Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
advertising response 1
age at marriage 1
agrarian society 1
alibaba 1
asymmetric geographic preferences 1
automobile market 1
bargaining 1
belief 1
brand equity 1
brand loyalty 1
channel choice 1
china 1
clickstream data 1
communication 1
conditioning 1
constructed preference 1
country-of-origin effect 1
country-of-origin effects 1
cross-network effect 1
d83 search 1
data rescue 1
digital markets 1
direct network effect 1
dockless bike sharing 1
dual channel 1
dual-process model 1
durable goods 1
e-commerce 1
e-commerce platform 1
electronic word of mouth 1
elite 1
emerging markets 1
endogeneity 1
entrepreneurship 1
fei xiaotong 1
geographic associations 1
green shopping 1
hardship j gender difference 1
hierarchical bayesian 1
incentives 1
indirect network effect 1
information and knowledge 1
information search 1
inherent preference 1
insurance 1
internet 1
internet commerce 1
last-mile problem 1
learning 1
location awareness 1
location branding 1
logit demand model 1
managerial response 1
manufacturer 1
market power 1
memory -based choice 1
mergers and acquisitions 1
meteorology 1
mobile advertising 1
nation equity 1
nonlabor income 1
online customer review 1
online grocery 1
online grocery shopping 1
online marketing 1
peer-to-peer platforms 1
personal computer market 1
place marketing 1
platforms 1
plausibly exogenous 1
price discrimination 1
price promotion 1
price sensitivity 1
pricing 1
product uncertainty 1
product variety 1
quality concern 1
quality learning 1
referral marketing 1
regression discontinuity 1
reputation mechanism 1
reseller 1
revolution 1
risk attitudes 1
scanner panel data 1
second-degree price discrimination 1
server market 1
service recovery 1
sharing economy 1
signaling 1
simultaneity 1
size loyalty 1
socioeconomic and cultural similarity 1
sorting 1
structural modeling 1
structural models 1
superstars 1
supply chain management 1
system markets 1
text analysis 1
tocqueville 1
transaction costs 1
trust 1
two-sided markets 1
unawareness 1
urban economics 1
variety effect 1
video games 1
warranties 1
warranty 1
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