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Name Card
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Professor Chan, Carol Kwai Kuen 陳桂涓

Honorary Professor

Teaching List, Current
2023 S1EDUC6760FCEducational inquiry
2023 S2EDUC6760FCEducational inquiry
2022 S2EDUC6760FFEducational inquiry
2021 S1EDUC6760FCEducational inquiry
2021 S2EDUC6760FCEducational inquiry
2021 S2MEDD64422ACognition, learning, and instruction
2023 S1EDUC6760FLEducational inquiry
2023 S2EDUC6760FLEducational inquiry
2019 S1EDUC6760FCEducational inquiry
2019 S1EDUR80411APlanning for Theory, Methods and Impact of 'Learning-based Research' in Schools and Classrooms
2019 S1MEDD64421ACognition, learning, and instruction
2019 S2EDUC6760FCEducational inquiry
2019 S2MEDD71082AFostering 21st century skills with knowledge building
2020 S1EDUC6760FCEducational inquiry
2020 S1MEDD64421ACognition, learning, and instruction
2018 S2EDUC6760FFEducational inquiry
2018 S2EDUR80422ATheories of Learning and Design of Learning Environment
2018 S2MEDD71082AFostering 21st century skills with knowledge building
2018 S1EDUC6760FFEducational inquiry
2018 S1MEDD64421ACognition, learning, and instruction
2020 S2EDUC6760FCEducational inquiry
2020 S2EDUR70702ALearning Theories and Educational Models for the 21st Century
2022 S1EDUC6760FCEducational inquiry
2022 S2EDUC6760FCEducational inquiry
2022 S2EDUR70702ALearning Theories and Educational Models for the 21st Century
2022 S2MEDD64422ACognition, learning, and instruction
2024 S1EDUC6760FCEducational inquiry
2024 S2EDUC6760FCEducational inquiry
2024 S2MEDD64422ACognition, learning, and instruction
2024 S1EDUC6760FLEducational inquiry
2024 S2EDUC6760FLEducational inquiry
Supervision of Research Postgraduate Students
StatusThesis TitleField of StudyStudent
Developing Epistemic Understanding and Productive Inquiry in Knowledge Building through Meta-discourseLearning Sciences 2014 Phd
Tong Yuyao
Fostering Learning and Collaboration through Computer-Supported Collaborative Inquiry among Chinese Tertiary Business English StudentsConceptual Change / Learning and Assessment Cognitive, Cultural and Pedagogical Challenges: Chinese Students' Adaptation to British Academic Culture in EIB Classes in China2005 Phd
Zhao Ke
Fostering Collaborative Knowledge Building through Reflective Assessment among Chinese Tertiary StudentsLearning, Development and Diversity2009 Phd
Lei Chunlin
Conceptions of Learning and Teaching amongst Teachers Studying In-Service Degrees in Hong KongCognitive psychology1995 Phd
Tang Kwong Wai Thomas
Children's Beliefs about Learning and Strategy Use in Chinese Text ComprehensionEducational Psychology1998 Phd
Law Yin Kum
Assessing and Fostering Collaborative Knowledge Building Among Chinese High-School Students Learning and Instruction2001 Phd
Lee Yeung Chun Eddy
Fostering Conceptual Change and Epistemic Change in Chemistry Through Collaborative Knowledge-building InquiryEducational and Instructional Psychology (Conceptual Change and Knowledge Building)2006 Phd
Lam Ching Kin
Characterizing and Fostering Epistemological Beliefs Among College Students in Hong KongEducational Psychology2005 Phd
Lee Wing Sze Wincy
Reflective Assessment in Knowledge Building Using the Knowledge Connections AnalyzerInformation and Technology Studies2011 Phd
Yang Yuqin
Fostering Scientific Epistemology Among Elementary-school Students Through Knowledge BuildingEducational Research on Teaching & Learning (including Physical Education)2010 Phd
Lin Feng
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education2023 Phd
Lam Man Ho Adrian
Characterizing the Discourse Patterns of Collaborative Knowledge BuildingInformation and Technology Studies2009 Phd
Fu Lai Fan
Characterizing and Fostering Students' Knowledge Building and Scientific UnderstandingEducational and Instructional Psychology2003 MPhil
Leung Wai Hung
STEM Education2023 Phd
Chang Xinyu
Secondary School Students' Evaluation of Evidence from Investigations of Force and MotionPhysics Education2011 Phd
Ma Guanzhong
Clarifying the Relationship Between Science Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Student Learning OutcomesScience Education2018 Phd
She Jianyun
Supporting Students' Collective Idea Improvement Through Analytics-Augmented Metadiscourse in Knowledge BuildingLearning Sciences; Computer Supported Collaborative Learning2018 Phd
Yu Yawen
Learning and Instruction, Learning Sciences, Knowledge Building2018 Phd
Zhang Junjie
Designing Evolution of Knowledge Building Using Opportunistic Collaboration and Idea-Friend MapsScience Education2015 Phd
Feng Xueqi
Learning Sciences; Dialogic Teaching; Classroom Discourse; Video Visualization2021 Others
Zhang Xiaojie
Developing productive peer talk in dialogic collaborative problem solving: A participatory visual learning analytical approachThe Learning Sciences2017 Phd
Hu Liru
Online Learning; Learning Sciences;Social Network Analysis2020 Others
Liu Jialiang
HKU Committee Appointments
Start DateEnd DateCommitteeCategoryBody
1995-10-011998-06-30Faculty of Education, Board of theLecturers in Faculty
2001-07-012003-08-31Faculty of Education, Board of theLecturers in Faculty
2003-09-012012-06-30Faculty of Education, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2020-07-012021-06-30Faculty of Education, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
1998-07-012001-06-30Faculty of Education, Board of theLecturers in Faculty
2015-07-012020-06-30Faculty of Education, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2012-07-012015-06-30Faculty of Education, Board of theThe teachers who are members of the Faculty and who are full-time employees of the University
2022-07-012023-06-30Faculty of Education, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the Senate
2021-07-012022-06-30Faculty of Education, Board of theSuch other teachers as may be appointed to the Board by the SenateSenate
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