Name Card
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Professor Chen, Liangliang 陳亮亮

Assistant Professor


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rp02735 picture

Professor Chen, Liangliang 陳亮亮

Assistant Professor


Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
Fudan UniversityBA in Chinese Literature
Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyMPhil in Chinese Philosophy
Chinese University of Hong KongPhD in Classical Chinese Literature


Dr. Chen Liangliang is an assistant professor in the School of Chinese at the University of Hongkong. Before joining the School in 2020, she served as a lecturer in the School of Humanities and Social Science at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. She obtained her BA in Chinese Literature, MPhil in Chinese Philosophy and PhD in Classical Chinese Literature. She won the “2016 Postgraduate Research Output Award” at CUHK when pursuing her PhD degree. Dr. Chen specializes in classical Chinese drama, Ming-Qing literature, and intellectual history of late imperial China. She has been investigating the significance of classical Chinese drama within the contexts of Chinese literature, history, culture and philosophy with a focus on the interaction and negotiation between the Qianjia drama and High Qing society. She has published several journal papers on literati dramas of the High Qing era. The undergraduate courses she teaches include CHIN1126 “Introduction to classical Chinese popular literature”, CHIN2126 “Ci poetry: selected writers”, and CHIN2179 “Topical studies of classical Chinese popular literature”. She is also supervising MPhil thesis.

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
Research Achievement
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
03/2021-03/2023memberChinese Oral and Performing Literature (CHINOPERL)
10/2022-10/2024memberAssociation for Asian Studies (AAS)
04/2022-04/2024memberEuropean Association of Chinese Studies (EACS)
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