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Professor Yen, Benjamin Ping-Chang 顏秉常
Honorary Associate Professor
Research Interests:(click to check for cognate researchers)
Also Cited As:
Yen, BPC
Yen, B
Dr. Yen received his BS degree from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, and MS/MPhil/Ph.D. degrees from Columbia University, U.S.A. Prior to joining the School of Business, The University of Hong Kong in July 2001, he was associated with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). Dr. Yen has collaborated with international companies in the U.S. and Asia, such as Siemens, Bell Labs, Philips Labs, Paragon Management Systems, Daran Eastman, etc.
Research Interest: Supply Chain Management, Electronic Commerce, Web Information Systems, Scheduling Theory/Systems/Applications.
- Outstanding Teaching Award, HKU, 2011
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