Professor Lam, Chi Leung David 林志良
Dr David CL Lam is a respiratory physician with interest in translational research and clinical trials in respiratory diseases including lung cancer, smoking and airway physiology, COPD and interventional pulmonology. His research focuses on translational research with biomarkers in lung cancer and airway.
In his research laboratory, new lung cancer and immortalized normal bronchial epithelial cell lines representing local Chinese population are established and characterized, and they are being used as cellular models for translational research on lung cancer, smoking and airway physiology research. Plasma EGFR mutations and circulating tumor markers are studied.
He also performs bronchoscopy including endobronchial ultrasonography and autofluorescence imaging. He acts as Co-convenor in the Special Interest Group in Interventional Pulmonology and the Hong Kong Pleural Disease Network under the Hong Kong Thoracic Society. He is currently in the International Lung Screening Trial (ILST) Consortium, steering lung screening and relevant biomaker research.
Dr David CL Lam is currently Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, University of Hong Kong. He is a respiratory physician with research commitment to translational research and clinical trials in respiratory diseases including lung cancer, COPD and interventional pulmonology. His research laboratory focused on translational research in lung cancer and COPD. He is currently in the International Lung Screening Trial (ILST) Consortium, steering international lung screening study and biomarker research. He had both in- and out-patients in respiratory medicine wards and clinics taking care of patients with lung cancer and other respiratory diseases at the university-affiliated Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong. He also performs interventional procedures including endobronchial ultrasonography and autofluorescence imaging at Queen Mary Hospital.
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