AuthorsNo. of Publications
yuen, ky 252
peiris, jsm 146
to, kkw 122
chan, jfw 97
woo, pcy 86
lau, skp 84
cowling, bj 74
hung, ifn 69
leung, gm 65
cheng, vcc 60
chen, h 49
ip, dkm 43
yip, cy 38
tsoi, hw 35
yip, ccy 35
hung, fni 34
poon, llm 33
guan, y 32
chan, wm 30
fang, j 30
sridhar, s 30
chiu, sss 29
chiang, aks 26
poon, rws 26
seto, wh 26
tse, h 24
zhang, j 24
cheng, ccv 20
fang, vj 20
ip, jd 20
kok, kh 20
cai, j 19
chu, h 19
huang, y 19
lau, yl 19
li, ksm 19
lu, l 19
tam, ar 19
wong, bhl 19
zhang, r 19
chiu, ss 18
tsang, oty 18
zheng, bj 18
cai, jp 17
yang, l 17
chu, awh 16
ng, s 16
chan, kp 15
fung, rop 15
yuan, s 15
li, c 14
uyeki, tm 14
wong, cm 14
chik, kkh 13
houck, pm 13
lau, ccy 13
leung, kh 13
ng, ack 13
poon, km 13
to, wk 13
wong, whs 13
zhang, aj 13
chan, cs 12
ho, pl 12
tee, km 12
wang, m 12
chen, l 11
cheng, cky 11
cheng, ky 11
choi, gky 11
chung, twh 11
milton, dk 11
tang, bsf 11
wu, akl 11
zhou, j 11
zhu, z 11
chen, z 10
chu, kw 10
lee, p 10
lung, dc 10
poon, vkm 10
so, ly 10
chan, pc 9
chan, tci 9
fan, ryy 9
jin, d 9
lau, llh 9
lee, ra 9
leung, nhl 9
leung, ws 9
ng, tk 9
wernery, u 9
wong, ssy 9
zhang, ajx 9
zheng, b 9
chen, ll 8
chen, y 8
chu, cm 8
fan, y 8
kao, ryt 8
lam, csf 8
li, py 8
li, tw 8
liu, r 8
ma, esk 8
wu, y 8
yen, h 8
yung, r 8
chan, ly 7
chen, jhk 7
chiu, mc 7
fung, ayf 7
guo, r 7
joseph, s 7
lee, acy 7
leung, ky 7
li, iws 7
li, y 7
liu, d 7
mcdevitt, jj 7
poon, wsr 7
que, tl 7
shiu, eyc 7
teng, ll 7
tsang, ol 7
wang, p 7
wang, x 7
xu, h 7
xu, t 7
yan, ww 7
yeung, ml 7
bai, r 6
chan, ccs 6
chan, cw 6
fan, yy 6
fong, chy 6
kwan, myw 6
lau, sy 6
lim, w 6
luo, c 6
mok, bwy 6
mok, ky 6
nicholls, jm 6
teng, jll 6
tsang, kl 6
wai, w 6
wang, y 6
wong, scy 6
woo, gks 6
wu, wl 6
yin, f 6
zhang, rr 6
chan, jmc 5
cheng, akw 5
chik, tsh 5
choi, ky 5
chu, dws 5
elizabeth, sk 5
fung, amy 5
ho, ty 5
jin, dy 5
kinne, j 5
lai, kky 5
lai, st 5
lam, sy 5
lau, cy 5
lau, ehy 5
lee, ck 5
leung, cw 5
levin, y 5
lin, ck 5
lo, jyc 5
lung, kc 5
malik peiris, js 5
ning, j 5
tam, s 5
tsang, akl 5
tsang, dnc 5
wong, sc 5
wong, ym 5
xu, x 5
yuen, kwok yung 5
yung, rwh 5
zhang, x 5
zhu, h 5
zou, z 5
abdullah, smu 4
cao, j 4
cao, p 4
cauchemez, st 4
chai, y 4
chan, cyc 4
chan, ks 4
chau, sky 4
che, xy 4
chen, p 4
choi, cyk 4
chow, fl 4
ho, lm 4
hon, cc 4
hou, y 4
hu, b 4
huang, x 4
hung, ivan fan ngai 4
kwan, yw 4
kwok, h 4
lai, ky 4
lam, hy 4
lau, dpl 4
lee, hc 4
lee, kl 4
leung, csw 4
li, cpy 4
li, p 4
li, x 4
liang, r 4
luk, kh 4
luk, w 4
luk, wk 4
mak, wn 4
markovitz, dm 4
perera, rapm 4
shuai, hv 4
siu, gkh 4
so, hc 4
song, w 4
to, kelvin kai wang 4
tsang, tk 4
wei, l 4
wong, bwy 4
wong, tl 4
wu, tc 4
xu, c 4
yam, wc 4
yuen, ttt 4
zhang, l 4
zhang, rq 4
zhao, h 4
cai, jian piao 3
cauchemez, s 3
chan, ely 3
chan, fhw 3
chan, gcf 3
chan, jasper fuk woo 3
chan, k 3
chan, sf 3
chen, h 3
chen, hl 3
cheng, zs 3
cheung, cl 3
cheung, cy 3
cheung, ksm 3
cheung, nn 3
chiu, khy 3
choi, cyc 3
chu, dkw 3
chu, lw 3
chua, gt 3
chuang, vwm 3
deng, s 3
fan, z 3
feng, s 3
fong, hy 3
fung, j 3
fung, yf 3
hau, jpb 3
he, jf 3
ho, dty 3
hu, jc 3
huang, j 3
ip, wct 3
jia, l 3
kwong, yl 3
lai, kk 3
lam, clh 3
lam, sf 3
lam, th 3
lau, asy 3
law, ki 3
lee, cy 3
lee, ppw 3
lee, pwy 3
leung, hl 3
li, c 3
li, j 3
li, otw 3
li, ptw 3
liu, l 3
liu, sh 3
luk, hkh 3
luk, jkh 3
mak, pwy 3
mcdevitt, j 3
ng, mh 3
ngai, cw 3
nishiura, h 3
pang, pkp 3
patteril, na 3
seto, wkw 3
tang, k 3
tang, wh 3
tsang, thf 3
tse, cws 3
tse, dmw 3
tso, eyk 3
wang, xl 3
wen, x 3
wernery, r 3
wong, amg 3
wong, ayp 3
wong, jsc 3
wong, mml 3
wong, ok 3
wong, ty 3
wong, yt 3
xia, n 3
xu, j 3
yang, d 3
yau, ys 3
yip, ccy 3
yip, cw 3
yuan, shuofeng 3
yuen, tt 3
zeng, f 3
zhang, bz 3
zhang, c 3
zhou, b 3
zhou, r 3
ahmed, ss 2
au yeung, khr 2
au, akw 2
buckley, t 2
chan, asf 2
chan, bc 2
chan, eyt 2
chan, g 2
chan, hsy 2
chan, jwm 2
chan, km 2
chan, kw 2
chan, lc 2
chan, pks 2
chen, r 2
chen, w 2
chen, xc 2
cheng, p 2
cheung, any 2
cheung, tkw 2
chik, kkh 2
chin, awh 2
chiu, b 2
chiu, bcf 2
choi, yk 2
chow, kyc 2
chu, hin 2
chu, my 2
chua, d 2
chung, wht 2
dai, j 2
dehaan, wh 2
di, b 2
dissanayake, tk 2
fu, cty 2
fung, wf 2
gao, k 2
guo, ky 2
ha, sy 2
he, d 2
ho, dd 2
hou, l 2
huang, jd 2
hui, kf 2
hui, wt 2
hung, dll 2
ip, p 2
ip, tc 2
kang, y 2
kao, ry 2
khong, pl 2
koo, ck 2
kwan, gsw 2
kwan, sw 2
lam, bhs 2
lam, jkp 2
lam, lk 2
lam, shy 2
lau, cs 2
lau, jhn 2
lau, jy 2
lau, jyn 2
law, km 2
lee, hh 2
lee, lk 2
lee, r 2
lee, sl 2
lee, tsw 2
leung, ayh 2
leung, fc 2
leung, fcc 2
leung, jsl 2
leung, sy 2
leung, vhc 2
leung, wk 2
li, l 2
li, pck 2
liang, w 2
lie, akw 2
lim wai, ws 2
lim, wwl 2
liu, j 2
lo, j 2
lo, jy 2
lo, skf 2
lu, g 2
lui, ym 2
luo, ct 2
luo, cuiting 2
ma, e 2
ma, s 2
mak, w 2
martelli, p 2
muhammed, r 2
ng, ck 2
ng, f 2
ng, ttl 2
ng, wf 2
nicholls, j 2
ning, rj 2
ooi, ph 2
peiris, js 2
peiris, m 2
qin, c 2
qin, z 2
riley, s 2
sham, jst 2
shek, ct 2
sheng, j 2
shum, hp 2
sin, jwf 2
siu, kl 2
song, yq 2
sridhar, siddharth 2
suen, lkp 2
sun, t 2
sze, kh 2
tam, vkp 2
tan, jt 2
tang, scw 2
tsang, gwt 2
tsang, jol 2
tsang, kl 2
tsang, klt 2
tsang, ol 2
tse, h 2
tsui, whw 2
vijaykrishna, d 2
wang, h 2
wang, w 2
watt, cl 2
wen, l 2
wen, lr 2
wong, bhy 2
wong, cm 2
wong, fkc 2
wong, ick 2
wong, keelam 2
wong, kky 2
wong, lh 2
wong, tw 2
woo, pcy 2
wu, p 2
xu, xq 2
yam, lyc 2
yan, eyw 2
yan, mk 2
yang, d 2
ye, z 2
yip, tps 2
yoon, c 2
young, bw 2
yuen, ky 2
yuen, mf 2
yuen, terrence tsz tai 2
zhang, h 2
zhang, hj 2
zhang, j 2
zhang, q 2
zhang, rui qi 2
zhang, w 2
zhang, y 2
zhao, y 2
zhu, hs 2
zhu, l 2
zhu, z 2
zong, ys 2
abeyewickreme, w 1
ahchong, ah kian 1
akhee, sj 1
aleksić, stojanka 1
alvarez, x 1
anderson, lj 1
au, dcy 1
au, twk 1
au, wk 1
austyn, jm 1
auyeung, rkh 1
aw yong, kl 1
azzi, t 1
bahl, j 1
barouch, d 1
barr, i 1
baskar, v 1
beer, m 1
beh, sl 1
boudreaux, dm 1
buchy, p 1
but, ykd 1
butany, j 1
caduff, n 1
cai, jianpiao 1
cai, jj 1
cai, z 1
canena, d 1
cao, h 1
cao, jianli 1
cauchemez, simon 1
cerón-carrasco, jp 1
chai, yue 1
chan, akh 1
chan, asl 1
chan, brian pui chun 1
chan, c 1
chan, c. y. 1
chan, chris chun yiu 1
chan, chris chung sing 1
chan, cm 1
chan, cwm 1
chan, cy 1
chan, d 1
chan, dtm 1
chan, e 1
chan, hs 1
chan, ihy 1
chan, j 1
chan, jf 1
chan, jfw 1
chan, jkh 1
chan, jsy 1
chan, jyw 1
chan, kw 1
chan, kyk 1
chan, lw 1
chan, mcw 1
chan, mmh 1
chan, mn 1
chan, mtl 1
chan, tl 1
chan, tm 1
chan, tm 1
chan, v 1
chan, vl 1
chan, vsf 1
chan, vwm 1
chan, wan mui 1
chan, wk 1
chan, wy 1
chan, yh 1
chang, ach 1
chang, q 1
chang, rsk 1
chau, csk 1
chau, ky 1
chau, pyk 1
chau, ss 1
che, x 1
chen, g 1
chen, hkj 1
chen, hsr 1
chen, hy 1
chen, jd 1
chen, lin lei 1
chen, py 1
chen, q 1
chen, sf 1
chen, yl 1
chen, yx 1
chen, zw 1
cheng, a 1
cheng, vc 1
cheng, wm 1
cheng, z 1
chern, s 1
cheuk, dkl 1
cheung, chy 1
cheung, dh 1
cheung, ka shing 1
cheung, kf 1
cheung, ks 1
cheung, kw 1
cheung, mt 1
cheung, rtf 1
chik, k 1
chik, kenn ka heng 1
ching, ck 1
chit, mw 1
chiu, k 1
chou, esk 1
chow, cck 1
chow, ky 1
chow, lmc 1
chow, wn 1
choy, d 1
choy, p 1
chu, allen wing ho 1
chu, daniel k.w. 1
chu, kh 1
chu, wm 1
chui, csl 1
chung, tom wai hing 1
clements, ac.a. 1
cook, b 1
couch, rb 1
cowling, benjamin j. 1
cremin, cj 1
cui, d 1
de jong, ton 1
de la peña, j 1
den-haan, h 1
deng, j 1
deng, w 1
deng, x 1
deubel, v 1
diao, h 1
diao, l 1
dillon, m 1
ding, x 1
dissanayake, tkd 1
dong, h 1
dong, x 1
dou, y 1
drosten, c 1
du, richael q.r. 1
duan, s 1
durrani, s 1
dutkowski, rt 1
dyrting, kc 1
emery, s 1
erdman, dd 1
fabian, mp 1
fabian, p 1
fan, cym 1
fan, h 1
fan, kw 1
fan, yh 1
fang, l 1
fang, q 1
fang, vicky j. 1
felton, k 1
fok, m 1
fong, hp 1
fong, jyh 1
fong, nc 1
fong, yh 1
fouchier, ron am m 1
fu, x 1
fujimoto, kotaro 1
fung, kc 1
fung, kingchun 1
fung, ksc 1
fung, sy 1
fung, w 1
gao, h 1
gao, y 1
garcia, jm 1
ge, s 1
ghedin, e 1
gordon, s 1
groff, jm 1
gu, s 1
gu, yl 1
guan, m 1
gulley, ml 1
guo, b 1
guo, k 1
guo, q 1
haagmans, bart l. 1
hain, l 1
halpin, ra 1
hao, q 1
hao, q 1
harder, tc 1
hau, bj-p 1
hau, bjp 1
haynes, l 1
he, t 1
he, w 1
hedley, aj 1
hinterdorfer, p 1
ho, ch 1
ho, j 1
ho, kinsang 1
ho, ky 1
ho, ly 1
ho, mhk 1
ho, rsl 1
ho, sl 1
holmes, ec 1
hon, sfk 1
hong, c 1
hou, yuxin 1
hsu, asj 1
hu, bingjie 1
hu, jing chu 1
hu, l 1
hu, wb 1
hu, y 1
hu, yang 1
hu, ye 1
hu, ye fan 1
hu, yf 1
huang, c 1
huang, j 1
huang, jian dong 1
huang, p 1
huang, xiner 1
hui, ch 1
hui, ck 1
hui, ckm 1
hui, j 1
hui, jjy 1
hui, kh 1
hui, pk 1
hui, py 1
hui, rk 1
hui, s-w 1
hui, sw 1
hui, whr 1
hui, yw 1
hung, if 1
hung, ivan f n 1
hung, ivan fan-ngai 1
ip, dennis k.m. 1
ip, jonathan daniel 1
ip, msm 1
itamura, shigeyuki 1
jayawardena, s 1
ji, mf 1
jiang, y 1
jin, dong yan 1
johnson, b 1
kam, ams 1
kam, ms 1
kan, b 1
kan, joshua chi hang 1
kan, wk 1
kandamby, dh 1
kao, richard yi tsun 1
khong, kw 1
khong, mkw 1
khoo, us 1
king, pc 1
klausberger, m 1
klick, b 1
ko, pw 1
kochba, e 1
kong, j 1
kong, kl 1
kou, sk 1
kovar, j 1
kuiken, thijs 1
kwan, ky 1
kwan, mike yat wah 1
kwan, mwm 1
kwan, swg 1
kwok, kh 1
kwok, kl 1
kwong, ask 1
lackner, a 1
lagarde, n 1
lai, cyw 1
lai, hk 1
lai, m 1
lai, pm 1
lai, pok man 1
lai, tst 1
lai, wh 1
lai, wing hon 1
lam, ahy 1
lam, cck 1
lam, clk 1
lam, hm 1
lam, hya 1
lam, jacky w k 1
lam, jy 1
lam, kbh 1
lam, kp 1
lam, lkk 1
lam, sh 1
lam, tommy tsan yuk 1
lam, tpw 1
lam, winston jim 1
lam, wp 1
lam, yy 1
lau, eric h.y. 1
lau, kk 1
lau, lhl 1
lau, ll 1
lau, n. w h 1
lau, rwt 1
lau, susanna kar pui 1
lau, wcs 1
lau, yee man 1
lau, yk 1
lau, ym 1
law, hk 1
law, wl 1
lee, a 1
lee, cw 1
lee, f-k 1
lee, jcy 1
lee, jhc 1
lee, kc 1
lee, kh 1
lee, llp 1
lee, lly 1
lee, lp 1
lee, ppw 1
lee, pw 1
lee, s 1
lee, wm 1
legendre, m 1
lei, t 1
leung, ac 1
leung, afy 1
leung, asy 1
leung, cy 1
leung, gabriel m. 1
leung, hsy 1
leung, joy ka yi 1
leung, p 1
leung, raymond h k 1
leung, sm 1
leung, ssm 1
leung, sw 1
leung, th 1
leung, w 1
li, cg 1
li, d 1
li, dx 1
li, h 1
li, hl 1
li, hongyan 1
li, ic 1
li, iw 1
li, kkw 1
li, na 1
li, ph 1
li, vyy 1
li, w 1
li, ws 1
li, x 1
li, x 1
li, xin 1
li, y 1
li, ym 1
li, yu feng 1
liang, g 1
liang, js 1
liang, r 1
liang, y 1
liao, yun shi 1
liao, z 1
lim wai, wsk 1
lim, wl 1
lim, ww 1
lin, ch 1
lin, cls 1
lin, j 1
lin, q 1
lin, t 1
lin, x 1
lin, x 1
lin, yp 1
lipsitch, m 1
liu, ff 1
liu, h 1
liu, hingwing 1
liu, ksh 1
liu, s 1
liu, shk 1
liu, x 1
liu, xq 1
liu, y 1
lo, acy 1
lo, gcs 1
lo, hwh 1
lo, kamfai 1
lo, kl 1
lo, ls 1
lo, ymd 1
looareesuwan, s 1
loung, py 1
lu, ht 1
lu, l 1
lu, lu 1
lu, x 1
lui, dhk 1
lui, py 1
lui, sl 1
lui, wy 1
luk, g 1
luk, gsm 1
luk, hayes kam hei 1
luk, s 1
luk, sy 1
lung lau, y 1
lung, ml 1
luo, rx 1
ma, c 1
ma, eht 1
ma, es 1
ma, ssl 1
ma, yk 1
mak, hkf 1
mak, kl 1
mak, wwn 1
maldeis, ne 1
malik, pjs 1
man, k 1
mao, x 1
mao, xh 1
mardi, s 1
mareena, r 1
martina, byron ee e 1
mathieson, pw 1
mchugh, d 1
meng, x 1
miao, c 1
mok, cc 1
mok, t 1
moon, jj 1
münz, c 1
naguib, mm 1
nelson, mi 1
ng, ho yu 1
ng, i 1
ng, ihy 1
ng, jck 1
ng, khl 1
ng, ktp 1
ng, lwy 1
ng, munhon 1
ng, muni h. 1
ng, my 1
ng, psp 1
ng, pw 1
ng, py 1
ng, sp 1
ng, ssf 1
ng, szepark 1
ng, wl 1
ng, yy 1
ngai, hy 1
ngan, ah 1
ngan, antonio h y 1
ngan, hys 1
ni, b 1
nishiura, k 1
oh, yj 1
okamoto, takashi 1
oostenbrink, c 1
osterhaus, albert dme m e 1
ou, cq 1
pang, b 1
pang, cm 1
pang, syy 1
patteril, ng 1
peiris, j. s. malik. 1
peiris, jm 1
peiris, mjs 1
peng, j 1
peng, z 1
penninger, jm 1
pepin, s 1
peret, t 1
perez, dr 1
perlman, s 1
petrauskene, ov 1
phuah, eb 1
poon, lllm 1
poon, lml 1
poon, rosana wing shan 1
poon, vincent kwok man 1
poutanen, s 1
pérez-sánchez, h 1
qin, p 1
qin, zhenzhi 1
rambaut, a 1
ren, c 1
ren, p 1
rimmelzwaan, guus f. 1
ruan, l 1
schumaker, m 1
schutten, m 1
screaton, g 1
seferovic, h 1
seng, cw 1
seng, cwm 1
seto, w-h 1
seto, wk 1
sham, j 1
shang, x 1
shea, yat fung 1
shih, sr 1
shuai, h 1
shuai, huiping 1
shun, estie hon kiu 1
sia, sf 1
sim, tc 1
sin, j 1
sin, km 1
sin, s 1
sin, s 1
sin, wc 1
sinn, lh 1
sit, ky 1
situ, j 1
situ, jianwen 1
siu, chung wah 1
siu, cw 1
sivakumar, s 1
smith, gj 1
smith, gjd 1
so, syc 1
so, t 1
soares magalhaes, rj. 1
song, l 1
song, x 1
srivastava, g 1
stadlmann, j 1
stockwell, tb 1
sun, b 1
sun, hongzhe 1
sung, jjy 1
swanson, md 1
sze, d 1
sze, kong hung 1
tai, h 1
tai, hl 1
tai, jw 1
takeda, kazuhiko 1
tam, a 1
tam, anthony raymond 1
tam, cy 1
tam, js 1
tam, pkh 1
tam, rcy 1
tam, scf 1
tam, wt 1
tamin, a 1
tampé, r 1
tan, jing tong 1
tan, sy 1
tan, vpy 1
tan, z 1
tang, bs 1
tang, h 1
tang, iwh 1
tang, moy 1
tang, p 1
tang, sf 1
tang, thc 1
tang, tommy h c 1
tangpukdee, n 1
tanner, ja 1
tashiro, m 1
tashiro, masato 1
thach, tq 1
thomas, dg 1
ting, x 1
to, apc 1
to, kk 1
to, wp 1
tong, s 1
tong, sl 1
tong, sm 1
tong, t 1
tong, yg 1
toyoda, t 1
trendell-smith, nigel jeremy 1
tsai, c 1
tsai, pn 1
tsang, ccc 1
tsang, gch 1
tsang, hw 1
tsang, jessica oi ling 1
tsang, lw 1
tsang, nc 1
tsang, ot 1
tsang, qty 1
tsang, raymond 1
tsang, rky 1
tsang, tim k. 1
tsang, ty 1
tsao, gsw 1
tse, ct 1
tse, cw 1
tse, hf 1
tse, hung-fat 1
tse, pwt 1
tso, wwy 1
tsoi, james yiu hung 1
tsui, skw 1
tsui, wws 1
tu, w 1
tung, etk 1
tung, kts 1
van amerongen, geert 1
van riel, debby a j 1
vogel, fr 1
wai, hh 1
wan, p 1
wan, y 1
wan, z 1
wang, b 1
wang, d 1
wang, dk 1
wang, g 1
wang, j 1
wang, s 1
wang, yixin 1
watt, rm 1
webby, rj 1
wei, q 1
wei, rui 1
wei, w 1
wei, wi 1
wei, y 1
wen, lei 1
wen, y 1
wentworth, de 1
wo, j 1
wong, a 1
wong, acp 1
wong, antonio cheuk pui 1
wong, asy 1
wong, bcw 1
wong, chun ka 1
wong, cj 1
wong, ck 1
wong, ckh 1
wong, cks 1
wong, clp 1
wong, csm 1
wong, eyk 1
wong, gkm 1
wong, hsw 1
wong, itf 1
wong, joshua sung chih 1
wong, jy 1
wong, kk 1
wong, ksc 1
wong, kw 1
wong, lp 1
wong, lwm 1
wong, m 1
wong, pc 1
wong, rachel 1
wong, rs 1
wong, rty 1
wong, samson sai yin 1
wong, sys 1
wong, tst 1
wong, wh 1
wong, wm 1
wong, woonsing 1
wong, wym 1
wong, yc 1
wong, yp 1
woo, patrick chiu yat 1
wu, h 1
wu, mhs 1
wu, n 1
wu, s 1
wu, t 1
wu, w 1
xia, s 1
xie, jp 1
xie, s 1
xie, x 1
xie, y 1
xie, yubin 1
xie, zh 1
xing, f 1
xu, w 1
xu, xiaohan 1
yan, b 1
yan, bingpeng 1
yan, kw 1
yan, m 1
yan, x 1
yang, dong 1
yang, f 1
yang, j 1
yang, s 1
yang, w 1
yao, h 1
yao, x 1
yao, y 1
yap, dyh 1
yap, yhd 1
yau, cy 1
yau, t 1
ye, zh 1
ye, zi wei 1
yee, wks 1
yen, h-l 1
yen, hl 1
yeong, k-y 1
yeong, ky 1
yeung ng, p 1
yeung, a 1
yeung, ap 1
yeung, c 1
yeung, chikeung 1
yeung, hc 1
yeung, man lung 1
yeung, ml 1
yeung, p 1
yeung, ys 1
yi, d 1
yi, h 1
yin, feifei 1
yip, bck 1
yip, sp 1
yiu, gc 1
yiu, kh 1
yiu, mk 1
yoon, chaemin 1
yu, j 1
yu, ll 1
yu, tc 1
yu, wc 1
yuan, yangyang 1
yuen, ck 1
yuen, mc 1
yuen, rmf 1
yung, b 1
yung, s 1
yung, ssy 1
yung, w 1
zeng, fy 1
zhang, ajx 1
zhang, anna jinxia 1
zhang, bao zhong 1
zhang, e 1
zhang, k 1
zhang, li na 1
zhang, mx 1
zhang, qw 1
zhang, ricky ruiqi 1
zhang, ruiqi 1
zhao, gp 1
zhao, gy 1
zhao, m 1
zhao, p 1
zhao, x 1
zheng, bj 1
zheng, h 1
zheng, k 1
zheng, m 1
zheng, s 1
zhong, h 1
zhong, ns 1
zhong, y 1
zhou, d 1
zhou, h 1
zhou, jie 1
zhou, p 1
zhou, psh 1
zhou, w 1
zhou, ying 1
zhu, h 1
zhu, r 1
zhuang, y 1
zong, yongsheng 1
zou, zijiao 1
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Keywords in Publications
keywordsNo. of Authors
covid-19 56
humans 55
influenza 52
sars-cov-2 48
coronavirus 44
adult 36
male 36
hong kong - epidemiology 35
female 34
child 29
adolescent 28
animals 28
molecular sequence data 28
hong kong 27
middle aged 27
aged 26
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction 26
viral load 26
antibodies, viral - blood 25
child, preschool 23
disease outbreaks 23
rna, viral - genetics 23
serology 23
transmission 23
infant 22
children 21
mouse 20
seasons 20
ace2 19
china - epidemiology 19
animal 18
cohort studies 18
genome, viral 18
influenza virus 18
pandemic 18
severe acute respiratory syndrome 18
aged, 80 and over 17
china 17
feces - virology 17
hospitalization 17
interferon 17
phylogeny 17
sequence analysis, dna 17
vaccine 17
young adult 17
influenza vaccine 16
molecular epidemiology 16
respiratory tract infections 16
sars 16
seroepidemiologic studies 16
antibody titer 15
bat 15
epidemiology 15
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - genetics 15
influenza, human - epidemiology - virology 15
mask 15
risk factors 15
sars coronavirus 15
zika 15
2009 h1n1 influenza 14
asymptomatic 14
cell line 14
disease outbreaks - statistics & numerical data 14
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 14
flavivirus 14
genetic predisposition to disease 14
h7n9 14
immunity 14
mutation 14
nasopharynx - virology 14
oseltamivir 14
polymerase chain reaction 14
adaptation 13
age 13
antibodies, neutralizing - blood 13
base sequence 13
cytokine and chemokine response 13
evolution, molecular 13
hemagglutination inhibition tests 13
mers-cov 13
nucleocapsid proteins - genetics - immunology 13
pathogenesis 13
rnai 13
sace2 13
sars-cov 13
treatment 13
viral replication 13
virus shedding 13
adenovirus 12
chinese 12
chiroptera - virology 12
false positive 12
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - isolation and purification 12
influenza, human - diagnosis - virology 12
intradermal 12
kawasaki disease 12
time factors 12
acute respiratory illness 11
amino acid substitution 11
animal cell 11
animal tissue 11
antiviral agents - chemical synthesis - chemistry - pharmacology 11
carboxypeptidases - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 11
cell adhesion molecules - genetics - metabolism 11
cercopithecus aethiops 11
cho cells - virology 11
contamination 11
coronavirus disease 2019 11
cricetinae 11
cricetulus 11
feces analysis 11
genotype 11
h1n1 11
homozygote 11
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - genetics - immunology - isolation and purification 11
influenza, human - epidemiology - pathology - virology 11
intestine, small - physiology 11
lectins, c-type - genetics - metabolism 11
lung - physiology - virology 11
mortality 11
murine 11
n501y 11
neutralization tests 11
neutralizing antibody 11
pharynx - virology 11
proteasome endopeptidase complex - metabolism 11
rat 11
receptors, cell surface - genetics - metabolism 11
sars virus - drug effects - growth & development - metabolism - physiology 11
sars virus - metabolism - pathogenicity 11
sars-cov-2 variants 11
sensitivity and specificity 11
severe acute respiratory syndrome - drug therapy 11
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - genetics 11
species index: animalia 11
stool 11
susceptibility 11
tandem repeat sequences 11
urine - virology 11
vero cells - virology 11
viral matrix proteins - antagonists & inhibitors - metabolism 11
virus cultivation 11
acute disease 10
amino acid sequence 10
antigen-presentation 10
antiviral agents - pharmacology 10
blotting, western 10
coronavirus - classification - genetics 10
coronavirus - genetics - isolation & purification 10
coronavirus - immunology - pathogenicity - physiology 10
coronavirus infections - immunology - virology 10
covid19 10
cytokines - biosynthesis - immunology 10
cytokines - blood 10
d222g 10
d225g 10
damplicon 10
diagnosis 10
diagnostics 10
disease reservoirs - virology 10
genetic variation 10
hemagglutinin 10
hemagglutinin glycoproteins, influenza virus - genetics - metabolism 10
immunoglobulin g - blood 10
incidence 10
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - genetics - pathogenicity 10
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - immunology - pathogenicity 10
influenza vaccines - immunology 10
influenza, human - immunology - pathology - virology 10
microscopy, electron 10
mutation - genetics 10
olfactory dysfunction 10
picornaviridae - chemistry - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 10
pneumonia 10
pneumonia, viral - immunology - virology 10
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction - methods 10
rna, viral - genetics - isolation & purification 10
rt-pcr 10
sars virus - isolation & purification 10
seasonality 10
severe acute respiratory syndrome - diagnosis 10
severe acute respiratory syndrome - diagnosis - virology 10
sialic acid 10
virus 10
virus replication - physiology 10
5' untranslated regions 9
airborne 9
airborne infection 9
anosmia 9
antibodies, viral - biosynthesis 9
antibody detection 9
antigens, viral - analysis 9
bioaerosols 9
blood donors 9
bocavirus - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 9
celecoxib 9
chemicals and cas registry numbers 9
coronavirus infections - genetics 9
cross infection - epidemiology - immunology 9
dogs - virology 9
illumina sequencing 9
immunoglobulin g - analysis - immunology 9
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - genetics - isolation and purification - physiology 9
influenza-virus 9
lipidomics 9
membrane glycoproteins - analysis 9
mesalazine 9
model 9
operating rooms 9
orchitis 9
orthomyxoviridae infections - immunology - mortality - physiopathology - virology 9
parvoviridae infections - veterinary - virology 9
phosphatidic acid phosphatases 9
pneumonia, viral - epidemiology - immunology - virology 9
pneumonia, viral - virology 9
point-of-care testing 9
polymorphism, genetic 9
public health 9
recombinant proteins - analysis - immunology 9
recombination, genetic 9
rhinovirus 9
ribosomes - genetics - metabolism 9
risk assessment 9
saliva 9
sars virus 9
sars virus - genetics - isolation & purification 9
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - immunology - virology 9
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - transmission - virology 9
severe acute respiratory syndrome - virology 9
severity of illness index 9
smell impairment 9
steroid 9
t-lymphocytes - immunology 9
temperature 9
testis 9
vaccination 9
viral envelope proteins - analysis 9
virus replication 9
zanamivir 9
a(h3n2) 8
age factors 8
animal experiment 8
antibodies, viral - blood - immunology 8
antibody blood level 8
antibody formation 8
antibody response 8
asymptomatic infection 8
autopsy 8
avian influenza virus 8
bioaerosol 8
canada - epidemiology 8
case study 8
chemokine 8
chicken 8
clarithromycin 8
cluster analysis 8
comorbidity 8
conjunctiva 8
coronavirus - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 8
coronavirus infections - epidemiology - physiopathology - virology 8
covid‐19 8
cytokine 8
cytokines - genetics - metabolism 8
databases, nucleic acid - statistics & numerical data 8
diagnostic 8
diagnostic test evaluation 8
dialysis 8
ganglioside gm1 antibody 8
hamster 8
hepatitis b vaccination 8
hospitalization - statistics and numerical data 8
hospitalized 8
human 8
human exhaled breath 8
il-8 8
incidence rates 8
influenza a virus - isolation & purification 8
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - genetics - isolation & purification - physiology 8
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - immunology 8
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - isolation & purification - pathogenicity 8
influenza, human - epidemiology 8
influenza, human - epidemiology - transmission - virology 8
influenza, human - immunology 8
injections, intramuscular 8
interferon lambda 1 8
myocarditis 8
nanopore sequencing 8
naproxen 8
nsp1 8
nucleic acid amplification techniques - methods 8
pediatric 8
real-time rt-pcr 8
respiratory system - virology 8
respiratory tract infections - epidemiology - physiopathology - virology 8
respiratory virus 8
rt‐pcr 8
sars virus - genetics 8
sars‐cov‐2 8
seizures, febrile - epidemiology 8
serial 8
shedding 8
singapore - epidemiology 8
spike mutant 8
spike s1/s2 mutant 8
stem cells 8
tlr7 agonist 8
urine 8
vietnam - epidemiology 8
viral load - physiology 8
adjuvant 7
antibodies, monoclonal - diagnostic use 7
antibody 7
antiviral 7
antiviral agents - administration and dosage - therapeutic use 7
antiviral compounds 7
astroviridae - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 7
astroviridae infections - epidemiology - veterinary - virology 7
avian influenza a/h7n9 virus 7
bayes theorem 7
biopsy 7
bird diseases - virology 7
bocavirus - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 7
bromocriptine 7
caco-2 7
cats 7
cattle diseases - virology 7
cell culture 7
chlorogenic acid - chemistry - pharmacology 7
clade 7
common cold - genetics 7
common cold - virology 7
community-acquired-infections-epidemiology 7
community-acquired-infections-mortality 7
community-acquired-infections-physiopathology 7
community-acquired-infections-virology 7
coronaviridae - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 7
coronaviridae infections - veterinary - virology 7
coronavirus - immunology 7
coronavirus 229e, human - genetics - physiology 7
coronavirus infections - virology 7
coronavirus oc43, human - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 7
coronavirus-genetics 7
defective interfering viral genome 7
disease severity 7
drug synergism 7
enterovirus d68 7
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - methods 7
epidemics 7
epidemiology, molecular 7
etiology 7
evaluation 7
fecal 7
flavonoids - chemistry - pharmacology 7
gastroenteritis 7
gastroenteritis - epidemiology - physiopathology - virology 7
glycyrrhizic acid - chemistry - pharmacology 7
hemagglutinins - genetics 7
high infection rate 7
human herpesvirus 6b 7
icu patient 7
immunogenicity 7
infant, newborn 7
infectivity 7
influenza b virus 7
influenza, human - drug therapy - epidemiology - virology 7
interferon-alpha - pharmacology 7
interferon-beta - pharmacology 7
lightmix e-gene 7
lopinavir 7
mammals - virology 7
medical sciences 7
membrane glycoproteins - genetics - immunology 7
mice 7
microbial sensitivity tests 7
middle east respiratory syndrome 7
miltefosine 7
multigene family 7
nasopharynx/virology 7
nose - virology 7
nucleocapsid - analysis 7
nucleoprotein 7
orthomyxoviridae - isolation & purification 7
oseltamivir - administration and dosage - therapeutic use 7
parvoviridae infections - epidemiology - physiopathology - virology 7
parvovirinae - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 7
parvovirus - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 7
phylodynamic 7
phylogenetic 7
prospective studies 7
protease 7
pyrimidinones - pharmacology 7
recombination 7
reinfection 7
reproducibility of results 7
respiratory tract infections - epidemiology - virology 7
respiratory tract infections - virology 7
respiratory viruses 7
rhinovirus - classification - genetics 7
ribavirin - pharmacology 7
rimantadine - pharmacology 7
rodent diseases - virology 7
route of transmission 7
sars cov 7
sars virus - chemistry 7
sars virus - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 7
sars virus - drug effects 7
sars virus - genetics - physiology 7
sars virus - immunology 7
sars virus - isolation and purification 7
sars-coronavirus seroprevalence 7
severe acute respiratory syndrome - blood - epidemiology 7
severe acute respiratory syndrome - blood - physiopathology - urine - virology 7
severe acute respiratory syndrome - genetics 7
single molecule real time sequencing 7
single-tube nested 7
small-molecule inhibitor 7
stability 7
swine 7
tfh 7
untranslated 7
viral envelope proteins - genetics - immunology 7
viral genome 7
viral isolation 7
viral plaque assay 7
viral proteins - blood - genetics 7
viral shedding 7
2019 novel coronavirus 6
25-hydroxyvitamin d 6
3' untranslated regions 6
administration, oral 6
amino acid substitution - genetics 6
animals, domestic 6
antibody assay 6
antibody specificity 6
antigen 6
asia - epidemiology 6
australasia - epidemiology 6
autoantibody 6
automated 6
bacterial vaccines - administration & dosage - immunology 6
bile 6
biliary 6
bird diseases - epidemiology - virology 6
broad-spectrum 6
bronchi - pathology 6
cancer 6
carcinoma 6
cat diseases - virology 6
cell nucleus - ultrastructure 6
cholangiocarcinoma 6
cholangitis 6
cohort 6
coinfection 6
coronaviridae - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 6
coronavirus - classification - isolation & purification - ultrastructure 6
coronavirus infections - diagnosis - transmission - virology 6
cost 6
covid-19 vaccine 6
cox model 6
cross protection 6
crossing over, genetic 6
demography 6
detection 6
diagnostic assay 6
disease progression 6
disease transmission 6
dna, viral - classification - genetics 6
early diagnosis 6
elderly 6
elisa 6
emerging 6
enterovirus a, human - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 6
envelope 6
enzymatic immunoassay 6
escherichia coli proteins 6
europe - epidemiology 6
evolution 6
family characteristics 6
fatal outcome 6
fever - diagnosis 6
flow cytometry 6
fluorescent antibody technique, indirect 6
gastroenteritis - epidemiology - virology 6
genes, viral/ - genetics 6
genome 6
genome subtraction 6
giant cells - ultrastructure 6
guanosine 6
hand, foot and mouth disease - epidemiology - virology 6
hemagglutinins, viral - metabolism 6
host-targeted antiviral 6
hpyv6 6
human adenovirus 6
human rhinovirus 6
human rhinovirus c 6
imiquimod 6
immunization schedule 6
immunization, secondary 6
immunohistochemistry 6
infection 6
infectiousness 6
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - metabolism 6
influenza a virus, h3n2 subtype - genetics - physiology 6
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - classification - genetics 6
influenza b 6
influenza in birds - diagnosis - genetics - virology 6
influenza in birds - epidemiology - transmission - virology 6
influenza vaccines - administration & dosage - immunology 6
influenza, human - complications - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
influenza, human - complications - epidemiology 6
influenza, human - diagnosis - genetics - virology 6
influenza, human - epidemiology - prevention & control - virology 6
influenza, human - virology 6
injections, intraperitoneal 6
intensive care unit 6
interferon-gamma - analysis 6
interleukin-4 - analysis 6
intra-host diversity 6
isolation 6
lung - pathology - virology 6
macrophages - immunology - virology 6
malignancy 6
membrane glycoproteins - administration & dosage - genetics - immunology 6
mers coronavirus 6
metaplasia 6
metapneumovirus - isolation & purification 6
mice, inbred balb c 6
models, animal 6
models, biological 6
models, genetic 6
molecular diagnostic techniques - methods 6
molecular modelling 6
morbidity 6
morbillivirus - pathogenicity 6
multigene family - genetics 6
mycobacterium tuberculosis 6
nasal cavity - virology 6
nasopharyngeal 6
nasopharyngeal swab 6
nephritis, interstitial - virology 6
new york - epidemiology 6
next-generation sequencing 6
novel 6
novobiocin 6
nsp2 6
nucleic acid conformation 6
nucleocapsid proteins - analysis 6
nucleocapsid proteins - immunology 6
nucleocapsid proteins - isolation & purification 6
open reading frames - genetics 6
opportunistic infections - diagnosis - transmission - virology 6
organ size 6
outbreak 6
pandemics 6
parainfluenza virus 4, human - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 6
paramyxoviridae - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 6
paramyxoviridae infections - diagnosis - epidemiology - virology 6
paramyxoviridae infections - veterinary - virology 6
paramyxovirus 6
pcr 6
phylogeography 6
picornaviridae - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 6
picornaviridae infections - epidemiology - virology 6
placebos - administration & dosage 6
pneumocytis 6
pneumonia - etiology 6
polymerase inhibitor 6
polyomavirus 6
pooling 6
population dynamics 6
poultry - virology 6
premembrane 6
quantitative rt-pcr 6
real time rt-pcr 6
real-time pcr 6
realstar® adenovirus pcr kit 6
respiratory 6
respiratory syncytial virus 6
respiratory syncytial virus infections - diagnosis - epidemiology - virology 6
respiratory syncytial viruses - isolation & purification 6
respiratory tract infection 6
respiratory tract infections - diagnosis - epidemiology - virology 6
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction - methods - standards 6
rhinovirus - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 6
rna, viral - analysis 6
rna, viral - analysis - isolation & purification 6
rna, viral - chemistry 6
sars virus - classification - genetics 6
sars virus - genetics - immunology - isolation & purification 6
sars virus - pathogenicity 6
sars virus - physiology 6
seizure 6
sequence alignment 6
sequence homology, amino acid 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - complications - immunology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - complications - pathology - virology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - diagnosis - immunology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - diagnosis - immunology - virology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - diagnosis - transmission - virology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - diagnosis - urine 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - microbiology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - epidemiology - virology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - immunology - virology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - mortality - physiopathology - virology 6
severe acute respiratory syndrome - prevention & control 6
smoking 6
songbirds - virology 6
source-sink 6
species specificity 6
specimen handling 6
tract 6
tropical climate 6
tuhokovirus 6
vaccination - methods 6
vaccines, dna - administration & dosage - immunology 6
vaccines, inactivated - administration & dosage - immunology 6
vaccines, synthetic - administration & dosage - immunology 6
victoria lineage 6
viral envelope proteins - administration & dosage - genetics - immunology 6
viral proteins - genetics 6
viral proteins - genetics - metabolism 6
viral structural proteins - genetics 6
viremia - diagnosis - epidemiology 6
virology - methods 6
whole-genome sequencing 6
yamagata lineage 6
zoonoses - epidemiology 6
actins - genetics 5
adaptation, biological 5
aichi virus 5
alere i flu a & b 5
animals, domestic - virology 5
anti-bacterial agents - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
antibiotic prophylaxis 5
antibody affinity 5
antiviral agents - therapeutic use 5
arthralgia 5
avian influenza 5
b.1.1.7b.1.351 5
bats 5
bk virus - isolation & purification - physiology 5
broad-spectrum antivirals 5
burden 5
calibration 5
children. 5
chinese horseshoe bats 5
ciprofloxacin - pharmacology - therapeutic use 5
community-acquired infections 5
controlled study 5
coronaviridae - chemistry - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 5
cross infection - diagnosis - epidemiology - virology 5
cytokines 5
diversity 5
dna primers 5
dna, complementary - analysis 5
dna, protozoan - blood - genetics 5
dna, ribosomal - analysis 5
dna, viral - chemistry - genetics 5
dog diseases - virology 5
drug dosage form comparison 5
drug dose comparison 5
enterovirus - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 5
epstein-barr virus 5
family health 5
genetic variation - genetics 5
h5n1 5
h9n2 5
haplorhini 5
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation - adverse effects 5
herpes simplex virus 2 5
herpesviridae 5
hku2 5
hot temperature 5
human alphaherpesvirus 1 5
human coronaviruses 5
human parechovirus 5
immunoglobulins 5
infectious disease 5
influenza a virus - genetics - isolation & purification 5
influenza a virus - physiology 5
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - genetics - isolation & purification 5
influenza a virus, h3n2 subtype - genetics - isolation and purification 5
influenza a virus, h7n9 subtype - genetics - isolation and purification 5
influenza b virus - physiology 5
influenza, human - drug therapy - transmission - virology 5
influenza, human - pathology - virology 5
intradermal influenza vaccination 5
lineage specific 5
luminex nxtag 5
macrophages 5
malaria, falciparum - blood - diagnosis 5
membrane glycoproteins - chemistry - genetics 5
membrane glycoproteins - genetics 5
multiplex real time polymerase chain reaction 5
neutralizing antibody spike protein receptor binding domain 5
non-influenza respiratory virus 5
non-influenza respiratory virus infection 5
nucleocapsid proteins - genetics 5
open reading frames 5
origin 5
orthomyxoviridae - isolation and purification 5
oseltamivir - pharmacology 5
oseltamivir - therapeutic use 5
outpatient 5
picornaviridae - classification - genetics - isolation and purification 5
plasmodium falciparum - genetics - isolation & purification 5
point-of-care systems 5
polymerase chain reaction - economics - methods - standards 5
polyomavirus infections - prevention & control - virology 5
population susceptibility 5
pulmonology 5
pyrimidine synthesis inhibitor 5
rabbits - virology 5
rapid molecular test 5
receptor 5
recombinant proteins - immunology 5
reference standards 5
resting-state fmri 5
retrospective studies 5
rna, ribosomal, 18s - genetics 5
rubulavirus infections - diagnosis - epidemiology - virology 5
rubulavirus infections - epidemiology - virology 5
salivirus 5
sars virus - genetics - growth & development - isolation & purification 5
sars-cov-2 n501y variant 5
selection 5
self-examination - methods 5
serial passage 5
seroprevalence 5
severe acute respiratory syndrome - blood - mortality - virology 5
smell training 5
specimen handling - methods 5
swine diseases - virology 5
symptom 5
symptoms 5
temporary protection 5
transplantation, homologous - adverse effects 5
treatment outcome 5
triavalent influenza vaccine 5
tumor virus infections - prevention & control - virology 5
vaccine effectiveness 5
viral envelope proteins - chemistry - genetics 5
viral envelope proteins - genetics 5
viral matrix proteins - genetics 5
virus interference 5
virus replication - drug effects 5
vitamin a 5
voc 5
xpert xpress flu/rsv 5
young infants 5
aborted fetus 4
accuracy 4
age distribution 4
anaplasma platys 4
anti-bacterial agents - therapeutic use 4
antibodies 4
antigens, cd55 - genetics - immunology 4
asthma - complications 4
asthma exacerbation 4
azithromycin - therapeutic use 4
babesia 4
bacterial pneumonia 4
birds 4
bk virus - isolation & purification 4
cardiac complications 4
child hospitalization 4
children <5 years 4
clade a 4
coronavirus infections - epidemiology - veterinary - virology 4
diagnostic tests 4
dirofilaria immitis 4
disease burden 4
dogs 4
dromedary 4
dromedary camels 4
drug resistance, viral 4
effectiveness 4
ehrlichia 4
epithelial cells - metabolism 4
gene expression regulation - immunology 4
genotype 6 4
genotyping 4
giant panda 4
handwashing 4
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation - adverse effects - methods 4
hepatitis c virus 4
hospitalization - statistics & numerical data 4
human herpesvirus 6 4
human influenza 4
hygiene 4
immunoassay 4
immunoassay - methods 4
immunotherapy - methods 4
influenza a virus - genetics - immunology - isolation and purification 4
influenza a virus - immunology - isolation and purification 4
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - drug effects 4
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - immunology - isolation and purification - pathogenicity 4
influenza a virus, h3n2 subtype - isolation and purification 4
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - immunology - pathogenicity 4
influenza a(h1n1)pdm09 4
influenza b virus - immunology - isolation and purification 4
influenza b virus - isolation & purification 4
influenza b virus - isolation and purification 4
influenza, human - diagnosis - prevention & control - transmission 4
influenza, human - epidemiology - prevention and control - transmission 4
influenza, human - genetics - immunology - pathology - virology 4
influenza, human - mortality - therapy - virology 4
interim 4
lower respiratory tract infection 4
macrolides - therapeutic use 4
macrophages - metabolism - virology 4
masks 4
masks - statistics and numerical data 4
mers 4
middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus 4
molecular diagnosis 4
molecular typing 4
mycoplasma pneumoniae - metabolism 4
nasopharyngeal carcinoma 4
neuraminidase - antagonists & inhibitors - genetics 4
newcastle disease virus 4
orthomyxoviridae infections - virology 4
pandemic a ⁄ h1n1 4
pandemic h1n1 4
parainfluenza virus 4
patient compliance 4
patient education as topic 4
pediatrics 4
picornaviridae infections - diagnosis - epidemiology - physiopathology - virology 4
picornaviridae infections - veterinary - virology 4
plasma - immunology 4
pneumonia - drug therapy - radiography 4
polymorphism, single nucleotide 4
polyomavirus infections - complications - diagnosis 4
polyphyletic 4
reagent kits, diagnostic 4
realstar® hhv-6 pcr kit 4
reassortant viruses - genetics 4
respiratory infections 4
respiratory syncytial virus infections - epidemiology 4
respiratory tract infections - diagnosis - epidemiology - physiopathology - virology 4
respiratory tract infections - epidemiology 4
rhinovirus - classification - genetics - isolation & purification 4
rna, messenger - genetics - metabolism 4
sars virus - genetics - immunology 4
sensitivity 4
sex 4
specificity 4
synteny 4
united arab emirates 4
wolbachia 4
acute respiratory tract disease 3
adenoviridae infections - epidemiology - pathology 3
adenoviruses, human - isolation and purification 3
antibodies, bacterial - immunology 3
antibodies, monoclonal - immunology 3
antibodies, viral - biosynthesis - blood 3
antibodies, viral - chemistry 3
antibodies, viral - isolation & purification 3
antigens, viral - immunology 3
asthma 3
biological markers 3
ca-mrsa 3
carcinoma - diagnosis - epidemiology - immunology - virology 3
carcinoma - pathology - virology 3
case-control studies 3
cell-based receptor binding assay 3
chinese children 3
chromatography - methods 3
cost of illness 3
dna vaccine 3
dna, viral - isolation & purification 3
dna-binding proteins - immunology 3
drug resistance, viral - genetics 3
ebv antibody 3
ebv serology 3
epstein-barr virus infections - complications - diagnosis 3
epstein-barr virus infections - epidemiology - immunology 3
epstein-barr virus nuclear antigens - immunology 3
erythema - epidemiology - immunology 3
escherichia coli proteins - immunology 3
exacerbations 3
facility design and construction 3
generalized cross validation 3
h275y 3
health hazard 3
hemagglutinins - chemistry 3
herpesvirus 4, human - genetics - immunology - isolation & purification 3
herpesvirus 4, human - immunology 3
hospitalization - economics 3
hospitalization disease burden 3
housing 3
immunocompetence 3
immunoglobulin a - blood - immunology 3
immunoglobulin g - blood - immunology 3
in situ hybridization 3
infectious mononucleosis 3
infectious mononucleosis - physiopathology - virology 3
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - drug effects - genetics - immunology 3
influenza a virus, h1n1 subtype - pathogenicity 3
influenza a virus, h3n2 subtype - pathogenicity 3
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - immunology 3
influenza vaccines - administration & dosage - adverse effects - immunology 3
influenza vaccines - economics 3
influenza, human - blood - immunology - virology 3
influenza, human - complications - diagnosis - epidemiology - therapy 3
influenza, human - economics - epidemiology 3
influenza, human - mortality 3
injections, intradermal 3
intermethod comparison 3
lineage differentiation 3
metapneumovirus - pathogenicity 3
mice, inbred balb/c 3
multiplex pcr 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - diagnosis - epidemiology - immunology - virology 3
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - pathology - virology 3
neoplasm recurrence, local - virology 3
neoplasm staging 3
neuraminidase 3
neuraminidase - genetics - immunology - metabolism 3
npc 3
npc diagnosis 3
npc risk 3
odds ratio 3
orthomyxoviridae infections - immunology 3
pain - epidemiology - immunology 3
pandemics - statistics and numerical data 3
paramyxoviridae infections - epidemiology - pathology 3
paramyxoviridae infections - physiopathology - virology 3
poisson distribution 3
polymerase chain reaction - methods 3
population-based 3
predictive value of tests 3
reduced dosage 3
regression analysis 3
resistance 3
respiratory syncytial virus infections - epidemiology - pathology 3
risk 3
sars virus - immunology - isolation & purification 3
serologic tests - methods 3
serologic tests - standards 3
serotypes 3
severe acute respiratory syndrome - blood - diagnosis 3
severe acute respiratory syndrome - blood - diagnosis - immunology 3
socioeconomic burden 3
spike glycoprotein 3
spike protein 3
swine origin influenza virus a/h1n1 3
trans-activators - immunology 3
trigger 3
tumor burden 3
tumor marker 3
tumor markers, biological - analysis 3
urban population 3
vaccination - adverse effects 3
victoria 3
viral infection 3
viral proteins 3
viral proteins - genetics - immunology - metabolism 3
virus neutralization 3
yamagata 3
amino acids - genetics - immunology 2
antibodies, monoclonal - genetics - immunology 2
antigenic sites 2
antigenic variation 2
asymptomatic primary infection 2
b cells. 2
cell line, tumor 2
cell membrane - metabolism 2
clinical effectiveness 2
clinical feature 2
compartment model 2
contact examination 2
coronavirus 229e, human - metabolism 2
coronavirus infections - metabolism 2
crystallography, x-ray 2
dna, viral - analysis 2
ebv 2
epitope mapping 2
epitopes - chemistry - genetics - immunology 2
epstein-barr virus. 2
epstein–barr virus 2
evolution analysis 2
fluorescent antibody technique 2
foot and mouth disease 2
gene expression regulation 2
ha 2
hand 2
hemagglutinin glycoproteins, influenza virus - chemistry - genetics - immunology 2
herpes zoster 2
herpesvirus 4, human 2
immunodominance 2
immunodominance hierarchies 2
immunodominant positions 2
in situ 2
influenza a virus, h5n1 subtype - genetics - immunology 2
live-attenuated 2
lupus 2
lytic and latent proteins 2
microarray analysis - methods 2
models, molecular 2
mucous membrane - microbiology 2
nasopharyngeal neoplasms - immunology - microbiology 2
natural killer cells 2
nkg2a 2
nucleic acid hybridization 2
polyfunctional t cells 2
post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder 2
protein conformation 2
protein structure, tertiary 2
safety 2
sars virus - metabolism 2
severe acute respiratory syndrome - metabolism 2
transcription, genetic 2
viral diagnosis 2
virus culture 2
yeasts - genetics - metabolism 2
anticardiolipin 1
dendritic cells 1
dengue virus 1
epstein-barr virus (eb病毒) 1
lupus anticoagulant 1
mutz-3 1
nasopharyngeal neoplasms /etiology (鼻咽腫瘤/病因學) 1
serologic detection (血清學檢測) 1
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