cdm |
4 |
bayesian inference |
2 |
expert-defined |
2 |
factor analysis |
2 |
general model |
2 |
item-splitting |
2 |
markov chain monte carlo |
2 |
mml |
2 |
polytomous attributes |
2 |
polytomous responses |
2 |
q-matrix |
2 |
saturated model |
2 |
baby |
1 |
bayesian |
1 |
bayesian full information |
1 |
bayesian lasso |
1 |
bayesian regularization |
1 |
bifactor |
1 |
bilevel selection |
1 |
cdms |
1 |
coexistence |
1 |
cognitive diagnosis |
1 |
cognitive diagnosis model |
1 |
cognitive structure |
1 |
compensatory |
1 |
construct domain |
1 |
context dependency |
1 |
context specific |
1 |
contributory |
1 |
coping mechanism |
1 |
expected a posterior |
1 |
expected a posteriori |
1 |
factor extraction |
1 |
fit measure |
1 |
generalized partially confirmatory factor analysis |
1 |
geometry |
1 |
growth modeling |
1 |
hierarchical taxonomy |
1 |
lasso loading |
1 |
latent class analysis |
1 |
latent growth modeling |
1 |
latent mediated effect |
1 |
latent profile analysis |
1 |
latent variables |
1 |
learning difficulty |
1 |
limited information |
1 |
listening genre competence |
1 |
listening skill |
1 |
local dependence |
1 |
logistic functions |
1 |
manifest variables |
1 |
maximum a posteriori |
1 |
maximum likelihood |
1 |
mediation effect |
1 |
mirt |
1 |
model formulation |
1 |
mortality salience |
1 |
multiple traits multiple methods |
1 |
multiplication |
1 |
nominal response |
1 |
nonlinear growth models |
1 |
ordinal data |
1 |
partially confirmatory |
1 |
plausible value |
1 |
polychoric correlation |
1 |
polytomous response |
1 |
ppmc |
1 |
problem solving |
1 |
reading comprehension skills |
1 |
regularization |
1 |
regularization bayesian |
1 |
residual based |
1 |
residual covariance |
1 |
score meaning |
1 |
score use |
1 |
special effect |
1 |
spike and slab prior |
1 |
stochastic search variable selection |
1 |
strategic development |
1 |
structural equation model |
1 |
terror management theory |
1 |
test validity |
1 |
testlet effect |
1 |
the g-dina model |
1 |
timss |
1 |
validation |
1 |
variational approximations |
1 |