AuthorsNo. of Publications
economo, ep 28
dunn, robert r. 14
leong, cm 8
weiser, michael d. 8
wong, mkl 8
dunn, rr 7
janda, m 6
liu, c 6
fischer, g 5
fisher, bl 5
menke, sean b. 5
sanders, nathan j. 5
weiser, md 5
yamane, s 5
donoso, da 4
lee, h 4
lewis, ot 4
mcglynn, terrence p. 4
narula, n 4
parr, cl 4
peng, yq 4
sanders, nj 4
sarnat, em 4
andersen, alan n. 3
baccaro, fb 3
brassard, f 3
capinha, c 3
dawson, w 3
ellison, aaron m. 3
essl, f 3
fisher, brian l. 3
gibb, h 3
gotelli, nicholas j. 3
gove, aaron d. 3
knowles, ll 3
lenzner, b 3
lessard, jean philippe 3
lucky, a 3
lucky, andrea w. 3
moser, d 3
nooten, ss 3
parr, catherine l. 3
pergl, j 3
philpott, stacy m. 3
schultheiss, pp 3
seebens, h 3
silva, rr 3
suarez, andrew v. 3
van kleunen, m 3
vasconcelos, heraldo heraldo 3
winter, m 3
agosti, donat 2
andersen, an 2
angulo, e 2
arnan, x 2
arnan, xavier 2
bishop, tr 2
blackburn, tm 2
blanchard, b 2
bonebrake, tc 2
booher, db 2
boulay, r 2
brühl, carsten albrecht 2
cassey, p 2
castracani, c 2
cerdá, xím 2
chan, hh 2
chan, kh 2
cheung, k 2
del toro, i 2
delsinne, t 2
dullinger, s 2
dyer, ee 2
fayle, tm 2
fellowes, jr 2
fitzpatrick, matthew c. 2
fitzpatrick, mc 2
gibb, heloise 2
gomez, k 2
grossman, bf 2
gunawardene, n 2
gómez, c 2
heterick, b 2
himuro, c 2
hita garcia, f 2
janda, milan 2
jenkins, clinton neil 2
jenkins, cn 2
johnson, ra 2
kaspari, michael e. 2
kass, jm 2
klimes, p 2
kreft, h 2
lach, l 2
laeger, t 2
lattke, je 2
lee, rh 2
leponce, m 2
lessard, jp 2
liu, q 2
longino, john t. 2
longino, jt 2
macgown, ja 2
majer, j 2
majer, jonathan d. 2
matsuura, k 2
menke, s 2
mezger, d 2
mori, a 2
moses, j 2
munyai, tc 2
nentwig, w 2
paknia, o 2
pfeiffer, m 2
philpott, sm 2
pierce, mp 2
pyšek, p 2
retana, j 2
retana, javier retana 2
robson, s 2
shiao, sf 2
silverman, jules 2
suehiro, w 2
taylor, ck 2
tista, m 2
tsang, pnt 2
tsuji, k 2
vargo, el 2
vasconcelos, hl 2
wang, r 2
weigelt, p 2
wetterer, jk 2
yang, dr 2
yokoi, t 2
aalto, j 1
abouheif, e 1
abril, s 1
agosti, d 1
aguilar-méndez, mj 1
akbar, sa 1
al dhafer, hm 1
albuquerque, e 1
aldawood, as 1
alpert, ga 1
amorim, ds 1
andersen, aa 1
andesner, p 1
andrade‐silva, j 1
ansong, m 1
antonialli, w 1
arianoutsou, m 1
armbrecht, i 1
arthoffer, w 1
ashcroft, mb 1
azuma, f 1
bacher, s 1
bai, m 1
barlow, j 1
barthélémy, c 1
berenguer, e 1
berman, m 1
bertelsmeier, cléo 1
bharti, h 1
bharti, m 1
blanchard, bd 1
blanchard, benjamin 1
blasius, b 1
blatrix, r 1
bogar, ta 1
boudinot, be 1
brandão, crf 1
brockerhoff, eg 1
brundu, g 1
brühl, c 1
buddhakala, n 1
capellari, rs 1
caramaschi, u 1
cardinal-de casas, adrianna 1
carpenter, jm 1
carpintero, soledad 1
carvalho, cjb 1
casal, c 1
castello, l 1
causton, ce 1
celesti-grapow, l 1
cerda, x 1
cerdá, x 1
chan, l 1
chao, a 1
chen, guoling 1
cheung, rsc 1
cicconardi, f 1
clouse, r 1
courchamp, franck 1
couri, ms 1
crowther, tw 1
cuezzo, f 1
damken, c 1
darocha, w 1
de frenne, p 1
delabie, jhc 1
delsinne, td 1
des lauriers, j 1
deutsch, ca 1
di marino, d 1
diamond, sarah e. 1
dias, rks 1
diaz, m 1
dobata, s 1
dröse, w 1
duarte, m 1
dubois, a 1
dudley, kl 1
dumont, f 1
d’annessa, i 1
ecnomo, ep 1
economo, evan p. 1
ellison, am 1
elten, ek 1
enriquez, em 1
espadaler, xavier 1
eyer, pa 1
fachin, da 1
falaschi, rl 1
feener, dh 1
feitosa, r 1
feitosa, rm 1
fernandes, ds 1
fernandez, f 1
ferreira, j 1
fisher, rn 1
franco, fl 1
franco, w 1
francoeur, a 1
frança, f 1
friedman, nr 1
fréchette, b 1
fuentes, n 1
fuller, p 1
gamisch, a 1
garcia-berthou, e 1
garcia-diaz, p 1
garcía-díaz, p 1
gardner, ta 1
genovesi, p 1
georgiadis, c 1
ghilardi, a 1
gontijo leal, c 1
gotelli, nj 1
gotzek, d 1
gove, a 1
grabherr, r 1
graham, naj 1
grasso, d 1
grasso, da 1
grimaldi, d 1
groc, s 1
grootaert, p 1
grootaert, pg 1
gross, kevin 1
guo, f 1
guralnick, r 1
gómez, crisanto 1
hackett, b 1
hajdu, e 1
hamer, mt 1
hartley, stephen 1
hawkes, pg 1
herman, l 1
hicks, cc 1
hoffmann, b 1
hoffmann, bd 1
hofhansl, f 1
hoogen, j 1
huang, jp 1
hui, cang 1
hulme, pe 1
hyodo, f 1
ikeda, takayoshi 1
isaac, v 1
jaitrong, w 1
jaitrong, wj 1
janicki, j 1
jenkins, c 1
jeschke, jm 1
jetz, w 1
jäger, h 1
kartesz, j 1
kaspari, m 1
kemppinen, j 1
kenis, m 1
klassa, b 1
klimov, p 1
klimov, pb 1
kobayashi, k 1
kopecký, m 1
krapf, p 1
krell, ft 1
krushelnycky, paul d. 1
kurina, o 1
kühn, i 1
la richelière, f 1
lamas, cje 1
lattke, j 1
lattke, john e. 1
laurent, edward j. 1
lecroq, b 1
leday, gwénaël g r 1
lee, y 1
lees, ac 1
lembrechts, jj 1
lennox, gd 1
lenoir, j 1
lester, philip john 1
leung, m 1
liebhold, am 1
lin, cc 1
liu, cong 1
longino, j 1
lubertazzi, d 1
lubertazzi, dl 1
lucas, e 1
luke, s 1
luo, yy 1
luoto, m 1
mackay, w 1
maclean, imd 1
mandrak, ne 1
mang, t 1
maosheng, f 1
marques, ac 1
marquis, ad 1
martello, f 1
matsuura, kenji 1
mccaffrey, katherine a. 1
mcgeoch, mélodie a. 1
mcglynn, tp 1
meier, r 1
mello-patiu, ca 1
meyer, c 1
miao, bg 1
mikheyev, as 1
mohamed, aa 1
morgan, b 1
morgan, ba 1
morini, msc 1
mosena, a 1
mulieri, pr 1
muñoz, g 1
nguyen, ad 1
nihei, ss 1
nishino, m 1
oliveira, omp 1
oliveira, ss 1
pacheco, r 1
pagad, s 1
patitucci, ld 1
paulson, d 1
pearce-duvet, j 1
pearman, d 1
pedersen, jes søe 1
perrichot, v 1
pfeiffer, martin 1
photakis, m 1
pierce, ne 1
pitt, joel peter william 1
pombal, jp 1
pont, a 1
poon, emily shui kei 1
powell, s 1
prado, l 1
prado, lp 1
prendini, l 1
probst, r 1
puniamoorthy, j 1
pysek, p 1
rabeling, c 1
rabitsch, w 1
ramirez, ln 1
reis, re 1
resasco, j 1
reyes, joaquin 1
ribeiro, mc 1
richardson, david m. 1
rocha, rm 1
rodríguez-cabal, mariano a. 1
rojas-sandoval, j 1
roques, a 1
rorke, s 1
rosas-mejía, m 1
rossinelli, s 1
roura-pascual, núria 1
roy, he 1
santos monteiro, ec 1
santos, cmd 1
sarnat, e 1
savage, am 1
scalera, r 1
schick-steiner, bc 1
schindler, s 1
schlick-steiner, bc 1
scrivens, sl 1
sexton, joseph o. 1
sharaf, mr 1
shek, chung tong 1
shik, jzs 1
silva, ogm 1
silva, vc 1
sin, simon yung wa 1
soh, e 1
song, h 1
sorger, md 1
souza, j 1
souza, jlp 1
srivathsan, a 1
steiner, f 1
steiner, fm 1
stuble, katharine l. 1
suarez, a 1
takiya, dm 1
tanaka, ho 1
tang, klt 1
tasen, wt 1
tavares, m 1
teng, b 1
terayama, mamoru 1
tokarska-guzik, b 1
tong, y 1
touyama, yoshifumi 1
trautwein, michelle d. 1
tsang, hiu yu 1
tsang, tpn 1
tsui, wing chi 1
udayakantha, ws 1
verdade, vk 1
vonshak, m 1
vásquez-bolaños, m 1
wachkoo, aa 1
wagner, hc 1
wahab, ra 1
walker, k 1
wang, clw 1
wang, w 1
ward, darren f. 1
ward, df 1
ward, philip s. 1
ward, ps 1
warren, dl 1
weiser, m 1
wepfer, ph 1
wilson, eo 1
wilson, sk 1
wolfgang, a 1
wong, klm 1
wong, m 1
wong, mw 1
wong, tl 1
worner, sue p. 1
yamanaka, t 1
yang, darong 1
yang, h 1
yanoviak, stephen p. 1
yashiro, t 1
yashiro, toshihisa 1
yates, m 1
yeo, d 1
yong, g 1
young, pj 1
youngsteadt, ek 1
yuchen, a 1
zhao, huabin 1
ziegler, m 1
štajerová, k 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
ants 4
formicidae 4
biodiversity 3
biological invasions 3
invasive species 3
urban ecology 3
ant biogeography 2
ant distribution 2
ant diversity 2
asia 2
bat parasites 2
biogeography 2
checklist 2
china 2
community assembly 2
conservation 2
cryptic species 2
description 2
distribution 2
disturbance 2
ecosystem functions 2
ectoparasite 2
exotic species 2
food exploitation 2
foraging activity 2
functional diversity 2
habitat 2
hong kong 2
host specificity 2
host-parasite coevolution 2
hypogaeic 2
macronutrient limitation 2
morphology 2
nycteribiidae 2
occurrence 2
omnivores 2
pachycondyla chinensis 2
ponerinae 2
range projection 2
species checklist 2
species distribution model 2
species richness 2
streblidae 2
taxonomy 2
temperature 2
hypogaeic ants 1
abundance 1
adaptation 1
aenictus 1
alien species 1
amblyoponinae 1
ant 1
aphaenogaster rudis 1
apoid wasps 1
applied systematics 1
arachnida 1
arboreal 1
arboreal ants 1
aridity 1
army ant 1
behavioral dominance 1
beta diversity 1
beta-diversity 1
big-headed ant 1
biodiversity hotspot 1
biodiversity informatics 1
biodiversity patterns 1
body size 1
body size variation 1
brachymyrmex patagonicus 1
cartographic design 1
cenozoic 1
chronic environmental stress 1
cleptobiosis 1
client-server 1
climate change 1
coexistence 1
cold adaptation 1
coleoptera 1
colonization 1
colony breeding system 1
community 1
community structure 1
conservation planning 1
d3js 1
dacetini 1
database 1
dichotomous key 1
dispersal 1
dissimilarity 1
diversification 1
diversification rate 1
diversity 1
diversity regulation 1
diversity survey 1
dominance-impoverishment rule 1
drivers 1
east asia 1
ecology 1
ecosystem function 1
ectatomma ruidum 1
endangered species 1
endemism 1
environmental filtering 1
eocene 1
euponera solitaria 1
exotic ants 1
exoticspecies 1
extinctions 1
feng shui wood 1
food supplementation 1
foraging behavior 1
fossils 1
functional trait 1
genera 1
generic diversity 1
genetic bottleneck 1
genomics 1
geo-referenced 1
geography 1
global diversity gradients 1
global diversity patterns 1
global scale 1
globalization 1
gut content analysis 1
hengduan mountains 1
hevea brasiliensis 1
hexastylis arifolia 1
historical biogeography 1
human influence 1
identification key 1
inbreeding 1
indian ants 1
insect 1
insect biodiversity 1
introduction 1
invasion history 1
invasions 1
invasive ant 1
invasive ants 1
island biogeography 1
island invasibility 1
isolation 1
japan 1
key 1
land connectivity 1
laos 1
lasius 1
latitudinal diversity gradient 1
latitudinal gradient 1
leaf litter copyright mark kl wong benoit guénard 1
leptanilla 1
leptanillinae 1
lgm 1
life history 1
local assemblage 1
long term study 1
lucid key 1
macao 1
macroecology 1
macroevolution 1
malay peninsula 1
mangrove 1
mangroves 1
mexico 1
micro-hymenoptera 1
molecular evolution 1
mrm 1
myopias 1
myrmecina 1
myrmecochory 1
myrmecophagous 1
myrmicinae 1
naturalization 1
neofauna 1
new records 1
new species 1
ngs barcoding 1
niche-base assembly 1
nocturnal 1
non-native 1
novel species 1
pachycondyla nakasujii 1
pacific islands 1
palaeofauna 1
paratopula bauhinia 1
peru 1
pheidole megacephala 1
phylogenetic diversity 1
phylogenetic niche conservatism 1
phylogeny 1
phylogeography 1
pitfall trap 1
polygyny 1
port of entry 1
precipitation 1
prediction 1
radiation 1
radiation zone 1
range expansion 1
range shift 1
rarity 1
recruitment 1
relaxation 1
remnant forest 1
rhaphium new species 1
rotastruma stenoceps 1
rubber plantation 1
sampling filter 1
seed-dispersal mutualisms 1
sib-mating 1
singapore 1
socio-economic costs 1
soil core 1
solenopsis invicta 1
source species pools 1
southeast asia 1
speciation 1
species discovery 1
species distribution 1
species introduction 1
species list 1
species-isolation 1
species–area 1
sri lanka 1
sub-tropical 1
subterranean 1
subterranean diversity 1
subterranean pitfall trap 1
subtropical 1
succession 1
systematics 1
tandem carrying 1
tapinoma 1
taxon cycle 1
taxonomic key 1
temnothorax 1
terrestrial arthropod 1
tetramorium 1
thailand 1
thievery 1
time series 1
trait dispersion 1
tropical asia 1
tropical conservatism 1
unique species 1
urban ecosystem 1
urban ecosystems 1
urban farming 1
urban heat island 1
urban landscape 1
urbanized habitat 1
user-centered design 1
vertebrates 1
web-mapping 1
winkler extractor 1
winkler trap 1
xishuangbanna 1
yunnan 1
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