 to 60 of 326 < previous   next >
Data from: Estimating the Life Course of Influenza A(H3N2) Antibody Responses from Cross-Sectional Data
Kucharski, Adam J.
Lessler, Justin
Read, Jonathan M.
Jiang, Chao Qiang
Cummings, Derek A. T.
Riley, Steven
Data from: Evidence of Carbon Fixation Pathway in a Bacterium from Candidate Phylum SBR1093 Revealed with Genomic Analysis
Wang, Zhiping
Guo, Feng
Liu, Lili
Data from: Evolutionary History of the Photolyase/Cryptochrome Superfamily in Eukaryotes
Mei, Qiming
Data from: Expansion of genotypic diversity and establishment of 2009 H1N1 pandemic-origin internal genes in pigs in China
Liang, Huyi
Fan, Xiaohui
Chen, Xinchun
Zeng, Yu
Zhou, Ji
Duan, Lian
Tse, Maying
Chan, Chung-Hei
Li, Lifeng
Leung, Tak-Ying
Yip, Chun-Hung
Cheung, Chung-Lam
Zhou, Boping
Smith, David K.
Data from: Extracellular Protease Inhibition Alters the Phenotype of Chondrogenically Differentiating Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) in 3D Collagen Microspheres
Han, Sejin
Li, Yuk Yin
Data from: Forecasting Influenza Epidemics in Hong Kong
Yang, Wan
Shaman, Jeffrey
Data from: From peer-reviewed to peer-reproduced in scholarly publishing: The complementary roles of data models and workflows in bioinformatics
Gonzalez-Beltran, Alejandra
Li, Peter
Zhao, Jun
Avila-Garcia, Maria Susana
Roos, Marco
Thompson, Mark
van der Horst, Eelke
Kaliyaperumal, Rajaram
Luo, Ruibang
Lee, Tin-Lap
Edmunds, Scott C.
Sansone, Susanna-Assunta
Rocca-Serra, Philippe
Data from: Functional Analysis of atfA Gene to Stress Response in Pathogenic Thermal Dimorphic Fungus Penicillium marneffei
Nimmanee, Panjaphorn
Vanittanakom, Pramote
Youngchim, Sirida
Vanittanakom, Nongnuch
Data from: Gene Expression in Plant Lipid Metabolism in Arabidopsis Seedlings
Hsiao, An-Shan
Haslam, Richard P.
Michaelson, Louise V.
Liao, Pan
Napier, Johnathan A.
Data from: Genetic Predisposition to Increased Blood Cholesterol and Triglyceride Lipid Levels and Risk of Alzheimer Disease: A Mendelian Randomization Analysis
Proitsi, Petroula
Lupton, Michelle K.
Velayudhan, Latha
Newhouse, Stephen
Fogh, Isabella
Tsolaki, Magda
Daniilidou, Makrina
Pritchard, Megan
Kloszewska, Iwona
Soininen, Hilkka
Mecocci, Patrizia
Vellas, Bruno
Williams, Julie
Stewart, Robert
Lovestone, Simon
Powell, John F.
Data from: Genetically Predicted Testosterone and Systemic Inflammation in Men: A Separate-Sample Mendelian Randomization Analysis in Older Chinese Men
Zhao, Jie
Jiang, Chaoqiang
Liu, Bin
Cheng, Kar Keung
Yeung, Shiu Lun Au
Zhang, Weisen
Data from: Genomic dynamics of transposable elements in the Western Clawed Frog (Silurana tropicalis)
Shen, Jiangshan J.
Dushoff, Jonathan
Bewick, Adam J.
Chain, Frederic J. J.
Evans, Ben J.
Data from: Global transcriptome analysis of AtPAP2--overexpressing Arabidopsis thaliana with elevated ATP
Sun, F
Liang, C
Data from: Global transcriptome analysis of AtPAP2--overexpressing Arabidopsis thaliana with elevated ATP
Sun, F
Liang, C
Data from: Global transcriptome analysis of AtPAP2--overexpressing Arabidopsis thaliana with elevated ATP
Sun, F
Liang, C
Data from: Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease in China: Modeling Epidemic Dynamics of Enterovirus Serotypes and Implications for Vaccination
Takahashi, Saki
Liao, Qiaohong
Van Boeckel, Thomas P.
Xing, Weijia
Sun, Junling
Hsiao, Victor Y.
Metcalf, C. Jessica E.
Chang, Zhaorui
Liu, Fengfeng
Zhang, Jing
Farrar, Jeremy J.
van Doorn, H. Rogier
Grenfell, Bryan T.
Yu, Hongjie
Data from: Human Ocular Epithelial Cells Endogenously Expressing SOX2 and OCT4 Yield High Efficiency of Pluripotency Reprogramming
Poon, Ming-Wai
He, Jia
Fang, Xiaowei
Zhang, Zhao
Wang, Weixin
Qiu, Fangfang
Li, Wei
Liu, Zuguo
Data from: Human-induced marine ecological degradation: micropaleontological perspectives
Hunt, Gene
Breitburg, Denise
Tsujimoto, Akira
Katsuki, Kota
Data from: Hydroclimate Variations in Central and Monsoonal Asia over the Past 700 Years
Fang, Keyan
Chen, Fahu
Sen, Asok K.
Davi, Nicole
Huang, Wei
Seppä, Heikki
Data from: Identification and Expression Profiling of MicroRNAs in the Brain, Liver and Gonads of Marine Medaka (Oryzias melastigma) and in Response to Hypoxia
Lau, Karen
Bao, Jessie Yun Juan
Zhang, Na
Tse, Anna
Tong, Amy
Li, Jing Woei
Lok, Si
Kong, Richard Yuen Chong