AuthorsNo. of Publications
guo, yiwen 13
li, qizhang 8
crussell, jonathan 7
cai, liang 6
chen, jiyu 6
gibler, clint 6
hsu, francis 6
stevens, ryan 6
chen, peng 5
zuo, wangmeng 5
machiraju, sridhar 4
niu, yuan 4
rong, yuyang 4
su, zhendong 4
chuah, chen nee 3
liu, jianzhong 3
ma, denys 3
racic, radmilo 3
yang, min 3
zhang, yuan 3
bai, bing 2
chen, yan 2
davis, benjamin 2
devanbu, premkumar 2
fang, zheran 2
filkov, vladimir 2
gu, guofei 2
han, weili 2
huang, heqing 2
li, dong 2
liu, xin 2
ma, ming 2
maganis, gabriel 2
meng, dongyu 2
mohapatra, prasant 2
van gundy, matthew 2
wang, yi min 2
yuan, lihua 2
zang, hui 2
zhang, chibin 2
bolot, jean 1
cai, yan 1
cao, chang 1
chen, andong 1
chen, haitian 1
chen, kai 1
chen, qi alfred 1
choi, heesook 1
crites, steven 1
dai, jiarun 1
du, xuechao 1
erickson, jeremy 1
fan, ming 1
franklin, matthew 1
ganz, jonathan 1
ghosal, dipak 1
goldberg, ian 1
gong, neil 1
gundy, matthew van 1
guo, danhao 1
guo, guanyu 1
guo, zeqing 1
hao, yu 1
he, boyuan 1
he, yifeng 1
hong, wangjun 1
huang, sirong 1
jia, yunhan 1
jiang, bai 1
kavaler, david 1
li, jason 1
lin, fangfei 1
liu, bulou 1
liu, ting 1
liu, yang 1
liu, yongshuai 1
lu, yantao 1
lyu, yunlong 1
mai, jianning 1
misherghi, ghassan 1
pandey, raju 1
posnett, daryl 1
qian, zhiyun 1
qu, zhengyang 1
rastogi, vaibhav 1
ren, yazhou 1
ristenpart, thomas 1
shao, zhengyue 1
shen, junjie 1
shi, elaine 1
song, dawn 1
ustaoǧlu, berkant 1
van gundy, matthew d. 1
vigna, giovanni 1
vronsky, jonathan 1
wang, david 1
wang, x. sean 1
wang, xiaoyang sean 1
wang, yuxiao 1
wei, tao 1
wu, felix 1
wu, yuanyi 1
xie, weibang 1
xie, yuxuan 1
xu, wenyuan 1
xu, zenglin 1
xu, zisen 1
yang, zhemin 1
yang, zijiang 1
ye, shaozhi 1
yen, chia cheng 1
zeng, kai 1
zhang, fan 1
zhang, michael 1
zhang, xiaohan 1
zhao, jianyu 1
zheng, qianjun 1
zhong, zhenyu 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
acl optimization 1
acl partitioning 1
adversarial attacks 1
adversarial examples 1
adversarial transferability 1
advertisement syndication 1
advertising 1
android 1
android security 1
anomaly detection 1
anonymous credentials 1
app testing 1
application context 1
audit 1
authentication 1
automated test generation 1
backpressure-based scheduling 1
binary-level 1
browser 1
browsing history 1
bytecode 1
captcha 1
cellular networks 1
click fraud 1
client-side policy enforcement 1
clustering 1
code similarity 1
code synthesis 1
cold-start recommendation 1
communication 1
concurrent logic bomb (clb) 1
concurrent program spectre (concspectre) 1
concurrent programs 1
containers 1
controllable probabilistic activation (cpa) 1
coverage based fuzzing 1
cross-site scripting 1
daemon analysis 1
dalvik 1
data mining 1
data privacy 1
data transformation 1
deep convolutional network 1
deep learning security 1
deep neural networks 1
defense 1
delay distribution 1
deniability 1
distributed 1
dji 1
dos attacks 1
dynamic analysis 1
face recognition 1
fairness 1
feature maps 1
file system 1
fingerprint 1
fires 1
firewall management 1
firewall optimization 1
fuzzing 1
gcn 1
general page message 1
generalization ability 1
generative modeling 1
gestures 1
greybox fuzzing 1
handoff. 1
hooking 1
image transformation 1
information flow tracking 1
inspection 1
instant messaging 1
integer errors 1
internet 1
internet of things 1
interpreter 1
library detection 1
mashup 1
measurement 1
membership inference 1
membership inference attack 1
microphone 1
microservices 1
mobile 1
mobile app 1
mobile applications 1
mobile authentication 1
multi-party 1
network traffic classification 1
neural style transfer 1
obfuscation resilience 1
object abstraction 1
on-device 1
online advertising 1
openid 1
opportunistic scheduling 1
optimization 1
paging 1
partitioning algorithms 1
permission enforcement 1
permission over-claim 1
permission revocation 1
phishing 1
plagiarism 1
plagiarism detection 1
policy framework 1
privacy 1
private mode 1
program analysis 1
proportional fair 1
protection 1
quick paging 1
recommender system 1
redirection and cloaking 1
revdroid 1
rewriting 1
robustness 1
rpc 1
same origin policy 1
search spam 1
security 1
security model 1
security vulnerabilities 1
sendroid 1
sensor 1
servers 1
simulation analysis 1
single sign on 1
sniffing 1
software security 1
spam 1
statistics 1
sybil attacks 1
taint analysis 1
temporal fair 1
time spoofing attacks 1
token transfer 1
traffic signal control 1
transferability 1
underground economy 1
unmanned aerial vehicles 1
usable security 1
user clustering 1
vm 1
vulnerability detection 1
vulnrability detection 1
web 1
web application 1
web authentication 1
web spam 1
world wide web 1
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