china |
2 |
domestic violence |
2 |
intimate partner violence |
2 |
adolescence |
1 |
bilingualism |
1 |
child abuse |
1 |
child custody |
1 |
cognitive load |
1 |
corruption |
1 |
energetic masking |
1 |
fear of crime/perceived risk |
1 |
feminist perspective |
1 |
feminist perspectives |
1 |
financial independence |
1 |
informational masking |
1 |
juvenile offenders |
1 |
mediation |
1 |
patterns |
1 |
politics |
1 |
power and control |
1 |
processing load |
1 |
qualitative research |
1 |
social censure |
1 |
social learning |
1 |
social structure |
1 |
speech segmentation |
1 |
spoken-word recognition |
1 |
victimization |
1 |
youth |
1 |