AuthorsNo. of Publications
ng, wt 41
lung, ml 34
kwong, dlw 29
lee, awm 27
lee, vhf 19
dai, w 17
ko, jmy 16
lee, wma 16
yau, cc 16
lam, ko 12
lau, w. h. 11
tung, s 10
tung, sy 10
wong, kh 10
yiu, hhy 10
choi, cw 9
chow, jch 9
tung, stewart y. 9
yip, ttc 9
yuen, kt 9
yip, timothy t.c. 8
au, kh 7
cheng, h. c. 7
cheung, km 7
cho, william c.s. 7
lam, th 7
chan, yh 6
cheung, akl 6
kwong, a 6
law, stephen c.k. 6
lo, kw 6
mak, nk 6
ng, awy 6
au, joseph s k 5
chan, kc 5
chappell, rick 5
cheng, wai wai 5
fong, hw 5
ho, sy 5
hui, th 5
lau, wai hon 5
law, stephen c k 5
lee, anne w m 5
lin, y 5
mai, zm 5
tsao, gsw 5
yau, s 5
yip, tai tung 5
zheng, h 5
au, gordon k h 4
chan, anthony t.c. 4
chan, atc 4
chan, john k c 4
chan, ls 4
cheng, hc 4
chua, daniel t t 4
hui, edwin p. 4
ip, dkm 4
leung, t. w. 4
li, kws 4
lin, jh 4
lu, tx 4
ng, w. t. 4
ng, wai tong 4
o'sullivan, brian 4
poon, y. f. 4
tam, ahp 4
wong, ehw 4
yip, christine 4
yiu, harry h.y. 4
au, joseph s.k. 3
au, k. h. 3
au, kwok hung 3
au, wy 3
chan, anthony t c 3
chan, john k.c. 3
chan, wlw 3
chappell, rj 3
chen, l 3
chen, my 3
cheng, a 3
cheung, foon yiu 3
chiang, aks 3
chiang, cl 3
cho, wc 3
cho, wcs 3
cho, william c s 3
choi, ssa 3
chow, sin ming 3
kahn, m 3
kwan, ck 3
kwong, d 3
lam, tc 3
law, ck 3
lee, fkh 3
lee, ty 3
lee, victor h.f. 3
leong, ml 3
leung, a. k.c. 3
leung, tw 3
li, ws 3
liang, r 3
lung, hl 3
ma, brigette b.y. 3
ma, victor w s 3
ma, victor w.s. 3
mai, hq 3
mang, owk 3
o'sullivan, b 3
sin, v. c. 3
siu, lillian 3
tong, chi chung 3
wong, k. y. 3
wong, kam hung 3
wong, r. k y 3
wong, rns 3
yau, t. k. 3
yip, tc 3
yip, timothy t c 3
yip, victor 3
yuen, k. t. 3
zhang, l 3
au, jsk 2
au, sk 2
blanchard, p 2
bourhis, j 2
carmel, a 2
chakrabandhu, s 2
chan, a. t.c. 2
chan, ckc 2
chan, d. t. 2
chan, jch 2
chan, johnny w m 2
chan, k. c.allen 2
chan, kkl 2
chan, kw 2
chan, l 2
chan, llk 2
chan, oscar s h 2
chappell, r 2
chen, lei 2
chen, sj 2
cheng, ashley c.k. 2
cheng, w. w. 2
cheng, ww 2
cheng, y 2
cheuk, w 2
cheuk, w. 2
cheung, c. h. 2
cheung, cl 2
cheung, f. y. 2
cheung, ka man 2
cheung, yt 2
chiang, sc 2
chiu, k. w. 2
choi, hcw 2
chow, e. 2
co, m 2
fong, ks 2
fong, s. t. 2
fountzilas, g 2
fu, yiu tung 2
hingley, jp 2
hong, rl 2
huang, py 2
hui, ep 2
ip, jcy 2
ip, km 2
kam, michael k.m. 2
kam, mkm 2
khong, pl 2
kwan, kw 2
kwan, w. h. 2
kwok, p. c.h. 2
kwong, dora l w 2
kwong, yl 2
lam, m. h.c. 2
lam, y. l. 2
lau, gkk 2
lau, joseph t. 2
lau, wh 2
lee, a 2
lee, anne w.m. 2
lee, v. h. 2
leong, mml 2
leung, akc 2
leung, rcy 2
leung, s. f. 2
leung, sing fai 2
leung, to wai 2
li, wf 2
lie, a 2
lin, j 2
lo, s. h. 2
loong, herbert h.f. 2
loong, hhf 2
lou, pj 2
lui, jcf 2
lui, l. c.y. 2
luk, my 2
lung, hl 2
ma, b 2
ma, j 2
ma, vws 2
mo, f 2
mo, f. 2
mo, frankie 2
mo, frankie k.f. 2
moore, b. b. 2
ng, alice w.y. 2
ng, ty 2
ngan, ahw 2
ngan, hys 2
paine, r. 2
petit, c 2
pignon, jp 2
poon, d. m. 2
poon, darren m.c. 2
quek, richard 2
sham, jonathan s t 2
sham, pc 2
sing, cw 2
sitterding, s. 2
siu, ll 2
siu, s. w.k. 2
siu, wks 2
so, y. c. 2
sze, ckh 2
sze, w. m. 2
tai, y. p. 2
tam, anthony h.p. 2
tan, eh 2
tan, kt 2
tan, t 2
tan, terence 2
tang, f. 2
thulasiraman, vanitha 2
to, kf 2
toews, g. b. 2
tong, macy 2
tse, lap ah 2
vardhanabhuti, v 2
wan, k. k. 2
wang, hm 2
wilke, c. a. 2
wong, ick 2
wong, k. h. 2
wong, s. y. 2
wong, wy 2
yan, z 2
yang, xiaohong r. 2
yao, s 2
yau, stephen 2
yau, y. s.h. 2
yeo, winnie 2
yeung, r. 2
yiu, h. y. 2
yu, k. h. 2
yu, m 2
yuen, k. k. 2
yuen, tony yiu sang 2
zee, benny c.y. 2
zhu, g 2
adham, m 1
ahuja, a. t. 1
ahuja, anil t. 1
alcasabas, ana patricia 1
anderson, william f. 1
ang, pcs 1
angeliki, kg 1
anne wm 1
au yong, t. k. 1
au, dennis w.y. 1
au, gkh 1
au, joseph siu kei 1
au, k. 1
au, siu kie 1
au, wing yan 1
auperin, anne 1
aupérin, a 1
aupérin, anne 1
baron, ad 1
bassig, bryan a. 1
bebchuk, j 1
bei, jx 1
ben, kridis, w 1
benhamou, e 1
blanc, jf 1
blanchard, pierre 1
bossi, p 1
bourhis, jean 1
bryce, r 1
busson, p 1
but, b 1
carmel, alexandra 1
chai, awy 1
chan, a. c.l. 1
chan, akc 1
chan, angel 1
chan, anthony w.h. 1
chan, awh 1
chan, c. l. 1
chan, ccl 1
chan, charles m.l. 1
chan, cml 1
chan, j. c.h. 1
chan, j. k c 1
chan, j. k.c. 1
chan, jeffrey c.h. 1
chan, jkc 1
chan, john k. 1
chan, jyw 1
chan, k. 1
chan, k. c.a. 1
chan, kf 1
chan, kkl 1
chan, l. k. 1
chan, lucy l k 1
chan, lucy l.k. 1
chan, may 1
chan, mc 1
chan, mcm 1
chan, osh 1
chan, paddy t. 1
chan, pc 1
chan, po chung sunny 1
chan, ps 1
chan, s. 1
chan, sl 1
chan, spc 1
chan, stephen l. 1
chan, sw 1
chan, t. w. 1
chan, tc 1
chan, tm 1
chan, tw 1
chan, wing cheong 1
chan, wl 1
chan, yw 1
chang, ckc 1
chao, c 1
chao, dvk 1
chau, k. f. 1
chau, ricky ming chun 1
chen, hl 1
chen, mc 1
chen, ming-yuan 1
chen, qy 1
chen, st 1
chen, sw 1
chen, wan qing 1
chen, y 1
cheng, a. c. 1
cheng, a. c.k. 1
cheng, aac 1
cheng, ac 1
cheng, ack 1
cheng, al 1
cheng, ashley 1
cheng, ashley c k 1
cheng, ashley c. 1
cheng, dkl 1
cheng, harold k.m. 1
cheng, hcy 1
cheng, hoi c. 1
cheng, k. p. 1
cheng, mhf 1
cheng, wai w. 1
cherny, ss 1
cheuk, wah 1
cheun, f. y. 1
cheung, akw 1
cheung, any 1
cheung, ccm 1
cheung, ee 1
cheung, fmf 1
cheung, frankie chun hung 1
cheung, fy 1
cheung, k. m. 1
cheung, ka wai alice 1
cheung, lya 1
cheung, m 1
cheung, mff 1
cheung, michael m c 1
cheung, michael m. 1
cheung, michael m.c. 1
cheung, mmc 1
cheung, ps 1
cheung, w. k. 1
chi-hum chan, susan 1
chia, kee seng 1
chiang, chi leung 1
chiang, chun ju 1
chik, y. k. 1
ching, r 1
chitapanarux, i 1
chiu, cy 1
chiu, h. m. 1
cho, w. c s 1
cho, w. c.s. 1
cho, william c. 1
choi, c. w. 1
choi, cheuk wai horace 1
choi, h 1
choi, horace 1
choi, horace c.w. 1
choi, p. 1
choi, peter h.k. 1
chong, h. m. 1
chong-hei kwok, philip 1
chow, chung hang james 1
chow, edward 1
chow, j. c.h. 1
chow, james c.h. 1
chow, lky 1
chow, r. 1
choy, kw 1
christensen, p. 1
christensen, p. j. 1
chu, e. 1
chu, sc 1
chua, dtt 1
chun, sang li 1
chung, dls 1
chung, gty 1
chung, hc 1
chung, o. m. 1
cochet, chantal 1
coffey, m. j. 1
dai, ms 1
dairiki, r 1
davidson, s. e. 1
deangelis, carlo 1
dechaphunkul, a 1
del poggio, p 1
deng, m 1
desai, jayesh 1
devi, beena 1
diamandis, eleftherios p. 1
dickson, n 1
dutcus, ce 1
el helali, a 1
et al 1
evans, trj 1
even, c 1
fan, cym 1
fei, lw 1
feng, yh 1
finn, rs 1
fong, ahw 1
fong, alvin h.w. 1
fong, dyt 1
foo, w 1
foo, william 1
foo, william w l 1
fountzilas, george 1
fu, y. t. 1
funahashi, y 1
fung, k. k. 1
ganesh, vithusha 1
gonzalez-maffe, j 1
gregoire, v 1
grunewald, v. 1
gu, z 1
guan, x 1
guigay, j 1
gullane, patrick j. 1
guo, c 1
ha, wy 1
han, kh 1
hao, sp 1
hartman, mikael 1
higgins, j 1
ho, c 1
ho, gf 1
ho, h. c.john 1
ho, j 1
ho, j. h c 1
ho, john h. 1
ho, ppy 1
ho, r 1
ho, rosalie 1
ho, sy 1
ho, w. y. 1
ho, wk 1
hong, mh 1
hong, ruey-long 1
hou, mf 1
hsiao, cf 1
hsue, cc 1
hu, wei 1
huang, pei-yu 1
hui, e. p. 1
hui, edwin p 1
hui, kf 1
hui, sk 1
ikeda, m 1
ikezawa, h 1
ip, dennis k.m. 1
jamoletti, c 1
jiang, h 1
joab, i. 1
joab, irene 1
johnson, p. j. 1
johnson, philip j. 1
ka, foon chau 1
ka, yan wong 1
kam, m 1
kam, michael k m 1
kam, mk 1
kan, pqr 1
kan, r 1
kanekiyo, m 1
kang, daehee 1
kannarunimit, d 1
kennedy, rd 1
khoo, us 1
kim, ming wong 1
kim, sb 1
kim, sj 1
kim, ws 1
king, a. d. 1
king, ann d. 1
kok, vc 1
kudo, m 1
kui-man wong, andrew 1
kuziel, w. a. 1
kwan, ting lok 1
kwan, wh 1
kwok, c 1
kwok, carol chi hei 1
kwok, cc 1
kwok, ch 1
kwok, ctt 1
kwok, hh 1
kwok, hyy 1
kwok, y. l. 1
kwong, dl 1
kwong, dora l w 1
kwong, dora l.w. 1
lacas, b 1
lacas, benjamin 1
lai, c 1
lai, jwy 1
lai, lsf 1
lai, m. 1
lai, maria m.p. 1
lai, sc 1
lai, wing yu jessica 1
lam, aky 1
lam, csc 1
lam, henry 1
lam, ka on 1
lam, ko 1
lam, mhc 1
lam, sy 1
lam, wkj 1
lan, qing 1
lau yip, christine n b 1
lau, cc 1
lau, george k.k. 1
lau, km 1
lau, p. p.l. 1
lau, wai h. 1
law, c. k. 1
law, chun key 1
law, ko 1
law, s 1
law, s. c.k. 1
law, sck 1
law, simon c.c. 1
law, stephen chun key 1
law, sze hong 1
law, wl 1
le, qt 1
leblanc, ml 1
lee, a. w. 1
lee, anne 1
lee, aw 1
lee, c. k. 1
lee, ck 1
lee, francis kar ho 1
lee, h. l. 1
lee, ho fun victor 1
lee, j 1
lee, k. h. 1
lee, kcm 1
lee, king chung 1
lee, ks 1
lee, ny 1
lee, s 1
lee, s. m. 1
lee, shing fung 1
lee, vh 1
lee, victor 1
lee, wing mui anne 1
lei, cl 1
leung, alex k.c. 1
leung, alex kwok cheung 1
leung, c. 1
leung, carmen 1
leung, cwl 1
leung, gm 1
leung, jns 1
leung, k 1
leung, k. c. 1
leung, kc 1
leung, kh 1
leung, sf 1
leung, siu lan 1
leung, thomas w.t. 1
leung, w. l. 1
lewin, jeremy 1
li, c. s. 1
li, jyc 1
li, k. h. 1
li, mengjie 1
li, sh 1
li, wen-fei 1
li, wing s. 1
li, wsk 1
li, z 1
liang, h 1
liang, raymond 1
licitra, l 1
lie, akw 1
lie, albert 1
lim, c. k.p. 1
lim, cadmon k p 1
lim, cadmon k.p. 1
lim, dw 1
lim, dwt 1
lim, sy 1
lim, wei yen 1
lim, wilina w l 1
lin, jc 1
liu, jy 1
lo, c 1
lo, dym 1
lo, mc 1
lo, p. y. 1
lo, t. y. 1
lo, y. m.d. 1
lo, y. m.dennis 1
loh, ks 1
loong, f 1
loong, h. h. 1
lu, t. x. 1
lu, tai xiang 1
lu, ys 1
lui, yh 1
luk, m. y. 1
luk, mai yee 1
lun, swm 1
lung, c. w. 1
ma, b. 1
ma, bby 1
ma, jun 1
ma, vvs 1
maarten burbach, j. p. 1
machiels, jp 1
mai, hai-qiang 1
mai, z 1
mak, k. l. 1
man, oy 1
manenti, l 1
mang, o. w.k. 1
mang, oscar 1
mang, oscar wai kong 1
mange, owk 1
masuda, n 1
mataraza, j 1
mccune, s 1
mcdonald, r. 1
mcdonald, rachel 1
mesía, r 1
miao, xiaoping 1
minoshima, y 1
mok, t. 1
mok, tony s.k. 1
moon, j 1
moon, james 1
moore, j. v. 1
moore, t. a. 1
morton, lindsay m. 1
ng, a. w. 1
ng, c. s. 1
ng, hy 1
ng, raymond h.w. 1
ng, t. p. 1
ng, t. y. 1
ng, w. 1
ng, w. f. 1
ng, w. m. 1
ng, wai t. 1
ng, wai tong 1
ngan, roger k c 1
ning, l 1
o, s. k. 1
ollivier, c 1
ow, s 1
pang, ellie s y 1
pang, hhm 1
pang, hmh 1
peters-golden, m. 1
petit, claire 1
phare, s. m. 1
phillips, john 1
pierre, pj 1
pignon, jean-pierre 1
pillai, s 1
piscaglia, f 1
podust, vladimir n. 1
poh, s 1
poh, ssx 1
poh, sx 1
poon, ming chun darren 1
popovic, marko 1
porter, david 1
prayogo, nugroho 1
pun, he 1
puri, ajay 1
qin, s 1
raman, srinivas 1
rau, km 1
ren, m 1
rosenberg, philip s. 1
rothman, nathaniel 1
rücker, g 1
sangai, t 1
seow, wei jie 1
sham, j 1
shao, x 1
shek, cc 1
shek, t. 1
shu, xo 1
shuen, wh 1
shum, hc 1
sin, vai chong 1
siu, lillian l. 1
siu, spk 1
soo, w 1
soong, i 1
soong, i. s. 1
soong, inda s. 1
soong, is 1
soong, si 1
spira, ai 1
suen, joyce j.s. 1
suen, js 1
sukari, a 1
sun, y 1
sung, hyuna 1
sze, hck 1
sze, hck 1
sze, henry c.k. 1
sze, w. k. 1
sze, wai man 1
sze, wing kin 1
szeto, cyy 1
szeto, o. y. 1
szpakowski, s 1
séchaud, r 1
tam, h. 1
tamai, t 1
tan, e. h. 1
tan, twk 1
tan, y 1
tanasanvimon, s 1
tang, d. l c 1
tang, f. n f 1
tang, kw 1
tang, lq 1
tang, sm 1
tang, yh 1
tang, yt 1
tao, l 1
tao, lh 1
tay, jk 1
teng, s. k. 1
teo, p. m.l. 1
teo, peter m.l. 1
thomas, david 1
tin, w 1
ting, s. h. 1
to, ka fai 1
tong, cc 1
tong, m 1
tong, m. 1
tsang, dominic n c 1
tsang, hk 1
tsang, janice 1
tsang, khk 1
tsang, koon ho 1
tsang, rk 1
tsang, s 1
tsang, skc 1
tsang, thf 1
tsang, y. w. 1
tsang, yy 1
tsao, sw 1
tse, kc 1
tse, kp 1
tse, ky 1
tse, rpy 1
tseng, lm 1
tung, raymond 1
tung, s. y. 1
tung, stewart yuk 1
tung, y 1
tung, yuk stewart 1
van der velden, joanne m. 1
vogel, a 1
vuong, sherlyn 1
wai-kong mang, oscar 1
wan, kwong kee 1
wang, edward 1
wang, feng 1
wang, h. q. 1
wang, hong qiang 1
wang, k. 1
wang, ki 1
wang, l 1
wang, zheng 1
wee, j 1
wee, jt 1
wei, william ignace 1
wen, w 1
west, c. m.l. 1
wieser, r 1
wilks, d. p. 1
wong, bmy 1
wong, c. k. 1
wong, cesar s.c. 1
wong, chi fai 1
wong, chun yin edwin 1
wong, csc 1
wong, ecy 1
wong, f 1
wong, f. c.s. 1
wong, f. k.m. 1
wong, fcs 1
wong, flf 1
wong, frank 1
wong, frank c s 1
wong, frank c.s. 1
wong, hlc 1
wong, hwe 1
wong, iol 1
wong, jwc 1
wong, k. w. 1
wong, k. y.r. 1
wong, kam h. 1
wong, kan wong 1
wong, kc 1
wong, mcs 1
wong, ns 1
wong, r. k.y. 1
wong, rachel c.w. 1
wong, tt 1
wood, david 1
wu, cherry 1
wu, chunxiao 1
wu, fan 1
wu, jt 1
wu, jtk 1
wu, vwc 1
wu, x 1
wyrwicz, l 1
xu, jun 1
xu, l. 1
xu, t 1
yang, w 1
yang, x 1
yang, yt 1
yao, y 1
yap, ys 1
yau, t 1
yau, tcc 1
yen, cj 1
yeo, w. 1
yeung, rmw 1
ying, ach 1
yip, celia wai yi 1
yip, cwy 1
yip, pui lam 1
yip, s. f. 1
yip, t. t c 1
yip, t. t.c. 1
yip, tai t. 1
yip, timothy t. 1
yiu, h 1
yiu, h. h. 1
yiu, harry 1
yiu, hy 1
yoshizawa, c 1
you, ssy 1
yu, ignatius tak sun 1
yu, k. s. 1
yu, kwok hung 1
yu, vz 1
yu, wai cho 1
yue, py 1
yuen, kam tong 1
yuen, tony y.s. 1
zaccanelli, m 1
zee, b. 1
zee, b. c. 1
zee, bcy 1
zee, benny 1
zhang, hy 1
zhang, l. 1
zhang, li 1
zhang, y 1
zhao, c. 1
zheng, tongzhang 1
zheng, w 1
zheng, ying 1
zhou, zl 1
zhu, guopei 1
zhu, h. l. 1
zhu, hai long 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 56
radiotherapy 27
survival 23
chemotherapy 17
epstein-barr virus 16
whole-exome sequencing 16
chemoradiotherapy 14
randomized controlled trial 14
cancer susceptibility genes 13
early-age onset 13
mst1r 13
apobec-mediated signature 12
nf-κb signaling 12
somatic mutation landscape 12
esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (escc) 11
metastasis 11
nasopharyngeal carcinoma (npc) 11
nidogen-2 (nid2) 11
npc 11
promoter hypermethylation 11
accelerated fractionation 10
biomarker 10
capecitabine 10
case-control study 10
late toxicity 10
25-hydroxyvitamin d 9
chromatin accessibility 9
chromosome 6p 9
dietary fiber 9
ebv 9
epidemiology 9
fresh vegetable and fruit 9
genetic epidemiology 9
genetic variant 9
host-virus interaction 9
illumina humanmethylation450 9
leucocyte telomere length 9
life-course 9
methylome 9
milk 9
multiple imputation 9
npc risk 9
preserved food 9
prognostic marker 9
soybean product 9
telomere biology 9
tumor microenvironment 9
ultraviolet radiation 9
vitamin d 9
vitamin d deficiency 9
whole-genome bisulfite sequencing 9
cigarette smoking 8
dose-response relation 8
nomogram 8
oncology 8
salvage treatment 8
smoking cessation 8
tyrosine kinase inhibitor 8
blm 7
ccdc170 7
dna dsb repair 7
familial npc 7
genetic susceptibility 7
imrt 7
intensity-modulated radiotherapy 7
male 7
medical sciences 7
nhej 7
pathway associations 7
tert 7
adult 6
cxcl8 6
cxcr2 6
dna methylation 6
dnmt1 6
early diagnosis 6
female 6
humans 6
mif 6
ms‐hrm 6
sulforaphane 6
treatment outcomes 6
tumour spheres 6
wif1 6
3' untranslated region 5
aged 5
animal experiment 5
animal model 5
animal tissue 5
antigen expression 5
breast neoplasms 5
cancer outcomes 5
cancer site-standardized relative survival 5
efficacy 5
global health 5
health economics 5
her2+ breast cancer 5
her2-targeted therapy 5
metastatic brain tumours 5
middle aged 5
second primary cancer 5
survivorship 5
treatment outcome 5
cell-cell contact 4
concurrent-adjuvant chemotherapy 4
contact inhibition 4
evi1 4
hong kong 4
icg-001 4
mir-449a 4
mir-96 4
nasopharyngeal cancer 4
neoplasm recurrence, local 4
partial confinement 4
retrospective studies 4
rigidity-dependent cell growth 4
survival analysis 4
aged, 80 and over 3
antiviral agents - therapeutic use 3
autologous stem cell transplantation 3
brain metastases 3
cell adhesion 3
cell mechanics 3
cisplatin 3
cns metastases 3
dna, viral - blood 3
drug-resistance 3
ductal carcinoma in situ 3
electroosmosis 3
electroporation 3
epstein-barr virus dna 3
ercc1 3
fih1 3
fluidic devices 3
follow-up studies 3
friction 3
hepatitis b - drug therapy - virology 3
hepatitis b virus - genetics 3
her2-positive breast cancer 3
incidence 3
ion engines 3
killer cells, natural 3
lamivudine - therapeutic use 3
lapatinib 3
local failure 3
lymphoma, t-cell - therapy 3
mcm2 3
microrna 3
mir-31 3
mutation 3
nano-indentation 3
nasal nk/t lymphoma 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms 3
neratinib 3
nose neoplasms - therapy 3
ovarian cancer 3
sarcoma 3
single nucleotide polymorphism 3
stem cell transplantation - adverse effects 3
survival outcome 3
time factors 3
transplantation, autologous 3
virus activation 3
adjuvant drug therapy 2
adolescent 2
antineoplastic agents - therapeutic use 2
antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols - therapeutic use 2
biologically effective dose 2
brachytherapy 2
breast neoplasms/prevention & control 2
carcinoma, squamous cell 2
cohort studies 2
decision support techniques 2
descriptive epidemiology 2
dna mutational analysis 2
dosimetric changes 2
genetic counseling 2
head and neck neoplasms 2
head-and-neck cancer 2
healthcare survey 2
hepatitis b, chronic - complications - drug therapy 2
hypoglossal nerve 2
incidence rates 2
lamivudine - administration & dosage 2
lymphoid malignancies 2
lymphoma - complications - drug therapy 2
lymphoma - drug therapy - physiopathology 2
mass screening 2
molecular diagnostic techniques 2
natural killer t-cells - pathology 2
neoplasm recurrence, local - drug therapy 2
neoplasms 2
non-hodgkin lymphoma 2
nose neoplasms - drug therapy - physiopathology 2
paclitaxel 2
pancreatic neoplasms 2
poly(adp-ribose) polymerase inhibitors 2
practice guideline 2
prognosis 2
radiation dosimetry 2
recurrence 2
recurrence - prevention & control 2
reverse transcriptase inhibitors - administration & dosage 2
risk assessment 2
risk factors 2
salvage therapy 2
surgery 2
survivors 2
therapeutics 2
volumetric changes 2
young adult 2
5-ht3 receptor antagonist 1
6 mv 1
6mv photons 1
adenocarcinoma (mucoid) 1
adenoid cystic carcinoma 1
adjuvant 1
adoptive cell therapy 1
advanced or metastatic breast cancer (a/mbc) 1
age-period-cohort modeling 1
androgen antagonists 1
annual percentage change 1
anterior commissure 1
antibody-drug conjugate 1
antineoplastic combined chemotherapy protocols 1
asia-pacific 1
bamh1-w 1
biological markers 1
bleomycin 1
bone neoplasms 1
breast cancer 1
bzlf‐1 1
cancer 1
cancer treatment protocols 1
cancer vaccine 1
carcinoma 1
case reports 1
cauda equina syndrome 1
central nervous system metastasis 1
cerebrospinal fluid spread 1
cervical carcinoma 1
cervical nodal metastases 1
cetuximab 1
chemotherapy, adjuvant 1
cholangiocarcinoma 1
chondroblastoma 1
chordoma 1
clear cell 1
clinically relevant genomic alteration 1
combined modality therapy 1
computer-assisted 1
de novo metastasis 1
dedifferentiation 1
deoxycytidine/ analogs & derivatives 1
dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans 1
dialysis 1
disease classification 1
disease prognosis 1
disease risk 1
disease-free survival 1
distant metastasis 1
dna flow cytometry 1
dna ploidy 1
doxorubicin 1
drug therapy 1
early-stage 1
eber-1 1
eber1 1
ebna1 1
education 1
endoscopy 1
epstein-barr virus (ebv) 1
epstein-barr virus (ebv) dna 1
epstein-barr virus infections 1
epstein-barr virus-encoded rna stain 1
epstein‐barr virus 1
etoposide 1
extremeties 1
factor viii 1
gastric cancer 1
gemcitabine 1
gemcitabine-cisplatin 1
head and neck 1
head and neck cancer 1
hematogenous spread 1
hematological toxicity 1
hemodialysis 1
hepatocellular 1
hormone therapy 1
hormone-receptor positive (hr+) 1
immune checkpoint inhibitors 1
immunoglobulin‐g antibody 1
immunophenotype 1
immunotherapy 1
in situ hybridization 1
induction chemotherapy 1
intensity-modulated 1
interstitial brachytherapy 1
intradural metastasis 1
iridium 1
iridium radioisotopes 1
laryngealneoplasms 1
local recurrence 1
long-term responder 1
longitudinal profile 1
lumbar spine 1
lung cancer 1
lung lymphoepithelioma- like carcinoma (lelc) 1
lymph nodes 1
lymphatic metastasis 1
maintenance therapy 1
mass spectrometry 1
medical 1
metachronous metastasis 1
monoclonal antibody 1
mouth neoplasms 1
mucocoele 1
mucositis 1
nasal lymphoma 1
neoadjuvant therapy 1
neoplasm metastasis 1
neoplasm, residual 1
neoplasms, germ cell and embryonal 1
neuroendocrine tumors 1
next-generation sequencing 1
niraparib 1
nk 1
occipital lobe 1
oncologists 1
osteosarcoma 1
ovarian neoplasms 1
palliative medicine 1
penis neoplasms 1
pharyngectomy 1
phase ii 1
plasma ebv dna 1
poly(adp-ribose) polymerase 1
predictive assays 1
prognostic biomarker 1
prognostic factors 1
prognostic markers 1
proliferative fractions 1
prophylaxis 1
prostate neoplasms 1
protein array analysis 1
protein regulation 1
proteomics 1
quantitative pcr 1
quantitative polymerase chain reaction (pcr) 1
radiation-induced nausea and vomiting (rinv) 1
radiations 1
radiotherapy dosage 1
radiotherapy planning 1
radiotherapy planning, computer-assisted 1
radiotherapy, conformal 1
radiotherapy, intensity-modulated 1
rapidarc 1
registries 1
regulatory network 1
relapse 1
response monitoring 1
s-phase fraction 1
salivary gland tumor 1
second primary neoplasms 1
serum 1
soft-tissue neoplasms 1
stent 1
stents and prostheses 1
systematic review 1
t-cell lymphoma 1
t1/t2n0 glottic cancer 1
t1n0 glottic cancer 1
tamoxifen 1
taqman quantitative real time pcr 1
targeted therapy 1
taxoids 1
tendons 1
tomography, x-ray computed 1
tomotherapy 1
tongue cancer 1
trans-oral brush biopsies 1
trastuzumab 1
treatment 1
tumor marker 1
tumour vascularity 1
unknown primary 1
veins, innominate 1
venous restenosis 1
yawning 1
zebra 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
others - medicine, dentistry and health 10
epidemiology,cancer 5
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