Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
c. elegans 4
chemical biology 3
interactomics 3
protein interaction networks 3
tissue differentiation 3
cd146 2
neurite growth 2
neurodegeneration 2
aces 1
anticancer activity 1
axonal guidance 1
binary decision 1
caenorhabditis elegans 1
cancer 1
catechins 1
cd146 dimerization 1
cell fate 1
cell migration 1
cell type 1
chromatin remodeling 1
condensed tannin 1
cp: metabolism 1
cp: neuroscience 1
curli 1
developmental hourglass pattern 1
dimerization 1
dishevelled 1
disulfide bond 1
energy production 1
epigenetics 1
erm proteins 1
evolution 1
f-box 1
fatty acid synthase 1
free radicals 1
gpcr 1
guanine nucleotide exchange factors 1
gut-brain axis 1
histone modification 1
hox genes 1
inhibition 1
inhibitor 1
lim domain proteins 1
microbe–host interaction 1
microtubules 1
mitochondrial unfolded protein response 1
mitoupr 1
molecular chaperones 1
nadph oxidase 1
neuronal differentiation 1
nfκb 1
oligomers 1
parkinson's disease 1
parkinson’s disease 1
phylotranscriptomics 1
polymorphisms 1
positive selection 1
propionate 1
protein homeostasis 1
rac gtpases 1
rag accessibility 1
repressors 1
rhoa 1
rhogdi1 1
scfas 1
short-chain fatty acids 1
single-cell transcriptomics 1
small gtpase 1
terminal selectors 1
touch receptor neurons 1
transcriptional guarantors 1
tumor angiogenesis 1
ubiquitylation-proteasome system 1
v (d)j recombination 1
variability and robustness in gene expression 1
vegf signal transduction 1
vitamin b12 1
wnt 1
zeb 1
α-synuclein 1
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