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Professional Qualifications

Fabrice Lumineau is a Professor in Strategic Management at HKU Business School, The University of Hong Kong.

His research investigates inter-organizational partnerships, the interplay between contract and trust in collaborative strategies, opportunism and ethical issues, and dispute negotiation dynamics. He has published more than 30 articles in the top management journals, such as Academy of Management AnnalsAcademy of Management JournalJournal of International Business StudiesJournal of ManagementJournal of Management StudiesOrganization ScienceOrganization Studies, and Strategic Management Journal.

Prof. Lumineau serves on the editorial board of Strategic Management Journal and Strategic Organization. He also currently serves as the Program Chair of the Cooperative Strategies Interest Group at the Strategic Management Society.

He has received a number of scholarly awards such as the Best Paper Award from the Business Policy and Strategy division and the Most Influential Article Award from the Conflict Management division at the Academy of Management Conference, the Discovery Early Career Research Award from the Australian Research Council, and the Jay Ross Faculty Scholar Award at Purdue University.

So far, Prof. Lumineau has taught in six main fields and has received numerous teaching recognitions: Inter-Organizational Relationships and Partnerships (Ph.D. and MSc levels); Psycho-Cognitive Foundations of Strategy (Ph.D. level); Strategic Management (MBA, MSc, and BBA levels); International Strategy (MBA, Weekend MBA, MSc, and BBA levels); Channel Management (MBA and BBA levels); and programs in executive education. In 2017, Prof. Lumineau was chosen by Poets & Quants as one of the “40 Under 40 Most Outstanding Business School Professors.”

Prof. Lumineau has lived in France, the USA, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, and China. Prior to receiving his PhD from HEC Paris, he worked as a project manager in the insurance and investment banking industries.

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