Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
construction and demolition waste 7
computer vision 6
artificial intelligence 5
semantic segmentation 5
construction waste management 4
robotics 4
waste composition 4
amount quantification 3
building information model (bim) 3
building information modeling (bim) 3
deep convolutional neural network 3
deep learning 3
human-robot collaboration (hrc) 3
photogrammetry 3
volume estimation 3
age-friendly urban planning 2
augmented reality 2
augmented reality (ar) 2
automated waste sorting 2
building layout 2
circular economy 2
digital fabrication 2
digital twin 2
discrete denoising diffusion model 2
facility management 2
floorplan 2
floorplan design 2
floorplan typology 2
generative adversarial network (gan) 2
generative design 2
generative model 2
graph learning 2
graph representation 2
green building 2
hong kong 2
human-centred design 2
human-robot interaction (hri) 2
human–robot interaction 2
human–robot teaming 2
image recognition 2
indoor localization 2
inspection 2
intelligent/smart building 2
knowledge formalization 2
location-based services 2
machine learning 2
markerless spatial registration 2
material recognition 2
modular building 2
modular construction 2
municipal solid waste 2
occupational safety and health (osh) 2
offsite construction 2
older adults 2
ontology 2
partial least squares structural equation modelling (pls-sem) 2
point cloud 2
public health 2
registration 2
search and rescue 2
smart building 2
smart living 2
sustainability 2
sustainable built environment 2
sustainable development 2
technology acceptance 2
user perception 2
waste recycling 2
waste sorting 2
asphalt pavement 1
automatic image processing 1
bim 1
building inspection 1
collapsed structures 1
compaction quality assessment 1
condition assessment 1
construction 1
convolutional neural network 1
crack detection 1
cyber-physical system 1
decision support 1
detection and localization 1
disaster 1
disasters 1
dynamic bim 1
earth-rock dam construction 1
fast coordinate transformation 1
first responders 1
foreign objects 1
ground penetrating radar 1
ground-penetrating radar 1
image detection 1
image-to-bim registration 1
information and communication technology (ict) applications 1
infrastructure 1
intelligent compaction 1
knowledge management 1
lean construction 1
mega infrastructure 1
multi-roller collaboration 1
multiple rollers 1
object detection 1
operation modes 1
project management 1
quality control 1
radar 1
real-time control 1
reconstruction 1
region of interest 1
robot simulation 1
roller-integrated compaction measurement values 1
safety inspection 1
safety management 1
situational awareness 1
slope damages 1
structural condition assessment 1
superpixel segmentation 1
training 1
underwater image preprocessing 1
unmanned aerial vehicle 1
unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) 1
unmanned aerial vehicles (uav) 1
virtual-real interactive system 1
vision-based structural inspection 1
visualization 1
void 1
water diversion project 1
water diversion projects 1
water quality 1
water supply infrastructure 1
water supply safety 1
whole-process management 1
动态信息集成 (dynamic information integration) 1
安全监测 (safety monitoring) 1
网络可视化 (network visualization) 1
输水工程 (water diversion project) 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
building and constructiondesign 5
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