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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Defects and Their Influencing Factors of Posthandover New-Build Homes
Journal:Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
Defects of new-build dwellings constructed to building regulations and to ‘The Code for Sustainable Homes’
Proceeding/Conference:29th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference (ARCOM)
Hamilton paths in toroidal graphs
Journal:Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B
Sullivan, MLewis, SAffum-Baffoe, KCastilho, CCosta, FSanchez, AEwango, CHubau, WMarimon, BMonteagudo-Mendoza, AQie, LBurban, BCamargo, JCastro, WCéron, CRibeiro, SMoscoso, VChave, JChezeaux, EClark, CKalamandeen, MSilveira, JSouza, FCollins, MComiskey, JValverde, FMedina, MCosta, LDančák, MDargie, GDavies, SCardozo, NSimo-Droissart, MDjuikouo, MHaulleville, TMedeiros, MPasquel, JDerroire, GFiore, ADoucet, JDourdain, ADroissart, VDuque, LSimon, MEkoungoulou, RSonké, BElias, FErwin, TEsquivel-Muelbert, AFauset, SFerreira, JLlampazo, GFoli, GFord, ESingh, JGilpin, AHall, MKearsley, EHamer, JHamilton, KHarris, AHart, DHédl, THerault, BUmetsu, RShareva, YKho, LKilleen, TKitayama, KKlitgaard, BKoch, ALabrière, NLaurance, WLaurance, SMartinez, RLeal, SStahl, CLevesley, MLima, ALisingo, ALopes, JLopez-Gonzalez, ALovejoy, GLovett, TLowe, JMagnusson, RBaker, TStropp, JMalumbres-Olarte, WManzatto, JMarimon, AMarshall, BMarthews, TReis, SMaycock, CMelgaço, KMendoza, CMetali, FSukri, RBrienen, RMihindou, VMilliken, WMitchard, EMorandi, PMossman, HNagy, LNascimento, HNeill, DNilus, RSunderland, TVargas, RFeldpausch, TPalacios, PCamacho, WPeacock, NPendry, CMora, CPickavance, GPipoly, JPitman, NAiba, SPlayfair, MPoorter, LGalbraith, DPoulsen, JPoulsen, APreziosi, RPrieto, APrimack, RRamírez-Angulo, HReitsma, JHerrera, RRéjou-Méchain, MCorrea, ZSousa, TGloor, MBayona, LRoopsind, ARudas, ARutishauser, ESalim, KSalomão, RSvátek, MSchietti, JSheil, DSilva, REspejo, JMalhi, YValeria, CSwaine, MSwamy, VTaedoumg, HTalbot, JTaplin, JTaylor, DSteege, HTerborgh, JThomas, RHiguchi, NAlexiades, MThomas, STorres-Lezama, AUmunay, PGamarra, LHeijden, GHout, PMeer, PNieuwstadt, MVerbeeck, HHladik, AVernimmen, RAlmeida, EVicentini, AVieira, ITorre, EVleminckx, JVos, VWang, OWhite, LWillcock, SCoronado, EWoods, JWortel, VOliveira, EYoung, KZagt, RZemagho, LZuidema, PZwerts, JPhillips, ODávila, EHuamantupa-Chuquimaco, ILoayza, PAndrade, AVieira, SAragão, LAraujo-Murakami, AArets, EArroyo, LAshton, PC, GBaccaro, FHuasco, WBanin, LBaraloto, CCamargo, PBarlow, JBarroso, JBastin, JBatterman, SBeeckman, HBegne, SBennett, AJeffery, KBerenguer, EBerry, NBlanc, LBoeckx, PBogaert, PBonal, DBongers, FBradford, MBrearley, FBrncic, TJimenez-Rojas, EBrown, F