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Showing results 122 to 141 of 238 < previous   next >
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
Image-domain Material Decomposition for Spectral CT using a Generalized Dictionary Learning
Journal:IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences
Influenza virus RNA in aerosols in patient rooms
Proceeding/Conference:International Meeting on Respiratory Pathogens, IMRP 2015
Inhibition of chromium and cadmium on anaerobic acidogenesis
Proceeding/Conference:Proceedings of 1st World Congress of the International Water Association
An interstitial fluid transdermal extraction, collection and measurement system
Proceeding/Conference:NEMS 2011 - 6th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems
An, FAndriamirado, MBalantekin, ABand, HBass, CBergeron, DBerish, DBishai, MBlyth, SBowden, NBryan, CCao, GCao, JChang, JChang, YChen, HChen, SChen, YCheng, YCheng, JCheng, ZCherwinka,, JChu, MClassen, TConant, ACummings, JDalager, ODeichert, GDelgado, ADeng, FDing, YDiwan, MDohnal, TDolinski, MDolzhikov, DDove, JDvořák, MDwyer, DErickson, AFoust, BTGaison, JGalindo-Uribarri, AGallo, JGilbert, CGonchar, MGong, GGong, HGrassi, MGu, WGuo, JGuo, LGuo, XGuo, YGuo, ZHackenburg, RHans, SHansell, AHe, MHeeger, KHeffron, BHeng, YHor, YHsiung, YHu, BHu, JHu, THu, ZHuang, HHuang, JHuang, XHuang, YHuber, PKoblanski, JJaffe, DJayakumar, SJen, KJi, XJi, XJohnson, RJones, DKang, LKettell, SKohn, SKramer, MKyzylova, OLane, CLangford, TLaRosa, JLee, JLee, HCJLei, RLeitner, RLeung, JKCLi, FLi, HLi, JLi, QLi, RLi, SLi, SLi, WLi, XLi, XLi, YLi, ZLiang, HLin, CLin, GLin, SLing, JLink, JLittenberg, LLittlejohn, BLiu, JLiu, JLiu, JLu, CLu, HLu, XLuk, KMa, BMa, XMa, XMa, YMandujano, RMaricic, JMarshall, CMcDonald, KMcKeown, RMendenhall, MMeng, YMeyer, AMilincic, RMueller, PMumm, HNapolitano, JNaumov, DNaumova, ENeilson, RNguyen, TNikkel, JNour, SOchoa-Ricoux, JOlshevskiy, APalomino, JPan, HPark, JPatton, SPeng, CPun, JCSPushin, DQi, FQi, MQian, XRaper, NRen, JMorales Reveco, CRosero, RRoskovec, BRuan, XSearles, MSteiner, HSun, JSurukuchi, PTmej, TTreskov, KTse, WTull, CTyra, MVarner, RVenegas-Vargas, DViren, BVorobel, VWang, CWang, JWang, MWang, NWang, RWang, WWang, WWang, XWang, YWang, YWang, ZWang, ZWang, ZWeatherly, PWei, HWei, LWen, LWhisnant, KWhite, CWilhelmi, JWong, HWoolverton, AWorcester, EWu, DWu, FWu, QWu, WXia, DXie, ZXing, ZXu, HXu, JXu, TXue, TYang, CYang, LYang, YYao, HYe, MYeh, MYoung, BYu, HYu, ZYue, BZavadskyi, VZeng, SZeng, YZhan, LZhang, CZhang, FZhang, HZhang, JZhang, QZhang, SZhang, XZhang, XZhang, YZhang, YZhang, YZhang, ZZhang, ZZhang, ZZhao, JZhao, RZhou, LZhuang, HZou, J
Lattice Dynamics and Electrical Transport in SnSe under High Pressure
Proceeding/Conference:The 17th International Conference on High Pressure in Semiconductor Physics (HPSP-17) & Workshop on High Pressure Study on Superconducting (WHS)