Browsing by Author Reagan, EM

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Advancing Racial Equity in Extended Clinical Practices: A Collaborative Autoethnography Exploring Possibility
Proceeding/Conference:AERA (American Educational Research Association) Virtual Annual Meeting, 2021
Articulations on Teaching for Social Justice: A longitudinal study from residency to practice
Proceeding/Conference:The 2016 annual meeting of the New England Educational Research Organization
Beyond urban or rural: Effective clinical practices for teaching residencies in diverse contexts
Proceeding/Conference:American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) 2018 Annual Meeting
Clinical Practice that Challenges the Status Quo: A Conceptual Analysis
Proceeding/Conference:New England Educational Research Organization (NEERO) 2020 Conference
Inquiry in the round? A qualitative case study of education rounds in a residency program
Proceeding/Conference:The 2013 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association
“Learned Passions”: A Longitudinal Examination of Teaching for Social Justice from Teacher Residency to Practice
Proceeding/Conference:The 2016 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association
Lessons from a teacher residency
Journal:Educational Leadership
Purposeful Change: Reimagining in an Urban Teacher Residency Program
Proceeding/Conference:The 69th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), 2017
Reforming and reimagining within teacher education
Proceeding/Conference:European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) 2017
Reinventing university-based teacher preparation: A perspective from a teacher residency program
Proceeding/Conference:The 2013 annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Revolutionary, Evolutionary, or Purposeful: Reimagining Social Justice–Oriented Teacher Preparation
Proceeding/Conference:American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2017 Annual Meeting