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Professional Qualifications

Dr. Creighton Connolly is Assistant Professor in HKU’s Department of Urban Planning and Design. Prior to joining in January 2023, Creighton held faculty positions in the School of Graduate Studies at Lingnan University, Hong Kong (2021-22), and the University of Lincoln, UK (2018-21). He also worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (2016-2018). He obtained his PhD in Human Geography from the University of Manchester (2016), an MA in Geography from the Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada) and a BA(hons) in Geography from the University of British Columbia. Trained as an urban political ecologist, his work examines processes of urban and environmental governance, planning and development, focusing on the Southeast Asian region. He is the author of Political Ecologies of Landscape: Governing Urban Transformations in Penang (Bristol University Press, 2022) and Pandemic Urbanism: Infectious Disease on a Planet of Cities (Polity Press, 2022)Creighton also has a number of articles in journals such as Environment and Planning A; International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR) and Urban Studies.

 His current research spans a range of topics, including political ecologies of land reclamation, large-scale infrastructure projects, participatory governance and planning, heritage management, and the relationships between urbanisation and infectious disease. Creighton has teaching experience in many of these areas at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. His teaching crosscuts local, national, and international scales and emphasizes real-world case studies.

Honours, Awards & Prizes
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Professor Connolly, Creighton Paul

Assistant Professor

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rp03093 picture

Professor Connolly, Creighton Paul

Assistant Professor

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