Asia Case Research Centre

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General Information
Asia Case Research Centre
Key People
3917 7271

Associate Director
3917 4179

Associate Director
2859 1048

Associate Director
3917 4212

Associate Director
3917 5665
RP - Teaching List, Current
2022 S2DBAP70132AAdvanced Financial Management
2022 S2MSBA70162ASupply Chain and Logistics Management
2022 S2ECOM60082ASupply chain and e-logistics management
2021 S2EMBA66052AManagerial Economics
2018 S2FINA33502AMathematical finance
2022 S2MSMK70212BBig Data Consumer Analytics
2021 S2MSMK70222BTechnology Innovations in Retail Banking & Consumer Finance
2023 S1PMBA60271ABusiness Valuation
2021 S1DBAP70361ASupply Chain and Logistics Management
2019 S2MFIN70022CInvestment Analysis and Portfolio Management
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