Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
automated machine learning 3
collaborative filtering 3
graph neural networks 3
masked autoencoder 3
self-supervised learning 3
abnormal event forecasting 1
accuracy assessment 1
anomaly prediction 1
apollo fact-finder 1
arbitrary source dependency graph 1
attention model 1
attributed networks 1
author identification 1
bayesian inference 1
big data 1
claim lifespan 1
confidence-aware 1
content-based recommendation 1
contrastive learning 1
control theory 1
crime prediction 1
crowdsourcing 1
cyber-physical systems 1
cyber-physical-social systems 1
data quality 1
data scarcity 1
deep learning 1
deep neural network 1
deep neural networks 1
distributed computing 1
diversified local users 1
dynamic networks 1
expectation maximization 1
fake review detection 1
fraud detection 1
gpu implementation 1
graph attention networks 1
graph embedding 1
graph neural network 1
healthcare informatics 1
heterogeneous graphs 1
heterogeneous networks 1
hidden markov model 1
home location inference 1
home location profiling 1
intelligent transportation 1
interesting place discovery 1
interesting place finding 1
knowledge discovery 1
knowledge distillation 1
large-scale attributed networks 1
large-scale networks 1
link weight 1
local attractiveness of venues 1
localness inference 1
localness of people 1
location based social networks (lbsn) 1
location based social networks foursquare 1
machine learning 1
maximum likelihood estimation 1
meta learning 1
meta-learning 1
metric learning 1
multi-behavior learning 1
multi-behavior recommendation 1
multiple resolutions 1
multiplex heterogeneous networks 1
network embedding 1
network representation learning 1
node embedding 1
online social media 1
online social networks 1
parallel implementation 1
performance bounds 1
personalization 1
physical dependency 1
popularity bias 1
probabilistic generative model 1
purchase intent forecasting 1
purchase prediction 1
recommendation 1
recommendation systems 1
recommender systems 1
relation learning 1
representation learning 1
rumor robust 1
scalability 1
self-paced learning 1
sequential recommendation 1
smart cities 1
smart city 1
social dependency 1
social media 1
social recommendation 1
social sensing 1
socical sensing 1
source dependency 1
source responsiveness 1
source selection 1
sparse random projection 1
sparse social sensing 1
spatial-temporal 1
spatial-temporal data mining 1
spatial-temporal prediction 1
spatial-temporal-social constraints 1
spatio-temporal data mining 1
speak rate 1
temporal behavior modeling 1
temporal dynamics 1
temporal interaction learning 1
tensor factorization 1
time series classification 1
time series forecasting 1
time-aware 1
time-sensitive 1
topic-aware 1
traffic accident forecasting 1
traffic flow forecasting 1
transformer network 1
truth discovery 1
truth estimation 1
truth finding 1
twitter 1
uncertainty-aware 1
unsupervised learning 1
urban computing 1
wearable-sensory time series imputation 1
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