AuthorsNo. of Publications
beikler, thomas 21
ehmke, benjamin 20
petersilka, gregor j. 17
karch, helge w. 16
klaiber, bernd 13
newman, michael g. 12
beikler, t 8
hickel, reinhard 7
nachnani, sushma 7
schmidt, herbert h. 7
mehl, albert c. 6
klocke, a 5
rüdiger, stefan g. 5
heinecke, achim 4
moter, annette 4
peters, u 4
prior, karola 4
doherty, frances m. 3
feres, m 3
gerß, joachim werner otto 3
göbel, ulf berthold 3
jolkovsky, david l. 3
kornman, kenneth s k s 3
leroux, bg 3
milián, e. 3
miyasaki, kenneth t. 3
otomo-corgel, joan 3
riep, birgit g. 3
sanz, mariano belén 3
selbach, s 3
teles, r 3
waki, m. y. 3
watt, rm 3
wittstock, marcus 3
abdeen, ghiath 2
arushanov, daniyel 2
bell, matthias i. 2
buduneli, n 2
calsina, gloria 2
dietrich, t 2
draenert, miriam esther 2
faggion, clóvis mariano 2
fine, dh 2
garcia, r 2
giannobile, wv 2
graziani, f 2
greenwell, h 2
haeberlein, ingo 2
haubitz, imme 2
herrera, d 2
hommens, a. 2
häberlein, ingo 2
kao, rt 2
kebschull, m 2
kinane, df 2
kirkwood, kl 2
klinge, björn 2
kocher, t 2
kopp, corinna 2
kornman, ks 2
kuczek, a. 2
kumar, ps 2
lang, np 2
lee, y. s. 2
lofthus, j. e. 2
loos, bg 2
machtei, e 2
meng, h 2
mombelli, a 2
needleman, i 2
neering, sh 2
noble, pa 2
offenbacher, s 2
papapanou, pn 2
peters, u. 2
pozhitkov, ae 2
reuther, jürgen friedrich 2
ruttermann, s 2
sanz, m 2
schenk, günther 2
schnitzer, stefan 2
schou, sören 2
seymour, gj 2
sorensen, john a. 2
tonetti, m 2
adyani-fard, s 1
allen, edith m. 1
bain, crawford a. 1
bakdash, m. bashar 1
bantel, heike 1
beckert, s 1
beikleri, thomas 1
bernimoulin, jean pierre 1
berning, moritz 1
betz, thomas 1
bodeau, amy l. 1
bodinka, a. 1
bolz, katja 1
bordin, s 1
bordin, sandra 1
bryers, jd 1
bunte, k 1
cattabriga, marcello c. 1
chan, y 1
chan, yk 1
chiapasco, matteo 1
chung, whasunoh 1
claessen, friderike 1
claffey, noel m. 1
conrads, georg 1
cosyn, j 1
daubert, d 1
daubert, diane 1
daubert, dm 1
de bruyn, h 1
de camargo, p. m. 1
donimirski, ab 1
edesi-neuß, lilian 1
ehmke, b 1
eisenacher, martin 1
elsner, bm 1
epp, b. 1
esplugues, enrique o. 1
esposito, marco a b 1
etienne, daniel s. 1
faveri, m 1
flemming, isidor 1
flgueiredo, lc 1
franke, sylvia 1
funkenhauser, z. 1
gaunt, francesca l. 1
goodgion, d 1
gottfredsen, k. 1
gravemeier, martina 1
grimm, tiemo 1
güntsch, arndt 1
haban, vesna 1
heasman, peter a. 1
henkel, beatrix 1
hensel, a 1
herbst, hermann 1
hetzel, marc 1
heuft, g 1
heuner, klaus 1
hofmann, u. 1
holt, robert l. 1
hultin, m 1
hunter, cm 1
imazato, satoshi 1
isidor, f 1
ivanovski, saso 1
jervøe-storm, pia merete 1
jung, r. 1
kaiyala, karl j. 1
klinge, b 1
korkmaz, y 1
kretschmar, s. 1
kreß, wolfram 1
kroff, g 1
kübler, norbert r. 1
lampert, fritz h. 1
lange, dieter e. 1
leković, vojislav m. 1
leroux, brian g. 1
lob, sibylle h. 1
london, robert m. 1
lund, b 1
lütticken, rudolf 1
madison, m. 1
meyle, j 1
meyle, joerg 1
molly, liene 1
mombell, a 1
mombelli, andrea w. 1
monbelli, a. 1
moore, david j. 1
mross, daniela 1
mueller, gregory 1
muthukuru, manoj 1
mutters, reinier 1
naert, ignace eugene 1
navarro, jm 1
neuhoff, d. 1
neukam, friedrich wilhelm 1
nickel, s. 1
noble, peter a. 1
nowzari, hessam 1
pennington, mark william 1
peters, ulrike 1
petersilka, g 1
pjetursson, b 1
plaschke, barbara 1
pozhitkov, alex e. 1
prajaneh, seangsome 1
rajapakse, sunethra 1
randolph, tw 1
reinhardt, b 1
renvert, s 1
renvert, stefan n. 1
roberts, frank a. 1
rocchietta, isabella 1
rodrigues, a. e a 1
ross, candy b. 1
rothen, marilynn 1
ruckdeschel, gotthard 1
scgkueogaje, h 1
schenck, ulf 1
schneider, g 1
schulze- osthoff, klaus 1
schwarz, frank 1
schwarzkopf, andreas 1
selmair, i. 1
seyfarth, ilse 1
shanahan, fergus l. 1
siebert, gerda 1
skarabis, horst 1
solominidou, e 1
steffens, l. 1
steinmann, d. 1
stewart, ray e. 1
stratmann, udo 1
stratz, a. 1
sälzer, sonja 1
teughels, wim 1
tong, wm 1
topoll, heinz h. 1
tunkel, jochen 1
vagin, my 1
valentini, pascal 1
verardi, simone 1
vernazza, chris r. 1
völp, andreas 1
weiher, b 1
weinstein, bf 1
wennerberg, ann n n 1
williams, r 1
wyss, chris 1
yamamoto, julie 1
yin, lei 1
zainvi, arbia 1
zeng, h 1
zilly, martin 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
periodontal disease 5
biological therapy 3
host microbial interactions 3
microbiome 3
nonsurgical therapy 3
periodontitis 3
acute periodontal conditions 2
antibiotic therapy 2
antibiotics 2
dental implants 2
diabetes mellitus 2
endo-periodontal lesion 2
necrotizing gingivitis 2
necrotizing periodontitis 2
peri-implantitis 2
periimplantitis 2
periodontal abscess 2
periodontal therapy 2
a. actinomycetemcomitans 1
abrasion 1
acetylsalicylic acid 1
actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans 1
adjunctive therapy 1
air polishing 1
air polishing device 1
allografts 1
alveolar ridge augmentation 1
amoxicillin 1
amoxicillin/therapeutic use 1
amstar 1
analysis 1
anti-bacterial agents 1
antibiotic prophylaxis 1
antibiotic susceptibility 1
antibiotics, antibacterial/therapeutic use 1
antibiotics, combination/therapeutic use 1
antibody 1
antigen 1
antimicrobial 1
antimicrobial irrigation 1
apoptosis 1
autografts 1
bacteria 1
bacteriotherapy 1
bacteroides intermedius 1
biofilm 1
biofilms 1
bleeding on probing 1
bone density 1
bone regeneration 1
bone, demineralized 1
bone, freeze-dried 1
calculus removal 1
campylobacter rectus 1
caries 1
caspases 1
cathepsin g 1
caucasian 1
cavitation 1
cd95 1
chlorhexidine digluconate 1
chronic periodontitis 1
clonal infection 1
collagenase gene 1
colonization 1
compromised 1
controlled topical application 1
cost-benefit analyses 1
cost-benefit analysis 1
cost-effectiveness 1
cost-effectiveness analyses 1
cost-effectiveness analysis 1
cost-minimization analyses 1
cost-utility analysis 1
cyclosporin 1
cysts 1
damage 1
debridement 1
defensin 1
dental instruments 1
dental polishing 1
dental scaling 1
dental-scaling 1
disc diffusion 1
disease progression 1
dna fingerprinting 1
drug therapy 1
dynamics 1
early‐onset periodontitis 1
economic evaluation 1
edentulism 1
eikenella corrodens 1
elastase 1
endosseous implant 1
epidemiology 1
fibroblast heterogeneity 1
fima genotype 1
follow-up studies 1
full-mouth glycine powder air polishing 1
genetics 1
gingipain 1
gingival blood 1
gingival crevicular fluid 1
gingival overgrowth 1
grade 1
grafts, bone 1
guided tissue regeneration 1
health economics 1
health-economy 1
heterogeneity 1
histology 1
host response 1
immune response 1
implant success 1
implant-supported dental prosthesis 1
implant-supported prosthesis 1
implants 1
in vitro 1
inflammatory bowel disease 1
initial periodontal therapy 1
kgp 1
laser therapy 1
maintenance 1
meta-analysis 1
metronidazole 1
metronidazole/therapeutic use 1
microbial diagnosis 1
microbial transplant 1
microbicidal protein 1
microbiology 1
moxifloxacin 1
mucosal hyperplasia 1
multiprotein arrays 1
neutral serine protease 1
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 1
non-surgical periodontal therapy 1
non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs 1
orphan disease 1
osseointegration 1
outer membrane protein 1
papillon-lefèvre syndrome 1
parp 1
patient reported outcome measures 1
patient-reported outcome measurements 1
peptostreptococcus micros 1
periimplant mucositis 1
periodontal attachment loss/prevention and control 1
periodontal bacteria 1
periodontal disease therapy predictors smoking treatment outcome 1
periodontal diseases 1
periodontal diseases/epidemiology 1
periodontal diseases/microbiology 1
periodontal diseases/therapy 1
periodontal health 1
periodontal pathogens 1
periodontal regeneration 1
periodontitis therapy 1
periodontitis-therapy 1
periodontitis/therapy 1
periodontrtis 1
piezoelectric 1
plaque removal 1
plasminogen 1
polylactic acid 1
polymerase chain reaction 1
polymorphonuclear leukocyte 1
porphyromonas gingivalis 1
powder emission 1
prepubertal periodontitis 1
prevalence 1
prevention 1
primary stability 1
prognosis 1
prognostic model 1
progression 1
protease 1
protease inhibitor 1
prtc 1
pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis 1
quantification 1
randomized clinical trial 1
red complex 1
red complex bacteria 1
restriction fragment-length polymorphism 1
rgpa 1
rgpb 1
risk 1
risk factor 1
risk factors 1
root 1
root damage 1
root defects 1
root planing 1
root substance removal 1
scaling 1
scaling/instrumentation 1
screening 1
sequence 1
sinus floor augmentation 1
smoking 1
smoking cessation 1
soft-tissue grafts 1
sonic scaler 1
sonication 1
subgingival 1
subgingival curettage 1
subgingival plaque removal 1
supportive periodontal care 1
supportive periodontal therapy 1
supragingival irrigation 1
systematic disease 1
systematic review 1
systemic 1
temperature 1
testing 1
tetracycline 1
therapy 1
three-dimensional measurement 1
tooth eruption 1
tooth loss 1
tooth root 1
tooth survival 1
ultrasonic scaling 1
ultrasonication 1
ultrasonics 1
virulence 1
xenografts 1
α1-proteinase inhibitor 1
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Disciplines in Grants
DisciplinesNo. of Investigators
bioinformatics, systems and synthetifc biologygenomics 7
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