AuthorsNo. of Publications
webster, cj 26
gallacher, j 20
webster, c 20
kumari, s 13
lai, ky 12
lai, ka yan 7
ni, my 7
webster, chris 7
xiao, y 6
gallacher, john 5
gallacher, jej 4
kumari, sarika 4
zhang, x 4
abbasi, sa 3
abbasi, shahid abbas 3
chiaradia, a 3
ho, kf 3
lu, y 3
pryor, m 3
sun, g 3
ward, tj 3
baker, dm 2
bauermeister, s 2
burgoine, t 2
chen, x 2
gou, z 2
huang, j 2
jiang, b 2
kang, k 2
lai, yan ka 2
leung, gm 2
li, j 2
liu, wenhui 2
liu, yanhui 2
luo, lei 2
melbourne, s 2
melbourne, sj 2
miao, s 2
monsivais, p 2
moore, sc 2
panagiotou, i 2
piumatti, g 2
sullivan, wc 2
tang, d 2
tian, l 2
wu, f 2
zhang, f 2
zhang, r 2
zhang, rong 2
zheng, t 2
alqahtani, sa 1
anand, a 1
berridge, d 1
berridge, dm 1
cai, wenfeng 1
cao, j 1
cao, w 1
chen, xc 1
cheung, lwt 1
chiaradia, ajf 1
chow, bkc 1
chuang, hc 1
denizen, s 1
dingle, ce 1
dirac, ma 1
dissanayake, t 1
fan, l 1
gallacher, john e j 1
gbd 2021 demographics collaborators, 1
geng, huizhi 1
gulla, a 1
han, h 1
heshiki, y 1
hsiao, tc 1
imamovic, l 1
james, p 1
kafafy, n 1
kobler, md 1
lazarus, jv 1
lee, r-s 1
li, c 1
li, z 1
liu, j 1
liu, w 1
liu, y 1
lu, j 1
lu, yi 1
luo, l 1
ma, xiaowei 1
maji, kj 1
mark, he 1
melbourne, s 1
miao, siyu 1
moore, s 1
natesan, usha 1
ni, m 1
ni, my 1
ni, y 1
on behalf of the gbd fatty liver disease sustainable development goal collaborators 1
orpen, b 1
pryor, mr 1
qiao, qingyao 1
schattenberg, jm 1
schuldenfrei, eric 1
scott, i 1
shepherd, j 1
smith, j 1
sommer, moa 1
soriano, jb 1
sumathi, v. r. 1
sun, s 1
sun, z 1
tang, d 1
tang, dsw 1
taylor, g 1
webster, chris j. 1
webster, christopher john 1
white, tm 1
wong, cwm 1
wong, cy 1
woo, pcy 1
xiao, yang 1
xu, z 1
yan, a 1
yang, xiao 1
yi, l 1
yi, lu 1
yoshitaro, h 1
yu, ye 1
yueqiong, n 1
zacharias, j 1
zelber-sagi, s 1
zhang, b 1
zhou, yulun 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
built environment 9
metagenomics 8
walkability 8
antibiotics resistance 7
dissemination potential 7
horizontal gene transfer 7
sdna 7
ltds 6
ndvi 6
street trees 6
uk biobank 6
urban green 6
urban morphology 6
walking 6
antibiotic resistance gene 5
arg 5
arg transmission 5
green space 5
greenery (綠色植被) 5
landscape (景觀) 5
metro system 5
microbial signature 5
microbiome 5
park shape 5
park size 5
public health (公共健康) 5
recurrence 5
residential density 5
skin 5
urban green space (城市綠地) 5
walking (步行) 5
accessibility 4
architectural design 4
arterial stiffness 4
breast cancer 4
covid-19 prevalence 4
high density city 4
hypertension 4
light at night 4
light pollution 4
melatonin 4
meta-analysis 4
space syntax 4
2017 global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease criteria 3
air pollution 3
alcohol consumption 3
anomie 3
body mass 3
body mass index 3
case-crossover study 3
caucasian 3
chronic obstructive lung disease 3
entrepreneurial behavior 3
greenness 3
land use master plans 3
loneliness 3
multilevel 3
obesity 3
physical activity 3
residential greenness 3
respiratory disease 3
social isolation 3
ukbump 3
urban design 3
wuhan 3
adiposity 2
aging 2
allostatic load 2
alzheimer's disease 2
bmi 2
built environment configuration 2
cellular automata 2
chemical components 2
chengzhongcun 2
china 2
city planning -- health aspects. 2
climatic factors 2
commuting trips 2
coronavirus infections 2
cvd events, cvd mortality 2
cytotoxicity 2
de soto 2
dementia 2
diastolic blood pressure 2
diffusion 2
fast-food outlet exposure 2
flux of energy and matter 2
ghq 2
greenspace 2
guangzhou 2
hajj 2
health niche 2
healthy city 2
high density 2
household income 2
individual exposure 2
influenza 2
instantaneous reproduction number 2
interaction 2
interleukin-6 2
ksi 2
land use policy 2
loss of confinement 2
middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
morphometrics 2
ndvi greenness 2
older adults 2
processed meat consumption 2
property 2
property rights 2
psychological distress 2
random effects 2
reactive oxygen species (ros) 2
runmlwin 2
sen 2
slums 2
stats19 2
systolic blood pressure 2
traffic casualty severity 2
transmissibility 2
travel choice 2
urban 2
urban health. 2
urban morphometrics 2
urban poverty 2
urbanicity 2
vulnerability state of a cell 2
accident 1
active travel 1
advection 1
affordable housing 1
alcohol 1
burial space 1
drinking water 1
environment 1
forecasting 1
gis 1
housing condition 1
mental health 1
migrants 1
modeling 1
monitoring 1
monitoring stations data 1
neighborhood tie 1
neighbourhood 1
neighbourhood satisfaction 1
new towns 1
new‐generation migrants 1
one‐child policy 1
process industry 1
psychological 1
public health 1
sem 1
shanghai 1
social comparison 1
social tie 1
software 1
spatial migration paradigm 1
spatio-temporal analysis 1
street greenery 1
structural equation modelling (sem) 1
transit-oriented development (tod) 1
transportation 1
trend analysis 1
urban planning 1
virtual instrument 1
water quality indice 1
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