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Professor Leung, Sze Man Kathy 梁詩敏

Assistant Professor

Short Biography:

Kathy Leung received her BS in Biological Sciences and Economics from School of Life Sciences and China Center for Economic Research at Peking University, MPhil and PhD from School of Public Health at The University of Hong Kong.

Kathy was initially a wet-bench trainee biochemist aiming to elucidate the signalling pathways of innate immunity against virus infections. Later she found her interest lies more in mathematics and statistics involved in biological processes. In recent years, her primary research is in mathematical modelling of a wide range of communicable and non-communicable diseases, such as influenza, MERS, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, HPV, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer and breast cancer. She also conducts epidemiological and economic evaluations of intervention strategies against communicable and non-communicable diseases, such as HFMD vaccination and breast cancer screening programmes. She was the core developer of HKU's first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Epidemics.

Professional Qualifications
Honours, Awards & Prizes
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