abnormal behaviors |
1 |
accuracy |
1 |
acoustic micromanipulation |
1 |
acoustic radiation force |
1 |
action repetition counting |
1 |
aeroengine |
1 |
ai platform |
1 |
ampoule injection inspection |
1 |
artificial intelligence |
1 |
atomic force microscopy |
1 |
atomic force microscopy (afm) |
1 |
attention |
1 |
attention mechanism |
1 |
attention mechanisms |
1 |
autofocusing |
1 |
automated ampoule inspection |
1 |
automated nanomanipulation |
1 |
automated nanoprobing |
1 |
automated vitrification |
1 |
automatic cell counting |
1 |
automatic sperm classification |
1 |
automation |
1 |
automation at micro-nano scales |
1 |
automation at micro/nano scale |
1 |
automation atmicro-nano scales |
1 |
beating amplitude |
1 |
biological cell manipulation |
1 |
biomimicry |
1 |
broad learning system |
1 |
cancer cell |
1 |
capsule endoscope |
1 |
cell communication |
1 |
cell counting |
1 |
cell deposition |
1 |
cell detection |
1 |
cell manipulation |
1 |
cell stiffness |
1 |
cellular communication |
1 |
classification |
1 |
cnn |
1 |
coaxiality prediction |
1 |
code-free deep learning |
1 |
computer architecture |
1 |
confidence-aware resampling strategy |
1 |
connection loosening detection |
1 |
connexin |
1 |
contact detection |
1 |
contact guidance |
1 |
convolution |
1 |
convolutional neural network |
1 |
correlative microscopy |
1 |
crab crawling |
1 |
cross-scale feature instruction |
1 |
ct images |
1 |
data mixing |
1 |
deep convnets |
1 |
deep learning |
1 |
deep learning in healthcare |
1 |
deep supervision |
1 |
density map |
1 |
depth control |
1 |
detectors |
1 |
device fabrication |
1 |
digital microfluidics |
1 |
disease classification |
1 |
drift compensation |
1 |
drug testing |
1 |
dye transfer |
1 |
embryo vitrification |
1 |
end-effector detection |
1 |
feature extraction |
1 |
federated learning |
1 |
fetal red blood cells |
1 |
fetal-maternal hemorrhage (fmh) quantification |
1 |
flexible sensor |
1 |
flexible sensors |
1 |
fluorescence |
1 |
fluorescent proteins and molecules |
1 |
force decouple |
1 |
foreign particles |
1 |
full rotation |
1 |
gap junction |
1 |
gap junctional intercellular communication |
1 |
generative adversarial networks (gan) |
1 |
generators |
1 |
geometric distribution error |
1 |
head |
1 |
healthcare automation |
1 |
high-resolution architecture |
1 |
human fertility |
1 |
human motion prediction |
1 |
human–machine interface |
1 |
hyaluronic acid (ha) |
1 |
image correlation |
1 |
image denoising |
1 |
image processing |
1 |
image segmentation |
1 |
impurity detection |
1 |
in vitro fertilisation |
1 |
in vitro fertilization |
1 |
independent control |
1 |
intact nucleus |
1 |
intelligent systems |
1 |
interactive dual network |
1 |
intracellular manipulation |
1 |
intracellular measurement |
1 |
intraembryonic measurement |
1 |
inverse distance transform |
1 |
ionic hydrogel |
1 |
kleihauer-betke (kb) test |
1 |
leaf |
1 |
locating end-effector tips |
1 |
location awareness |
1 |
magnetic actuation |
1 |
magnetic collision |
1 |
magnetic force |
1 |
magnetic micromanipulation |
1 |
magnetic microrobot |
1 |
magnetic miniature robots |
1 |
magnetic navigation |
1 |
magnetic spring robot (msr) |
1 |
magnetic tracking |
1 |
maternal red blood cells |
1 |
medical image classification |
1 |
medical image segmentation |
1 |
medical robotics |
1 |
medical robots and systems |
1 |
membrane penetration |
1 |
mems |
1 |
meta-learning mixup |
1 |
micro-/nanorobotics |
1 |
microinjection |
1 |
micromanipulation |
1 |
microprocessors |
1 |
microrobot |
1 |
microrobotic manipulation |
1 |
microrobotics |
1 |
microscopic image analysis |
1 |
microscopy |
1 |
miniature robots |
1 |
monocular vision measurement |
1 |
morphology |
1 |
motion generation |
1 |
multi-task learning |
1 |
multi-terrain locomotion |
1 |
multifunctional perception |
1 |
multiple sperm tracking |
1 |
multipoint localization |
1 |
nanomanipulation |
1 |
nanomanipulation system |
1 |
nanoparticle |
1 |
nanotube |
1 |
nanowire |
1 |
nature inspired engineering |
1 |
non-contact gesture recognition |
1 |
nuclear mechanics |
1 |
nuclear stiffness |
1 |
open set recognition |
1 |
parameter selection |
1 |
particle patterning |
1 |
passaging cells |
1 |
piezo drill |
1 |
piezoelectric actuator |
1 |
piezoelectric transducer |
1 |
pipelines |
1 |
point cloud deep learning |
1 |
polyp segmentation |
1 |
precision assembly |
1 |
r(2+1)d |
1 |
random deposition |
1 |
robotic microinjection |
1 |
robotic micromanipulation |
1 |
robotics |
1 |
rolling motion |
1 |
scanning electron microscope |
1 |
scanning electron microscope (sem) |
1 |
selective control |
1 |
self-supervised learning |
1 |
sem |
1 |
sem-based nanomanipulation |
1 |
service robot intelligent space |
1 |
sign language recognition (slr) |
1 |
skeleton |
1 |
skin lesion |
1 |
small medical object |
1 |
soft robot applications |
1 |
soft robotics |
1 |
solenoid tipped catheter |
1 |
spatio-temporal feature learning |
1 |
sperm analysis |
1 |
sperm selection |
1 |
sperm tail |
1 |
steerable catheters/needles |
1 |
subcellular structures |
1 |
supervised learning |
1 |
tissue microdissection |
1 |
tissue penetration |
1 |
toxicology testing |
1 |
training |
1 |
transfer learning |
1 |
transforms |
1 |
triple-magnet system |
1 |
ultrasonic vibration |
1 |
underwater image enhancement |
1 |
underwater visual perception |
1 |
vasculature |
1 |
venation |
1 |
vision impairment |
1 |
vision transformer |
1 |
visualization |
1 |
weakly supervised learning |
1 |
whole heart segmentation |
1 |
wireless sensor netowrks |
1 |
worm crawling |
1 |
zigbee |
1 |
zona pellucida penetration |
1 |