Co-Authors | |
Authors | No. of Publications |
li, jizhen | 3 |
li, j | 2 |
stuart, t | 2 |
stuart, toby | 2 |
azoulay, pierre | 1 |
bian, j | 1 |
eesley, charles | 1 |
furman, jeffrey l. | 1 |
greenberg, j | 1 |
liu, w | 1 |
shi, d | 1 |
siegel, jordan | 1 |
Keywords in Publications | |
keywords | No. of Authors |
emerging markets | 2 |
innovation | 2 |
bureaucratic intervention | 1 |
bureaucrats | 1 |
china | 1 |
corruption | 1 |
emerging market economies | 1 |
entrepreneurial finance | 1 |
entrepreneurship | 1 |
financial fraud | 1 |
fraud | 1 |
high-tech firms | 1 |
innovation policy | 1 |
matthew effect | 1 |
mentor | 1 |
parents | 1 |
political connection | 1 |
political connections | 1 |
public policy | 1 |
r&d subsidies | 1 |
randomized field experiment | 1 |
regression discontinuity | 1 |
social influence | 1 |
social network | 1 |
sociology of science | 1 |
state subsidy | 1 |
status | 1 |
stratification | 1 |
venture capital | 1 |
Co-Investigators | |
Investigators | No. of Grants |
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Disciplines in Grants | |
Disciplines | No. of Investigators |
managementothers - relating to business studies | 1 |
managementothers - relating to social and behavioural sciences | 1 |
others - relating to business studiesinternational business | 1 |