Name Card
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Professor Botelho, Michael George

Clinical Professor

Contact Information
Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
Royal College of Surgeons of EdinburghMRD RCS
The Royal Australasian College of Dental SurgeonsFRACDS
University of LondonMSc
University of LondonBDS
University of the WitwatersrandPhD
Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
Sailynoja, ES
2011-11-241st Prize Poster Winner in the Category of Junior Researchers, Poster: Conjoint Scientific Sessions The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Dentistry Sichuan University West China College of Stomatology, Chengdu, PR China, 24-25 Nov 2011.Effects of resin matrix composition on flexural properties of e-glass fiber reinforced composites
Research Achievement
2010-10-01Best Oral Paper - Co-author: SEAADE Dental Education Research Competition, 21st Annual Scientific Meeting of SEAADE, Taipei, Taiwan
Research Achievement
2014-01-01Faculty Outstanding Teacher Award: Faculty of Dentistry, the University of Hong Kong
Teaching Accomplishment
2014-08-01Best Oral Presentation, SEAADE 25th Annual Scientific Meeting: 25th Annual Scientific Meeting, SE Asia Association for Dental Education (SEAADE)
Research Achievement
2003-11-012nd Prize for Free Paper (Oral) presentation: International Conference on Evidence-based Advanced Dentistry, Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2003-12-01Effects Of Combining Antibacterial Agents With A Dentine Conditioner: International Association of Dental Research - South East Asian Division
Research Achievement
Wong, JW
2013-03-01Outstanding Teaching Award (OTA) Team "PBL 2.0: E-learning for Problem-based Learning (PBL) at the Faculty of Dentistry": The University of Hong Kong Teaching Excellence Award Scheme(2012)
Teaching Accomplishment
2013-08-01Evaluation of a Clinical Session Diary - Student and Staff Feedback - Best Oral Presentation: The 24th South East Asian Association of Dental Education, Bangkok, Thailand
Research Achievement
2015-01-01University Outstanding Teacher Award 2014-15: The University of Hong Kong
Teaching Accomplishment
2015-08-01Excellence in Dental Education Award - Mature Educator: Association for Dental Education in Europe
Teaching Accomplishment
2015-08-01Oral Presentation, Best paper in Prosthodontics (A 15-year comparison of cantilevered and fixed-fixed resin bonded bridges): IADR SEA 29th Annual Scientific Meeting
Research Achievement
2015-12-01UGC Teaching Award 2015 - Teaching and Learning Initiative: University Grants Committee
Teaching Accomplishment
2016-03-01Teaching Innovation Award 2016: The University of Hong Kong
Teaching Accomplishment
WEI, Chenxuan
2016-06-01Proteomic evaluating salivary acquired pellicle on restorative material surfaces: 2016 IADR Heraeus Kulzer Travel Award and 1st runner's up IADR-SEA Unilever Hatton Division Award, 30th Annual Scientific Meeting (2016) of the International Association for Dental Research
Research Achievement
2019-09-011st Prize Oral presentation, Enhancing and broadening clinical experience; use of sharing sessions before and after teaching sessions – student and staff perspectives. 29th Annual Meeting South East Asian Association of Dental Education, Danang, Vietnam. September 11-12
Teaching Accomplishment
2019-09-01University Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Hong Kong 2018
Teaching Accomplishment
2019-09-01Teaching Innovation Award, University of Hong Kong
Teaching Accomplishment
2016-12-01Bronze Award (Asia Region): Problem-based Learning and Educational Technologies ?in Clinical Education:? An Interactional Ethnography: QS Wharton Reimagine Education Awards
Teaching Accomplishment
., Sonia
2017-06-01American Society for Virology Student Travel Award 2017: American Society for Virology
Research Achievement
2019-08-012nd Best Poster (Long term tooth wear status of post-radiotherapy nasopharygeal carcinoma survivors in Hong Kong): Hong Kong International Dental Expo And Symposium
Research Achievement
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
01/2002-01/2008MemberRoyal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons
01/2002-01/2007MemberHong Kong Prosthetic Society
01/2008-SecretaryHong Kong Prosthetic Society
Media Contact Directory
Area of Expertise:
Area of Expertise (EN)Area of Expertise (ZH)
Silver diammine fluoride
Resin bonded bridges
Patient health education videos
Oral biome
Dental Education: e-learning, video for learning, expert-student dialogue, clinical skills
Spoken Languages:
Spoken Language(s) (EN)Spoken Language(s) (ZH)
Written Languages:
Written Language(s) (EN)Written Language(s) (ZH)
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