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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 654
TitleAuthor(s)Issue Date
The Free-Trade Print Crusade of Philadelphia’s William W. Wood and the Corporate Character of Inter-imperial Finance from Canton to Bengal
Proceeding/Conference:Exodus and Exile: Migrants, Refugees, Asylum Seekers and the Problem of Slavery in the Pacific and Atlantic Worlds, 1750-1850 (09/12/2021-11/12/2021, Chicago and Hong Kong)
America’s Insular Projections: Timothy Mo’s Macau and US Legacies of Periodical Print Culture
Proceeding/Conference:Blurred Boundaries: Islands, Ports, and Borders in Global History and Literature (26/08/2023-27/08/2023, Macau)
“Translating the Declaration of Independence: American Frontiers of Good Governance in the Era of Opium Wars”
Proceeding/Conference:Symposium on New Frontiers and Directions in Chinese History (23/06/2023-25/06/2023, Hong Kong)
Speaker discriminatory power of voice quality acoustics under forensic conditions
Proceeding/Conference:The 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2023) (07/08/2023-11/08/2023, Prague)
Debilitating to capacitate: Discourses of innate sex characteristics in Hong Kong hospitals
Proceeding/Conference:Centering Intersex: Global and Local Dimensions (20/02/2023-23/02/2023, Huddersfield)
Performing everyday authenticity in online vlogs
Proceeding/Conference:Sociolinguistics Symposium 24
Profound Banality, Banal Profundity: Three Exercises in Reading Hong Kong
Proceeding/Conference:Annual conference of the Association of Nordic Theatre Studies
‘Three Exercises in Reading Hong Kong’
Proceeding/Conference:Annual Conference of the American Society for Theatre Research
Quo vadis? Indian theatre studies at the crossroads
Proceeding/Conference:International Federation for Theatre Research 2022 Conference
From Marital Unions to Female Homosociality: An (Alternative) Identity in the Making in Virginia To the Lighthouse.
Proceeding/Conference:COEDA 2021 'Reading Healings, Writing Cures', 24 September 2021, Virtual, Conference Presentation
Is ‘trust’ a language-mythical concept? An integrational reflection
Proceeding/Conference:6th September 2021 – 9th September 2021 ECREA 2021 – 8th European Communication Conference, EU [Online]
Cultural (re)productions of a colonial paradise in a time of crises: Shameen, Canton in the late nineteenth century.
Proceeding/Conference:2021 Coalition of English Departments in Asia Conference: Reading Healings, Writing Cures. Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University. 24 September 2021, online.
Cultural (re)productions of a utopian enclave: Colonial Shameen, Canton in the late nineteenth century.
Proceeding/Conference:Postgraduate Workshop: Treaty Port China in World History c. 1842–1930. The University of Portsmouth, Dalian Maritime University, and Hong Kong Baptist University. 27-28 January 2022, online. https://porttowns.port.ac.uk/event- programme-treaty-port-china/
Literary and cultural (re)productions of a utopian island: Performative geographies of Shamian, Guangzhou in the latter half of the 19th century.
Proceeding/Conference:Outstanding Paper Presentation, 2022 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Postgraduate Academic Exchanges in Foreign Languages and Translation Studies. Guangdong Society of Foreign Languages, Guangdong Society of Foreign Literature, Hong Kong Translation Society, and School of International Studies, Sun Yat-sen University. 10- 13 June 2022, Zhuhai, China.
At the water margin: the Dan community and its representations in semi-colonial and modernizing Guangzhou, China.
Proceeding/Conference:Comparative Archipelagoes, Annual meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association. National Taiwan Normal University. 15-18 June 2022, online. https://www.acla.org/sites/default/files/files/ACLA_Program.pdf
Literary and cultural (re)productions of a utopian island: Performative geographies of Shamian, Guangzhou in the latter half of the 19th century
Proceeding/Conference:Global Port Cities and Small Sea Islands: 18th and 19th century. Department and History, Sun Yat-sen University. 19 June 2022, Guangzhou, China.
Satisfied, energized, and rewarded: The emotion discourses of end-of-life care workers.
Proceeding/Conference:British Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, BAAL 2022
Discourses of mental health and stigma in a changing world: Sociolinguistic perspectives
Proceeding/Conference:COMET2022: 20th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Communication, Medicine and Ethics), 13-15 July 2022: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 654