Name Card
rp02117 picture

Professor Shum, Kar Man Kathy 沈嘉敏

Associate Professor

Contact Information
rp02117 picture

Professor Shum, Kar Man Kathy 沈嘉敏

Associate Professor

Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
University of TorontoB.Sc. (Hons) in Human Biology
University of Physiology
The University of Hong KongPCEd
The University of Hong KongPCPsy
The University of Hong KongPh.D. in Educational Psychology
Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
2022-11-01Silver Award & My Favourite Project Award, Wofoo Asian Award for Advancing Family Well-Being 2022: Consortium of Institutes on Family in the Asian Region (CIFA)
2021-05-01Hospital Authority Convention 2021, Best Oral Presentation Award: Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2023-05-12King’s/HKU Fellowship Award
Research Achievement
2024-01-29Rosie Young 90 Medal for Outstanding Young Woman Scholar
Research Achievement
2021-02-01Social Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award 2019-20: Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong
Teaching Accomplishment
2019-09-01Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy: Advance HE (Higher Education Academy)
Teaching Accomplishment
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
Graduate MemberHong Kong Psychological Society
05/2016 - presentMemberDivision of Educational Psychology of the Hong Kong Psychological Society
02/2020 - presentMemberHong Kong Association of Educational Psychologists Limited
06/2018 - presentMemberDivision of Educational Psychology Continuing Education Subcommittee
01/2021 - presentMemberISPA Accreditation Committee
01/2018 - presentMemberInternational School Psychology Association (ISPA)
Media Contact Directory
Area of Expertise:
Area of Expertise (EN)Area of Expertise (ZH)
Educational psychology教育心理學
Curriculum and learning課程與學習
Spoken Languages:
Spoken Language(s) (EN)Spoken Language(s) (ZH)
English, Cantonese, Putonghua英語、粵語、普通話
Written Languages:
Written Language(s) (EN)Written Language(s) (ZH)
English, Chinese英文、中文
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