Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
bootstrap 2
compound poisson process 2
difference in coefficients 2
endogeneity 2
identification 2
indirect effects 2
least-squares regression 2
mediation analysis 2
threshold regression 2
2sls estimator 1
401(k) plan 1
adaptive estimation 1
additively separable loss function 1
bayes 1
bias correction 1
boundary 1
brownian motion 1
composite quantile regression 1
compound poisson field 1
consistency 1
credible set 1
cross validation 1
curse of dimensionality 1
degenerate u-statistic 1
difference kernel estimator 1
difference order 1
differenced method 1
discrete asymptotic distribution 1
doob's martingale inequality 1
efficiency 1
efficiency bounds 1
error estimation 1
extreme value type iii distribution 1
inconsistency 1
instrumental variable estimator 1
integrated difference kernel estimator 1
kernel estimation 1
least squares estimation 1
local asymptotic minimax 1
local information 1
local polynomial estimator 1
local shifter 1
lowlad 1
lowlsr 1
middle-point lse 1
middle-point mle 1
non-homogeneous poisson process 1
nonparametric posterior interval 1
nonparametric structural change 1
nonregular model 1
nonregular models 1
optimal difference sequence 1
optimal rate of convergence 1
outlier and heavy-tailed error 1
partial linear model 1
partially linear estimator 1
partially polynomial estimator 1
poisson point process 1
quadratic form 1
rapidly varying 1
regression discontinuity design 1
regularly varying 1
semiparametric efficiency 1
semiparametric empirical bayes 1
sequential asymptotics 1
slowly varying 1
specification testing 1
stochastic equicontinuity failure 1
strong identification 1
structural change 1
taylor expansion 1
threshold boundary 1
threshold treatment model 1
treatment effect 1
two-sided brownian field 1
u-statistic 1
unknown discontinuity point 1
weak identification 1
wienerhopf equation 1
wild bootstrap 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
econometrics and business statistical methods 1
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