Co-Authors | |
Authors | No. of Publications |
zhou, li an | 5 |
bernardo, antonio e. | 4 |
chen, yuyu | 4 |
luo, jiang | 4 |
fang, hanming | 3 |
treisman, daniel | 3 |
li, hongbin | 2 |
zhang, qinghua | 2 |
cont, walter | 1 |
gong, qing | 1 |
henderson, j. vernon | 1 |
jin, ginger zhe | 1 |
liu, chong | 1 |
obara, ichiro | 1 |
park, albert | 1 |
riley, john | 1 |
wang, joseph tao yi | 1 |
wang, zhi | 1 |
xu, lixin colin | 1 |
ye, lixin | 1 |
Keywords in Publications | |
keywords | No. of Authors |
abatement | 1 |
arms race | 1 |
asymmetric information | 1 |
auctions | 1 |
bargaining | 1 |
bargaining; delegation; principal-agent; delay | 1 |
bounded rationality | 1 |
capital budgeting | 1 |
capital mobility | 1 |
centralized feedback | 1 |
china | 1 |
communication games | 1 |
compensation | 1 |
compliance | 1 |
conflict | 1 |
corruption | 1 |
d82 | 1 |
decentralization | 1 |
e-commerce | 1 |
environmental spillover | 1 |
federalism | 1 |
floor-to-area ratios | 1 |
g31 | 1 |
inefficiency | 1 |
information | 1 |
innovation | 1 |
interjurisdictional competition | 1 |
investment policy | 1 |
land development | 1 |
markov equilibrium | 1 |
mechanism design | 1 |
mispricing | 1 |
moral hazard | 1 |
multilateral bargaining | 1 |
multilateral bargaining; complete information; delay; coase theorem | 1 |
overcommunication | 1 |
peace | 1 |
policy experiments | 1 |
reputation | 1 |
reserve price | 1 |
signaling | 1 |
voting | 1 |
war | 1 |
water pollution | 1 |
word-of-mouth | 1 |
Co-Investigators | |
Investigators | No. of Grants |
chen, heng | 1 |
Keywords in Grants | |
keywords | No. of Investigators |
adjudication, corruption, court decisions, economic development, judicial bias | 2 |
corporate culture, incentives, intrinsic motivations, multiple agents, multitasks | 1 |
Disciplines in Grants | |
Disciplines | No. of Investigators |
economicseconometrics and business statistical methods | 2 |
economics | 1 |