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Professor Li, Yongxin Philip 李泳新

Assistant Professor

Research Interests:(click to check for cognate researchers)

Short Biography:

Dr. Yong-Xin Li is an Assistant Professor in Chemical Biology in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Hong Kong since July 2019. After receiving his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in pharmaceutical science from Peking University, Dr. Li joined the Qian’s lab in HKUST for his PhD study focusing on genome mining of secondary metabolites from marine bacteria. He went to Moore’s lab of UCSD to study natural product biosynthesis in 2013.  He came back to HKUST in 2014 for his post-doctoral training at the IAS, where he applied big data genome mining and genetic engineering for antibiotics discovery and their resistance study. Applying bioinformatics, molecular genetics, metabolomics, and chemical biology approaches, his group seeks to convert the genetic potential of microbiota into chemical reality for the discovery of structurally novel and biologically active molecules.

Professional Qualifications
Honours, Awards & Prizes
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