Professional Qualifications

Chair Professor Gary C. BIDDLE is PCCW Professor and Chair of Accounting at the University of Hong Kong.  He also teaches at Columbia Business School, London Business School and Fudan University.  Professor Biddle earned his MBA and PhD degrees at University of Chicago.  He has previously served as professor at University of Chicago, University of Washington, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), and as visiting professor at premier business schools globally, including China Europe International Business School (China), University of Glasgow (UK), IMD (Switzerland) and Skolkovo (Russia).  In academic leadership, Professor Biddle served as Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Hong Kong, Associate Dean and Department Head of the Business School of HKUST, and HKUST Council member, Court member, Senate member and Synergis-Geoffrey Yeh Chair Professor.  Professor Biddle is presently Board and Executive Council Member of the American Accounting Association, Advisory Board Member of the American Accounting Association International Accounting Section, Council Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and member of the Financial Reporting Review Panel of the Financial Reporting Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.  Professionally he is Book Editor of The Accounting Review and a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Contemporary Accounting Research Editorial Board, Hong Kong Business and Professionals Federation, Hong Kong Institute of Directors (Training Committee), Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants, and past President and co-founding Council Member of the Hong Kong Academic Accounting Association.  Professor Biddle first visited China in 1984 and has made Hong Kong home since 1996.  He is expert in financial accounting, economic forecasting, value creation, corporate governance and performance metrics, including EVA®.  Professor Biddle’s research appears in leading academic journals and in the financial press including CNN, TheEconomist and Wall Street Journal. He has more career research citations than any other professor of HKU’s Faculty of Business and Economics, regardless of field, and ranks among the top 0.5% in career research citations among all social science researchers (Social Science Research Network).  Professor Biddle also has won 22 teaching awards, including two “Professor of Year” honors from the world’s top-ranked EMBA program.  Professor Biddle proudly serves as Independent Non-Executive Director and Audit Committee Chair of leading listed companies including Kingdee International, Shui On Land Limited, and he has chaired the remuneration committee of closely-held Chinachem Group.

Honours, Awards & Prizes
Professional Societies
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Professor Biddle, Gary Clark

Visiting Professor

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