AuthorsNo. of Publications
hui, clm 87
chang, wc 85
chen, eyh 75
chan, kw 50
lee, hme 46
chan, skw 39
lee, ehm 39
lam, th 20
wang, mp 20
chan, ssc 18
li, whc 15
chen, eyh 14
wong, mth 14
chan, kt 13
cheung, c 11
wong, smc 11
hui, christy lai ming 10
wong, csm 10
cerin, e 9
chan, sherry kit wa 9
lui, sys 9
wong, ty 9
wong, mys 8
chang, wing chung 7
chen, eric yu hai 7
kwong, acs 7
lai, vwy 7
lee, edwin ho ming 7
lui, ssy 7
mellecker, rr 7
wong, cf 7
wong, smy 7
wong, stephanie m.y. 7
wong, stephanie ming yin 7
sham, pc 6
wong, ghy 6
wong, michael tak hing 6
chan, sherry k.w. 5
chang, w. c. 5
chen, eric y.h. 5
chen, eric yu hai 5
chu, oka 5
honer, wg 5
lam, bst 5
lau, fc 5
lau, os 5
lee, hm 5
tang, wcy 5
wo, sf 5
wong, mys 5
barnett, a 4
chan, ccl 4
chan, kai tai 4
chan, si 4
chu, rst 4
huang, wyj 4
hui, christy l.m. 4
hui, christy l.m. 4
hui, lm 4
lam, obc 4
lee, edwin h.m. 4
lee, edwin h.m. 4
lee, hc 4
liu, tt 4
lo, tl 4
luk, tt 4
myin-germeys, inez 4
tao, j 4
wong, corine s.m. 4
wong, michael t.h. 4
wong, smy 4
chan, ewt 3
chan, jkn 3
chan, k. t. 3
chan, kws 3
chan, sherry k.w. 3
chen, eric y.h. 3
chen, s 3
chen, yhe 3
cheung, ytd 3
ho, c 3
ho, cn 3
ho, ecn 3
hui, lmc 3
hui, pwm 3
hui, wm 3
lam, yh 3
liao, yk 3
lo, gg 3
lo, lhl 3
ng, cm 3
or, cf 3
see, shw 3
sum, my 3
tao, tj 3
tong, cchy 3
weng, x 3
wong, csm 3
wu, y 3
yan, wc 3
chan, hyv 2
chan, kn 2
chan, mcm 2
chan, sk 2
chan, wf 2
chen, e y h 2
chen, ey 2
chen, yh 2
cheng, pwc 2
cheung, charlton 2
cheung, ty 2
chiu, ss 2
chiu, tc 2
chong, csy 2
chu, aok 2
ho, cl 2
ho, dsy 2
howes, od 2
hui, c l m 2
hui, christy lai ming 2
hui, cl 2
ip, charlie h. 2
ip, h 2
kam, ctk 2
koh, ds 2
kwong, a 2
lai, v 2
lam, st 2
law, cs 2
lee, edwin ho ming 2
lee, eh 2
lee, wk 2
lei, lks 2
lo, llh 2
lui, simon sai yu 2
lui, ss 2
lui, tt 2
mak, hkf 2
mckenna, pj 2
pang, tsw 2
pintos, as 2
pomarol-clotet, e 2
pomarol-clotet, edith 2
santangelo, b 2
sham, p. c. 2
siu, cmw 2
siu, mwc 2
strauss, gp 2
tsang, hss 2
tsui, harry kam hung 2
veronese, m 2
veronese, mattia 2
wong, corine sau man 2
wong, cy 2
wong, kha 2
wong, mt 2
wong, ps 2
wong, s m y 2
wong, sm 2
wong, ting yat 2
wong, wc 2
yeung, ws 2
a, cornblatt barbara 1
a, gaspar pablo 1
a, light gregory 1
a, mittal vijay 1
agrima, srivastava 1
ahmed, ao 1
aissata, mavambu 1
alan, anticevic 1
alejandro, bruna 1
alejandro, maturana 1
alessia, mcgowan 1
alexandros, lalousis paris 1
alice, partridge 1
alyssa, bathery 1
amelia, mcdonnell 1
ameneh, asgari-targhi 1
anastasia, haidar 1
andrea, auther 1
andrew, thompson 1
andrés, estradé 1
angela, nunez 1
anna, jo 1
anna, pichiecchio 1
asika, etuka brandon 1
au yeung, kmp 1
au yeung, pkm 1
avraham, reichenberg 1
baranowski, t 1
barnaby, nelson 1
bastiampillai, t 1
beau-luke, colton 1
beier, yao 1
bernalyn, ruiz-yu 1
birkedal, glenthøj louise 1
brittany, mcqueen 1
c, gur ruben 1
c, nicholas spero 1
c, walsh barbara 1
camchong, jazmin 1
carla, agurto 1
carla, gerber 1
carmela, germano 1
caroline, gao 1
carsten, langholm 1
celso, arango 1
chan, cwh 1
chan, cyh 1
chan, dlk 1
chan, hy 1
chan, jcy 1
chan, k 1
chan, k t 1
chan, kcs 1
chan, kit wa 1
chan, kit wa sherry 1
chan, s k w 1
chan, s. k.w. 1
chan, sherry k w 1
chan, sherry kw 1
chan, wt 1
chan, yy 1
chang, cl 1
chau, alison pui yan 1
chen, ceyh 1
chen, e. y.h. 1
chen, eric y h 1
chen, sirong 1
cheng, calvin p.w. 1
cheng, cpw 1
cheung, c 1
cheung, charlton 1
cheung, k 1
cheung, kc 1
cheung, vivian k.w. 1
cheung, vk 1
chiu, pyc 1
chiu, s 1
chiu, st 1
chiu, sy 1
chloe, clifford 1
choi, o 1
choi, olivia 1
choi, yy 1
chong, catherine s.y. 1
chong, syc 1
christina, phassouliotis 1
christopher, markiewicz 1
christy, hlm 1
chu, a. o.k. 1
chu, sin ting 1
chui, e 1
chun, wy 1
chung, dws 1
chung, yl 1
clara, fonteneau 1
clarice, lee 1
clark, jeffries 1
d, cannon tyrone 1
d, hoftman gil 1
d, mcgorry patrick 1
d, pearlson godfrey 1
daniel, mamah 1
danielle, mclaughlin 1
david, cotter 1
de deyne, s 1
dominic, dwyer 1
e, bearden carrie 1
e, calkins monica 1
e, carrión ricardo 1
e, gur raquel 1
e, horton leslie 1
e, lewandowski kathryn 1
eduardo, castro 1
edwin, lhm 1
ee, ching ann 1
einat, liebenthal 1
eirini, zoupou 1
elana, kotler 1
elvevag, b 1
elvevåg, b 1
eric, cyh 1
eric, lin 1
erlend, lane 1
fang, z 1
fang, zq 1
fung, vsc 1
g, kohler christian 1
gennarina, santorelli 1
gold, j 1
gregory, ps 1
guillermo, cecci 1
h, ebdrup bjørn 1
h, mathalon daniel 1
h, srihari vinod 1
h, wolf daniel 1
habiballah, rahimi eichi 1
hai, chen eric yu 1
ho, garrett c.l. 1
ho, gcl 1
ho, ky 1
ho, rwh 1
ho, wh 1
ho, winky w.k. 1
ho, wy 1
holly, carrington 1
honer, william g 1
honer, william g. 1
honey, kim 1
howes, oliver d 1
howes, oliver d. 1
hsiao, j 1
hsiao, janet 1
hsiao, jhw 1
huang, w 1
hui, c. l.m. 1
hui, christy l m 1
hui, cm 1
hung, sf 1
i, castillo-passi rolando 1
i, turetsky bruce 1
ilaria, bonoldi 1
inez, mg 1
ip, hang 1
irena, kesselring 1
isabelle, scott 1
j, coleman michael 1
j, marcy patricia 1
j, wannan cassandra m 1
j, wood stephen 1
jack, rogers 1
jason, schiffman 1
jean, addington 1
jenna, reinen 1
jessica, hartmann 1
jessica, spark 1
jesus, perez 1
jijun, wang 1
jimmy, choi 1
johanna, jarcho 1
johanna, seitz-holland 1
john, cahill 1
john, torous 1
jones, peter b. 1
joseph, kambeitz 1
josh, mervis 1
joshua, llerena 1
justine, chen 1
k, cho kang ik 1
k, hamilton holly 1
kam, tk 1
kate, buccilli 1
kelly, allott 1
kelly, bates 1
kerstin, langbein 1
kevin, huynh 1
kim, do 1
kleinert, maria lisa 1
ko, wt 1
koh, dsq 1
kosha, ruparel 1
kroyer, jm 1
kwan, kl 1
kwok, jyy 1
kyle, kinney 1
l, shah jai 1
lam, bess y.h. 1
lam, bess yin hung 1
lam, byh 1
lam, c 1
lam, cob 1
lam, hy 1
lam, linda c.w. 1
lam, m 1
lam, mlm 1
lam, t. h. 1
lana, kambeitz-ilankovic 1
larry, hendricks 1
lau, aos 1
lau, cf 1
lau, cpt 1
lau, terry t y 1
lau, terry t.y. 1
lau, terry tak yee 1
lau, tyt 1
laura, adery 1
lauren, addamo 1
law, cw 1
lee, e 1
lee, e h m 1
lee, e. m.h. 1
lee, edwin h m 1
lee, ho ming edwin 1
lee, hpy 1
lee, jj 1
lee, m c y 1
lee, re 1
lei, ehc 1
leung, chung ming 1
leung, connie yuen ting 1
leung, eric y.l. 1
leung, eyl 1
leung, kf 1
leung, yl 1
leung, yle 1
li, fws 1
li, hcw 1
li, y 1
li, yandy y. 1
li, yk 1
liao, yingqi 1
liao, yo 1
liliana, galindo 1
lim, kelvin o. 1
lin, jj 1
ling, cheuk ying crystal 1
lipeng, ning 1
lisa, brown 1
lisa, ji jie 1
liu, jtt 1
lo, a 1
lo, gladys goh 1
lo, lincoln lik hang 1
lo, wfa 1
lo, william t.l. 1
lui, simon s.y. 1
lui, simon s.y. 1
lui, sy 1
luk, m 1
m, bayer johanna m 1
m, corcoran cheryl 1
m, diaz-caneja covadonga 1
m, ellman lauren 1
m, kane john 1
m, mallar chakravarty 1
ma, cf 1
ma, x 1
mahtani, shalini 1
mak, henry k.f. 1
mak, kfh 1
marco, armando 1
marek, kubicki 1
mariam, omar 1
marija, krcmar 1
mario, alvarez-jimenez 1
mark, vangel 1
martin, lepage 1
martina, mensi 1
mathias, goncalves 1
mcdaid, david 1
mcghee, s 1
mcghee, sarah m. 1
mcgorry, patrick d. 1
mckenna, peter j 1
mckenna, peter j. 1
melanie, formica 1
melanie, lafanechere 1
melissa, kerr 1
mendoza, ja 1
merete, nordentoft 1
mia, geljic 1
michael, tt 1
michael, wth 1
michaela, ennis 1
ming, hui christy lai 1
monica, done 1
morgan, craig 1
munaza, ali 1
myin-germeys, i 1
n, pratt danielle 1
neal, morrell 1
ng, mch 1
ng, mcm 1
ng, mk 1
ng, rmk 1
ng, sm 1
ng, winnie 1
nicholas, cheng 1
nicholas, kim 1
nikolaos, koutsouleris 1
nora, penzel 1
o'connor, tm 1
o, perkins diana 1
ofer, pasternak 1
omar, john 1
or, p. c.f. 1
owen, borders 1
p, harms michael 1
p, strauss gregory 1
pablo, polosecki 1
pamela, contreras 1
pan, yuen hok 1
pang, hh 1
pang, hh 1
pang, pf 1
pang, swt 1
paolo, fusar-poli 1
patwardhan, shilpa 1
paul, amminger 1
philippe, conus 1
phillip, wolff 1
pierluigi, p 1
poon, l 1
poon, lap tak 1
poon, lt 1
priya, matnejl 1
r, broome matthew 1
r, clark scott 1
r, jacobs grace 1
r, powers albert 1
r, roalf david 1
r, yung alison 1
rachel, furlan 1
rachel, rabin 1
rachel, upthegrove 1
rebecca, beedham 1
rebecca, mcilhenny 1
renato, borgatti 1
robert, glynn 1
rocío, mayol-troncoso 1
russell, poldrack 1
ruth, getachew 1
s, cadenhead kristin 1
s, kahn rené 1
s, keshavan matcheri 1
s, stone william 1
samantha, aversa 1
sarah, kerins 1
sebastián, corral 1
seon-hwa, baek 1
sham, p 1
sherry, ckw 1
shreyas, fadnavis 1
simon, d’alfonso 1
siu, ltt 1
siu, man wah 1
skouras, stavros 1
so, mm 1
so, yk 1
sonia, birch 1
soo), byun andrew 1
soo, kwon jun 1
stefan, smesny 1
stefano, damiani 1
suheyla, cetin-karayumak 1
sum, min yi 1
sung-wan, kim 1
suzie, lavoie 1
swapna, verma 1
sylvain, bouix 1
t, baker justin 1
t, cho youngsun 1
takeuchi, h 1
tam, fyk 1
tan, kcb 1
tang, cyw 1
tang, e y h 1
tang, eric y.h. 1
tang, eyh 1
tang, jym 1
tang, jym 1
tang, wesley chor yin 1
tashrif, billah 1
tatiana, adasme 1
teng, i 1
thomas, whitford 1
thompson, di 1
tina, gupta 1
tina, kapur 1
tong, acy 1
tsang, samantha 1
tso, s 1
tsui, cf 1
tsui, hkh 1
uzair, ahmed 1
valentina, mantua 1
van os, jim 1
vishnu, murty 1
w, sabb fred 1
w, wigman johanna t 1
waltz, j 1
wan, yau sum 1
westbrook, a 1
wilkins, a 1
wilkins, a j 1
wilkins, arnold 1
winter-van, rossum inge 1
wong, akh 1
wong, bym 1
wong, c. s.m. 1
wong, ccl 1
wong, charlotte w.c. 1
wong, charlotte wan chi 1
wong, cs 1
wong, gloria hoi yan 1
wong, jps 1
wong, m t h 1
wong, michael tak hing 1
wong, ming yin stephanie 1
wong, oya 1
wong, scy 1
wong, stephanie m y 1
wong, t. y. 1
wong, thm 1
wong, yc 1
wong, yik chun 1
woo, hsy 1
wu, sl 1
yan, eric wai ching 1
yan, kk 1
yang, w 1
yau, yj 1
yeung, etw 1
yeung, km 1
yeung, paul 1
yin, wong stephanie ming 1
yip, kc 1
yiu, gcm 1
yogesh, rathi 1
yohannes, mebrahtu 1
yoonho, chung 1
yu, terrence yat to 1
yu, ytt 1
zailyn, tamayo 1
zarina, bilgrami 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
covid-19 42
youth mental health 40
depression 28
mental health 25
negative symptoms 25
social unrest 25
schizophrenia 22
depressive symptoms 21
rumination 21
first-episode psychosis 19
epidemiology 18
psychosis 18
post-traumatic stress disorder 16
amotivation 15
psychotic disorders 15
smartphone overuse 14
adolescents 13
stigma 13
stress 13
validation study 13
chinese 12
experience sampling method 12
first-episode schizophrenia 12
momentary positive affect 12
network analysis 12
resilience 12
dopamine 11
pattern glare 11
perceptual distortions 11
psychopathology 11
smoking cessation 11
young people 11
youth 11
anxiety 10
delusional disorder 10
f-dopa 10
major depressive episode 10
physical activity 10
positron emission tomography 10
striatal dopamine capacity synthesis 10
active referral 9
affect 9
cognition 9
community smoker 9
epidemiological study 9
epidemiological youth 9
esm 9
ideas of reference 9
life events 9
loneliness 9
long-term outcomes 9
momentary assessment 9
omicron 9
psychotic-like experiences 9
relapse 9
risk factors 9
social context 9
traumatic events 9
brief intervention 8
clinical trial 8
cluster analysis 8
corpus striatum 8
early intervention 8
employment 8
lay counsellor 8
mass screening 8
pandemic 8
ptsd symptoms 8
raclopride 8
self-discrepancy 8
service use 8
trauma exposure 8
workplace 8
anti-stigma campaigns 7
avolition 7
big five 7
effort-cost computation 7
functional outcome 7
help‐seeking 7
illness disclosure 7
intervention 7
late-onset psychosis 7
latent class growth analysis 7
longitudinal course 7
mental health literacy 7
meta-analysis 7
mindfulness 7
mindfulness training 7
motivational deficits 7
neurobiology 7
neuropsychology 7
overcontrolled 7
personality 7
prospective follow-up 7
psychosocial 7
ptsd symptoms, women mental health 7
public stigma 7
randomized controlled trial 7
real-world functioning 7
resilient 7
sociodemographic correlates 7
stressful life event 7
undercontrolled 7
woman smoker 7
antipsychotics 6
app 6
assessment 6
at-risk mental states 6
attitude 6
category fluency 6
chinese zodiac signs 6
clinical predictors 6
clozapine 6
clozapine-resistant schizophrenia 6
cognitive flexibility 6
cognitive function 6
cognitive functions 6
cognitive impairment 6
community 6
cultural sensitivity 6
digital technologies 6
discontinuation 6
early intervention service 6
early psychosis 6
effort allocation 6
effort discounting 6
effort-based decision-making 6
environmental stressors 6
ethnic minority 6
executive function 6
family functioning 6
fitmind 6
fractionation 6
global functioning 6
guideline 6
illness attributional belief 6
immersive 6
insight 6
internal feed-forward 6
long-term trajectories 6
longitudinal negative symptoms 6
maintenance treatment 6
medication adherence 6
mental health services 6
mhealth 6
neurocognition 6
outcomes 6
paranoid schizophrenia 6
passivity experiences 6
pilot trial 6
psychosocial functioning 6
recommendation 6
remission 6
self-monitoring 6
semantic 6
smartphone 6
social anxiety 6
social cognition 6
social functioning 6
stressful life events 6
subjective quality of life 6
suicidal behaviours 6
suicide-related rumination 6
switching 6
systematic review 6
theory of mind 6
treatment 6
treatment resistant schizophrenia 6
treatment-resistant schizophrenia 6
virtual reality 6
vr 6
adverse childhood experiences 5
anticholinergic load 5
anxiety symptoms 5
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 5
autism spectrum disorder 5
child behavioral health 5
collective stressors 5
comorbidity 5
company 5
cotinine assay 5
employers 5
express emotion 5
family caregiver 5
first episode psychosis 5
functioning 5
gad-7 5
generalized anxiety disorder 5
longitudinal 5
longitudinal study 5
mindful attention 5
multiple interventions 5
nightmare 5
passive smoking 5
post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms 5
prospective study 5
rasch model 5
salivary cotinine concentration 5
schizophrenia, pandemic 5
secondhand smoke (shs) 5
structural equation model 5
symptoms 5
validity 5
voluntary 5
workplace smoking cessation 5
world assumptions 5
connectivity concordance mapping 4
flow model of rumination 4
fmri 4
hippocampus 4
memory 4
public health emergency 4
resting-state 4
salience 4
technological advances 4
treatment resistant 4
treatment response 4
clinical decisions 3
clinical high risk 3
consortium 3
early detection 3
prediction 3
prevention 3
primary negative symptoms 3
active lifestyle 2
built environment 2
collective efficacy 2
depression & mood disorders 2
encouragement 2
exercise 2
exercise for children - china - hong kong 2
family 2
health 2
hong kong 2
neighborhood environment 2
nominal group technique 2
parental perceptions 2
parental questionnaire 2
parenting practices 2
preschool children - health and hygiene - china - hong kong 2
preschool-age children 2
reliability 2
role model 2
safety 2
scale validity 2
screen time 2
social-ecologic model 2
socio-demographics 2
young children 2
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
mri, population-based, psychosis, psychotic experiences, subclinical psychotic symptoms, youth 9
at-risk for depressive disorders, experience sampling method 7
at-risk mental states, community, psychosis 7
bipolar affective disorders, cognitive function, long-term follow up, schizophrenia 7
schizophrenia, clozapine, long-term outcomes, mortality, hospitalization 7
schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, self-harm, early intervention, early intervention service 7
10-year follow-up, adult-onset, delusional disorder, functioning, long-term outcome, schizophrenia 6
biased inference, circular inference, clinical high-risk, computational modeling, first-episode psychosis, novelty salience 6
community, controlled trial, quit to win, smoking cessation 5
smoking 5
active referral, brief cessation advice, nicotine replacement therapy, randomized controlled trial, smoking cessation 4
adolescent, cessation, experiential sampling, mhealth, smoking, tobacco 4
generative ai; artificial intelligence; conversational agent; adolescents; young people 2
university, mental health, lifestyleemerging adulthood is the peak age for the start of the majority of mental health issues. this period, during which many young people attend college, is also characterised by a change in a variety of lifestyle patterns, including an increase in sedentary behaviour and physical inactivity, worse eating habits, sleep quality, and drug use. evidence in the general population has already shown links between such lifestyle choices and an elevated risk of mental health disorder 1
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