AuthorsNo. of Publications
lam, clk 199
wong, ick 50
yu, yte 46
li, x 45
chan, ewy 44
cheung, jpy 36
fung, scc 35
wan, yf 35
wan, yfe 35
tang, hm 34
au, ch 32
wu, t 31
chui, slc 30
lai, ttf 30
chin, wy 29
lang, hhb 29
cheung, whp 28
tse, tye 25
wan, eyf 25
li, xue 23
cowling, bj 22
wong, wcw 22
bedford, le 19
fong, dyt 19
guo, y 19
jiao, f 19
wan, eric yuk fai 19
fu, sn 18
chan, esther wai yin 17
ip, p 17
lai, francisco tsz tsun 17
lau, tkk 17
wong, ian chi kei 17
chui, celine sze ling 16
woo, yc 16
luo, n 15
xiong, x 15
cheung, bmy 14
law, wl 14
mcghee, s 14
wong, rsm 14
yu, eyt 14
chan, kc 13
lau, ehy 13
leung, gm 13
chui, csl 12
lai, ftt 12
siu, sc 12
tan, kcb 12
wong, kw 12
dao, mc 11
hung, fni 11
liu, snk 11
lui, twd 11
yan, kc 11
yan, vkc 11
chan, kh 10
cheung, cl 10
luk, w 10
tang, ehm 10
chen, jy 9
choi, ph 9
dong, w 9
fung, csc 9
lau, wcs 9
leung, lks 9
wang, mp 9
wong, skh 9
wu, o 9
yan, vincent ka chun 9
grieve, e 8
ho, cw 8
ho, sy 8
huang, l 8
kwok, rlp 8
lam, th 8
lang, bhh 8
lau, chak sing 8
law, tt 8
liu, x 8
lui, david tak wai 8
peng, k 8
tse, ety 8
wong, jyh 8
wong, kp 8
ye, xuxiao 8
yeung, chn 8
chan, esther w. 7
chan, fwk 7
chan, p 7
cheng, franco wing tak 7
dai, d 7
kung, k 7
lam, cindy lo kuen 7
lee, chi ho 7
lin, j 7
lo, yyc 7
loong, hhf 7
mcghee, sm 7
tong, khd 7
woo, yu cho 7
xiong, xi 7
yu, wc 7
au, ivan chi ho 6
chan, ew 6
chan, wlw 6
chen, j 6
cheng, wtf 6
cheung, ching lung 6
cheung, pwh 6
chung, hs 6
fan, m 6
kwok, acy 6
kwong, dlw 6
lau, cs 6
law, btt 6
lee, chp 6
leung, kwd 6
li, lanlan 6
man, kck 6
tong, x 6
wei, y 6
wong, ian c.k. 6
wong, whs 6
wu, tingting 6
yan, vincent k.c. 6
ye, x 6
yeung, mhy 6
cheung, kmc 5
cheung, ytd 5
chui, celine s.l. 5
etz, rs 5
lai, francisco t.t. 5
lau, gkk 5
lau, ktk 5
li, xue 5
low, chm 5
lui, sl 5
lui, yca 5
ma, t 5
ma, tiantian 5
ng, ekw 5
poon, jtc 5
poon, tcj 5
qin, xs 5
tan, kathryn choon beng 5
tang, scw 5
tiwari, afy 5
tse, emily tsui yee 5
wan, eric y.f. 5
zyzanski, sj 5
au, ich 4
blais, je 4
blais, joseph e. 4
chan, akc 4
chan, chh 4
chau, j 4
chen, s 4
cheng, yl 4
fung, sks 4
kang, wei 4
kong, i 4
lam, mch 4
lau, st 4
lau, ym 4
lee, jj 4
liu, xiaodong 4
lo, wk 4
mak, il 4
mok, hy 4
mulhern, b 4
ng, l 4
shami, jessica j.p. 4
shami, jjp 4
shi, ym 4
siu, dcw 4
stange, kc 4
tang, eric ho man 4
tse, t 4
wang, y 4
wei, yue 4
yiu, hei hang edmund 4
yiu, mk 4
yiu, yk 4
zhang, ran 4
au, ivan ch 3
chan, wwe 3
chan, wwl 3
chao, david vai kiong 3
cheng, fwt 3
cheung, cw 3
cheung, ky 3
cheung, sk 3
chin, weng yee 3
choi, eph 3
chu, ck 3
chung, matthew shing hin 3
cowling, benjamin j 3
fan, min 3
fung, lydia w.y. 3
gao, l 3
guo, vy 3
huang, caige 3
hung, ivan fan ngai 3
ip, patrick 3
jiao, ff 3
kwan, yw 3
lam, c 3
lang, brian hung hin 3
lau, kristy tk 3
lee, a 3
lee, ck 3
lee, kf 3
leung, dkw 3
leung, wk 3
li, ph 3
li, whc 3
liu, sn 3
liu, syw 3
liu, xd 3
lo, osh 3
lo, ycy 3
loong, h 3
loong, hh 3
luk, kdk 3
luk, tt 3
ma, epm 3
mak, lung yi 3
man, kkc 3
miu, hyh 3
mok, ahy 3
ng, amy pui pui 3
ng, wsv 3
or, kl 3
pang, pkp 3
qin, xiwen 3
rowen, d 3
samartzis, d 3
sun, wh 3
tan, sc 3
tang, sydney chi wai 3
tsang, jpy 3
tsang, js 3
tsang, jwh 3
tse, hf 3
tse, hung fat 3
tsu, jhl 3
tsui, hy 3
viswanath, k 3
wai, akc 3
wai, kca 3
wang, boyuan 3
wei, yy 3
wong, ys 3
xia, w 3
yuen, man fung 3
zhao, j 3
bedford, laura 2
bedford, laura e 2
cao, b 2
chan, cheyenne i ying 2
chan, cpk 2
chan, cy 2
chan, dtm 2
chan, esther w 2
chan, eww 2
chan, flf 2
chan, kkl 2
chan, ky 2
chan, lst 2
chan, tm 2
chan, wing lok 2
chandwani, s 2
chang, a 2
chao, dvk 2
chao, vkd 2
chen, j 2
chen, julie yun 2
cheng, franco w t 2
cheng, hg 2
cheng, hl 2
cheng, wy 2
cheung, dyt 2
cheung, jjc 2
cheung, lty 2
cheung, mkh 2
chu, jcl 2
chui, celine s l 2
chui, celine sl 2
chung, hy 2
chung, kl 2
chung, matthew s h 2
chung, matthew sh 2
cowling, benjamin j. 2
dong, weinan 2
fong, byf 2
fong, daniel yee tak 2
fong, hy 2
fong, yf 2
foo, cc 2
fung, colman s c 2
fung, matrix man him 2
gangwani, ra 2
gibbs, m 2
guo, ny 2
guo, vyw 2
guo, zq 2
ho, isf 2
hu, y 2
huang, c 2
huang, m 2
hung, ifn 2
kang, wf 2
kind, p 2
ko, wkw 2
kwan, myw 2
kwan, ssc 2
kwok, tto 2
kwok, yk 2
kwong, dlw 2
lai, francisco t t 2
lai, francisco tt 2
lam, cindy l k 2
lam, cindy l.k. 2
lam, cl 2
lam, etp 2
lam, ich 2
lam, ivan chun hang 2
lam, sm 2
lam, wl 2
lao, l 2
lau, eric hy 2
lee, myk 2
leung, ayh 2
leung, gabriel m 2
leung, jcn 2
leung, mty 2
leung, smk 2
leung, tym 2
lian, j 2
lian, jx 2
liao, q 2
lip, gyh 2
lo, yvonne 2
lu, fangcao 2
luk, yan 2
lum, dh 2
luo, h 2
mak, ivy lynn 2
mak, kl 2
mak, ly 2
man, kenneth keng cheung 2
mathur, sukriti 2
mcghee, sm 2
mok, anna hoi ying 2
mok, vct 2
ng, cw 2
ng, fty 2
ng, pp 2
ng, ty 2
ngan, hys 2
ni, my 2
peiris, jsm 2
peng, kuan 2
rainer, th 2
seto, wai kay 2
sham, ms 2
sing, cw 2
sit, rws 2
so, jc 2
tan, kathryn c b 2
thokala, p 2
tong, dkh 2
tong, t 2
tsang, j 2
tsang, j 2
tsang, rky 2
tse, hung-fat 2
tsu, hlj 2
tsui, elh 2
tsui, wendy wing sze 2
tung, kts 2
wan, eric y f 2
wan, eric yf 2
wang, b 2
wang, by 2
wang, h 2
wang, j 2
wang, jhl 2
wong, ian c k 2
wong, ian ck 2
wong, my 2
wong, rs 2
wong, sys 2
wong, vyl 2
wong, w 2
wu, jtk 2
wu, ys 2
xu, w 2
yang, f 2
yang, y 2
yeung, vtf 2
yiu, kai-hang 2
yiu, mp 2
yu, esther yee tak 2
yu, ly 2
yuen, ky 2
yuen, wyw 2
yum, shh 2
zhang, r 2
zhao, y 2
zhou, jiayi 2
achra, m 1
aguiar-ibáñez, r 1
alwafi, h 1
alwafi, hassan 1
ashcroft, dm 1
au, ivan c h 1
au, ivan c.h. 1
au, kb 1
au, km 1
au, kme 1
blais, joseph edgar 1
bloom, chloe 1
burke, t 1
cao, z 1
castle, david j. 1
castle, dj 1
celis-morales, carlos 1
chan, acy 1
chan, akl 1
chan, bp 1
chan, cheyenne i.ying 1
chan, ciy 1
chan, cw 1
chan, e w y 1
chan, esther w y 1
chan, esther wy 1
chan, fion 1
chan, gcf 1
chan, hss 1
chan, jacky c.h. 1
chan, jch 1
chan, jcy 1
chan, jys 1
chan, kh 1
chan, khy 1
chan, kit t.y. 1
chan, kla 1
chan, kw 1
chan, linda 1
chan, shirley cw 1
chan, sophelia h.s. 1
chan, ssc 1
chan, swh 1
chan, tc 1
chan, tin ho 1
chan, tyc 1
chan, wendy w l 1
chan, ww 1
chan, wwy 1
chan, yin wai esther 1
chang, skr 1
chang, wc 1
chao, david v k 1
chao, david vk 1
chau, ph 1
chau, shk 1
chen, es 1
chen, h 1
chen, h 1
chen, julie y 1
chen, k 1
chen, kl 1
chen, ll 1
chen, shu cheng 1
cheng, ccv 1
cheng, f w t 1
cheng, john king yiu 1
cheng, ky 1
cheng, tak wing franco 1
cheng, w 1
cheng, whg 1
cheng, will h g 1
cheng, will hg 1
cheng, will ho gi 1
cheng, wing yiu 1
cheng, wt 1
cheung, bernard m.y. 1
cheung, bernard man yung 1
cheung, c l 1
cheung, ching-lung 1
cheung, d 1
cheung, denise shuk ting 1
cheung, ec-l 1
cheung, ecl 1
cheung, emina edith 1
cheung, fk 1
cheung, jason pui yin 1
cheung, ka shing 1
cheung, ka wang 1
cheung, ks 1
cheung, kwokleung 1
cheung, mkt 1
cheung, myb 1
cheung, t 1
cheung, tyy 1
cheung, wing hang prudence 1
cheung, yee tak derek 1
cheung, yy 1
chin, weng y 1
chin, weng y 1
chiu, a 1
chiu, whk 1
choi, awm 1
choi, edmond p.h. 1
choi, edmond pui hang 1
choi, syc 1
chong, kc 1
chong, laiyin 1
chong, tsz chung 1
chow, ws 1
chu, clj 1
chu, kkw 1
chu, r y k 1
chu, sk 1
chua, gt 1
chui, c s l 1
chui, celine sze ling 1
chui, ling sze celine 1
chui, wcm 1
chung, akk 1
chung, ho yin 1
chung, matthew s.h. 1
chung, msh 1
chung, rkc 1
chung, sh 1
conway, m 1
daoud, yasmin 1
deng, kehui 1
dhankhar, p 1
ding, y 1
dixon, john b. 1
doak, sav 1
dong, wa 1
fan, cw 1
fan, j 1
fan, sys 1
fei, y 1
fielding, r 1
fok, wyp 1
fong, carol ho yi 1
fong, ch 1
fong, d 1
fong, daniel 1
fong, daniel y t 1
fong, daniel yt 1
fong, wc 1
foo, dcc 1
fu, kw 1
fu, saunga 1
fung, lm 1
fung, man him matrix 1
fung, mhm 1
fung, mm 1
fung, wy 1
ghebremichael-weldeselassie, y 1
guo, n 1
guo, yt 1
guo, yy 1
ha, tkh 1
ha, tony king hang 1
han, l 1
hayes, jf 1
ho, bsh 1
ho, clarissa mung yee 1
ho, fkw 1
ho, frederick k 1
ho, jw 1
ho, ks 1
ho, ky 1
ho, lai ming 1
ho, sai yin 1
ho, sf 1
ho, ty 1
ho, yuen shan 1
holroyd, e 1
hong, j 1
hong, n 1
hong, sabrina nan 1
hou, ssm 1
hsu, dc 1
hu, x 1
hu, yang 1
huang, jd 1
huang, ww 1
hung, ht 1
hung, i f n 1
hung, if 1
hung, ivan fn 1
insinga, rp 1
ip, dkm 1
ip, msm 1
ip, tai-pang 1
iyer, dn 1
jackson, j 1
jen, j 1
jiang, f 1
jiang, x 1
jin, jiaer 1
ju, chengsheng 1
kam, mkm 1
kang, w 1
kent, s 1
ko, wai kit 1
ko, welchie wk 1
kwan, christine 1
kwan, cm 1
kwan, scs 1
kwan, ss 1
kwok, gin wai 1
kwok, jyy 1
kwok, r 1
kwok, to 1
kwok, wang chun 1
kwok, yk 1
kwong, dora 1
lai, cyw 1
lai, f t t 1
lai, py 1
lai, tsun tsz francisco 1
lam, ahy 1
lam, c 1
lam, ch 1
lam, cindy l k 1
lam, cindy lk 1
lam, cld 1
lam, clk 1
lam, cm 1
lam, dcl 1
lam, dtp 1
lam, efs 1
lam, elegance ting pui 1
lam, hcy 1
lam, joyce sau mei 1
lam, ka on 1
lam, karen siu ling 1
lam, kkw 1
lam, ksl 1
lam, ly 1
lam, m 1
lam, tai hing 1
lam, tp 1
lam, tp 1
lam, ty 1
lam, wwt 1
lam, wy 1
lang, bh 1
lang, bh-h 1
lang, brian 1
lang, brian h h 1
lao, lixing 1
lau, ayl 1
lau, ch 1
lau, chak-sing 1
lau, cy 1
lau, ech 1
lau, eric h.y. 1
lau, eric ho yin 1
lau, jonathan j 1
lau, k. h. 1
lau, kk 1
lau, kristy t.k. 1
lau, kristy tsz kwan 1
lau, kw 1
lau, lkw 1
lau, ps 1
lau, syf 1
law, a 1
law, simon 1
lee, amanda lauren 1
lee, ch 1
lee, cheuk kwong 1
lee, chi-ho 1
lee, cyy 1
lee, jay jung jae 1
lee, ke 1
lee, kwc 1
lee, mky 1
lee, t 1
lee, vhf 1
lee, victor h.f. 1
leung, aym 1
leung, byc 1
leung, gabriel m 1
leung, gabriel m. 1
leung, j 1
leung, j c n 1
leung, k 1
leung, kh 1
leung, l 1
leung, mtk 1
leung, py 1
leung, tkc 1
leung, wai k. 1
leung, wai keung 1
leung, yma 1
li, c 1
li, ky 1
li, ll 1
li, m 1
li, philip hei 1
li, pkt 1
li, silvia t.h. 1
li, silvia th 1
li, th 1
li, whc 1
li, william ho cheung 1
li, x 1
lin, cc 1
lin, jiaer 1
lin, xp 1
ling, p 1
lip, gregory y h 1
liu, kiki s n 1
liu, sy 1
liu, w 1
lo, d 1
lo, kuenkong 1
lo, ty 1
lo, wh 1
low, mch 1
lui, ayc 1
lui, david t w 1
lui, david t.w. 1
lui, david tw 1
lui, david t  w 1
lui, dtw 1
lui, tak wai david 1
luk, wan 1
lum, d 1
lum, d h 1
luo, hao 1
luo, s 1
luo, t 1
luo, y 1
ma, kp 1
ma, tian tian 1
ma, tt 1
ma, wk 1
mah, isf 1
mak, jimmy ho cheung 1
mak, lung‐yi 1
man, atk 1
man, kenneth kc 1
mathur, s 1
mcallister, david a. 1
mcdonald, christine f. 1
mcghee, s 1
meng, wcs 1
mercer, sm 1
mi, y 1
mi, yq 1
mo, f 1
mok, m 1
mok, my 1
mok, st 1
moon, r 1
mulbern, b 1
ng, atl 1
ng, ck 1
ng, wy 1
or, c 1
or, k 1
pak, ch 1
peiris, malik 1
pell, jill p 1
pellissier, j 1
piercy, j 1
poon, dmc 1
poon, j 1
poon, jtc 1
poon, lml 1
poon, rw 1
poon, wsr 1
pouwels, kb 1
qin, simon 1
qin, simon xiwen 1
rai, a 1
rainer, t 1
ran, j 1
rich, m 1
rowen, dl 1
sadiang-abay, jt 1
sattar, naveed 1
shek, twh 1
shi, m 1
sin, wy 1
sit, wsr 1
siu, chung wah 1
siu, cw 1
siu, dcw 1
siu, shingchung 1
so, c 1
so, ching hei 1
so, hs 1
so, wl 1
stange, k 1
stevinson, k 1
suen, ah 1
suen, lorna kwai ping 1
sun, kai-sing 1
sung, brian y.c. 1
sy, twb 1
sy, wm 1
tam, jh 1
tan, kathryn cb 1
tan, t 1
tang, ching 1
tang, csk 1
tang, ctl 1
tang, eh 1
tang, eric h.m. 1
tang, gch 1
tang., william yuk ming 1
tiu, yc 1
to, kk 1
to, kkw 1
tong, j 1
tran, l 1
tsang, gigi kwan chi 1
tsang, helen hoi lun 1
tsang, hhl 1
tsang, hlh 1
tsang, joyce p y 1
tsang, skm 1
tsang, tc 1
tsang, wk 1
tse, emily t y 1
tse, emily t.y. 1
tse, emily ty 1
tse, ml 1
tse, rosa pui ying 1
tse, samson 1
tse, ssk 1
tsie, ying tsz natalie 1
tso, wyw 1
tsui, eva 1
tsui, sh 1
tsui, shm 1
tsui, wws 1
tucker, j 1
tucker, jd 1
tung, ts 1
tung, ts 1
wai, ak 1
wan, e y f 1
wan, er 1
wan, eric 1
wan, fai yuk eric 1
wan, koonyat 1
wan, ky 1
wang, hao 1
wang, hlj 1
wang, man ping 1
wang, x 1
wei, c 1
wei, cuiling 1
welbourn, r 1
welbourn, richard 1
welsh, paul 1
weng, j 1
wong, acy 1
wong, birgitta yee hang 1
wong, chun ka 1
wong, ck 1
wong, ckw 1
wong, ely 1
wong, ht 1
wong, i c k 1
wong, ian yu hong 1
wong, ian c  k 1
wong, j 1
wong, janet 1
wong, jsc 1
wong, jwh 1
wong, kawai 1
wong, kcw 1
wong, kei chi ian 1
wong, ksh 1
wong, manyu 1
wong, martin c.s. 1
wong, martin chi sang 1
wong, mcs 1
wong, mf 1
wong, michael siu nam 1
wong, mk 1
wong, ms 1
wong, rosa sze man 1
wong, simon k.h. 1
wong, sm 1
wong, tc 1
wong, vkc 1
wong, wht 1
wong, william chi wai 1
wong, winnie h t 1
wong, wlt 1
wong, yh 1
wong, zct 1
woo, yu-cho 1
wordsworth, s 1
wu, joseph t 1
wu, jt 1
wu, l 1
wu, tt 1
wu, yongda socrates 1
xie, j 1
xin, y 1
xin, yiqiao 1
xu, chao 1
xu, wc 1
xu, x 1
xu, xg 1
yam, jcs 1
yan, bryan p. 1
yan, vincent kc 1
yang, deliang 1
yang, j 1
yang, mf 1
yang, yu 1
yao, ying 1
yeo, w 1
yeung, ty 1
yeung, wf 1
yeung, wf 1
yeung, wing fai 1
yeung, wm 1
yeung, wyw 1
yim, wy 1
yip, cy 1
yip, f 1
yip, psf 1
yip, skh 1
yip, tf 1
yiu, hang kai 1
yiu, hhe 1
yiu, kai hang 1
yiu, kh 1
yu, cly 1
yu, esther y.t. 1
yu, hw 1
yu, j 1
yu, john t h t 1
yu, kho 1
yu, klm 1
yu, ms 1
yu, y 1
yue, q 1
yuen, c 1
yuen, jky 1
yuen, man‐fung 1
yuen, rmf 1
yun, bryan ho kwan 1
zhang, a 1
zhang, irene ran 1
zhang, q 1
zhang, qingpeng 1
zhang, wen 1
zhang, x 1
zhang, y 1
zhang, yin 1
zhang, yz 1
zhao, jiaxi 1
zhao, s 1
zhao, s 1
zheng, x 1
zhou, ziyi 1
zhou, zy 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
covid-19 57
chinese 39
covid-19 vaccine 39
sars-cov-2 37
bnt162b2 29
coronavac 29
health-related quality of life 29
quality of life 29
vaccine safety 29
covid-19 vaccines 27
primary care 24
reliability 21
sars-cov-2 infection 21
validity 21
diabetes mellitus 19
low-income families 19
responsiveness 19
type 2 diabetes mellitus 19
cancer 18
inactivated vaccine 18
self-controlled case series 18
colorectal cancer 17
diabetes 17
long covid 17
vaccination 17
stroke 16
microvascular complications 15
public health 15
sf-12 15
vaccine effectiveness 15
hypertension 14
pre-diabetes 14
safety 14
antivirals 13
atrial fibrillation 13
cardiovascular complications 13
cost 13
ischemic stroke 13
mortality 13
patient-reported outcomes 13
prediabetes 13
child health 12
cost-effectiveness 12
epidemiology 12
innate immunity 12
quality of care 12
tuberculosis 12
type 2 diabetes 12
chronic liver disease 11
cirrhosis 11
clinical vertebral fractures 11
graves disease 11
hepatocellular carcinoma 11
hip fractures 11
hrqol 11
hyperthyroidism 11
hypothyroidism 11
omicron 11
osteoporotic fractures 11
pasc 11
post-covid-19 syndrome 11
psychometrics 11
risk stratification 11
thyroid dysfunction 11
upper limb fractures 11
validation 11
adverse events 10
autoimmune disorders 10
bidirectional relationship 10
cohort study 10
delirium 10
dementia 10
health empowerment 10
incident cvd 10
major adverse cardiovascular events 10
mental health 10
metformin 10
parental stress 10
post-acute sequelae of sars-cov-2 10
post-covid cvd 10
sex difference 10
smoking cessation 10
adverse events of special interest (aesi) 9
anchor 9
fact-c 9
heart failure 9
hong kong 9
infection 9
molnupiravir 9
nirmatrelvir-ritonavir 9
nomogram 9
patient-centered care 9
pediatrics 9
pharmacovigilance 9
physical activity 9
sensitivity 9
vaccine 9
viral disease 9
waning vaccine effectiveness 9
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 8
adolescents 8
adverse events of special interest 8
age-specific association 8
biological sciences 8
cardiovascular disease 8
children 8
ckd 8
database research diabetes complications population study primary care type 2 diabetes 8
direct medical cost 8
economic burden 8
ehr 8
emulated trial 8
eq-5d-5l 8
family doctor 8
health sciences 8
management programme 8
mrna vaccine 8
multiple organ complications 8
myocarditis 8
pediatric population 8
pericarditis 8
primary health care 8
psychometric properties 8
risk assessment 8
screen time 8
service utilization 8
severity 8
sleep duration 8
thyroidectomy 8
adherence 7
analgesia 7
aspirin 7
barriers 7
child behaviour 7
colorectal neoplasm 7
cost-of-illness 7
dialysis 7
early detection 7
early onset scoliosis 7
early onset scoliosis-24 questionnaire 7
eosq-24 7
eq-5d 7
family well-being 7
focus group 7
general diabetes 7
health care service provider 7
health economic analysis 7
health literacy 7
health preference 7
health utility 7
hospitalisation 7
hypercholesterolemia 7
information sharing 7
intimate partner abuse 7
lifestyle 7
lipid-lowering agents 7
mediation 7
mental disorders 7
mobile apps 7
morphine consumption 7
myocardial infarction 7
patient enablement 7
patient-reported outcome 7
placebo 7
prediabetic state 7
preferences 7
preventive measures 7
quality in health care 7
randomized controlled trial 7
rct 7
risk factors 7
sf-6d 7
spa 7
spondyloarthritis 7
adolescent development 6
automated 6
cardiovascular health 6
child behavior 6
child development 6
child maltreatment 6
confirmatory factor analysis 6
end-stage renal disease 6
family breakfast 6
family dinner 6
family functioning 6
family meal 6
fracture 6
glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists 6
health disparities 6
health inequalities 6
income instability 6
influenza virus 6
information technology 6
insulin 6
job loss 6
low income 6
measurement invariance 6
medical sciences 6
mode of administration 6
multidisciplinary 6
musculoskeletal disorders 6
nasopharyngeal 6
nocturnal home haemodialysis 6
opportunistic case-finding 6
parenting 6
point-of-care testing 6
prevention 6
problematic behaviors 6
psychosocial health 6
questionnaire 6
radioactive iodine 6
respiratory syncytial virus 6
risk algorithm 6
risk prediction 6
risk prediction models 6
saliva 6
undiagnosed diabetes 6
volume–outcome 6
volume–quality 6
antibiotics 5
antibody 5
booster 5
canagliflozin 5
cellular phone 5
chatting 5
chinese medicine;multi-centre 5
chronic disease 5
community centre 5
community smoker 5
competing risks 5
corticosteroids 5
costing analysis 5
dapagliflozin 5
database research 5
drivers 5
drug repurposing 5
economic evaluation 5
end stage renal disease 5
endocrinology 5
end‐stage renal disease 5
eq-5d-5 l 5
fact-p 5
general population 5
group discussion 5
haemodialysis 5
health related quality of life 5
healthcare costs 5
heart disease 5
hong kong chinese population 5
hospital 5
hybrid immunity 5
instant messaging 5
instrument 5
interferons 5
intervention 5
magnetically controlled growing rod 5
mapping 5
mcgr 5
multi-disciplinary 5
multidisciplinary-risk-assessment-and-management-programme 5
non-communicable disease 5
obesity 5
patient‐reported outcome 5
physiology 5
population norm 5
population-based cohort 5
predictors 5
preventive medicine 5
prognosis 5
prostate cancer 5
recurrence 5
relapse prevention 5
self-management 5
sf-12v2 5
short-message service 5
sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor 5
structured education 5
survival 5
systematic review 5
t cell 5
temporal trend 5
text messaging 5
tgr 5
thiazolidinediones 5
thypro-39 5
traditional growing rod 5
treatment 5
unintentional injury 5
acute liver injury 4
adult 4
adults 4
anti-diabetic drug 4
antithyroid drugs 4
asian continental ancestry group 4
assessment 4
automobile driving 4
bariatric surgery 4
bodily pain 4
cardiovascular disease risk 4
cardiovascular diseases - epidemiology 4
cardiovascular risk factors 4
case series 4
cd26 4
clinical audit 4
clinical consultation 4
colonoscopy 4
communication 4
cost‐effectiveness 4
count data 4
diabetes complication 4
diabetes mellitus - epidemiology 4
diabetes mellitus, type 2 4
dipeptidyl-peptidase iv inhibitors 4
dpp4 4
dpp4-inhibitor 4
dpp4i 4
effectiveness 4
emergency services 4
empathy 4
fecal occult blood testing 4
female 4
fractures, bone 4
gliptin 4
good hrqol 4
graves’ disease 4
health enablement 4
health utilization 4
home blood pressure monitoring 4
hong kong - epidemiology 4
hospitalization 4
hrqol data 4
hrqol outcome 4
hrqol score 4
humans 4
hyperinflammatory syndrome 4
idiopathic scoliosis 4
in-hospital death 4
influenza vaccination 4
insulin therapy 4
intimate partner violence 4
macrovascular disease 4
male 4
mass screening 4
measurement 4
medical student 4
metabolic syndrome 4
metabolic syndrome x - epidemiology 4
micro-costing 4
microvascular disease 4
middle aged 4
model recalibration 4
multi-morbidity 4
multidisciplinary intervention 4
nirmatrelvir/ritonavir 4
osteoporosis 4
papillary thyroid carcinoma 4
patient education 4
patient-centred care 4
peritoneal dialysis first 4
person-centered primary care 4
population based cohort 4
preference 4
priming 4
professional drivers 4
psychometric 4
quality in healthcare 4
quality-of-life 4
ramp-dm 4
recurrent laryngeal nerve 4
risk estimation 4
risk judgment 4
risk management 4
risk prediction model 4
robotic thyroidectomy 4
self-care enablement 4
self-management education 4
sglt2 inhibitor 4
socio-economics factors 4
sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors 4
sodium-glucose transporter 2 inhibitors 4
thyroid cancer 4
thyroid nodule 4
total thyroidectomy 4
type 2 diabetes, structured education 4
undergraduate 4
undiagnosed dm 4
urology 4
viral clearance 4
5-level eq-5d 3
acoustic analysis 3
addqol-19 3
agreement 3
antiviral activity 3
apolipoprotein a 3
apolipoprotein b 3
back-specific 3
bbq 3
benign prostatic hyperplasia 3
bmi 3
bracing 3
cardiovascular diseases 3
central lymph nodes 3
central neck dissection 3
cervical myelopathy 3
cervical spondylotic myelopathy 3
clinical improvement 3
cosmin 3
cost-effectiveness analysis (ce) 3
counseling 3
curfew 3
decision making 3
decompression 3
diabetes care 3
diabetes remission 3
diagnosis 3
direct medical costs 3
discrete choice experiment 3
dysphonia 3
endoscopic 3
endoscopic thyroidectomy 3
eortc qlq-c30 3
eq-5d-3l-y 3
eq-5d-y 3
euroqol 5-dimension 5-level 3
fabq 3
feasibility 3
flat feet 3
focussed ultrasound 3
gastrectomy 3
gastric bypass 3
hba1c 3
healthcare utilisation 3
healthcare utilization 3
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol 3
hpv 3
hypoparathyroidism 3
igt 3
impaired fasting glucose 3
incremental cost-effectiveness ratio threshold 3
intra-operative neuro-monitoring 3
ipss 3
joacmeq 3
lockdown 3
low back pain 3
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol 3
lumbar spinal stenosis (lss) 3
measurement property 3
medical education 3
microsurgery 3
national containment 3
nerve monitoring 3
nodule shrinkage 3
non-laboratory-based 3
non-robotic thyroidectomy 3
norm 3
normoglycaemia 3
novel predictor 3
ogtt 3
opioid 3
paediatric quality of life inventory 3
persistent opioid use 3
population‐based study 3
postoperative outcomes 3
prediction model 3
preference-based 3
preference-based scores 3
proxy 3
quality-adjusted life-years 3
re-operation 3
recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy 3
refined scoliosis research society 22-item questionnaire 3
regression 3
remdesivir 3
risk prediction tools 3
scoliosis research society 22-item 3
screening 3
severe hypoglycaemia 3
short messaging services 3
short-form 6-dimension 3
stay-at-home 3
student attitudes 3
thermal ablation 3
thypro 3
thyroglobulin 3
thyroid 3
thyroid disease 3
triglycerides 3
undergraduate medical curriculum 3
utility 3
voice 3
willingness to pay 3
youth 3
attitude 2
blood pressure monitoring 2
cancer death 2
cancer incidence 2
chronic hepatitis b 2
cluster‐randomized controlled trial 2
colon (anatomy) - cancer - patients - china - hong kong 2
comparative study 2
cost effectiveness 2
cost-effectiveness analysis 2
costs 2
count data models 2
cubic spline 2
daytime napping 2
digital intervention 2
discriminative power 2
disease-specific death 2
fear 2
fine-needle aspiration 2
fnac 2
group education 2
harm reduction 2
healthy eating 2
hiv prevention 2
inferior retractor plication 2
innovative model 2
involutional entropion 2
kap 2
lateral tarsal strip 2
lid laxity 2
mapping models 2
meta-analysis 2
non-invasive variables 2
normative 2
normative value 2
pentagonal resection 2
predicting recurrence 2
prostitution 2
psychological health 2
qalys 2
quality of life - china - hong kong 2
questionnaires 2
rectum - cancer - patients - china - hong kong 2
reduced egfr 2
risk behaviors 2
sex education 2
sexual health 2
sexually transmitted infection 2
sf-36 2
social media 2
sodium glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors 2
sti 2
thyroid carcinoma 2
thyroid nodules 2
web-based intervention 2
working population 2
young adult 2
zero-inflated models 2
adrenal cortex adenoma 1
adrenal hyperplasia 1
adrenalectomy 1
advanced non-small cell lung cancer 1
aged 1
airflow obstruction 1
aldosterone 1
anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive 1
attendance rate 1
bckq 1
bcss 1
cardiology 1
cavity quantum electrodynamics 1
ceritinib; cost-effectiveness 1
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 1
colour cards 1
comorbidities 1
copd 1
coronary heart disease 1
disease progression 1
early diagnosis 1
education 1
eq-5d-3l 1
erectile dysfunction 1
family medicine 1
general practice 1
health-related quality of life (hrqol) 1
hyperglycemia 1
interlayer exciton 1
kdqol-36 1
knowledge 1
lower gastrointestinal bleeding 1
multidisciplinary services 1
mycoplasma infections 1
nanoresonator 1
obstructive sleep apnoea 1
per-rectal bleeding 1
peripheral blood indices 1
polymerase chain reaction 1
prevalence 1
respiratory symptoms 1
sarcoma 1
sexually transmitted diseases 1
short message service (sms) 1
sigmoidoscopy 1
smokers 1
smoking 1
spirometry 1
ureaplasma infections 1
urethritis 1
動機性訪談 1
基層保健 1
藥物相關性障礙 1
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InvestigatorsNo. of Grants
lam, cindy lo kuen 19
yu, yee tak esther 10
cheung, jason pui yin 8
chan, esther wai yin 7
wang, man ping 7
fong, daniel yee tak 6
wan, yuk fai eric 6
lam, karen siu ling 5
lang, brian hung hin 5
law, wai lun 5
li, xue 5
rainer, timothy hudson 5
chan, wing lok wendy 4
hung, fan ngai ivan 4
lam, tai hing 4
lee, jung jae 4
ng, lui 4
abraham wai 3
chen, julie yun 3
cheung, yee tak derek 3
chin, weng yee 3
foo, chi chung 3
ho, daniel sai yin 3
ip, patrick 3
kung, kenny 3
lam, pui kin 3
wong, ian chi kei 3
chau, pui hing 2
cheung, ka shing michael 2
cheung, kenneth man chee 2
cheung, wing hang prudence 2
chui, sze ling celine 2
cowling, benjamin john 2
lai, tsz tsun francisco 2
lam, wendy wing tak 2
li, william ho cheung 2
mcghee, sarah 2
tan, kathryn choon beng 2
tse, tsui yee emily 2
wong, janet yuen ha 2
wong, william chi wai 2
chan, albert chi yan 1
chan, daniel tak mao 1
chan, karen kar loen 1
chen, haiyong 1
cheung, bernard man yung 1
cheung, chi wai 1
cheung, shuk ting 1
cheung, tan to 1
chiu, wan hang keith 1
choi, siu wai 1
chung, ho yin 1
edmond choi 1
fielding, richard 1
fung, siu cheung colman 1
gill harinder harry singh 1
ho, james chung man 1
ho, joshua wing kei 1
ian wong 1
ip, dennis kai ming 1
jiang, fei 1
lam, ka on 1
lam, tai pong 1
lao, lixing 1
lau, eric ho yin 1
lau, wallace chak sing 1
lee, chi ho paul 1
leung siu chung, patrick 1
leung, gabriel matthew 1
leung, yee man angela 1
liao, qiuyan 1
lin, chia-chin 1
lui, tak wai david 1
luk, keith dip kei 1
luk, tzu tsun 1
mak, ivy lynn 1
mak, lung yi 1
ng, amy pui pui 1
ngan, hextan yuen sheung 1
or, ka lun 1
poon, tung chung jensen 1
reynold cheng 1
samartzis, dino 1
seto, wai kay walter 1
siu, ming fai parco 1
tang, sydney chi wai 1
tiwari, agnes fung yee 1
to, kelvin kai wang 1
tong, king hung daniel 1
tse, hung fat 1
wong, tak man 1
yeung, wing fai 1
yuen, jacqueline kwan yuk 1
yuen, richard man fung 1
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Keywords in Grants
keywordsNo. of Investigators
active surveillance, adverse events, covid-19, pharmacovigilance, safety, vaccines 10
abdominal surery, acupuncture, cancer, gynaecology, postoperative pain, rct 8
bone mineral density, fragility fracture, hip fracture, osteoporosis, primary fracture prevention, risk prediction 8
child health, child psychosocial, low income family, parental mental health, parental stress, poverty 8
antibiotic stewardship, cancer, chemotherapy, febrile neutropenia, randomised controlled 8
accident and emergency, alcohol, alcohol brief intervention, chat-based, mobile phone intervention, risky drinkers 7
brief intervention, community, instant messaging, smoking cessation 7
refer to attachment 7
at risk group, chinese, diabetes, mobile app, prevention, validation 6
brace, cost-effectiveness, idiopathic scoliosis, spine, surgery 6
case finding, diabetes mellitus, machine learning, pre-diabetes, primary care, risk prediction 6
colorectal cancer, colorectal polyps, cost-effectiveness, quality of life, screening 6
alcohol, workiing age, chatbot, screening, brief intervention 6
emergency care, inflammation, mortality, pneumonia , prednisolone 6
fracture, type 2 diabetes, secular trend, aspirin, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors 6
hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatectomy, liver transplantation, recurrence, biomarker 6
prehabilitation, health education, lung cancer, functional capacity, cost-effectiveness 6
ablation, fixed-dose, moderate-sized, multinodular, radioiodine-131, ultrasound 5
behavioral change techniques, cessation service enhancement, mobile health technology, nurse-led intervention, smoking cessation support 5
biomarker, blood, colorectal cancer, cost-effectiveness, microrna 5
chatbot, im apps, nrt, smoking cessation 5
child, discrete choice experiment, human papillomavirus, preference, vaccination, willingness to pay 5
colorectal cancer, dipeptidyl peptidase-4, dpp-4 inhibitors, gliptins, prognosis 5
colorectal cancer, discrete choice experiment, low-dose aspirin, pharmacoeconomics, preferences 5
health-related quality of life, implementation research, musculoskeletal problems, primary care, randomized controlled trial 5
hospitalized, nti-covid-19 drugs 5
m-health, relapse prevention, smoking cessation, social media, whatsapp 5
colorectal cancer, circulating tumor cell (ctc), chemotherapy, molecular target, personalized therapy 5
lipid-lowering agents, inclisiran, pcsk9 inhibitors, evolocumab, alirocumab 5
multiplex polymerase, point-of-care testing, rapid diagnostic test, respiratory infections, emergency department 5
abpm, effectiveness, hong kong, hypertension management, primary care 4
adjacent, colorectal, metastasis, microrna, predictive, prognostic 4
adolescent idiopathic, brace weaning, cobb angle, randomized controlled, truncal balance 4
alcohol, brief intervention, gamification, health promotion, implementation science, young adults 4
chinese, discrete choice, influenza vaccination, preference 4
cost, cost effectiveness, effectiveness, hypertension, multi-disciplinary, risk stratification 4
cost-effectiveness, economic evaluation, graves' disease, life expectancy, qaly, thyroidectomy 4
economic evaluation, end-stafe renal disease, haemodialysis, markov model, peritoneal dialysis, renal replacement 4
epidemiology, fine needle aspiration, incidentaloma, thyroid carcinoma, thyroid nodule, ultrasonography 4
eq-5d-y, health state utility, paediatric, qaly, value set 4
graves' disease, high-intensity focused, minimally invasive, radioactive iodine, thyrotoxicosis, ultrasound 4
hong kong chinese, international prostate symptoms score, reliability study 4
population health survey 4
healthy eating, adolescents, family factors, kap, parenting style 4
teleconsultation, willingness, general population, primary care, hong kong 4
ankylosing spondylitis, eq-5d, health related quality of life, spondyloarthritis 3
antibiotic stewardship, antibiotics, copd, c-reactive protein, emergency department 3
anticoagulation therapy, discrete choice experiment, medical-decisions, stroke prophylaxis, willingness-to-pay 3
autoimmune graves' disease, in patients, psychometric properties of eq-5d-5l 3
caregivers of paediatric patients, proxy eq-5d-5l-y, psychometric testing 3
chinese, cohort, diabetes mellitus, impaired fasting glucose, progression, risk factors 3
cost-effectiveness, economic evaluation, emi, life expectancy, obese, qaly 3
paediatric patient group, proxy eq 5d y, self reported eq 5d y 3
barriers, instrument validation, insulin therapy, questionnaire, type 2 diabetes 2
chlamydia, cost-effectiveness, detection, management, preferences, strategies 2
cost-effectiveness, economic evaluation, life expectancy, quality adjusted life-years, threshold 2
diabetes mellitus, hba1c, hong kong chinese, impaired fasting glucose 2
eq-5d, health utility, low back pain, psychometrics, quality of life, sf-6d 2
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, automated peritoneal dialysis, cost effectiveness, end stage renal failure, mic evaluation 2
glasgow/hku early career mobility funds 1
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