Faculty of Business and Economics (HKU Business School)

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Faculty of Business and Economics (HKU Business School)  
3917 5343
2549 3735
Key People
3917 4498

Associate Dean
3910 2184

Associate Dean
3917 4388

Associate Dean
3917 4211
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RP - Teaching List, Current
2021 S1ECON60221CMacroeconomic Analysis
2023 S2MSBA70122ASocial Media and Digital Marketing Analytics
2022 S2DBAP70132AAdvanced Financial Management
2020 S2MGMT24012JPrinciples of management
2018 S8MACC7006SAAccounting Data and Analytics
2020 S2MFIN70352ABig Data in Finance
2018 S1ACCT31061DManagement control
2019 S2PMBA60122FGlobal Economy
2022 S1MFIN60031FDerivative Securities
2022 S2MGMT24012IPrinciples of management
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