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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 289
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
A Comparative Study on extant Manuscripts of the Ladakh Section of the La dwags rgyal rabs
Proceeding/Conference:18th Colloquium of the International Association for Ladakh Studies
The Establishment of the Bhikkhuni Order in Bangladesh and Its social Impact
Proceeding/Conference:1st ASEAN Buddhist Conference: ASEAN Buddhists: Beyond 26th Buddhist Century
Buddhism in Hard Time, Crisis Management Teachings from Eminent Monks in Medieval China
Proceeding/Conference:Critical Concepts and Theories in the Study of Religion
Crisis Management Teachings from Eminent Monks in Medieval Chinese Buddhism
Proceeding/Conference:2016 Young Scholars’ Forum of Buddhism and East Asian Cultures
Vinaya Translations, Eminent Missionaries along The Belt and Road in Medieval Chinese Buddhism
Proceeding/Conference:Buddhism exchange between the Mahayana and Theravada traditions along the One Belt and Road Symposium
Diseases and Treatments in the Chapter on Medicine in the Vinaya Piṭakas
Proceeding/Conference:Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABS)
Preliminaries Of Concentration Practice: An Introduction Based On The Visuddhimagga
Proceeding/Conference:World Encounter Teresian Mysticism and Interreligious Dialogue: Theravada Buddhism and Teresian Mysticism — Meditation and Contemplation, Pathways to Peace
Chanting Amitofo increases slow­wave brain activities: an EEG component cluster analysis
Proceeding/Conference:Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Annual Meeting
Chanting Amitabha Buddha help to reduce the brain responses to fearful pictures
Proceeding/Conference:Mind & Life Summer Research Institute, 2017
Mindfulness Meditation Decreases EEG Functional Connectivity
Proceeding/Conference:Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Annual Meeting, 2017
Mindfulness and Buddhist Economics in the Financial Market: Generating Delta or Alpha?
Proceeding/Conference:International Transdisciplinary Conference on Contemplative Science & Management
Buddhist Attitude towards Human Bodies from Moral and Ethical Perspectives
Proceeding/Conference:Who Owns Your body: A Conference on Property Rights in Human Bodies, Tissue and Data, and on Human Organ Transplantation
Chan: the Chinese Transformation of Buddhist Meditation
Proceeding/Conference:3rd IABU Conference
Jhāna-cittas: Swapping Planes via Samatha
Proceeding/Conference:3rd International Association of Buddhist Universities (IABU) Conference
Methodology for the verification of Buddhaghosa's Works
Proceeding/Conference:Theravada & Buddhaghosa - The 6th SLABS International Buddhist Conference
Borderless Scholarship: A Buddhist Perspective
Proceeding/Conference:International Conference on Asian Studies (ICAS)
Buddhist Sūtras Engraving on Stone Stūpas and Scribes in the Northern Liang
Proceeding/Conference:Archaeology and Art, Text and History New Perspectives on Silk Road Research International Academic Conference
Conflict analysis in Early Buddhism: a search for Roots of Conflict
Proceeding/Conference:International Buddhist Conference: Buddhism in 2lst Century: Perspectives and Responses to Global Issues
Frontiers of the Pali Comentarial Studies
Proceeding/Conference:Convocation of International Buddhist College
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 289