AuthorsNo. of Publications
lam, clk 48
yu, yte 15
wan, yf 12
cheung, jpy 9
fung, scc 9
wong, wcw 9
wu, t 9
chan, kc 8
chin, wy 8
au, ch 6
cheung, whp 6
guo, y 6
chan, kh 5
fu, sn 5
lang, hhb 5
law, tt 5
tse, tye 5
chan, ewy 4
dao, mc 4
ip, p 4
leung, kwd 4
li, x 4
luo, n 4
mcghee, s 4
tong, khd 4
wong, ick 4
bedford, le 3
cheung, bmy 3
cheung, pwh 3
fong, dyt 3
ho, sy 3
jiao, f 3
kwong, dlw 3
lau, ehy 3
law, wl 3
leung, gm 3
miu, hyh 3
siu, sc 3
sun, wh 3
tang, hm 3
wan, eyf 3
wong, kw 3
cao, b 2
chan, akc 2
chan, fwk 2
chau, j 2
cheung, cl 2
choi, ph 2
chui, slc 2
cowling, bj 2
fung, csc 2
grieve, e 2
hung, fni 2
jiao, ff 2
kung, k 2
kwok, rlp 2
lai, ttf 2
lam, cindy lo kuen 2
lau, st 2
lau, tkk 2
lau, wcs 2
lin, j 2
liu, sn 2
liu, x 2
luk, w 2
man, kck 2
ng, ekw 2
poon, tcj 2
rowen, d 2
shi, ym 2
tsang, jwh 2
tsu, jhl 2
wan, yfe 2
wei, yy 2
wong, rsm 2
wong, skh 2
wong, whs 2
yan, kc 2
yang, f 2
yiu, mk 2
chan, akl 1
chan, cy 1
chan, ew 1
chan, kit t.y. 1
chan, ky 1
chan, p 1
chan, wlw 1
chan, wwl 1
chau, shk 1
chen, j 1
chen, jy 1
cheng, hg 1
cheng, ky 1
cheng, wtf 1
cheung, kmc 1
cheung, kwokleung 1
cheung, ky 1
cheung, mkh 1
cheung, sk 1
cheung, yee tak derek 1
cheung, ytd 1
chin, weng yee 1
choi, edmond p.h. 1
choi, eph 1
chong, laiyin 1
chung, hs 1
chung, hy 1
dong, w 1
fan, j 1
fielding, r 1
fong, daniel y t 1
fu, kw 1
fu, saunga 1
fung, colman s c 1
fung, matrix man him 1
gangwani, ra 1
guo, vyw 1
guo, yt 1
ho, bsh 1
ho, cw 1
ho, isf 1
ho, sai yin 1
hu, yang 1
huang, l 1
ip, dkm 1
jackson, j 1
kam, mkm 1
kwan, myw 1
kwan, yw 1
lam, c 1
lam, c 1
lam, elegance ting pui 1
lam, mch 1
lam, sm 1
lam, tai hing 1
lam, th 1
lam, ty 1
lam, wwt 1
lang, bhh 1
lang, brian hung hin 1
lau, cs 1
lau, k. h. 1
law, btt 1
lee, a 1
lee, jay jung jae 1
lee, kf 1
leung, k 1
leung, smk 1
li, lanlan 1
li, ph 1
li, whc 1
li, william ho cheung 1
lian, j 1
liao, q 1
lip, gyh 1
liu, snk 1
liu, xiaodong 1
lo, kuenkong 1
lo, yvonne 1
lo, yyc 1
loong, hh 1
lui, david tak wai 1
luk, wan 1
luk, yan 1
luo, t 1
ma, epm 1
ma, t 1
mcghee, sm 1
mok, st 1
moon, r 1
mulbern, b 1
mulhern, b 1
ng, atl 1
ng, pp 1
ni, my 1
or, kl 1
pak, ch 1
peiris, jsm 1
piercy, j 1
poon, dmc 1
poon, jtc 1
poon, lml 1
qin, xs 1
rich, m 1
sit, wsr 1
siu, dcw 1
siu, shingchung 1
tan, kcb 1
tang, scw 1
tang., william yuk ming 1
tiwari, afy 1
tsang, hhl 1
tsang, j 1
tsang, wk 1
tse, hf 1
tsui, hy 1
tucker, j 1
tucker, jd 1
tung, kts 1
wang, hao 1
wang, hlj 1
wang, man ping 1
wang, mp 1
wong, kawai 1
wong, manyu 1
wong, rs 1
wong, ys 1
woo, yc 1
wu, jt 1
wu, jtk 1
wu, o 1
wu, yongda socrates 1
xia, w 1
xiong, x 1
yam, jcs 1
yan, vkc 1
yang, j 1
yao, ying 1
ye, x 1
yeung, ty 1
yeung, vtf 1
yeung, wm 1
yiu, mp 1
yiu, yk 1
yu, j 1
yu, john t h t 1
yu, ms 1
yu, wc 1
yuen, wyw 1
zhang, a 1
zhao, j 1
zhao, y 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
chinese 25
health-related quality of life 12
quality of life 12
primary care 11
responsiveness 10
anchor 9
fact-c 9
adolescents 8
children 8
hypertension 8
physical activity 8
reliability 8
screen time 8
sleep duration 8
validity 8
child behaviour 7
colorectal cancer 7
diabetes mellitus 7
intimate partner abuse 7
low-income families 7
mediation 7
sf-12 7
colorectal neoplasm 6
confirmatory factor analysis 6
eq-5d 6
measurement invariance 6
mode of administration 6
quality of care 6
type 2 diabetes mellitus 6
volume–outcome 6
volume–quality 6
cellular phone 5
chatting 5
community smoker 5
covid-19 5
database research 5
diabetes 5
drivers 5
hrqol 5
instant messaging 5
multidisciplinary-risk-assessment-and-management-programme 5
patient-reported outcomes 5
pre-diabetes 5
psychometrics 5
sf-6d 5
short-message service 5
smoking cessation 5
spa 5
spondyloarthritis 5
temporal trend 5
text messaging 5
type 2 diabetes 5
adult 4
adults 4
asian continental ancestry group 4
automobile driving 4
cardiovascular disease risk 4
cardiovascular diseases - epidemiology 4
cardiovascular risk factors 4
cost-effectiveness 4
diabetes mellitus - epidemiology 4
female 4
home blood pressure monitoring 4
hong kong - epidemiology 4
humans 4
influenza vaccination 4
male 4
metabolic syndrome 4
metabolic syndrome x - epidemiology 4
middle aged 4
patient education 4
patient-reported outcome 4
preference 4
priming 4
professional drivers 4
public health 4
risk assessment 4
risk factors 4
risk judgment 4
risk management 4
risk stratification 4
self-management 4
self-management education 4
socio-economics factors 4
thyroid nodule 4
type 2 diabetes, structured education 4
undiagnosed dm 4
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 3
bbq 3
cancer 3
cervical myelopathy 3
cervical spondylotic myelopathy 3
cost-effectiveness analysis (ce) 3
counseling 3
direct medical costs 3
discrete choice experiment 3
eortc qlq-c30 3
eq-5d-5l 3
eq-5d-y 3
fabq 3
focussed ultrasound 3
hpv 3
joacmeq 3
low back pain 3
mapping 3
medical education 3
medical sciences 3
mental health 3
nodule shrinkage 3
preference-based scores 3
prostate cancer 3
psychometric properties 3
randomized controlled trial 3
student attitudes 3
thermal ablation 3
thyroidectomy 3
undergraduate medical curriculum 3
utility 3
vaccination 3
willingness to pay 3
youth 3
chronic hepatitis b 2
cost-effectiveness analysis 2
daytime napping 2
discriminative power 2
fine-needle aspiration 2
health preference 2
meta-analysis 2
qalys 2
sensitivity 2
sex education 2
sf-36 2
social media 2
systematic review 2
attitude 1
dialysis 1
disease progression 1
eq-5d-3l 1
family medicine 1
hong kong 1
hyperglycemia 1
kdqol-36 1
knowledge 1
mycoplasma infections 1
obstructive sleep apnoea 1
polymerase chain reaction 1
primary health care 1
sexually transmitted diseases 1
ureaplasma infections 1
urethritis 1
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