AuthorsNo. of Publications
bridges, sm 28
matinlinna, jp 18
corbet, ef 16
dyson, je 16
yiu, cky 14
leung, wk 12
mcgrath, cpj 12
bridges, s 11
samaranayake, lp 10
comfort, mb 9
ebrahimi, m 9
gopinath, d 9
tsang, pcs 8
chan, lk 7
mcgrath, c 7
tsoi, kh 7
yuen, ks 7
lam, wyh 6
leung, kcm 6
lo, ecm 6
bhuyan, sy 5
chan, awk 5
jin, d 5
johnson, nw 5
lam, olt 5
lam, yh 5
li, ky 5
menon, rk 5
monmaturapoj, n 5
pow, ehn 5
chan, akm 4
darvell, bw 4
dyson, john edwin 4
green, jl 4
lam, walter y h 4
lam, yhw 4
lin, j 4
lou, yl 4
lu, ww 4
shinya, a 4
watt, rm 4
wong, gtc 4
yiu, c 4
zhang, m 4
banerjee, m 3
bornstein, mm 3
chaudhary, v 3
chow, tw 3
gao, x 3
jagannathan, n 3
jangra, s 3
khong, ml 3
kukk, e 3
kunnath menon, r 3
lui, wy 3
newsome, prh 3
peng, jj 3
sailynoja, es 3
tanner, ja 3
wong, tl 3
yang, y 3
zheng, zq 3
behera, pk 2
bharti, a 2
bih, sk 2
burrow, mf 2
chan, k 2
cheung, gjk 2
chian, mm 2
dias, aplh 2
dyson, je 2
ha, wk 2
ho, cmb 2
ho, eht 2
jangra, sonia 2
jin, j 2
kheur, s 2
lai, cn 2
leung, dyp 2
mandal, d 2
matinlinna, j 2
mcgrath, colman p j 2
mcmillan, as 2
monmaturapoj, naruporn 2
ng, h 2
oancea, r 2
paganelli, c 2
panda, s 2
peng, j 2
peng, jy 2
pow, eh 2
roychoudhury, s 2
shih, k 2
wei, c 2
wie, cc 2
., s 1
., sonia 1
abd-shukor, sn 1
agrawal, k 1
agrawal, kr 1
becker, p 1
benerjee, m 1
bharti, aradhana 1
boubaker, b 1
brandt, bw 1
burrow, m 1
chan, alex w k 1
chan, e 1
chan, hc 1
chan, kh 1
chan, kma 1
chan, rst 1
chang, j 1
chang, jww 1
chau, acm 1
chau, cm 1
chen, x 1
cheng, ss 1
cheng, tf 1
cheung, gck 1
cheung, jkg 1
chu, fc 1
chun wie, c 1
coogan, mm 1
crielaard, w 1
dangay, s 1
darvell, bw 1
ding, h 1
dorozhkin, sv 1
dyson, j 1
ebrahimi, ma 1
ekambaram, m 1
ferillo, p 1
ferrillo, pj 1
gao, xl 1
gomez, a 1
gong, t 1
green, j 1
green, jl 1
heinonen, m 1
hmelo-silver, c 1
ho, d 1
ho, eh 1
ho, kl 1
ho, tk 1
hsung, rt 1
jiang, h 1
jin, d-y 1
jin, dong yan 1
jin, dy 1
kember, d 1
kon, h 1
kumar r, p 1
lam, h 1
lam, o 1
lam, wy 1
lau, skp 1
law, rsk 1
lee, j 1
lee, uya 1
leung, myy 1
leung, nic c h 1
leung, tm 1
leung, vws 1
leung, yy 1
lo, clr 1
lo, e 1
lou, y 1
low, b 1
low, kj 1
lu, w 1
lu, w 1
lui, tt 1
lui, wai yin 1
luk, hwk 1
luk, kyc 1
lung, cyk 1
lung, m 1
luo, y 1
ma, x 1
mak, kck 1
man, whc 1
meier, tct 1
mui, h 1
mui, thf 1
nallaswamy, d 1
nelson, ke 1
newsome, pr 1
ng, jpz 1
ng, ks 1
oilo, m 1
owen, s 1
pan, hb 1
peng, jjy 1
peng, s 1
puska, ma 1
reaney, d 1
serrano, cm 1
seto, wca 1
shum, d 1
smales, rj 1
su, y 1
säilynoja, es 1
tamil, am 1
tan, j 1
tanaka, r 1
tang, kt 1
teng, ll 1
tew, im 1
thangavelu, l 1
thomas, h 1
thomas, hf 1
tse, ak 1
tse, akl 1
tse, etp 1
veettil, sk 1
vervoorn, jm 1
wang, as 1
wang, s 1
wang, xz 1
wang, y 1
wangpermtam, p 1
watt, r 1
wei, c-x 1
wei, cx 1
wesselink, pr 1
wong, amy 1
wong, hm 1
wong, ib 1
wong, jw 1
wong, nhm 1
wong, nok hei mickey 1
wong, rwk 1
woo, pcy 1
wyatt-smith, c 1
wyatt-smith, cm 1
xiong, l 1
yahaya, n 1
yeung, awk 1
yip, khk 1
yip, vsp 1
yiu, eyl 1
yon, mjy 1
yuen, kit san 1
yung, d 1
zhang, l 1
zheng, z 1
zwahlen, r 1
zwahlen, ra 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
problem-based learning 12
clinical competence 10
dental education 10
dentistry 10
medical sciences 10
competency 9
hong kong 8
humans 8
adult 7
curriculum 7
dental curriculum 7
dental graduate 7
dental graduates 7
dental practice 7
education 7
education, dental - organization and administration 7
internet in education. 7
longevity 7
patient satisfaction 7
problem-based learning. 7
saliva 7
students, dental - psychology 7
university of hong kong. faculty of dentistry. 7
dental 6
dental implants 6
employee performance 6
graduate 6
male 6
middle aged 6
surface roughness 6
zirconia 6
arginase 5
arginine deiminase 5
arginine metabolism 5
bacterial pathogenesis 5
cancer therapy 5
cariology 5
continuing dental education 5
crowns 5
dental ceramics 5
dental materials - chemistry 5
dental occlusion 5
dental restoration, permanent - methods 5
dentin 5
final-year students 5
fixed dental prostheses 5
grinding 5
journal-based learning 5
molar 5
patient care planning 5
research 5
resin bonded bridge 5
resin-bonded bridges 5
success 5
survival 5
vertical dimension 5
abrasion 4
dental abutments 4
dental pulp diseases - diagnosis 4
dental pulp exposure - therapy 4
denture design 4
denture, partial, fixed, resin-bonded 4
e-learning 4
female 4
home bleaching 4
malocclusion, angle class iii - therapy 4
microtensile bond strength 4
non-rigid connector 4
orthodontic appliances 4
periodontal diseases - diagnosis 4
protein 4
randomized controlled trials 4
surface properties 4
tetracycline 4
tooth abrasion - diagnosis - therapy 4
tooth crown - pathology 4
tooth erosion - diagnosis - therapy 4
tooth wear 4
tooth whitening 4
tungsten carbide 4
video 4
zirconiapolishing 4
2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate 3
aged 3
aged, 80 and over 3
air abrasion 3
air particle abrasion 3
alveolar osteitis 3
amelogenesis imperfecta 3
artificial saliva 3
atraumatic restorative treatment 3
bi-axial flexural strength 3
biological complications 3
biomechanics 3
bond durability 3
bond formation 3
bounded edentulous space 3
calibration 3
camera 3
ceramic 3
clinical 3
clinical trial 3
colour 3
complete denture prosthodontics 3
complication rates 3
complications 3
contributing student pedagogy 3
critical theory of technology 3
curriculum design 3
debonding 3
dental bonding 3
dental materials 3
dental pellicle 3
dental prosthesis retention 3
dental restoration failure 3
dentine 3
dentine bonding 3
denture retention 3
denture retention - instrumentation 3
depth and breadth 3
diagnosis 3
digital photography 3
dry socket 3
dry storage 3
epstein-barr virus 3
eye tracking 3
face recognition 3
failures 3
fiber-reinforced composites 3
fixed partial denture 3
follow-up studies 3
gaze analysis 3
health sciences education 3
higher education 3
horizontal integration 3
immunology 3
implantology 3
inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy 3
integration 3
interactional ethnography 3
interview 3
irradiation therapy 3
learning 3
learning issues 3
learning technologies 3
lived experience 3
local side effects 3
management 3
mass spectrometry 3
matrix management 3
medical education 3
molar, third 3
multiple choice questions 3
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 3
online information 3
online searching 3
oral health impact profile 3
oral health-related quality of life 3
oral side effects 3
outcome (health) 3
pbl 3
peer-assisted 3
peri-implantitis 3
professional curricula 3
prostheses 3
prosthodontics and quality of life 3
proteogenomic 3
qualitative analysis 3
qualitative research 3
resin cements 3
resin cements - chemistry 3
resin-bonded fixed partial denture 3
resin-bonded prosthesis 3
retrospective studies 3
root canal therapy 3
salivary proteins and peptides 3
sandblasting 3
self-directed learning 3
silver 3
silver diamine fluoride 3
silver diammine fluoride 3
single crowns 3
smartphone 3
spectrophotometer 3
systemic side effects 3
technical complications 3
tooth preparation, prosthodontic 3
tooth surface loss 3
trace elements 3
treatment journey 3
undergraduate 3
vertical integration 3
video learning 3
visual recognition 3
16s rrna sequencing 2
abutment height 2
academic achievement 2
access 2
acrylic resins - chemistry 2
adhesives 2
adolescent 2
adverse effects 2
aging 2
alveolar bone loss - classification 2
amelogenesis imperfecta - rehabilitation 2
amoxicillin 2
amoxicillin–potassium clavulanate combination 2
anti-infective agents, local - chemistry 2
approaches to learning 2
assessment preparation 2
atr-ftir 2
bacteria 2
bacterial dysbiosis 2
bglf2 2
biaxial flexural strength 2
bioceramics 2
biofilms 2
biomimetic 2
biphasic calcium phosphate 2
bond strength 2
bonded amalgam 2
bone tissue engineering 2
cantilever prosthesis 2
cantileverfixed-movable 2
caspase 2
cell adhesion 2
cementation 2
clinical gap 2
clinical skills 2
clinical transition 2
competence assessment 2
composite resins - chemistry 2
connectors 2
contamination 2
decontamination 2
degree of conversion 2
demineralization 2
dental anomalies 2
dental caries 2
dental enamel - abnormalities 2
dental implant 2
dental material 2
dental porcelain - chemistry 2
dental pulp diseases - therapy 2
dental radiology 2
dental stress analysis 2
dental students 2
dental veneers 2
dentin - ultrastructure 2
dentin bonding 2
dialogue 2
durapatite - chemistry 2
ebv 2
epstein–barr virus 2
esthetics 2
esthetics, dental 2
fiber post 2
fiber reinforced composite 2
finite element analysis 2
fixed partial dentures 2
fixed prosthodontics 2
fixed-movable 2
flexural properties 2
fluoride 2
fracture resistant 2
freeze‐drying 2
full ceramic crown 2
full-mouth rehabilitation 2
gelatin - chemistry 2
glass ionomer cements - chemistry 2
gold alloys - chemistry 2
gradient porosity 2
hardness 2
hardness and urethane dimethacrylate 2
head and neck cancer 2
healthcare students 2
hplc 2
hydroxyapatite 2
inflammasome 2
interferon 2
jak-stat 2
jak-stat signaling 2
jaw relation record 2
leached monomer 2
learning analytics 2
long term 2
malocclusion - therapy 2
meta-analysis 2
microbiome 2
microleakage 2
microscopy, electron, transmission 2
mineralization 2
nanocomposite scaffold 2
nanoparticle 2
natural frequency 2
non-rigid 2
online 2
online learning 2
oral cancer 2
oral health related quality of life 2
orthodontic treatment 2
permeability 2
phosphates 2
porcelain veneers 2
post length 2
program evaluation 2
prosthodontics - education 2
psychomotor skills 2
quaternary ammonium compounds - chemistry 2
questionnaires 2
randomized clinical trial 2
reactive oxygen species 2
resin bonded fixed partial denture 2
retainer design 2
retention 2
retrospective study 2
review 2
shp1 phosphatase 2
silane 2
silica coating 2
silver compounds 2
spectrometry, x-ray emission 2
stress 2
stressors 2
surface treatment of zirconia 2
systematic review 2
teaching - methods 2
thermo-cycling 2
third 2
titanium 2
tooth mobility - classification 2
tooth remineralization 2
type i interferon 2
urethane dimethacrylate 2
vicarious 2
vicker's hardness 2
videos 2
vitamin e 2
water sorption 2
x-ray diffraction 2
617.63 s93 f 1
617.63 s93 f4 1
617.63 s93 s 1
617.63 s93 t 1
abutment 1
acid etching, dental 1
acrylic resins - pharmacology 1
actinomyces - drug effects 1
actinomycetales - drug effects 1
adhesion 1
adhesive technique 1
adult stem cell 1
agar diffusion test 1
alveolar process - pathology 1
ammonium fluoride 1
analysis of variance 1
animals 1
anti-infective agents, local - administration & dosage 1
anti-infective agents, local - administration & dosage - pharmacology 1
anti-infective agents, local - pharmacology 1
antibacterial 1
antibacterials 1
atraumatic restorative therapy 1
audiovisual aids 1
bacteriome 1
benzalkonium compounds - administration & dosage 1
benzalkonium compounds - administration & dosage - pharmacology 1
benzalkonium compounds - chemistry 1
benzalkonium compounds - pharmacology 1
biphasic calcium phosphates 1
biphasic nanocomposite bioceramics 1
bone resorption - classification 1
bone scintigraphy 1
bone substitutes 1
bridges 1
briefing 1
cantilevered 1
caries 1
cariogenic bacteria 1
ceramics 1
cetrimide 1
cetrimonium compounds - administration & dosage 1
cetrimonium compounds - administration & dosage - pharmacology 1
cetrimonium compounds - chemistry 1
cetrimonium compounds - pharmacology 1
cetylpyridinium - administration & dosage 1
cetylpyridinium - administration & dosage - pharmacology 1
cetylpyridinium - pharmacology 1
characterization 1
chlorhexidine 1
chlorhexidine - administration & dosage 1
chlorhexidine - administration & dosage - pharmacology 1
chlorhexidine - analogs & derivatives - chemistry 1
chlorhexidine - pharmacology 1
clinical experience 1
composites and dental materials 1
compressive strength 1
computer assisted learning 1
computer-assisted instruction 1
condylar hyperplasia 1
cost-benefit analysis 1
curricula 1
debriefing 1
dental caries - microbiology 1
dental caries - therapy 1
dental prosthesis (牙修復體) 1
dental prosthesis design 1
dental stress analysis (牙應力分析) 1
dentin - drug effects 1
dentin-bonding agents - chemistry 1
denture design - classification - economics 1
denture repair 1
denture, partial 1
denture, partial, fixed 1
denture, partial, fixed - classification - economics 1
denture, partial, fixed, resin-bonded - classification - economics 1
developing countries 1
diffusion 1
disinfectants - pharmacology 1
dose-response relationship, drug 1
drug combinations 1
drug interactions 1
education, dental 1
education, dental - methods 1
educational measurement 1
educational status 1
educational technology 1
extraction 1
e‐learning 1
faculty development 1
feedback 1
fixed-fixed design 1
fixed-movable prosthesis 1
focus groups 1
fractional inhibitory concentration index 1
glass ionomer cement 1
glass ionomer cements 1
global networking 1
gram-positive bacteria - drug effects 1
group participation 1
group processes 1
hydrogen-ion concentration 1
hydrophilicity 1
infection 1
instructional film and video 1
lactobacillus - drug effects 1
lactobacillus acidophilus - drug effects 1
lactobacillus casei - drug effects 1
learning management system 1
learning management systems 1
leukoplakia 1
long-span prosthesis 1
materials testing 1
memory 1
microbial sensitivity tests 1
minimum inhibitory concentration 1
modified resin-bonded-bridge (非剛性連接體) 1
molar, third - drug effects 1
mouth - microbiology 1
networking 1
nonrigid connectors 1
observational learning 1
on demand 1
open bite 1
oral microbiome 1
orofacial stem cells 1
overlay denture 1
peer group 1
peer learning 1
periodontal disease 1
periodontitis 1
periodontium 1
porosity 1
postoperative complication 1
powders 1
pre-clinical 1
pre-clinical study 1
problem solving 1
problem-based learning - methods 1
prosthodontics -- study and teaching (higher) 1
quaternary ammonium compounds 1
reflection 1
regenerative medicine 1
resin cement 1
resin-bonded 1
resin-bonded dentures 1
shear bond strength 1
silver nitrate 1
simulation 1
simulation laboratory 1
sodium hypochlorite - pharmacology 1
staff mobility 1
statistics, nonparametric 1
stem cell therapy 1
streptococcus - drug effects 1
streptococcus mutans - drug effects 1
streptococcus sanguis - drug effects 1
stress, mechanical 1
student centred learning 1
student-centred 1
students 1
students, dental 1
study guide 1
study protocol 1
teaching materials 1
tensile strength - drug effects 1
thinking 1
third molar 1
thymol - pharmacology 1
time factors 1
training 1
transition 1
tween 1
vicarious learning 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
caries prevention, health education, health literacy, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, quality of life 7
chlorhexidine, complication, microbiome, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, quality of life, radiotherapy 5
curriculum design, educational technologies, interactional ethnography, problem-based learning, student learning outcomes 5
assessment, clinical education, dental education, higher education, standards, teacher judgement 3
bone regeneration, microfluidics, stem cell, tissue engineering 3
clinical trial, fixed prosthodontics, resin-bonded bridge, zirconia 3
education, learning, pbl 3
epstein-barr virus (ebv), nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc), topbp1, crispr, latency ii 3
acquired pellicle, biofilm, dental restorative materials, oral diseases prevention, saliva 2
activation, caspase, epstein-barr, lytic, nasopharyngeal, replication 2
cariogenic organism, ionomer cement, surfactant agent 2
dentistry, prosthodontics, randomized clinical trial, resin-bonded bridge, success 2
epstein-barr virus (ebv), immune evasion, infectious mononucleosis, innate antiviral response, interferon γ, type i interferons 2
null 2
analysis, caries, dentine, silver 1
antimicrobial effect 1
assessment for learning, student engagement 1
biofilm, flurocarbon, nanotechnology 1
caries, dentine, enamel, glass ionomer cement, silver 1
caries, silver diammine fluoride 1
clinial teaching 1
dental education, assessment, e-learning and feedback 1
dental education, assessment, e-learning, feedback and curriculum planning 1
dental/education 1
dentine, dentistry, silver diammine fluoride 1
education, students as partners, wellness 1
metagenome, oral cancer, oral microbiome,, potentially malignant disorders 1
refer to hard copy 1
dentistry, education, teaching and learning 1
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