Department of Surgery

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General Information
Department of Surgery  
    in the Faculty of:
2255 4589
2855 1897
Key People
Cheung Kung-Hai Professor in Gastrointestinal Surgery; and Professor, Chair of Esophageal and Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery
2255 4774

Professor: Chair of Hepatobiliary Surgery
2255 4748

Professor, Chair of Transplant Oncology and Immunology
3917 9646

Assistant Registrar
Miss Chan, EYK
2255 4238

Assistant Registrar
Ms Chan, VMK
2255 4073
RP - Teaching List, Current
2018 S1BBMS30121AStem Cell Biotechnologies in Regenerative Medicine
2018 S1BCHM46081BFundamentals of Diagnosis
Choi, Hok Kwok
Wong, Chiu Cheuk
2018 S2SURG66062ASurgical anatomy of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas
2018 S1SURG60241AAndrology and surgical treatment of male-factor infertility
2018 S1SURG60211ABenign and malignant prostate diseases: advanced diagnostics and management
2018 S2SURG60252AClinical and scientific basis of malignant urological diseases
2018 S2SURG60242AAndrology and surgical treatment of male-factor infertility
2019 S1SURG63011AAssessment and rehabilitation of swallowing disorders
2018 S1SURG66061ASurgical anatomy of the liver, biliary tract and pancreas
2018 S2SURG66042APreoperative assessment of liver function before hepatectomy
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