Name Card
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Professor Lee, Wing Mui Anne 李詠梅

Consultant (Clinical Oncology)
Deputy Hospital Chief Executive (Clinical Services), University of Hong Kong - Shenzhen Hospital
Chief of Service, Center of Clinical Oncology, University of Hong Kong - Shenzhen Hospital


Contact Information
rp02056 picture

Professor Lee, Wing Mui Anne 李詠梅

Consultant (Clinical Oncology)
Deputy Hospital Chief Executive (Clinical Services), University of Hong Kong - Shenzhen Hospital
Chief of Service, Center of Clinical Oncology, University of Hong Kong - Shenzhen Hospital


Curriculum Vitae:

Research Interests:(click to check for cognate researchers)

Professional Qualifications
YearAwarding InstitutionQualification
The University of Hong KongMBBS
The University of Hong KongMD
The Royal College of Radiologists, UKFRCR
Hong Kong College Of RadiologistsFHKCR
The Hong Kong Academy of MedicineFHKAM (Radiology)

Prof. Anne Lee is the Clinical Professor of the Department of Clinical Oncology, the University of Hong Kong. She has served as the Department Head from 2015 to 2021. She has been endowed as Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Professor in Holistic Cancer Care. She is the Chief of Service for the Center of Clinical Oncology at the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital in China; furthermore, she has taken up administration as the Deputy Hospital Chief Executive (Clinical Service,  Education & Training). She is Honorary Professor of Peking Union Medical College Hospital and External Supervisor for Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School in China. Besides serving as the Deputy Chief of Service and Honorary Consultant for the Department of Clinical Oncology at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong, she is also an Honorary Consultant for Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, as well as Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital.

Prof. Lee's main research contributions focus on nasopharyngeal cancer and precision oncology. She is currently the Chairman of Hong Kong Nasopharyngeal Cancer Study Group, Vice-Chairman of the National Cancer Staging Committee of China, and Honorary Chairman for the Precision Treatment of Nasopharyngeal Cancer Sub-Committee, under the Clinical Medicine Committee of Guangdong Province. Prof. Lee is a dedicated advocate for cancer control, she serves as Board of Directors for the Union for International Cancer Control, and she is the Coordinator of UICC TNM Global Advisory Group. She is the Vice Chairman of Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society. She serves many editorial boards, and is currently a Senior Editor (Clinical) for Radiotherapy and Oncology.

Prof. Lee has received many international honors/awards for our outstanding researches on nasopharyngeal cancer, including Gilbert H. Fletcher Distinguished Professor Lecturer by The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, United States in 2009; Honorary Membership by the European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology in 2012; Honorary Membership by the Radiological Society of North America in 2013; Wharton Lecturer by Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Canada in 2015; and Honorary Fellowship by American College of Radiology in 2019. In China, she has been awarded First Prize of Science and Technology Award by Fujian Government in 2018 and First Prize of Technology Award by Fujian Anti-Cancer Association in 2021. In addition, she has received many awards for hospital administration, including Good Doctor in Shenzhen by Health and Family Planning commission of Shenzhen Municipality in 2018; Outstanding Contribution by Health News, Bureau of Medical Administration, National Health Commission in 2019; Excellent Medical Personnel of Shenzhen Municipality by Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission in 2020.

Honours, Awards & Prizes
AwardeesAward DateHonours / Awards / PrizesCategory
2020-08-012020年深圳市優秀醫師 Excellent Medical Personnel of Shenzhen Municipality 2020: 深圳市衞生健康委員會 Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission
2020-08-01醫院管理創新獎三等獎 – 項目「腫瘤臨床路徑的規劃及其應用與管理系统之研發」 Third Prize of Hospital Management Innovation Award - Project "Development and clinical application of a new model for cancer clinical pathway": 廣東省醫院協會授予 Awarded by Guangdong Provincial Hospital Association
Ng, W.T.
Gong, L
2023-10-31Second Prize of Technology Award by Shenzhen Science and Technology: Innovation Commission
Research Achievement
2008-01-01Sir Patrick Manson Gold Medal: The University of Hong Kong
Research Achievement
2009-01-01Gilbert H. Fletcher Distinguished Professor Lecturer: The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, U.S.A.
Teaching Accomplishment
2013-01-01Honorary Membership: Radiological Society of North America
Research Achievement
2012-01-01Honorary Membership: European Society of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
Research Achievement
2015-01-01Wharton Lecturer: The University of Toronto, Princess Margaret Hospital, Canada
Teaching Accomplishment
2019-12-012019年度改善醫療服務群眾滿意的醫務工作者 Public Satisfaction—Medical Personnel of 2019 for Medical Service Improvement: 國家衛生健康委員會醫政醫管局健康報社 Health News, Bureau of Medical Administration, National Health Commission
2020-04-01风尚人物 Star of the Year: 中国生命关爱协会“2020中国医院人文品牌峰会” China Humanistic Hospital Brand Summit 2020 of Chinese Association For Life Care
2019-12-012019年度改善醫療服務突出貢獻工作者 Outstanding Contribution—Medical Personnel of 2019 for Medical Service Improvement: 國家衛生健康委員會醫政醫管局健康報社 Health News, Bureau of Medical Administration, National Health Commission
2021-05-01First Prize of Technology Award: Fujian Anti-Cancer Association
Research Achievement
Research Achievement
2018-01-01Good Doctor in Shenzhen: Health and Family Planning commission of Shenzhen Municipality
2018-01-01Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Charity Foundation Professorship in Holistic Cancer Care: The University of Hong Kong
Teaching Accomplishment
2019-05-01Honorary Fellow: American College of Radiology
Research Achievement
2018-10-01First Prize of Science and Technology Award: Fujian Government
Research Achievement
Professional Societies
Term PeriodPositionProfessional Societies
2013 - presentVice Chairman of National CommitteeNational Cancer Staging Committee of China
2010 - 2013Chairman of Hong Kong Regional TNM Cancer Staging SubcommitteeNational Cancer Staging Committee of China
2001UICC TNM Expert Advisory Panel on Head and Neck CancersUnion of International Cancer Control
2013 - presentCoordinator of the Global Advisory Group for UICC Core CommitteeUnion of International Cancer Control
2006Faculty Member on Nasopharyngeal CancerEuropean Society of Medical Oncology
since 2022Chairperson for Clinical Research/Academic review expert for Clinical ResearchThe University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital
Since 2022ISQua ExpertInternational Society for Quality in Health Care
2020-2022MemberThe University of Hong Kong Life Sciences Panel of the University Selection and Promotion Committee
2022-2025Deputy ChairmanClinical Research Quality Control Center of Guangdong Province
2018 - presentMemberInternational Head and Neck Scientific Group
2009 - 2021Vice PresidentHong Kong College of Radiologists
1991 - presentCouncil MemberHong Kong Society of Clinical Oncology
2005-2007, 2018 - presentChairmanHong Kong Nasopharyngeal Cancer Study Group (Limited)
2014Expert Panel on Head and Neck Cancers and Chairman of Submittee on Nasopharyngeal CancerAmerican Joint Committee on Cancer
2016 - presentBoard of DirectorUnion of International Cancer Control
2014 - 2023Member of Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) for Phase 1 Clinical TrialsConsortium on Harmonization of Institutional Requirements for Clinical Research (CHAIR)
2006 - presentCommittee MemberPan-Pearl River Delta Radiation Oncology Conference Committee
1997 - presentCouncil MemberHo Hung Chiu Medical Education Foundation Limited
2008 - presentVice-ChairmanHong Kong Anti-Cancer Society
2015 - presentChairman of Cancer Education, Prevention and Early Detection CommitteeHong Kong Anti-Cancer Society
2020 - presentHonorary Advisor for Hong Kong Women for OncologyEuropean Society of Medical Oncology
2016APAC Advisory Board MemberEuropean Socety for Radiotherapy & Oncology
2011-2020Member of Legislative CommitteeHong Kong Council on Smoking and Health
2020-2025Honorary ChairmanPrecision Treatment of Nasopharyngeal Cancer Sub-Committee, under the Clinical Medicine Committee of Guangdong Province
2022-2025Deputy ChairmanClinical Research Quality Control Center of Guangdong Province
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