AuthorsNo. of Publications
shen, dinggang 11
tang, yandong 10
tian, jiandong 9
wang, shuai 7
rubin, daniel 6
yap, pew thian 6
wang, feifei 5
dai, hongjie 4
ma, zhuoran 4
fan, huijie 3
han, zhi 3
ren, fuqiang 3
wang, qian 3
zhang, miao 3
baghdasaryan, ani 2
duan, zhigang 2
gatidis, sergios 2
he, shengfeng 2
ji, junzhong 2
kalpathy-cramer, jayashree 2
li, jiachen 2
li, wentao 2
lian, chunfeng 2
lian, jun 2
lin, weili 2
liu, siyuan 2
pribnow, allison 2
shao, yeqin 2
sheybani, natasha diba 2
singh, praveer 2
sun, kun 2
theruvath, ashok joseph 2
thung, kim han 2
wang, li 2
xu, chun 2
yan, fuhua 2
yang, qingxiong 2
zhang, jiawei 2
zhang, xiaodan 2
zhang, yongqin 2
zhong, yeteng 2
zhou, yuyin 2
zhu, hancan 2
adams, lisa christine 1
adeli, ehsan 1
balachandar, niranjan 1
bizzo, bernardo c. 1
buch, varun 1
bui, toan duc 1
chai, weimin 1
chang, ken 1
chen, bryan 1
chen, mingliang 1
chen, xianyi 1
cheng, jie zhi 1
cheng, yan 1
compas, colin 1
cong, yang 1
coombs, laura 1
cui, tong 1
daldrup-link, heike e 1
daldrup-link, heike e. 1
dayan, ittai 1
dogra, prerna 1
dreyer, keith j. 1
du, haotian 1
erdal, selnur 1
fei-fei, li 1
flores, mona 1
fognini, andreas 1
gourgues, ronan 1
gupta, sharut 1
gupta, vikash 1
harouni, ahmed 1
hashemian, behrooz 1
hawk, kristina elizabeth 1
ho, tina 1
hoebel, katharina v. 1
hong, guosong 1
hsu, ru siou 1
hu, dan 1
huang, shih cheng 1
ihsani, alvin 1
jiandong, tian 1
jiang, yingying 1
jiao, jianbo 1
kitamura, felipe 1
ko, sean 1
lau, rynson w.h. 1
lavor, vitor 1
lei, minglong 1
leibovitz, evan 1
li, gang 1
li, lulin 1
li, wen jung 1
li, wenqi 1
li, xinyue 1
liang, paul pu 1
liang, peng 1
liang, yongye 1
liu, jiawei 1
liu, lianqing 1
liu, mingxia 1
liu, ying 1
los, johannes w.n. 1
luo, jian 1
luo, xiaolong 1
ma, huilong 1
mccarthy, adam 1
mendonça, matheus 1
naidu, ram c. 1
neumark, nir 1
nie, dong 1
pan, yongsheng 1
patel, jay b. 1
pisano, etta d. 1
qi, xiaojun 1
qin-dregely, jessie 1
roth, holger r. 1
rubin, daniel l. 1
salazar, felix 1
sarrami, amir hossein 1
schultz, thomas 1
shah, meesam 1
sharaf, elshaimaa 1
shen, liyue 1
shi, yanzhao 1
sun, qinchao 1
tetreault, jesse 1
thakor, avnesh s. 1
tian, ye 1
wan, hao 1
wang, jiangshan 1
wang, mingzhan 1
wang, pengcheng 1
wang, qiang 1
wang, yan ran (joyce) 1
wang, yan-ran joyce 1
wei, jie 1
wei, qingyue 1
wen, yuhong 1
white, richard 1
wu, anna m. 1
wu, zhengwang 1
xia, bingqing 1
xia, yingda 1
xia, yong 1
xiao, xuerong 1
xing, lei 1
xu, daguang 1
xu, xiaobin 1
yan, rui 1
yandong, tang 1
yang, cong 1
yun, b. min 1
zadeh, iman esmaeil 1
zhang, mingxi 1
zhang, qiang 1
zhigang, duan 1
zhou, quan 1
zhu, guanzhou 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
fluorescence imaging 3
image-guided surgery 3
light-sheet microscope 3
molecular imaging 3
near-infrared ii imaging 3
nir-iib imaging 3
noninvasive imaging 3
short-wave infrared 3
structured-illumination microscopy 3
privacy and federated learning 2
autoencoder 1
bi-rads 1
biomedical imaging 1
bounding box annotation 1
brain segmentation 1
breast 1
breast cancer 1
breast density classification 1
breast tumor 1
breast tumors 1
cascaded nested network 1
cnn 1
collaborative learning 1
color space 1
convolutional neural network 1
convolutional neural network (cnn) 1
ct 1
data efficiency 1
data heterogeneity 1
data models 1
daylight spd 1
decomposition 1
deep learning 1
distributed databases 1
dose reduction 1
dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (dce-mri) 1
endoscopy image 1
estimation 1
feature decoupling 1
feature extraction 1
federated learning 1
fully convolutional network 1
fully convolutional network (fcn) 1
gastrointestinal tract 1
generative adversarial network 1
generative adversarial networks (gan) 1
hippocampus segmentation 1
illumination 1
illumination compensation 1
illumination invariant 1
image captioning 1
image decomposition 1
image restoration 1
image segmentation 1
image super-resolution 1
image synthesis 1
image synthesis. 1
incomplete annotation 1
intrinsic value 1
laplacian propagation 1
learning systems 1
lesion segmentation 1
lighting 1
magnetic resonance imaging 1
magnetic resonance imaging (mri) 1
male pelvic organ 1
mammography 1
mr 1
mri 1
multi-scale context 1
multi-task 1
multiatlas 1
multitasking 1
object color constancy 1
object detection 1
outdoor multiple light sources 1
pediatrics 1
pelvic organ 1
pet 1
pet restoration 1
relation constraint self-attention 1
rgbd saliency detection 1
scene graph 1
self-supervised learning 1
shadow 1
shadow detection 1
shadow features 1
shadow removal 1
skylight spd 1
spatial and wavelet domains 1
spectrum ratio properties 1
stereo matching and hand pose tracking 1
task analysis 1
training 1
transformer 1
transformer model 1
transformers 1
tumors 1
vision transformers 1
weakly supervised learning 1
whole-body pet imaging 1
期望最大化算法 (expectation maximization algorithm) 1
机器视觉 (machine vision) 1
正交分解 (orthogonal decomposition) 1
阴影检测 (shadow detection) 1
高斯混合模型 (gaussian mixture model) 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
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