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Professor Yeung, Chun Fai Maximus 楊浚暉

Clinical Assistant Professor

Short Biography:

Dr. Maximus Yeung graduated from The University of Hong Kong with multiple awards, distinctions and scholarships in 2014, and received his Fellowship in Pathology from the Hong Kong College of Physicians in 2021. He obtained his Master of Science degree in Genomics and Bioinformatics with Certificate of Excellence in 2020. He is currently the Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology, School of Clinical Medicine, the University of Hong Kong. He is also the honorary associate consultant in Queen Mary Hospital. Dr Yeung’s main research interest is in bone and soft tissue tumour pathology, involving the use of multi-omics analysis for better classification and prognostication of complex entities of sarcoma types. Specifically, he is interested in translocation-associated sarcoma and its functional analysis, with recent discovery of different novel fusions in sarcoma. He is also conducting studies on liquid biopsy as a non-invasive tool for diagnosis and monitoring of sarcomas. He has been involved in various interdisciplinary research on precision oncology and application of deep learning in histology image analysis.
Dr Yeung is also obsessed with fine art landscape photography, and has been entitled Hong Kong’s Top 10 landscape photographers in 2020 and 2021.

Professional Qualifications
Honours, Awards & Prizes
Professional Societies
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