AuthorsNo. of Publications
heiskanen, janne 18
pellikka, petri 13
pellikka, petri k.e. 13
aragão, luiz e.o.c. 7
siljander, mika 7
abera, temesgen alemayehu 6
adhikari, hari 5
clark, barnaby j.f. 5
formaggio, antonio roberto 5
arcoverde, gustavo felipe balué 4
kuikka, sakari 4
oki, taikan 4
galvão, lênio soares 3
hailu, binyam tesfaw 3
hilker, thomas 3
hurskainen, pekka 3
liu, jinxiu 3
shimabukuro, yosio e. 3
shimabukuro, yosio edemir 3
anderson, liana o. 2
brotas, vanda 2
de almeida, cláudia maria 2
guan, yanlong 2
he, li 2
heiskanen, j. 2
hérault, bruno 2
kaikkonen, laura 2
kim, hyungjun 2
lisboa, filipe 2
lu, hongwei 2
lyapustin, alexei i. 2
markiet, vincent 2
mõttus, matti 2
pellikka, p. 2
piiroinen, rami 2
restrepo-coupe, natalia 2
rossi, vivien 2
rudorff, bernardo friedrich theodor 2
shimabukuro, y. e. 2
utsumi, nobuyuki 2
wagner, fabien hubert 2
wang, yujie 2
aalto, juho 1
abera, temesgen 1
acerbi júnior, fausto weimar 1
achard, frédéric 1
adhikari, h. 1
alejandro roig, fidel 1
angela mendivelso, hooz 1
aparecida vieira, simone 1
aragao, luiz 1
aragão, luiz 1
arcoverde, g. f.b. 1
arcoverde, gustavo f.b. 1
arevalo torres, juan 1
ayala, jos luis lpez 1
aynekulu, ermias 1
back, jaana 1
baker, jessica c.a. 1
baker, timothy r. 1
beeckman, hans 1
beuchle, rené 1
boanerges souza, danilo 1
boesch, hartmut 1
bonal, damien 1
bowman, david m.j.s. 1
brede, benjamin 1
bräuning, achim 1
buermann, wolfgang 1
bäck, jaana 1
camargo, plnio barbosa 1
cardoso, fernanda c.g. 1
carmona-moreno, cesar 1
carvalho, fabrcio alvim 1
castro, wendeson 1
cesar botosso, paulo 1
chave, jrome 1
chave, jérôme 1
chidumayo, emmanuel n. 1
clark, deborah a. 1
consuelo de oliveira, edilson 1
couralet, camille 1
césar franco, augusto 1
dahdouh-guebas, farid 1
dalitz, helmut 1
de aguiar, daniel alves 1
de araújo, luciana spinelli 1
de carvalho ximenes a., arimatéa 1
de jesus silva, camila valéria 1
de moura, yhasmin mendes 1
de oliveira, raimundo cosme 1
de souza arruda, luciano 1
de ximenes, arimatea carvalho 1
despoti, smaragda 1
devineau, jean louis 1
dos santos, joão roberto 1
drew, david m. 1
durigan, giselda 1
dünisch, oliver 1
eamus, derek 1
ekesi, s. 1
elifuraha, elisha 1
epiphanio, rui dalla valle 1
eugene lieberman, milton 1
f. oberbauer, steven 1
famiglietti, james s. 1
fassnacht, fabian ewald 1
fedele, marcio 1
ferreira fedele, ligia 1
figueiredo filho, afonso 1
finger, csar augusto guimares 1
fonseca, marisa g. 1
formaggio, antonio r. 1
formaggio, r. a. 1
galvão, franklin 1
gebrekirstos, aster 1
giannoulaki, marianna 1
gliniars, robert 1
gloor, emanuel 1
goltz, elizabeth 1
gonçalves, fabio guimarães 1
gosa, alemu gonsamo 1
griffiths, anthony d. 1
grogan, james 1
guan, kaiyu 1
haapasaari, päivi 1
hailu, binyam t. 1
hakola, hannele 1
hansen, matthew c. 1
heikinheimo, vuokko 1
helle, inari 1
henrique da silva mauricio, paulo 1
hernandez-clemente, rocio 1
hernández-clemente, rocío 1
hietanen, j. 1
himberg, nina 1
homeier, jrgen 1
huete, alfredo 1
hughes, alice catherine 1
hurskainen, p. 1
ignacio valdez hernández, juan 1
irving brown, foster 1
jnior, lima freitas 1
julio camarero, jesus 1
kaleita, a. l. 1
kallio, kari 1
kanae, shinjiro 1
kaplan, jed oliver 1
khoon kho, lip 1
kiboi, s. 1
kinyamario, j. i. 1
koenig, jennifer 1
koloski chagas, rubens 1
koponen, sampsa 1
krepkowski, julia 1
lea bolzan zanon, magda 1
lehikoinen, annukka 1
lemos-filho, jos pires 1
liana lisboa melgaço, karina 1
lieberman, diana 1
ligas, alessandro 1
liu, yang 1
longhi santos, tomaz 1
longo, marcos 1
luiz, alfredo josé barreto 1
lyapustin, alexei 1
ma, xuanlong 1
mack, benjamin 1
malhi, yadvinder 1
marcelino, emerson vieira 1
maria, vivian r.b. 1
marques, marcia c.m. 1
marques, renato 1
maurício lima de alencastro graça, paulo 1
maza chamba, hector 1
mbwambo, lawrence 1
milani, jaanan eloisa de freitas 1
miranda toledo, marcos 1
mohamed, s. a. 1
mottus, matti 1
moura, yhasmin mendes 1
moura, yhasmin mendes de 1
murphy, brett p. 1
musumeci, claudia 1
mwang'ombe, james 1
mäntyniemi, samu 1
nichol, caroline 1
nichol, caroline j. 1
njeru, c. m. 1
numata, izaya 1
o'brien, joseph j. 1
okada, naoki 1
oliveira, raimundo cosme 1
omoro, loice m.a. 1
pellikka, p. k.e. 1
pellikka, petri p.k.e. 1
pepin, n. c. 1
pfeifer, marion 1
piiroinen, r. 1
plissier, raphal 1
prior, lynda d. 1
raquel kanieski, maria 1
rautiainen, miina 1
regina capellotto costa, flavia 1
resende de castro, vinicius 1
rinne, janne 1
rodrigo rossatto, davi 1
rodrigues silva, williamar 1
ross, michael 1
rowland, lucy 1
rutishauser, ervan 1
saatchi, sassan s. 1
saleska, scott r. 1
salonen, maria 1
sanchez, alber 1
santana, hellen 1
santos, filipe duarte 1
schulze, mark 1
scolforo, jose roberto soares 1
sebastian becker, gabriel 1
selhorst, diogo 1
sergio lisi, claudio 1
seto, shinta 1
shimabukuro, yosio 1
silva, carlos a. 1
silva, celso h.l. 1
silveira, eduarda martiniano de oliveira 1
silveira, marcos 1
somkuti, peter 1
spannl, susanne 1
spracklen, dominick 1
stahl, clment 1
stergiou, konstantinos i. 1
sun, linghui 1
swaine, michael d. 1
tang, zhipeng 1
ter steege, hans 1
terra, marcela de castro nunes santos 1
thijs, koen w. 1
toivonen, tuuli 1
toledo, jos julio 1
toledo, marisol 1
toma, takeshi 1
tomazello filho, mario 1
torres, juan arévalo 1
valerio kohler, sintia 1
vancutsem, christelle 1
vassilopoulou, vassiliki 1
verbesselt, jan 1
viinikka, arto 1
vincent, grgoire 1
voinov, alexey 1
volkmer de castilho, carolina 1
volland, franziska 1
wagner, fabien 1
wagner, fabien h. 1
wang, du 1
wiberg, david a. 1
williams, r. 1
worbes, martin 1
wu, jin 1
ximenes, arimatéa c. 1
zhang, jie 1
zhang, xuezhen 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
lidar 4
brazilian amazon 3
forest fire 3
remote sensing 3
change vector analysis 2
climate change 2
deforestation 2
evapotranspiration 2
land use change 2
landsat 2
simulation model 2
taita hills 2
aboveground carbon 1
acanthaceae 1
accessibility 1
accuracy 1
africa 1
aggregation 1
agricultural expansion 1
agricultural statistics 1
agricultural survey 1
agriculture 1
agroforestry 1
agwa 1
airborne laser scanning 1
albedo 1
amazon 1
amazon forest 1
amazon rainforest 1
amazonia 1
anisotropy 1
anomalies 1
artificial inteligence 1
artificial neural networks 1
betula pendula 1
biased support vector machine 1
boosted regression trees 1
boreal forest 1
brazil 1
brdf effect 1
breakpoint identification 1
burkina faso 1
burned area 1
burnt area detection 1
c-correction 1
cambisols 1
canopy roughness 1
carbon 1
ceres 1
chlorophyll a 1
chlorophyll-a 1
class imbalance 1
classification 1
clausius-clapeyron 1
climate 1
climatology 1
cmip5 1
co-beneficial conservation 1
coffea arabica 1
conservation 1
data fusion 1
data intensive science 1
data-driven 1
decision making 1
decision tree 1
digital elevation model 1
dispersion 1
distance 1
distribution 1
drought 1
east africa 1
eastern arc mountains 1
el niño 1
empirical models 1
energy exchange 1
environmental poicy 1
ethiopia 1
eutrophication 1
evi 1
exotic forest 1
extreme events 1
ferrasols 1
finland 1
forest loss 1
forest productivity 1
forest restoration 1
formaldehyde 1
fractional tree cover 1
geobia 1
gep 1
gis 1
global climate diversity 1
global climate landscape 1
glycine max 1
grace 1
growing period 1
harmonic model 1
high-latitude lakes 1
higher-order statistics 1
horn of africa 1
hydrology 1
hyperspectral data 1
image classification 1
image fusion 1
imaging spectroscopy 1
indigenous forest 1
invasive tree species 1
inventory map 1
kenya 1
köppen-geiger climate classification 1
köppen–geiger climate classification 1
land change 1
land changes 1
land cover change 1
land cover classification 1
land surface temperature 1
land use 1
landsat time series 1
landscape 1
landscape dynamics 1
landslide 1
lccs 1
light use efficiency 1
local ecological knowledge 1
lst anomaly 1
lucc modeling 1
maiac 1
manilkara elata 1
mediterranean sea 1
merra-2 1
metric model 1
minimum noise fraction 1
modeling 1
modis 1
modis aqua 1
monte carlo simulation 1
multi-angle 1
ndvi 1
net primary productivity 1
obia 1
object-based classification 1
omi 1
one class classification 1
patch aggregation 1
pca 1
peruvian amazonia 1
phase angle 1
phenology 1
photochemical reflectance index 1
photochemical reflectance index (pri) 1
pinus sylvestris 1
pre-agricultural expansion 1
precipitation extremes 1
precipitation intensity 1
probability distribution 1
qscat 1
radiative forcing 1
random forest 1
rcp8.5 scenario 1
redd+ 1
reduced simple ratio 1
reference evapotranspiration 1
regional climate 1
rhizophoraceae 1
satellite imagery 1
savanna 1
seasonality 1
simulation models 1
soil carbon 1
soil erosion 1
solar induced fluorescence 1
som 1
source partitioning 1
spatial modelling 1
spatial pattern recognition 1
spectral indices 1
stackeholder engagement 1
surface energy balance 1
surface runoff 1
tasseled cap 1
terrain-data 1
thematic map 1
topographic correction 1
total nitrogen 1
trawl fishery 1
tree crown cover 1
tree data structures 1
tree species 1
tree species diversity 1
trend 1
trmm 1
umbrisols 1
unwanted catches 1
vegetation indices 1
water deficit 1
water resources 1
watershed 1
wetland 1
xingu national park 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
ashton, louise amy 1
bonebrake, timothy carlton 1
wu, jin 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
ecology 4
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