Discovery - Top 10
Grant Type
- 4980 general research fund (grf)
- 1472 other funding scheme
- 776 health and medical research fund ...
- 311 innovation and technology fund in...
- 252 early career scheme (ecs)
- 247 conference support for teaching s...
- 236 general research fund (grf) 2022/23
- 233 general research fund (grf) 2023/24
- 233 general research fund (grf) 2024/25
- 218 collaborative research fund (crf)...
- 3123 null
- 59 education
- 51 -
- 25 cancer
- 23 civil engineering
- 21 refer to attachments
- 18 --
- 17 n/a
- 13 chronic hepatitis b
- 13 music
- 701 school of biomedical sciences
- 667 department of medicine
- 597 department of chemistry
- 573 school of public health
- 550 school of biological sciences
- 541 department of electrical and elec...
- 529 school of computing and data science
- 512 department of mechanical engineering
- 441 faculty of business and economics...
- 435 department of civil engineering