AuthorsNo. of Publications
chung, bhy 21
wong, whs 15
chan, gcf 11
fung, cw 10
ip, p 10
wong, vcn 10
liang, r 8
chiu, atg 7
gao, y 7
lee, sl 7
mak, ccy 7
chan, aok 6
cheung, mch 6
chua, gt 6
ho, rsl 6
lau, yl 6
luk, hm 6
shi, t 6
tso, wyw 6
wong, cnv 6
wong, s 6
wu, sp 6
yeung, ks 6
chiu, ta 5
fung, sth 5
leung, lk 5
liu, aj 5
tsang, hy 5
zhu, s 5
bonnemann, cg 4
cheng, y 4
cheung, yf 4
fung, e 4
fung, jlf 4
kwong, ky 4
liu, kt 4
lo, ifm 4
ma, ck 4
ma, kh 4
ng, g 4
sou da rosa duque, j 4
tsang, mhy 4
vardhanabhuti, v 4
yau, mm 4
yu, mhc 4
yu, michael kl 4
chan, godfrey cf 3
chang, x 3
cheng, stephen y 3
cherk, s 3
cherk, sww 3
donkervoort, s 3
ho, acc 3
ho, cca 3
hu, y 3
javed, a 3
jong, yj 3
kwong, aky 3
kwong, bmh 3
kwong, l 3
lee, cn 3
lee, h 3
lee, hch 3
lee, wc 3
lei, y 3
leung, d 3
leung, kc 3
li, j 3
rao, n 3
tai, sm 3
tsui, kw 3
wang, y 3
wong, rsm 3
wong, wilfred hs 3
yang, w 3
yau, e 3
yeung, wl 3
yu, klm 3
yuan, y 3
yung, awy 3
zhang, y 3
bradley, n 2
bönnemann, c 2
cao, p 2
chae, jh 2
chan, e 2
chan, jfw 2
chan, ky 2
chan, kyk 2
chan, stephen ww 2
chang, rsk 2
chang, skr 2
cherk, wws 2
chien, yh 2
chim, s 2
chung, cy 2
dale, rc 2
deng, r 2
ding, j 2
fan, y 2
fok, t. f. 2
fung, elw 2
fung, gpg 2
fung, lf 2
fung, ths 2
ge, l 2
ho, fkw 2
ho, whl 2
hui, kf 2
ip, hhn 2
ip, yt 2
jiang, f 2
kamsteeg, ej 2
kan, a 2
kan, asy 2
ko, ts 2
koljonen, pa 2
lau, s. p. 2
lau, wy 2
law, anna hy 2
law, hy 2
leach, me 2
lee, jh 2
lee, tmc 2
lee, yj 2
leung, gkc 2
liang, s. t. 2
liu, apy 2
liu, j 2
liu, t 2
lo, fmi 2
lui, j 2
mak, w 2
mao, b 2
mohassel, p 2
moore, sa 2
nam, so 2
nance, j 2
ngan, m 2
nguyen, d 2
peiris, jsm 2
sun, j 2
thangarajh, m 2
tse, hf 2
tsoi, ns 2
tung, ts 2
vincent, a 2
wang, g 2
wang, j 2
wang, s 2
wang, z 2
witting, n 2
wong, ick 2
wong, sn 2
wong, virginia c n 2
wong, yw 2
wu, x 2
xiong, h 2
yang, h 2
yau, kce 2
yau, m 2
yip, km 2
yu, hc 2
zhang, c 2
zhang, x 2
zhi, h 2
[?], jacky 1
aad, verrips 1
aartsma-rus, annemieke 1
addis, antonio 1
ai khatib, i 1
akhtar, aysha 1
andrews, nick 1
artemieva, svetlana 1
au, ch 1
au, wy 1
badoo, judith 1
baertling, f 1
bao, x 1
barge-schaapveld, dqcm 1
barišić, nina 1
bayat, farhad 1
bellgard, matthew i. 1
bernier, fp 1
bharucha-goebel, d 1
black, steven 1
bladen, catherine l. 1
bladen, cl 1
bloetzer, clemens 1
blyth, christopher 1
boheler, kr 1
bonhoeffer, jan 1
booy, robert 1
boycott, km 1
brabec, petr 1
bretag, ah 1
buccella, filippo 1
bulk, s 1
bushby, kate 1
buttery, jim 1
béroud, christophe 1
bönnemann, cg 1
calvo, gonzalo 1
campbell, craig 1
campins, magda 1
care4rare canada consortium 1
carnevale, a 1
chai, j 1
chak, wai kwong 1
chamova, teodora 1
chan, a 1
chan, godfrey c f 1
chan, helen kf 1
chan, jacky ty 1
chan, kl 1
chan, kwok yin 1
chan, louis t w 1
chan, nar chi 1
chan, nerita nar chi 1
chan, oka 1
chan, rwk 1
chan, sm 1
chan, ts 1
chan, tsk 1
chan, yk 1
chang, hc 1
chang, sk 1
chao, k 1
chao, kr 1
charles, pat 1
chau, shuk kuen 1
chau, sk 1
chau, ys 1
cheng, allen 1
cheng, pk 1
cheng, sm 1
cheng, sy 1
cheng, ww 1
cheng, wws 1
cherek, s 1
cherk, sharon 1
cherk, sw 1
cheung, ho man 1
cheung, kmc 1
cheung, mw 1
cheung, raymond 1
cheung, yf 1
cheung, yuk fai 1
chim, jcs 1
chiu, alice yuen yee 1
chiu, alice yy 1
chiu, ayy 1
chiu, m. c. 1
chiu, tga 1
cho, david 1
choi, swc 1
chow, tsz-kit 1
chow, wang 1
chua, gilbert t. 1
chuang, s. k. 1
chung, b 1
chung, ccy 1
chung, i 1
chung, wh 1
cincotta, r 1
clayton, js 1
clothier, hazel 1
coffman, ka 1
colley, a 1
collins, f 1
cope, judith 1
corominas, nuria 1
crawford, nigel 1
cummings, bb 1
dai, yi 1
dalton, j 1
dangouloff, t 1
davis, mr 1
davis, robert 1
dawkins, hugh 1
day, bruce 1
day, timothy 1
de coo, ifm 1
de die-smu8lders, c 1
de geus, c 1
de vries, corinne 1
de wals, philippe 1
deceuninck, genevieve 1
dejthevaporn, c 1
delatycki, m 1
deng, mr 1
dodd, caitlin n. 1
duque, jaime sr 1
duque, jsr 1
dutra, donald 1
díaz-manera, jordi 1
edwards, m 1
eick-cost, angelia 1
el sherif, rasha 1
elliott, elizabeth 1
engel, ag 1
engel, andrew g. 1
erasmus, ce 1
erik-jan, kamsteeg 1
faiz, f 1
fan, fj 1
farrar, ma 1
flanigan, kevin m. 1
fok, joshua wai ming 1
foley, a 1
foley, a. reghan 1
foley, ar 1
foncuberta, maria e. 1
fong, dyt 1
francesco, m 1
fu, kw 1
fu, m 1
fu, x 1
fung, bun hey 1
fung, el 1
fung, lwe 1
fung, s 1
fung, sharon tf 1
fung, st 1
gallardo, eduard 1
gao, yuan 1
garami, marta 1
gargiullo, paul 1
garman, patrick 1
gates, peter 1
gauquelin, l 1
gerkes, eh 1
ghedia, s 1
gillissen, c 1
gimeno, m. victoria gutierrez 1
goh, kj 1
gold, michael 1
goodrich, jk 1
guergueltcheva, velina 1
ha, sy 1
hainlen, m 1
han, c 1
hanson, r 1
harper, a 1
hayes, lh 1
heijbel, harald 1
hellebrekers, dme 1
hennington, l 1
hinek, a 1
hira, khan 1
ho, ht 1
ho, lc 1
ho, mht 1
ho, r 1
ho, rwh 1
ho, slr 1
ho, y. c. 1
ho, yb 1
hu, j 1
hu, zheng 1
hua, wei 1
hua, y 1
hughes, hayley 1
hui, ckc 1
hur, kwan 1
hviid, anders 1
innes, am 1
ip, byt 1
ip, hayley hn 1
ip, hn hayley 1
ip, hoi 1
ip, hoi ning hayley 1
ip, j 1
ip, jjk 1
ip, jk 1
ip, patrick 1
izurieta, hector 1
jackson, henry m. 1
jeannet, pierre yves 1
jiang, y 1
jiao, h 1
jin, b 1
jin, s 1
joncourt, franziska 1
kamien, b 1
kan, amc 1
kan, sya 1
kaneko, y. 1
karachunski, p 1
karaduman, a. ayşe 1
karcagi, veronika 1
kaur, r 1
kekou, kyriaki 1
kelman, jeffrey 1
khadilkar, sv 1
khan, s 1
khong, pl 1
kiers, lynette 1
kievit, aja 1
kilpi, tehri 1
kim, ds 1
kimura, en 1
kirschner, jan 1
ko, ch 1
ko, kwai fu 1
ko, ronald c. 1
koeks, z 1
koeks, zaïda 1
komaki, h 1
kornberg, aj 1
korngut, lawrence 1
kosma, konstantina 1
kostera-pruszczyk, anna 1
krapels, ipc 1
krause, a 1
kriek, m 1
kum, w. 1
kuong, evelyn eugenie 1
kurz, xavier 1
kusters, b 1
kwan, kenny 1
kwan, kenny yh 1
kwan, kyh 1
kwan, mike y.w. 1
kwan, myw 1
kwan, ywm 1
kwong, anna ky 1
lahdetie, jaana 1
lai, e 1
lai, joyce hy 1
laing, ng 1
lam, akf 1
lam, lna 1
lam, tp 1
lam, w 1
lam, wmw 1
lamont, leanne 1
lamont, pj 1
lamont, re 1
lao, miko lm 1
lau, amc 1
lau, cwl 1
lau, ehy 1
lau, eyy 1
lau, eyy 1
lau, ka wing 1
lau, kwok kwong 1
lau, swy 1
law, ahy 1
law, barbara 1
law, c. w. 1
law, patrick tw 1
law, ptw 1
leach, m 1
lee, florence m y 1
lee, nc 1
lee, tl 1
lee, tmc 1
lee, vcy 1
lee, yt 1
leung, cpp 1
leung, ky 1
leung, lettie c k 1
leung, ruth sy 1
leung, wcy 1
leung, wy 1
leung, wyc 1
li, jj 1
li, jtc 1
li, l 1
li, patrick 1
li, rhw 1
li, tcj 1
li, vwy 1
li, x 1
li, ys 1
liang, rhs 1
liao, b 1
lie, akw 1
liu, amanda 1
liu, hui tung 1
liu, shao haei 1
lo, cw 1
lo, j 1
lo, jasmine 1
lochmüller, hanns 1
lopez-callada, vesta richardson 1
lu, j 1
lun, ks 1
luo, x 1
lusakowska, anna 1
ma, a 1
ma, ckl 1
ma, km 1
ma, louis c k 1
macartney, kristine 1
macdonnell, richard 1
mah, jk 1
marshall, helen 1
martin, ann s. 1
mathew, ann agnes 1
maystadt, i 1
mcgillivray, g 1
mcintyre, peter 1
medne, l 1
meijer, r 1
milnes, d 1
mok, tkg 1
monges, soledad 1
moon, p 1
moore, s 1
mowat, d 1
muntoni, f 1
muntoni, francesco 1
murai, t. 1
nakamura, h 1
neagu, elena 1
ng, ehy 1
ng, gsf 1
ng, k 1
ng, km 1
ng, sf 1
ng, vks 1
nijtmans, lgj 1
nishino, i 1
nonaka, i 1
o'donnell-luria, a 1
ohnmar, o 1
osredkar, d 1
pagnini, f 1
pang, s 1
pang, shirley 1
parboosingh, js 1
peay, holly l. 1
pei, lcs 1
pei, slc 1
peiris, m 1
peng, x 1
peng, y 1
pennings, m 1
pfundt, r 1
phadke, rahul 1
pietrantonio, c 1
pijnappel, wwmp 1
pitt, matthew 1
pogoryelova, o 1
polakowski, laura l. 1
poon, candice yuen ching 1
poon, e 1
poon, ellen ny 1
poon, eny 1
posada, manuel 1
racher, h 1
rasic, vedrana milic 1
rasmussen, m 1
ravenscroft, g 1
reghan foley, a 1
rett, melisa 1
reyes, c 1
reyes, ca 1
richmond, peter 1
rigo, marianne 1
roberts, les 1
rodnburg, rjt 1
rodrigues, miriam 1
rodriguez-casero, vic toria 1
romio, silvana a. 1
rosales, rl 1
roxburgh, richard 1
roy, anna j. 1
royle, jenny 1
rui, liang 1
rutkowski, a 1
s rosa duque, jaime 1
saade, d 1
sabouny, r 1
sahinovic, isabelle 1
salgado, d 1
salgado, david 1
sallevelt, sceh 1
salmon, daniel 1
sanchez, francisco gimenez 1
sandhu, sukhminder k. 1
santos, rosário 1
sanz, nuria 1
saris, cgj 1
saunders, c 1
schnur, re 1
schonewolf-greulich, b 1
schouten, mi 1
schreiber-katz, olivia 1
serrano, pedro 1
servais, l 1
sewry, caroline 1
shan, j 1
shatillo, andriy v. 1
she, chun hing 1
shek, wh 1
shek, wt 1
shen, d 1
shen, wy 1
sheung, b 1
shutt, te 1
silverman, barbara 1
sivadorai, p 1
sma nbs world study group 1
smeitink, jan am 1
so, noah lok wah 1
song, d 1
specht, s 1
storsaeter, jann 1
straub, v 1
straub, volker 1
stringer, angela 1
stunnenberg, bc 1
sturkenboom, miriam 1
sun, guoying 1
sun, y 1
sznajer, y 1
sánche-caballero, l 1
takeda, s 1
takeuchi, f 1
tan, d 1
tan-un, kc 1
tang, clara s.m. 1
tang, kitty m l 1
tang, mhy 1
tang, oc 1
thiffault, i 1
thirugnanam, umapathi 1
thompson, c 1
thuestad, ij 1
ting, sh 1
to, michael kai tsun 1
to, mkt 1
tokars, jerry 1
tong, t. f. 1
topaloğlu, haluk 1
topf, a 1
torres, ferran 1
tsang, dickson s f 1
tsang, hing wai 1
tsang, hym 1
tsao, sabrina s.l. 1
tse, h 1
tse, hf 1
tun, hm 1
tung, joanna yuet-ling 1
tung, jyl 1
tung, ts 1
uapinyoying, p 1
valls, josep 1
van alfen, n 1
van den bergen, janneke c. 1
van den brand, mam 1
van der kooi, aj 1
van der maas, nicoline 1
van der zwaag, pa 1
van engelen, bg 1
van spaendonck-zwarts, k 1
van zwet, e 1
vellozzi, claudia 1
verschuuren, jan 1
verschuuren-bemelmans, cc 1
vilella, anna 1
vissing, j 1
viswanathan, venkatarman 1
voermans, nc 1
vojinovic, dina 1
vrščaj, e 1
w, l 1
waddell, lb 1
wai, monique 1
walter, maggie c. 1
wang, jen 1
wang, yl 1
wei, c 1
wei, w 1
westra, d 1
wijeratne, tissa 1
wong, ckh 1
wong, ick 1
wong, ivy kk 1
wong, janus siu him 1
wong, kt 1
wong, shj 1
wong, ssn 1
wong, wilfred 1
wong, wilfred hing sang 1
wong, wl 1
wood, nicholas 1
wu, l 1
wu, morris 1
wu, morris m f 1
wu, q 1
wu, t 1
wu, y 1
xu, l 1
xue, l 1
xue, z 1
yam, jc 1
yam, jcs 1
yam, kwong yiu 1
yan, ask 1
yan, h 1
yang, wanling 1
yang, xingtian 1
yau, ekc 1
yau, mly 1
yeung, k-s 1
yeung, mcy 1
yih, katherine 1
yiu, kfo 1
yiu-lau, beverley pui heung 1
yonemoto, n 1
yoon, g 1
young, pht 1
young, tph 1
young, yme 1
yu, cy 1
yu, fny 1
yu, hc 1
yu, kl 1
yu, michael 1
yu, michael kwan leung 1
yu, mkl 1
yu, yn 1
yuen, acl 1
yun, p 1
zeng, js 1
zhang, h 1
zhang, q 1
zhang, tao 1
zhao, t 1
zheng, h 1
zheng, x 1
zhi, hh 1
zhong, j 1
zhou, d 1
zhu, w 1
zimowski, janusz 1
zou, l 1
zuber, patrick 1
zurynski, yvonne 1
吕俊兰 1
吴丽文 1
吴士文 1
宋坊 1
张成 1
彭晓音 1
戴毅 1
曹玲 1
李海峰 1
李淳德 1
李西华 1
梁芙蓉 1
沈定国 1
洪思琦 1
熊晖 1
王朝霞 1
瞿宇晋 1
秦炯 1
葛琳 1
袁云 1
许志飞 1
阙呈立 1
陈万金 1
马祎楠 1
魏翠洁 1
黄真 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
bnt162b2 vaccine 6
bone marrow aspiration 6
cfu-f 6
clustering 6
genetic risk predisposition 6
leukemia 6
mesenchymal stromal cell 6
vaccine side effect 6
vaccine-induced myocarditis 6
chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy 5
comm child health 5
neurodevelopment 5
attitude 4
chinese couple 4
concern 4
deep learning 4
duchenne muscular dystrophy 4
fat–water decomposition mri 4
neuromuscular disorders 4
preimplantation genetic testing 4
quantitative mri analysis 4
thigh muscle segmentation 4
anti-nmda receptor encephalitis 3
child 3
chinese 3
chkb 3
founder mutation 3
giant mitochondria 3
homozygous c4b deficiency 3
integrated approach 3
klhl40 3
megaconial cmd 3
megaconial congenital muscular dystrophy 3
muscle biopsy 3
nemaline myopathy 3
neuromuscular diseases 3
nusinersen 3
pediatric‐onset 3
plasmapheresis 3
spinal muscular atrophy 3
spinal primitive neuroectodermal tumor 3
whole‐exome sequencing 3
anti-nmdar encephalitis 2
assembly 2
autoimmune encephalitis 2
brain mri 2
cerebellar atrophy 2
clinical genetics 2
complex i 2
congenital muscular dystrophy 2
covid19 2
dmd 2
dynein cytoplasmic 1 heavy chain 1 (dync1h1) gene 2
encephalitis 2
epilepsy 2
exome sequencing 2
family impact 2
febrile seizures 2
fibromyalgia 2
genetics 2
health-related quality of life 2
hip instability 2
hip subluxation 2
inflation analysis 2
medical help seek-behaviour 2
medical sciences 2
mitochondrial fusion 2
motor 2
msto1 2
mtdna depletion 2
muscle mri 2
muscular dystrophy 2
myopathies 2
ndufa9 2
neuroimmunology 2
neurology 2
neuromuscular disorder 2
neuromuscular hip 2
nmdar antibody 2
oral poliomyelitis vaccine 2
osteoporosis 2
oxphos 2
point mutation 2
poliomyelitis 2
preimplantation genetic diagnosis - china - hong kong 2
proxy report 2
quality of life 2
respiratory 2
respiratory tract infections 2
spinal muscular atrophy with lower extremity predominance (smaled) 2
spinocerebellar ataxia 2
telerehabilitation 2
tgm6 2
treat-nmd 2
vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis 2
whole exome sequencing 2
acta1 1
adjuvant 1
adverse events following immunization (aefi) 1
bone density 1
bone microarchitecture index 1
care recommendation 1
clinical practice 1
congenital myopathies 1
cytoplasmic bodies 1
developmental disabilities 1
dilated cardiomyopathy 1
dystrophin gene 1
early onset neonatal sepsis 1
epidemiology 1
glucocorticoid 1
group b streptococcus 1
guillain barré syndrome (gbs) 1
hr-pqct 1
infant, premature 1
infant, very low birth weight 1
international 1
laminin α2 1
laminin α5 1
limb girdle muscular dystrophy 1
medicine 1
merosin-deficient 1
monovalent h1n1 vaccine (h1n1) 1
muscular atrophy, spinal 1
nationwide population study 1
neurologic examination 1
newborn screening 1
onasemnogene abeparvovec 1
organization and administration 1
peripheral neuropathy 1
pre-symptomatic 1
prevalence 1
quality of life research 1
rare disease registries 1
rehabilitation 1
risdiplam 1
risk factors chinese 1
sciene 1
self-controlled case-series method (sccs) 1
skeletal muscle α-actin 1
splice site mutation 1
steroid therapy 1
utrophin upregulation 1
viruses 1
x-linked dilated cardiomyopathy 1
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