AuthorsNo. of Publications
fong, dyt 45
lam, clk 45
chin, wy 40
wong, jyh 38
wan, yf 19
chau, ph 16
chow, epf 15
wan, eyf 14
kwok, yy 12
wong, ckh 12
chan, kc 10
wong, janet yuen ha 10
fairley, ck 9
fong, daniel yee tak 9
wong, wcw 9
bradshaw, cs 8
lok, kris yuet wan 8
lok, ywk 8
maddaford, k 8
chan, kh 7
lok, kyw 7
phillips, tr 7
constantinou, h 6
kwok, jyy 6
lee, jjj 6
wu, c 6
auyeung, m 5
hocking, js 5
huang, j 5
lee, jj 5
yu, yte 5
chau, pui hing 4
chen, jy 4
ho, mh 4
hui, bph 4
kwok, c 4
lee, jung jae 4
lin, cc 4
ngan, hys 4
tarrant, m 4
wan, yfe 4
wong, wendy 4
yiu, mk 4
akingbade, o 3
alboraie, m 3
choi, wyk 3
davidson, pm 3
deek, h 3
duan, w 3
duan, wenjie 3
fadodun, oa 3
fawole, io 3
fong, daniel y.t. 3
ho, mandy man 3
ho, mm 3
ip, msm 3
kung, k 3
kwok, jojo yan yan 3
lam, cindy lo kuen 3
lam, wwt 3
li, j 3
li, jiaying 3
li, s 3
lin, chia chin 3
nagesh, nitya 3
ogungbe, o 3
pandian, v 3
shapiro, c 3
tsu, jhl 3
wan, eric yuk fai 3
wilkinson, k 3
wong, janet y.h. 3
youssef, n 3
ahmad, mohammad shakil 2
ahmad, ms 2
akingbade, oluwadamilare 2
alabdulwahhab, km 2
alboraie, mohamed 2
alzahrani, ma 2
andres, eb 2
bilimale, as 2
boonpatcharanon, s 2
boonpatcharanon, sawitree 2
byiringiro, s 2
byiringiro, samuel 2
chan, claudia kor yee 2
chan, kll 2
chio, jasmine h.m. 2
chio, jasmine hin man 2
chio, jhm 2
choi, anna wai man 2
choi, kwy 2
corzo, w 2
corzo, walter 2
deek, hiba 2
efficace, f 2
efficace, fabio 2
el-raey, f 2
el-raey, fathiya 2
ensaldo-carrasco, e 2
ensaldo-carrasco, eduardo 2
escotorin, p 2
escotorin, pilar 2
fadodun, oluwadamilola agnes 2
fan, heidi sze lok 2
fan, sl 2
fawole, israel opeyemi 2
fung, awc 2
fung, sc 2
fung, scc 2
hasan, mkc 2
hasan, muhammad kamil che 2
ho, lwb 2
ho, m 2
ho, my 2
ho, ssk 2
ip, hoi lam 2
ip, p 2
irawan, d 2
irawan, devi 2
khan, naimah ebrahim 2
khan, ne 2
ko, wt 2
koirala, b 2
koirala, binu 2
krishna, a 2
krishna, ashish 2
kwan, jcy 2
kwok, cannas 2
kwok, kch 2
lau, gwn 2
lau, kwc 2
lau, yy 2
le, tt 2
leal, daniela giambruno 2
leal, dg 2
lee, hkk 2
leung, kfs 2
lezana-fernández, miguel ángel 2
li, jy 2
lo, herman h.m. 2
lo, herman hay ming 2
lo, hhm 2
lok, kris yw 2
lou, vw 2
mak, vwm 2
manirambona, e 2
manirambona, emery 2
mantoani, lc 2
mantoani, leandro cruz 2
meneses-gonzález, f 2
meneses-gonzález, fernando 2
mohamed, ie 2
mohamed, iman elmahdi 2
mukeshimana, m 2
mukeshimana, madeleine 2
ng, cw 2
ng, nht 2
ng, siew c 2
nguyen, chinh thi minh 2
nguyen, ctm 2
nguyen, htt 2
nguyen, huong thi thanh 2
nguyen, khanh thi 2
nguyen, kt 2
nguyen, son truong 2
nguyen, st 2
nurumal, mohd said 2
nurumal, ms 2
nzabonimana, a 2
nzabonimana, aimable 2
ogungbe, oluwabunmi 2
omer, nagla abdelrahim mohamed ahmed 2
omer, nama 2
ong, jj 2
pandian, vinciya 2
peiris, malik 2
peng, ye 2
poon, acy 2
poon, angela chiu yin 2
puang-ngern, b 2
puang-ngern, busayasachee 2
reséndiz-rodriguez, areli 2
sagun, cg 2
schettini, lc 2
schettini, luisa clausi 2
shaik, ra 2
shaik, riyaz ahmed 2
shankar, ng 2
shankar, nikhil gauri 2
shek, wmn 2
sin, zhen y 2
smith, rd 2
sommer, k 2
sommer, kathrin 2
tabesh, m 2
tarrant, marie 2
toro, e 2
toro, edgardo 2
tran, hanh thi hong 2
tran, hth 2
tsang, jpy 2
tsang, jwh 2
tsu, hlj 2
tun, hein m 2
urgel, el 2
uwiringiyimana, e 2
uwiringiyimana, emmanuel 2
vanichbuncha, t 2
vanichbuncha, tita 2
wai, hogan kok-fung 2
wang, man ping 2
wang, mp 2
wong, ian chi kei 2
wong, janet yuen ha 2
wong, w 2
wu, b 2
wu, y 2
yeung, m 2
youssef, naglaa 2
yu, elm 2
yu, eyt 2
zhang, w 2
zhang, xi 2
zhao, shilin 2
zhu, jie 2
wong, jyh 1
adeleye, k 1
ahmad, m 1
alabdulwahhab, k 1
alabdulwahhab, khalid m 1
alabdulwahhab, khalid m. 1
alzahrani, m 1
alzahrani, meshari a 1
alzahrani, meshari a. 1
andres, ellie bostwick 1
andres, hb 1
bilimale, anil s 1
bilimale, anil s. 1
bloem, rb 1
bloomfield, jacqueline 1
brain, e 1
brown, jb 1
cecot, ts 1
chan, akc 1
chan, bky 1
chan, bsk 1
chan, esther wai yin 1
chan, francis k l 1
chan, k 1
chan, khy 1
chan, kit t.y. 1
chan, kkl 1
chan, kl 1
chan, kty 1
chan, lily man lee 1
chan, maggie mee kie 1
chan, ml 1
chan, mmk 1
chan, swh 1
chan, ty 1
chao, david vai kiong 1
cheng, a 1
cheng, john king yiu 1
cheng, samuel s m 1
cheng, samuel sm 1
cheng, will ho gi 1
cheung, fk 1
cheung, kky 1
chia-chin, lin 1
chin, cwy 1
chin, weng yee 1
chiu, hy 1
choi, awm 1
choi, hr 1
choi, kitty wai ying 1
choi, martha s l 1
choi, martha sl 1
choi, w 1
choi, wm 1
chow, eric pui fung 1
chow, hannah 1
chu, sk 1
chu, wl 1
chui, celine sze ling 1
chui, zara siu wa 1
cui, jialiang 1
dai, d 1
davidson, patricia m 1
davidson, patricia m. 1
de leon, anjanette s 1
de leon, anjanette s. 1
de leon, as 1
de leon, jm 1
de leon, josephine m 1
de leon, josephine m. 1
de, leon, as 1
de, leon, jm 1
duan, wen jie 1
duan, wj 1
el nayal, ma 1
el nayal, mayssah a. 1
el nayal, me 1
el, nayal mayssah a 1
el, nayal, ma 1
elmahdi, i 1
fan, cw 1
fan, heidi s l 1
fan, heidi sl 1
fan, hsl 1
fan, s 1
fielding, r 1
fong, d. y.t. 1
fong, daniel yt 1
fong, shirley siu ming 1
fontaine, colette 1
fung, alice wai chi 1
goh, yong shian shawn 1
goh, yong-shian shawn 1
goh, ys 1
goh, yss 1
h, yy 1
ho, bsh 1
ho, harmony mang yan 1
ho, lai ming 1
ho, m 1
ho, mandy 1
ho, sy 1
holroyd, e 1
hong, sabrina nan 1
hou, ssm 1
hu, gunther huagang 1
hu, h 1
hu, hg 1
hu, huagang 1
hu, l 1
hu, li 1
huang, jing 1
huang, lx 1
huang, yy 1
hui, bph 1
ip, mary sau man 1
ip, patrick 1
jiao, f 1
johnston, janice mary 1
johnston, jm 1
kam, chak wah 1
kiu, ecy 1
kiu, otw 1
klinner, christiane 1
ko, rwt 1
kor, yee chan 1
kwok, jojo y y 1
kwok, jojo yy 1
kwok, r 1
kwong, a 1
lai, francisco tsz tsun 1
lam, christine chi oi 1
lam, jcy 1
lam, joyce sau mei 1
lam, kf 1
lam, lcc 1
lam, mps 1
lam, th 1
lang, hhb 1
lau, als 1
lau, chu leung 1
lau, eyy 1
lau, j 1
lau, ka wing 1
lau, kevin wing chung 1
lau, kui kai 1
lau, sth 1
lau, wallace chak sing 1
lau, ying 1
lau, ym 1
le tung, thanh 1
le, tung thanh 1
lee, ccy 1
lee, shing fung 1
lee, vhf 1
lee, wendy woo jung 1
leung, emily tsz yan 1
leung, emily ty 1
lezana-fernández, ma 1
lezana-fernández, má 1
li, b 1
li, pkt 1
liang, suisha 1
liao, q 1
lin, c 1
lin, chia-chin 1
lin, jaime yun ting 1
ling, wm 1
liu, x 1
lo, wk 1
lok, kris y w 1
lok, kyw 1
lokmic-tomkins, z 1
lovell, renee 1
lui, sl 1
ma, wk 1
mah, isf 1
mak, ivy lynn 1
man, ho, m 1
man, ping wang 1
mandy, ho 1
mcpherson, b 1
mcpherson, b 1
mcpherson,, b 1
mok, chris k p 1
mok, vct 1
myint, j 1
ng, a 1
ng, amy pui pui 1
ng, atl 1
ng, ls 1
ng, n 1
ng, neda hei tung 1
ngai, fw 1
ngai, vivian fei wan 1
ngan, hextan yuen sheung 1
nugent, colleen 1
o'connor, s 1
o'connor, siobhan 1
o, yq 1
omar, n 1
ouyang, yq 1
pak, ch 1
pak, hl 1
pak, sharon hoi lam 1
pang, michelle tsz ha 1
pang, mth 1
pang, syy 1
pang-wong, yc 1
phillips, trp 1
poon, chung yan 1
poon, leo l m 1
poon, leo lm 1
pui, hing chau 1
qian, xingxing 1
reséndiz-rodriguez, a 1
reséndiz-rodríguez, a 1
roberts, sj 1
sagun, ceryl g 1
sagun, ceryl g. 1
sasunders, jm 1
see, cyh 1
shaik, r 1
shek, nwm 1
shen hsiao, st 1
siu, ling chan 1
siu, mfp 1
smith, r 1
so, fung ling 1
so, hs 1
soong, i 1
spencer, margaret 1
suen, d 1
suk, fun lam 1
sze, wk 1
tam, hlc 1
tam, thl 1
tang, hm 1
tang, j 1
tarrant, m 1
tarrant, marie 1
teitelman, anne m 1
traynor, v 1
tsang, leo c h 1
tsang, leo ch 1
tsang, wing nga 1
tsang, wyv 1
tse, dm 1
tse, emily tsui yee 1
tucker, jd 1
tun, hein min 1
turner, george 1
urgel, elvira l 1
urgel, elvira l. 1
van diggele, christie 1
wang, boyuan 1
wang, c 1
wang, jingying 1
wong, adam s.m. 1
wong, carlos 1
wong, carlos k.h. 1
wong, ckw 1
wong, dll 1
wong, e 1
wong, horas th 1
wong, j. y.h. 1
wong, janet yh 1
wong, john kit shing 1
wong, matthew k l 1
wong, matthew kl 1
wong, mlg 1
wong, rosa sze man 1
wong, teenie kwan tung 1
wong, william chi wai 1
woo, yc 1
wu, cc 1
wu, chanchan 1
wu, hr 1
wu, t 1
xu, bb 1
xu, binbin 1
yau, hyj 1
yau, jessie ho yin 1
yau, jhy 1
yeo, va 1
yeung, monique 1
yip, p 1
yip, psf 1
yip, skh 1
yu, esther yee tak 1
yuen, t 1
zhang, a 1
zhang, esther wan hei 1
zhao, sz 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
covid-19 35
chinese 27
mental health 22
sexual health 21
public health 20
quality of life 17
anxiety 14
depression 14
reliability 14
sex education 14
health-related quality of life 13
measurement invariance 13
validity 13
chronic diseases 12
dating violence 12
ehealth 12
health literacy 12
health services 12
non-communicable diseases 12
screening 12
community 11
responsiveness 11
women 11
diabetes mellitus 10
primary care 10
sexual minority 10
cardiovascular disease 9
chronic kidney disease 9
hong kong 9
hypertension 9
parkinson’s disease 9
breastfeeding 8
confirmatory factor analysis 8
hrqol 8
men who have sex with men 8
nonrestorative sleep 8
nursing 8
risky sexual behaviours 8
baby-friendly hospital initiative 7
baby-friendly initiative 7
covid-19 pandemic 7
digital work 7
general population 7
health-related quality of life (hrqol) 7
intimate partner violence 7
lower urinary tract symptoms 7
quality of care 7
screen time 7
short form-12 health survey version 2 (sf-12v2) 7
stakeholders 7
stress 7
urology 7
validation 7
willingness to sustain 7
women's health 7
bifactor 6
blood pressure 6
cardiovascular diseases 6
cohort 6
compliance 6
dating apps 6
health ambassadors 6
item response theory 6
item selection 6
life expectancy 6
mortality 6
mortality risk 6
optimal test assembly 6
process evaluation 6
social distancing 6
stay-at-home 6
studiesmortality 6
type 2 diabetes mellitus (t2dm) 6
alertness 5
all-cause mortality 5
assessment 5
community centre 5
depression & mood disorders 5
ehealth literacy 5
end stage renal disease 5
fact-p 5
factor analysis 5
haemodialysis 5
health related quality of life 5
healthcare expenditure 5
hospital 5
hypertension (ht) 5
instrument 5
mediation 5
mental health—state of emotional and social well-being 5
multidisciplinary-risk-assessment-and-management-programme 5
multimorbidity 5
network analysis 5
nigeria 5
nocturia 5
observational study 5
pandemic preparedness 5
patient-reported outcome 5
patient-reported outcomes 5
predictors 5
preventive medicine 5
primary health care 5
primary prevention 5
prostate cancer 5
psychological distress 5
psychological outcomes 5
psychometrics 5
resilience 5
risk factors 5
sf-12 5
sf-12v2 5
sleep quality 5
spirituality 5
uncertainty 5
unmet need 5
acute wound 4
adolescence 4
adolescent behaviour 4
adolescents 4
alzheimer’s disease 4
breast neoplasms 4
cancer 4
chemsex 4
chronic disease 4
chronic wound 4
cohabitation 4
conservative treatment 4
economic abuse 4
epidemiology 4
equivalence range 4
family practice 4
fertility concerns 4
fertility distress 4
gut microbiome 4
health seeking 4
health services research 4
incontinence 4
injury 4
instrument development 4
internet 4
meta-analysis 4
microbiome modulating interventions 4
mobile phone 4
morbidity 4
multi-morbidity 4
multiple sclerosis 4
needs assessment 4
neurodegenerative disease 4
nurse practitioners urology 4
oncology 4
online learning 4
outcomes research methods 4
outpatient clinics 4
physical violence 4
practice-based research 4
prevalence 4
psycho-oncology 4
psychometric 4
psychometric testing 4
psychometric validation 4
quality of life (qol) 4
questionnaires 4
reproductive concerns 4
sexualised drug use 4
sexuality 4
systematic review 4
teenagers 4
transcultural validation 4
wound assessment 4
young women 4
abuse 3
aids 3
alcohol use 3
benign prostatic hyperplasia 3
bother 3
care task 3
caregiver support 3
casual sex 3
chinese population 3
college students 3
condom 3
condoms 3
cost minimization 3
dating 3
emerging adults 3
health promoting school 3
health status 3
hiv 3
human papillomavirus 3
incentive 3
informal caregiver 3
ipss 3
latent class analysis 3
longitudinal study 3
men 3
mobile application 3
online research 3
person-centered 3
recreation drug use 3
reproductive health 3
response rate 3
risk assessment 3
sex offenses 3
sex orientation 3
sexual abuse 3
sexual behavior 3
sexual behaviour 3
sexual coercion 3
sexual intercourse 3
sexual violence 3
sexually transmitted diseases 3
smartphone 3
substance misuse 3
telephone interview 3
thypro 3
thyroid 3
typology 3
unprotected sex 3
urinary bladder diseases 3
urinary incontinence 3
vaccine 3
vaccine uptake 3
women’s health 3
activities of daily living 2
anticipated regret 2
attitude 2
bisexual 2
breast tumours 2
breastfeeding promotion 2
china 2
chlamydia 2
diagnostic tests 2
effectiveness 2
exercise habits 2
female sexual health 2
health 2
health consequence 2
health promoting schools 2
homosexual 2
instrumental activities of daily living 2
insufficient help 2
intention 2
intervention 2
layperson 2
long-term care 2
maintenance hemodialysis 2
men who have men with men 2
nursing assessment 2
physical activity 2
postoperative care 2
protocols & guidelines 2
reproductive medicine 2
review 2
sexual and gender minorities 2
sexual function 2
sexually transmitted infections 2
surgical nursing 2
systematic reviews 2
unmet needs 2
urinary organs - diseases - patients - mental health 2
australia 1
comprehensive sexuality education 1
gbmsm 1
gse 1
health risk behaviors 1
interprofessional learning 1
medication adherence 1
patient acceptance of health care 1
sexual and reproductive health and rights 1
social work 1
survey 1
teenage pregnancy 1
university education 1
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