AuthorsNo. of Publications
lei, j 10
lotko, w. 10
wiltberger, m. 9
dang, t 8
lyon, j. 7
wang, w 7
yao, zhonghua 7
brambles, o. 6
burns, a 6
grodent, d 6
sorathia, ka 6
bonfond, b 5
brambles, o. j. 5
brambles, oj 5
delamere, pa 5
lotko, w 5
lyon, jg 5
delamere, p. a. 4
dunn, w. r. 4
liu, j 4
lotko, william 4
merkin, vg 4
wei, y 4
wei, y. 4
xu, y. 4
yao, z. h. 4
brambles, oliver j. 3
damiano, p. a. 3
dang, tong 3
delamere, peter a. 3
dunn, wr 3
lei, jiuhou 3
lin, d 3
lyon, j. g. 3
lyon, john 3
lyon, john g. 3
pan, d. x. 3
sorathia, kareem a. 3
wei, yong 3
yao, z 3
ye, s. y. 3
ye, sy 3
badman, s. v. 2
bonfond, bertrand 2
brambles, oliver 2
chen, junjie 2
coates, a. j. 2
dunn, w 2
garretson, j 2
grodent, denis 2
guo, r. l. 2
guo, rl 2
guo, ruilong 2
le, h 2
lin, dong 2
lyon, j 2
ma, x. 2
merkin, v 2
merkin, viacheslav g. 2
pham, k 2
ray, l. c. 2
sorathia, k 2
wang, w. 2
wiltberger, m 2
wiltberger, michael 2
xiao, sudong 2
yan, maodong 2
yang, z 2
yao, z 2
yao, zh 2
yao, zh 2
zhang, s 2
zhang, tielong 2
achilleos, n 1
bader, a. 1
badman, sv 1
benkhaldoun, z 1
bloch, t 1
bolton, s. j. 1
bonfond, b. 1
brambles, o 1
burkholder, b. 1
camporeale, e 1
chaston, christopher c. 1
chen, j 1
chen, j 1
chen, y n 1
chen, y. n. 1
clauer, c. robert 1
coates, aj 1
dahlgren, h. 1
damiano, p. 1
de becker, a 1
delamere, p a 1
dialynas, k. 1
disbrow, m. 1
dong, l 1
dou, xiankang 1
dougherty, mk 1
dunlap-shohl, w. 1
dunn, w r 1
dunn, william 1
dunn, william r. 1
feng, e 1
feng, e. h. 1
feng, eh 1
feng, enhao 1
fu, s. y. 1
garretson, jeff s. 1
garretson, js 1
gjerloev, j 1
grodent, d. 1
gu, w d 1
gu, w. d. 1
guo, r 1
guo, rui long 1
hampton, d. 1
hatch, s 1
hatch, spencer m. 1
head, l a 1
huang, c 1
jehin, e 1
johnson, j. r. 1
kinrade, j. 1
kintner, p. m. 1
krupp, n 1
kunduri, b 1
labelle, james 1
lai, hairong 1
lei, j. 1
lessard, m. 1
li, z 1
lin, d. 1
liu, h 1
liu, jian 1
luan, x 1
lundberg, e. 1
lynch, k 1
lynch, k. a. 1
lynch, ka 1
ma, xuanye 1
maimaiti, m 1
manfroid, j 1
manners, h 1
manners, harry 1
mcgranaghan, rm 1
mella, m. 1
merkin, v. g. 1
merkin, viacheslav 1
mino, b. 1
mitchell, d. g. 1
mitchell, dg 1
nishimura, y 1
ohtani, s 1
ouellette, j. e. 1
ouellette, jeremy e. 1
owens, m 1
palmaerts, b 1
pan, d 1
pan, dong xiao 1
pan, dx 1
panov, ev 1
pham, kevin h 1
pham, kh 1
pu, zy 1
qin, t s 1
ruan, h 1
scales, wa 1
scales, wayne a. 1
schmitt, p. 1
schneider, n 1
schok, a. a. 1
sciola, a. 1
sergis, n 1
sergis, n. 1
shang, zhiyuan 1
shi, x 1
sitnov, m 1
skone, s 1
smith, r. 1
smith, ryan h. 1
sorathia, k. 1
sorathia, k. a. 1
sorathia, kareem 1
stenbaek-nielsen, h. c. 1
strangeway, r. j. 1
sun, y. x. 1
ukhorskiy, ay 1
varney, r 1
varney, r. h. 1
varney, roger 1
waite, jh 1
wan, weixing 1
wan, wx 1
wang, b 1
wang, l 1
wang, q 1
wang, wenbin 1
wiltberge, michael 1
wiltberger, m. j. 1
wing, s. 1
wu, q 1
wu, s. y. 1
xi, s. 1
xi, sheng 1
xie, l. 1
xu, linli 1
xu, y 1
xu, yan 1
xu, zhonghua 1
yan, limei 1
yao, z h 1
yao, z. 1
yao, zhong hua 1
ye, sheng yi 1
yin, qianfeng 1
zhao, yong 1
zheng, z 1
zheng, z. q. 1
zheng, zhiqi 1
zheng, zq 1
zhou, xz 1
ziegler, j 1
zong, qg 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
jupiter 5
aurora 4
current sheet 4
jovian magnetosphere 4
global simulation 3
kelvin-helmholtz instability 3
machine learning 3
magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling 3
alfvénic power 2
cnns 2
dipolarization 2
ena 2
enhanced solar wind 2
field-aligned currents 2
flc scattering 2
flux rope 2
global mhd simulation 2
ionospheric outflow 2
jovian aurora 2
jovian magnetodisc 2
jovian magnetopause 2
lfm 2
magnetic field line curvature 2
magnetic reconnection 2
magnetodisc 2
magnetosheath 2
magnetosphere 2
magnetotail 2
methods: data analysis 2
mhd simulation 2
narrow band emission 2
oxygen ion escape 2
partial ring current 2
periodicities 2
periodicity 2
planets and satellites: gaseous planets 2
planets and satellites: individual: io 2
planets and satellites: magnetic fields 2
plasma 2
plasmadisc 2
polar cusp 2
skr 2
soft electron precipitation 2
solar wind density 2
structure 2
transfer learning 2
transformer 2
ulf waves 2
venusian induced magnetosphere 2
afternoon auroral emissions 1
alfvã©n waves 1
alfvã©nic energy transport 1
alfvã©nic poynting flux 1
auroral beads 1
auroral hot spots 1
auroral potential drops 1
axis singularity 1
ballooning‐interchange 1
composition effect 1
coupled model 1
cross polar cap potential 1
cusp 1
data science 1
dawn-dusk asymmetry 1
dipole tilt angle 1
eclipse effect 1
electrodynamic coupling 1
electron precipitation 1
energy coupling 1
evaluation 1
field-aligned current 1
field-aligned poynting flux 1
field-aligned vorticity 1
finite-volume method 1
gamera 1
geomagnetic storm 1
geospace simulation 1
global magnetosphere simulation 1
global mhd 1
global modeling 1
global simulations 1
high‐latitude response 1
interplanetary magnetic field 1
ionosphere alfvén resonator 1
ionosphere and thermosphere 1
ionosphere response 1
ionosphere-thermosphere coupling 1
ionosphere‐thermosphere heating 1
ionospheric convection 1
joule heating 1
jupiter magnetosphere 1
long-lasting response 1
magnetohydrodynamics 1
magnetosphere ionosphere coupling 1
magnetosphere-ionosphere interaction 1
magnetosphere‐ionosphere coupling 1
magnetosphere‐ionosphere‐thermosphere coupling 1
methods: numerical 1
model simulation 1
multifluid mhd 1
nonlinear response 1
numerical mhd 1
particle precipitation 1
plasma sheet structure 1
plasmas 1
plasmoids 1
polar cap potential 1
polar ionosphere 1
posteclipse effect 1
region 1 upward facs 1
saps 1
sawtooth oscillation 1
small‐scale field‐aligned currents 1
solar eclipse 1
solar eclipse effect 1
solar wind drivers 1
solar wind driving 1
solar wind-magnetosphere interactions 1
solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosophere coupling 1
solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling 1
solar zenith angle 1
spherical geometry 1
st. patrick's day storm 1
thermospheric density anomaly 1
tiegcm 1
tiegcm simulation 1
tongue of ionization 1
traveling atmospheric disturbances 1
wind changes 1
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